Title : 2 Fortresses - Capture The Flag Filename : ctf_2fort.zip (beta 8) Porter : Kusa Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes, 2-40 players, must be mp_teamplay "1" for server setting (Team Deathmatch) New Sounds : No New Models : No New Graphics : Yes, from TFC New Music : No Description : (English available below) ===== 目的: 敵側の砦に侵入し、地下(Basement)にあるフラグ(ボール)までたどり着くこと。 そのフラグを重力銃で運び、自陣2階部分のスナイパーエリア(Battlements)の地面に ある四角く出た部分に置き、キャプチャする。 スコア: キャプチャ毎に10点。320点先取、または30分経過で終了。 注記: フラグを落としてから60秒経つと、敵陣の元あった場所に戻る。 1度キャプチャすると、地下武器庫にあるタレットが使用できるようになる。 ■インストール方法 アーカイブ展開後、.bspファイルを以下のディレクトリ(標準インストール時) C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\(使用アカウント名)\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps へ移動させる。あとはSteamのサーバーから同名のマップが動いているサーバを選びプレイする。 ===== Objective: Enter the enemy Base and make your way to where their Flag (Combine Roller) resides in the Basement. Grab it and bring it back to your Battlements. Place it on the raised square to Capture it. Scoring: 10 points per Capture. The game will end by getting 320 points first or passing 30 min. Other Notes: Dropped flags return to their Base after 60 seconds. Once you captured, Turrets in the lower supply will be available for your team. - How to Install Map Place the .bsp file into below directory (ex. default installed directory) C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\(your account name)\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps Then choose the server which running map you want to play. ===== History ctf_2fort_b8 (Mar 12, 2005) - Added Bounce Pad in the lower resupply (thanks CMEast for the idea) - Fixed stucking doors with Slam - Added ctf_2fort_b8n for the less weapons (no combine ball or 357) - Changed name to sdk_flagtest.vmf - Added sdk_bouncepad.vmf ctf_2fort_b7a (Mar 5, 2005) - Fixed Server crashing - Tweaked func_door - Sorted out logics - Didn't work custom decals correctly with bspzip - Now explode barrels spawn evey 60 seconds ctf_2fort_b7 (Feb 18, 2005) - Tweaked Model/Lighting (lightened a bit) - Tweaked team spawn (hopefully less telefragging on mapspawn) - Unbreakable-props throwing in a water will return to home for preventing server lags - Fixed water route preventing flags through - Added Slam in lower ressuply - All of players in captured team will get 10 points each now - Now the Turrets return to home when enemy touch opposite's - Updated ctf_flagtest for capable of game_score ctf_2fort_b6 (Feb 9, 2005) - Changed the name to ctf_2fort according to the custom - Fixed items spawing at (0,0,0) - Tweaked texture/model/lighting (darkened) - Upped to 20 players capable (prev. was 16) - Now be able to see through the water surface in the red base - Can bring out items (not weapons) from any resupply - Removed Ar2 alt from lower resupply - Added a workaround for player-stucks-on-afker - Tweaked turrets (now stopped fire when picked up firing turrets) - Added a workaround for water-bug (no sound fix though) - Fixed combine score (typo, and max limit; 320 from 160) - Added signs from TFC tdm_2fort_b5 (Jan 12, 2005) - Fixed explosion barrels spawning - Added in-game instruction and ctf_2fort.txt (this file) tdm_2fort_b4 (Jan 7, 2005) - Added Team Score tdm_2fort_b3 (Jan 4, 2005) - Added some props tdm_2fort_b2 (Jan 1, 2005) - First public release