PainKeep 1.1 to 1.11 patch installation instructions This document includes: 1. Running the 1.1 to 1.11 patch 2. What's new in 1.11 3. Map exclusion and play order control 4. Manual installation of the 1.1 to 1.11 patch The full version of PainKeep 1.11 without the InstallShield setup should be available on by the time you read this document. If you prefer to use this patch, please read the documentation carefully. It has been extensively tested and works in all tested cases. Unzip the contents of PK111UP.ZIP into the directory where you have PainKeep 1.1 installed. *IMPORTANT*: The patch will not work unless you have PainKeep 1.1 installed AND you extract the contents of PK111UP.ZIP into the directory where it is installed. If you experience any problems I highly suggest you delete your PainKeep directory, reinstall from the original 1.1 files and then run the 1.1 to 1.11 patch. Next, run the file PATCH.BAT in your PAINKEEP directory. This will add and update files in the PainKeep PAK0.PAK file, and then completely remove and clean up all unnecessary files upon completion. This process can take a long time. Please be patient. If you experience any problems, please refer to the MANUAL INSTALLATION instructions further in this document. What's New in 1.11 ------------------ We knew of a couple bugs immediately after releasing 1.1, but we sat on all the incoming reports until we had enough to make a final build of PainKeep. There have been relatively few issues and most painkeep servers are running well. Unless we have overlooked something huge, this will be the final release of PainKeep. We are satisfied that it is at least the quality of any of the commercial Quake offerings with this release. - Solaris Quake crash upon loading (BSP alignment errors) - Rare Linux crash - Several small bugs squashed - Map PK16 problems corrected - MAP PK17 full vis'd for transparent lava - Recompiled and tested with QW 2.0 source - A few performance improvements - not our fix, but glQuakeWorld performance in levels with large open areas will be improvedwith the 2.0 release of the glQW client (despite some comments to the contrary, all levels in PainKeep have low r_speeds and were thoroughly tested before release to ensure they were playable with 250ms ping times with QW. Because we were the first to release with re-vis'd levels for transparency effects, many people experienced the glQW slowdowns with larger areas with PainKeep first and mistakenly attributed the problem to PK) - A quick note about Entity Number >= 512 errors. This is caused by exceeding the maximum number of entities allowed by Quake. If you get a net game going and have 16 guys all using the grappling gun and firing the pulse nailguns like crazy it can crash the server. PainKeep does use more entities than regular Quake to add its weapons and effects. There is nothing we can do about this issue. It isn't a real common problem, but the surest way to prevent it is to set maxclients to 8 or so. - Finally, not every PainKeep map (or any map for that matter), plays well for every player or server. We have added a feature to the PainKeep server that allows admins to select both what levels are played and in what order. So slower servers can select all the smaller levels, or admins that get a lot of gripes about a specific level can turn them off selectively without having to recompile. MAP exclusion and play order control ------------------------------------ non-QuakeWorld Quake: To enable custom maps add 512 to the "temp1" variable. When the map needs to change it executes a "pknextmap" command on the console. To control the next map played you need to setup "alias" commands for "pknextmap". For example: temp1 512 alias pkmap1 "alias pknextmap "";alias pknextmap pkmap2;changelevel pk4" alias pkmap2 "alias pknextmap "";alias pknextmap pkmap3;changelevel pk10" alias pkmap3 "alias pknextmap "";alias pknextmap pkmap1;changelevel painkeep" alias pknextmap pkmap1 start painkeep QuakeWorld: Although we had this fully implemented and tested, Zoid beat us to it and the latest version of QW now has this support built in. The QW implementation is very elegant and works well. The only unique point with PainKeep is that if the votehub is enabled, level rotation set with localinfo will be ignored. Here is a snippet of text from the 2.0 release about how to setup level rotation. It works exactly the same with PainKeep. Map rotation using localinfo, syntax is localinfo [frommap] [tomap]. An example: localinfo e1m2 dm2 localinfo dm2 dm4 localinfo dm4 dm6 localinfo dm6 e1m2 would loop e1m2, dm2, dm4, dm6. If the last map does not point to the first the map switching continues as normal. Manual Installation of PainKeep 1.1 to 1.11 patch ------------------------------------------------- Unpack the PAK0.PAK file that is located in your PainKeep 1.1 directory. For purposes of this document, I will use and refer to XPAK which is freely available from: 1. Copy the contents of PK111UP.ZIP into the directory where painkeep is installed. 2. Unpak PAK0.PAK in the painkeep dir. Now rename PAK0.PAK to PAK0.OLD (just in case) 3. Extract the contents of DATA.EXE using the -s, -d and -o switches. This will overwrite some older files. This file is also encrypted to prevent stupid users from running it incorrectly. The password is "pk111" without the quotes. note: if you are running on a non-x86 platform, you can unzip the contents of this file exactly the same way as any .zip file. i.e. unzip -d -o -spk111 data.exe 4. In your painkeep dir, run the executable BSPALIGN against all the files in your map dir. i.e. BSPALIGN \maps\painkeep.bsp note: if you are running on a non-x86 platform, the source for BSPALIGN has been included. Just compile BSPALIGN.C *VERY IMPORTANT* make sure that the instructions include undefining "INTEL" at the top of the bspalign source when compiling on sun (actually, any reversed byte order machines (or is Intel the one that's reversed? )). otherwise your positions and sizes will not be byteswapped, and bad things will happen. 5. Optional: you can now re-PAK everything and you are done. If you choose not to do this, everything will still work the same. If you do PAK everything up, you can delete all the sub directories. note: distributed versions of PainKeep PAK0.PAK files only contain the files listed below. All other files are stored outside the PAK for easy updating: GFX MAPS PROGS SOUND DEFAULT .CFG GFX .WAD PKDEMO1 .DEM PKDEMO2 .DEM PKDEMO3 .DEM PKDEMO4 .DEM PKDEMO5 .DEM PKDEMO6 .DEM PKDEMO7 .DEM PKDEMO8 .DEM QUAKE .RC Credits: XPAK source used by permission. # XPak v0.4.1; 96/07/30. (c) Tom Wheeley; ,; A couple bug fixes by Ken Alverson. BSPALIGN written by Ken Alverson