PainKeep QuakeWorld setup ------------------------- This document is intended for those who wish to run PainKeep on their QuakeWorld servers. If you are just installing to play as a client, make a directory beneath your Quake directory called PainKeep (it MUST be called PainKeep on both the client AND the server). Start the QuakeWorld client as you normally would and when you log into a PainKeep QuakeWorld server, the server will transmit the gamedir and play will begin. (even easier than regular Quake...) Server info: 1. You must have installed PainKeep 1.1 to run PainKeep QuakeWorld. If you have not installed PainKeep, go download the latest version from 2. Change to the directory where you installed PainKeep 1.1 and unzip the contents of this ZIP file into that directory. 3. Load the autoexec.cfg file for regular Quake, or the server.cfg for QuakeWorld in the PainKeep directory into your favorite text editor. The default one looks something like this: deathmatch 1 hostname "PainKeep 1.1" fraglimit 30 noexit 1 temp 384 Detailed description follows: hostname "PainKeep" This is the hostname of your Quake server that people see when they query it. I recommend you use something that identifies it uniquely as your server. It is best to leave PK or PainKeep in the title so people know your server is running PainKeep. (this also makes it easier for those with custom QSpy tabs to find you) timelimit 30 If no one gets to the fraglimit in 35 minutes, change levels anyway. fraglimit 30 Change levels when someone gets to 30 frags. noexit 1 Don't allow exiting from the level temp1 387 (for QuakeWorld servers use: 'serverinfo options' and not 'temp1') The server setup for our configuration variables is all run from the "temp1" variable. It sets 4 values: 1. Hub level time-out. The hub level time-out now has a maximum time setting of 63. 2. SFX disabled/enabled. 0 = enabled 64 = disabled 3. Duty checking disabled/enabled. 0 = disabled 128 = enabled 4. Default status display on/off for connecting players. (the one that displays fraglimit & timelimit, after the player connects he can personally turn it off/on him/herself) 0 = disabled 256 = enabled Now to set the temp1 you just add up all the options. EG. if you wanted a 3 min hub time-out with sfx enabled, duty checking on, & default status on you would temp1 = 3 + 0 + 128 + 256 temp1 = 387 (or "serverinfo options = 387" for QuakeWorld servers) 4. Run the server. qwsv +gamedir painkeep