Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
mnode_s Struct Reference

#include <gl_model.h>

Public Attributes

int contents
int visframe
int shadowframe
float minmaxs [6]
struct mnode_sparent
struct mnode_schildren [2]
int childnum [2]
unsigned int firstsurface
unsigned int numsurfaces

Member Data Documentation

◆ childnum

int mnode_s::childnum[2]

◆ children

struct mnode_s* mnode_s::children[2]

◆ contents

int mnode_s::contents

◆ firstsurface

unsigned int mnode_s::firstsurface

◆ minmaxs

float mnode_s::minmaxs[6]

◆ numsurfaces

unsigned int mnode_s::numsurfaces

◆ parent

struct mnode_s* mnode_s::parent

◆ plane

mplane_t* mnode_s::plane

◆ shadowframe

int mnode_s::shadowframe

◆ visframe

int mnode_s::visframe

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: