Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
prinst_s Struct Reference

#include <progsint.h>

Public Attributes

tempstr_t ** tempstrings
unsigned int maxtempstrings
unsigned int nexttempstring
unsigned int livetemps
struct qcgccontext_s * gccontext
unsigned int numtempstrings
unsigned int numtempstringsstack
char ** allocedstrings
int maxallocedstrings
int numallocedstrings
struct progstate_sprogstate
unsigned int maxprogs
progsnum_t pr_typecurrent
struct progstate_scurrent_progstate
char * watch_name
eval_t watch_old
etype_t watch_type
unsigned int numshares
unsigned int maxshares
struct prmemb_s * memblocks
unsigned int maxfields
unsigned int numfields
int reorganisefields
prstack_t pr_stack [MAX_STACK_DEPTH]
int pr_depth
int spushed
int localstack [LOCALSTACK_SIZE]
int localstack_used
int debugstatement
int exitdepth
pbool profiling
prclocks_t profilingalert
int pr_xstatement
evalc_t spawnflagscache
unsigned int fields_size
unsigned int max_fields_size
int mfreelist
char * addressablehunk
size_t addressableused
size_t addressablesize
unsigned int maxedicts
struct edictrun_s ** edicttable

Member Data Documentation

◆ addressablehunk

char* prinst_s::addressablehunk

◆ addressablesize

size_t prinst_s::addressablesize

◆ addressableused

size_t prinst_s::addressableused

◆ allocedstrings

char** prinst_s::allocedstrings

◆ current_progstate

struct progstate_s* prinst_s::current_progstate

◆ debugstatement

int prinst_s::debugstatement

◆ edicttable

struct edictrun_s** prinst_s::edicttable

◆ exitdepth

int prinst_s::exitdepth

◆ field

fdef_t* prinst_s::field

◆ fields_size

unsigned int prinst_s::fields_size

◆ gccontext

struct qcgccontext_s* prinst_s::gccontext

◆ livetemps

unsigned int prinst_s::livetemps

◆ localstack

int prinst_s::localstack[LOCALSTACK_SIZE]

◆ localstack_used

int prinst_s::localstack_used

◆ max_fields_size

unsigned int prinst_s::max_fields_size

◆ maxallocedstrings

int prinst_s::maxallocedstrings

◆ maxedicts

unsigned int prinst_s::maxedicts

◆ maxfields

unsigned int prinst_s::maxfields

◆ maxprogs

unsigned int prinst_s::maxprogs

◆ maxshares

unsigned int prinst_s::maxshares

◆ maxtempstrings

unsigned int prinst_s::maxtempstrings

◆ memblocks

struct prmemb_s* prinst_s::memblocks

◆ mfreelist

int prinst_s::mfreelist

◆ nexttempstring

unsigned int prinst_s::nexttempstring

◆ numallocedstrings

int prinst_s::numallocedstrings

◆ numfields

unsigned int prinst_s::numfields

◆ numshares

unsigned int prinst_s::numshares

◆ numtempstrings

unsigned int prinst_s::numtempstrings

◆ numtempstringsstack

unsigned int prinst_s::numtempstringsstack

◆ pr_depth

int prinst_s::pr_depth

◆ pr_stack

prstack_t prinst_s::pr_stack[MAX_STACK_DEPTH]

◆ pr_typecurrent

progsnum_t prinst_s::pr_typecurrent

◆ pr_xfunction

mfunction_t* prinst_s::pr_xfunction

◆ pr_xstatement

int prinst_s::pr_xstatement

◆ profiling

pbool prinst_s::profiling

◆ profilingalert

prclocks_t prinst_s::profilingalert

◆ progstate

struct progstate_s* prinst_s::progstate

◆ reorganisefields

int prinst_s::reorganisefields

◆ shares

sharedvar_t* prinst_s::shares

◆ spawnflagscache

evalc_t prinst_s::spawnflagscache

◆ spushed

int prinst_s::spushed

◆ tempstrings

tempstr_t** prinst_s::tempstrings

◆ watch_name

char* prinst_s::watch_name

◆ watch_old

eval_t prinst_s::watch_old

◆ watch_ptr

eval_t* prinst_s::watch_ptr

◆ watch_type

etype_t prinst_s::watch_type

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: