Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
roq_info_s Struct Reference

#include <roq.h>

Public Attributes

qofs_t maxpos
int buf_size
unsigned char * buf
roq_cell cells [256]
roq_cell_rgba cells_rgba [256]
roq_qcell qcells [256]
short snd_sqr_arr [256]
qofs_t roq_start
qofs_t aud_pos
qofs_t vid_pos
unsigned long num_frames
unsigned long num_audio_bytes
int width
int height
int frame_num
int audio_channels
byte_vec4_t * rgba [2]
long stream_length
int audio_buf_size
int audio_size
unsigned char * audio

Member Data Documentation

◆ aud_pos

qofs_t roq_info_s::aud_pos

◆ audio

unsigned char* roq_info_s::audio

◆ audio_buf_size

int roq_info_s::audio_buf_size

◆ audio_channels

int roq_info_s::audio_channels

◆ audio_size

int roq_info_s::audio_size

◆ buf

unsigned char* roq_info_s::buf

◆ buf_size

int roq_info_s::buf_size

◆ cells

roq_cell roq_info_s::cells[256]

◆ cells_rgba

roq_cell_rgba roq_info_s::cells_rgba[256]

◆ fp

vfsfile_t* roq_info_s::fp

◆ frame_num

int roq_info_s::frame_num

◆ frame_offset

long* roq_info_s::frame_offset

◆ height

int roq_info_s::height

◆ maxpos

qofs_t roq_info_s::maxpos

◆ num_audio_bytes

unsigned long roq_info_s::num_audio_bytes

◆ num_frames

unsigned long roq_info_s::num_frames

◆ qcells

roq_qcell roq_info_s::qcells[256]

◆ rgba

byte_vec4_t* roq_info_s::rgba[2]

◆ roq_start

qofs_t roq_info_s::roq_start

◆ snd_sqr_arr

short roq_info_s::snd_sqr_arr[256]

◆ stream_length

long roq_info_s::stream_length

◆ vid_pos

qofs_t roq_info_s::vid_pos

◆ width

int roq_info_s::width

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: