Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
lightmapoverrides_t Struct Reference

#include <gl_model.h>

Public Attributes

unsigned intoffsets
unsigned short * extents
unsigned char * styles8
unsigned short * styles16
unsigned int stylesperface
unsigned char * shifts
unsigned char defaultshift

Member Data Documentation

◆ defaultshift

unsigned char lightmapoverrides_t::defaultshift

◆ extents

unsigned short* lightmapoverrides_t::extents

◆ offsets

unsigned int* lightmapoverrides_t::offsets

◆ shifts

unsigned char* lightmapoverrides_t::shifts

◆ styles16

unsigned short* lightmapoverrides_t::styles16

◆ styles8

unsigned char* lightmapoverrides_t::styles8

◆ stylesperface

unsigned int lightmapoverrides_t::stylesperface

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: