Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
apic_s Struct Reference

#include <wad.h>

Public Attributes

mpic_t * atlas
float sl
float tl
float sh
float th
unsigned short x
unsigned short y
unsigned short width
unsigned short height
struct apic_snext

Member Data Documentation

◆ atlas

mpic_t* apic_s::atlas

◆ height

unsigned short apic_s::height

◆ next

struct apic_s* apic_s::next

◆ sh

float apic_s::sh

◆ sl

float apic_s::sl

◆ th

float apic_s::th

◆ tl

float apic_s::tl

◆ width

unsigned short apic_s::width

◆ x

unsigned short apic_s::x

◆ y

unsigned short apic_s::y

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: