Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
QCC_def_s Struct Reference

#include <qcc.h>

Public Attributes

char * name
char * comment
struct QCC_def_snext
struct QCC_def_snextlocal
gofs_t ofs
struct QCC_function_sscope
struct QCC_def_sdeftail
struct QCC_def_sgeneratedfor
int constant
struct QCC_def_sreloc
struct QCC_def_sgaddress
struct QCC_def_ssymbolheader
union QCC_eval_basic_ssymboldata
unsigned int symbolsize
int refcount
int timescalled
const char * filen
int s_filed
int s_line
int arraysize
pbool funccalled:1
pbool read:1
pbool written:1
pbool referenced:1
pbool shared:1
pbool saved:1
pbool isstatic:1
pbool subscoped_away:1
pbool strip:1
pbool allowinline:1
pbool used:1
pbool unused:1
pbool localscope:1
pbool arraylengthprefix:1
pbool assumedtype:1
pbool weak:1
pbool accumulate:1
pbool nofold:1
pbool initialized:1
pbool isextern:1
pbool isparameter:1
const char * deprecated
int fromstatement

Member Data Documentation

◆ accumulate

pbool QCC_def_s::accumulate

◆ allowinline

pbool QCC_def_s::allowinline

◆ arraylengthprefix

pbool QCC_def_s::arraylengthprefix

◆ arraysize

int QCC_def_s::arraysize

◆ assumedtype

pbool QCC_def_s::assumedtype

◆ comment

char* QCC_def_s::comment

◆ constant

int QCC_def_s::constant

◆ deftail

struct QCC_def_s* QCC_def_s::deftail

◆ deprecated

const char* QCC_def_s::deprecated

◆ filen

const char* QCC_def_s::filen

◆ fromstatement

int QCC_def_s::fromstatement

◆ funccalled

pbool QCC_def_s::funccalled

◆ gaddress

struct QCC_def_s* QCC_def_s::gaddress

◆ generatedfor

struct QCC_def_s* QCC_def_s::generatedfor

◆ initialized

pbool QCC_def_s::initialized

◆ isextern

pbool QCC_def_s::isextern

◆ isparameter

pbool QCC_def_s::isparameter

◆ isstatic

pbool QCC_def_s::isstatic

◆ localscope

pbool QCC_def_s::localscope

◆ name

char* QCC_def_s::name

◆ next

struct QCC_def_s* QCC_def_s::next

◆ nextlocal

struct QCC_def_s* QCC_def_s::nextlocal

◆ nofold

pbool QCC_def_s::nofold

◆ ofs

gofs_t QCC_def_s::ofs

◆ read

pbool QCC_def_s::read

◆ refcount

int QCC_def_s::refcount

◆ referenced

pbool QCC_def_s::referenced

◆ reloc

struct QCC_def_s* QCC_def_s::reloc

◆ s_filed

int QCC_def_s::s_filed

◆ s_line

int QCC_def_s::s_line

◆ saved

pbool QCC_def_s::saved

◆ scope

struct QCC_function_s* QCC_def_s::scope

◆ shared

pbool QCC_def_s::shared

◆ strip

pbool QCC_def_s::strip

◆ subscoped_away

pbool QCC_def_s::subscoped_away

◆ symboldata

union QCC_eval_basic_s* QCC_def_s::symboldata

◆ symbolheader

struct QCC_def_s* QCC_def_s::symbolheader

◆ symbolsize

unsigned int QCC_def_s::symbolsize

◆ temp

temp_t* QCC_def_s::temp

◆ timescalled

int QCC_def_s::timescalled

◆ type

QCC_type_t* QCC_def_s::type

◆ unused

pbool QCC_def_s::unused

◆ used

pbool QCC_def_s::used

◆ weak

pbool QCC_def_s::weak

◆ written

pbool QCC_def_s::written

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: