Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
vbo_s Struct Reference

#include <gl_model.h>

Public Attributes

unsigned int numvisible
struct msurface_s ** vislist
unsigned int indexcount
unsigned int vertcount
unsigned int meshcount
struct msurface_s ** meshlist
vboarray_t indicies
int vao
unsigned int vaodynamic
unsigned int vaoenabled
vboarray_t coord
vboarray_t coord2
vboarray_t texcoord
vboarray_t lmcoord [MAXRLIGHTMAPS]
vboarray_t normals
vboarray_t svector
vboarray_t tvector
qboolean colours_bytes
vboarray_t colours [MAXRLIGHTMAPS]
vboarray_t bonenums
vboarray_t boneweights
unsigned int vbobones
const float * bones
unsigned int numbones
struct vbo_snext

Member Data Documentation

◆ bonenums

vboarray_t vbo_s::bonenums

◆ bones

const float* vbo_s::bones

◆ boneweights

vboarray_t vbo_s::boneweights

◆ colours

vboarray_t vbo_s::colours[MAXRLIGHTMAPS]

◆ colours_bytes

qboolean vbo_s::colours_bytes

◆ coord

vboarray_t vbo_s::coord

◆ coord2

vboarray_t vbo_s::coord2

◆ ebomem

void* vbo_s::ebomem

◆ indexcount

unsigned int vbo_s::indexcount

◆ indicies

vboarray_t vbo_s::indicies

◆ lmcoord

vboarray_t vbo_s::lmcoord[MAXRLIGHTMAPS]

◆ meshcount

unsigned int vbo_s::meshcount

◆ meshlist

struct msurface_s** vbo_s::meshlist

◆ next

struct vbo_s* vbo_s::next

◆ normals

vboarray_t vbo_s::normals

◆ numbones

unsigned int vbo_s::numbones

◆ numvisible

unsigned int vbo_s::numvisible

◆ svector

vboarray_t vbo_s::svector

◆ texcoord

vboarray_t vbo_s::texcoord

◆ tvector

vboarray_t vbo_s::tvector

◆ vao

int vbo_s::vao

◆ vaodynamic

unsigned int vbo_s::vaodynamic

◆ vaoenabled

unsigned int vbo_s::vaoenabled

◆ vbobones

unsigned int vbo_s::vbobones

◆ vbomem

void* vbo_s::vbomem

◆ vertcount

unsigned int vbo_s::vertcount

◆ vertdata

void* vbo_s::vertdata

◆ vislist

struct msurface_s** vbo_s::vislist

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: