Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
dlight_s Struct Reference

#include <client.h>

Public Attributes

int key
vec3_t origin
vec3_t axis [3]
vec3_t angles
vec3_t rotation
float radius
float die
float decay
float minlight
float color [3]
float channelfade [3]
vec3_t lightcolourscales
float corona
float coronascale
float fade [2]
unsigned int flags
char cubemapname [MAX_QPATH]
char * customstyle
int coronaocclusionquery
unsigned int coronaocclusionresult
qboolean rebuildcache
struct shadowmesh_s * worldshadowmesh
texid_t cubetexture
struct {
   float   updatetime
face [6]
int style
float fov
float nearclip
struct dlight_snext

Member Data Documentation

◆ angles

vec3_t dlight_s::angles

◆ axis

vec3_t dlight_s::axis[3]

◆ channelfade

float dlight_s::channelfade[3]

◆ color

float dlight_s::color[3]

◆ corona

float dlight_s::corona

◆ coronaocclusionquery

int dlight_s::coronaocclusionquery

◆ coronaocclusionresult

unsigned int dlight_s::coronaocclusionresult

◆ coronascale

float dlight_s::coronascale

◆ cubemapname

char dlight_s::cubemapname[MAX_QPATH]

◆ cubetexture

texid_t dlight_s::cubetexture

◆ customstyle

char* dlight_s::customstyle

◆ decay

float dlight_s::decay

◆ die

float dlight_s::die


struct { ... } dlight_s::face[6]

◆ fade

float dlight_s::fade[2]

◆ flags

unsigned int dlight_s::flags

◆ fov

float dlight_s::fov

◆ key

int dlight_s::key

◆ lightcolourscales

vec3_t dlight_s::lightcolourscales

◆ minlight

float dlight_s::minlight

◆ nearclip

float dlight_s::nearclip

◆ next

struct dlight_s* dlight_s::next

◆ origin

vec3_t dlight_s::origin

◆ radius

float dlight_s::radius

◆ rebuildcache

qboolean dlight_s::rebuildcache

◆ rotation

vec3_t dlight_s::rotation

◆ style

int dlight_s::style

◆ updatetime

float dlight_s::updatetime

◆ worldshadowmesh

struct shadowmesh_s* dlight_s::worldshadowmesh

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: