Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
client_frame_t Struct Reference

#include <server.h>


struct  resendinfo_s

Public Attributes

double senttime
int sequence
float ping_time
float move_msecs
int packetsizein
int packetsizeout
packet_entities_t qwentities
struct client_frame_t::resendinfo_sresend
unsigned int numresend
unsigned int maxresend
unsigned short resendstats [32]
unsigned int numresendstats
short baseangles [MAX_SPLITS][3]
unsigned int baseanglelocked [MAX_SPLITS]
vec3_t pmorigin
vec3_t pmvelocity
int pmtype
unsigned int pmjumpheld:1
unsigned int pmonladder:1
float pmwaterjumptime
usercmd_t cmd
laggedentinfo_t laggedplayer [MAX_CLIENTS]
unsigned int numlaggedplayers
float laggedtime

Member Data Documentation

◆ baseanglelocked

unsigned int client_frame_t::baseanglelocked[MAX_SPLITS]

◆ baseangles

short client_frame_t::baseangles[MAX_SPLITS][3]

◆ cmd

usercmd_t client_frame_t::cmd

◆ laggedplayer

laggedentinfo_t client_frame_t::laggedplayer[MAX_CLIENTS]

◆ laggedtime

float client_frame_t::laggedtime

◆ maxresend

unsigned int client_frame_t::maxresend

◆ move_msecs

float client_frame_t::move_msecs

◆ numlaggedplayers

unsigned int client_frame_t::numlaggedplayers

◆ numresend

unsigned int client_frame_t::numresend

◆ numresendstats

unsigned int client_frame_t::numresendstats

◆ packetsizein

int client_frame_t::packetsizein

◆ packetsizeout

int client_frame_t::packetsizeout

◆ ping_time

float client_frame_t::ping_time

◆ pmjumpheld

unsigned int client_frame_t::pmjumpheld

◆ pmonladder

unsigned int client_frame_t::pmonladder

◆ pmorigin

vec3_t client_frame_t::pmorigin

◆ pmtype

int client_frame_t::pmtype

◆ pmvelocity

vec3_t client_frame_t::pmvelocity

◆ pmwaterjumptime

float client_frame_t::pmwaterjumptime

◆ qwentities

packet_entities_t client_frame_t::qwentities

◆ resend

struct client_frame_t::resendinfo_s * client_frame_t::resend

◆ resendstats

unsigned short client_frame_t::resendstats[32]

◆ senttime

double client_frame_t::senttime

◆ sequence

int client_frame_t::sequence

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: