Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
trace_s Struct Reference

#include <world.h>

Public Attributes

qboolean allsolid
qboolean startsolid
float fraction
vec3_t endpos
cplane_t plane
const q2csurface_tsurface
unsigned int contents
int entnum
qboolean inopen
qboolean inwater
float truefraction
int brush_id
int brush_face
int surface_id
int triangle_id
int bone_id

Member Data Documentation

◆ allsolid

qboolean trace_s::allsolid

◆ bone_id

int trace_s::bone_id

◆ brush_face

int trace_s::brush_face

◆ brush_id

int trace_s::brush_id

◆ contents

unsigned int trace_s::contents

◆ endpos

vec3_t trace_s::endpos

◆ ent

void* trace_s::ent

◆ entnum

int trace_s::entnum

◆ fraction

float trace_s::fraction

◆ inopen

qboolean trace_s::inopen

◆ inwater

qboolean trace_s::inwater

◆ plane

cplane_t trace_s::plane

◆ startsolid

qboolean trace_s::startsolid

◆ surface

const q2csurface_t* trace_s::surface

◆ surface_id

int trace_s::surface_id

◆ triangle_id

int trace_s::triangle_id

◆ truefraction

float trace_s::truefraction

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