Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
lightmapinfo_t Struct Reference

#include <render.h>

Public Attributes

texid_t lightmap_texture
qboolean modified
qboolean external
qboolean hasdeluxe
uploadfmt_t fmt
qbyte pixbytes
int width
int height
glRect_t rectchange
int pbo_handle

Member Data Documentation

◆ external

qboolean lightmapinfo_t::external

◆ fmt

uploadfmt_t lightmapinfo_t::fmt

◆ hasdeluxe

qboolean lightmapinfo_t::hasdeluxe

◆ height

int lightmapinfo_t::height

◆ lightmap_texture

texid_t lightmapinfo_t::lightmap_texture

◆ lightmaps

qbyte* lightmapinfo_t::lightmaps

◆ modified

qboolean lightmapinfo_t::modified

◆ pbo_handle

int lightmapinfo_t::pbo_handle

◆ pixbytes

qbyte lightmapinfo_t::pixbytes

◆ rectchange

glRect_t lightmapinfo_t::rectchange

◆ stainmaps

stmap* lightmapinfo_t::stainmaps

◆ width

int lightmapinfo_t::width

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: