Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
common.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  netprim_s
struct  sizebuf_s
struct  link_s
struct  areagridlink_t
union  coorddata
struct  searchpath_s
struct  flocation_s
struct  vfsfile_s
struct  ftemanifest_t
struct  ftemanifest_t::manpack_s
struct  gamepacks
struct  infobuf_t
struct  infobuf_t::infokey_s
struct  infosync_t
struct  hashfunc_t
struct  pc_token_s
struct  date_t
struct  json_s


typedef intptr_t qintptr_t
typedef uintptr_t quintptr_t
typedef unsigned char qbyte
typedef struct sizebuf_s sizebuf_t
typedef struct link_s link_t
typedef enum com_tokentype_e com_tokentype_t
typedef unsigned int conchar_t
typedef quint64_t qofs_t
typedef struct searchpathfuncs_s searchpathfuncs_t
typedef struct searchpath_s searchpath_t
typedef struct flocation_s flocation_t
typedef struct vfsfile_s vfsfile_t
typedef struct pc_token_s pc_token_t
typedef struct json_s json_t


enum  qboolean {
  qfalse , qtrue , false , true ,
  qfalse , qtrue , qfalse , qtrue
enum  qboolean {
  qfalse , qtrue , false , true ,
  qfalse , qtrue , qfalse , qtrue
enum  sbpacking_t { SZ_BAD , SZ_RAWBYTES , SZ_RAWBITS , SZ_HUFFMAN }
enum  com_tokentype_e {
enum  fs_relative {
enum  manifestdeptype_e { mdt_invalid , mdt_singlepackage , mdt_installation }
enum  certlog_problem_e { CERTLOG_WRONGHOST =1<<0 , CERTLOG_EXPIRED =1<<1 , CERTLOG_MISSINGCA =1<<2 , CERTLOG_UNKNOWN =1<<3 }


void SZ_Clear (sizebuf_t *buf)
voidSZ_GetSpace (sizebuf_t *buf, int length)
void SZ_Write (sizebuf_t *buf, const void *data, int length)
void SZ_Print (sizebuf_t *buf, const char *data)
void ClearLink (link_t *l)
void RemoveLink (link_t *l)
void InsertLinkBefore (link_t *l, link_t *before)
void InsertLinkAfter (link_t *l, link_t *after)
short ShortSwap (short l)
int LongSwap (int l)
qint64_t I64Swap (qint64_t l)
float FloatSwap (float f)
void COM_CharBias (signed char *c, int size)
void COM_SwapLittleShortBlock (short *s, int size)
float MSG_FromCoord (coorddata c, int bytes)
coorddata MSG_ToCoord (float f, int bytes)
coorddata MSG_ToAngle (float f, int bytes)
void MSG_BeginWriting (sizebuf_t *msg, struct netprim_s prim, void *bufferstorage, size_t buffersize)
void MSG_WriteChar (sizebuf_t *sb, int c)
void MSG_WriteBits (sizebuf_t *msg, int value, int bits)
void MSG_WriteByte (sizebuf_t *sb, int c)
void MSG_WriteShort (sizebuf_t *sb, int c)
void MSG_WriteLong (sizebuf_t *sb, int c)
void MSG_WriteInt64 (sizebuf_t *sb, qint64_t c)
void MSG_WriteUInt64 (sizebuf_t *sb, quint64_t c)
void MSG_WriteULEB128 (sizebuf_t *sb, quint64_t c)
void MSG_WriteSignedQEX (sizebuf_t *sb, qint64_t c)
void MSG_WriteEntity (sizebuf_t *sb, unsigned int e)
void MSG_WriteFloat (sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSG_WriteDouble (sizebuf_t *sb, double f)
void MSG_WriteString (sizebuf_t *sb, const char *s)
void MSG_WriteCoord (sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSG_WriteBigCoord (sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSG_WriteAngle (sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSG_WriteAngle8 (sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSG_WriteAngle16 (sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSGFTE_WriteDeltaUsercmd (sizebuf_t *buf, const short baseanges[3], const struct usercmd_s *from, const struct usercmd_s *cmd)
void MSGQW_WriteDeltaUsercmd (sizebuf_t *sb, const struct usercmd_s *from, const struct usercmd_s *cmd)
void MSGCL_WriteDeltaUsercmd (sizebuf_t *sb, const struct usercmd_s *from, const struct usercmd_s *cmd)
void MSG_WriteDir (sizebuf_t *sb, float dir[3])
void MSG_BeginReading (sizebuf_t *sb, struct netprim_s prim)
void MSG_ChangePrimitives (struct netprim_s prim)
int MSG_GetReadCount (void)
int MSG_ReadChar (void)
int MSG_ReadBits (int bits)
int MSG_ReadByte (void)
int MSG_ReadShort (void)
int MSG_ReadUInt16 (void)
int MSG_ReadLong (void)
qint64_t MSG_ReadInt64 (void)
quint64_t MSG_ReadUInt64 (void)
qint64_t MSG_ReadSLEB128 (void)
quint64_t MSG_ReadULEB128 (void)
qint64_t MSG_ReadSignedQEX (void)
unsigned int MSGSV_ReadEntity (struct client_s *fromclient)
unsigned int MSGCL_ReadEntity (void)
unsigned int MSG_ReadBigEntity (void)
float MSG_ReadFloat (void)
double MSG_ReadDouble (void)
char * MSG_ReadStringBuffer (char *out, size_t outsize)
char * MSG_ReadString (void)
char * MSG_ReadStringLine (void)
float MSG_ReadCoord (void)
float MSG_ReadCoordFloat (void)
void MSG_ReadPos (float pos[3])
float MSG_ReadAngle (void)
float MSG_ReadAngle16 (void)
void MSGQW_ReadDeltaUsercmd (const struct usercmd_s *from, struct usercmd_s *cmd, int qwprotocolver)
void MSGFTE_ReadDeltaUsercmd (const struct usercmd_s *from, struct usercmd_s *move)
void MSGQ2_ReadDeltaUsercmd (const struct usercmd_s *from, struct usercmd_s *move)
void MSG_ReadData (void *data, int len)
void MSG_ReadSkip (int len)
int MSG_ReadSize16 (sizebuf_t *sb)
void MSG_WriteSize16 (sizebuf_t *sb, int sz)
void COM_DecodeSize (int solid, float *mins, float *maxs)
int COM_EncodeSize (const float *mins, const float *maxs)
char * Q_strcpyline (char *out, const char *in, int maxlen)
void Q_ftoa (char *str, float in)
char * Q_strlwr (char *str)
int wildcmp (const char *wild, const char *string)
qboolean VARGS Q_snprintfz (char *dest, size_t size, const char *fmt,...) LIKEPRINTF(3)
qboolean VARGS Q_vsnprintfz (char *dest, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list args)
void VARGS Com_sprintf (char *buffer, int size, const char *format,...) LIKEPRINTF(3)
void QDECL Q_strncpyz (char *d, const char *s, int n)
char * Q_strcasestr (const char *haystack, const char *needle)
int Q_strncasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, int n)
int Q_strcasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
int Q_strstopcasecmp (const char *s1start, const char *s1end, const char *s2)
int Q_atoi (const char *str)
float Q_atof (const char *str)
void deleetstring (char *result, const char *leet)
char * COM_ParseType (const char *data, char *out, size_t outlen, com_tokentype_t *toktype)
char * COM_ParseStringSet (const char *data, char *out, size_t outlen)
char * COM_ParseStringSetSep (const char *data, char sep, char *out, size_t outsize)
char * COM_ParseCString (const char *data, char *out, size_t maxoutlen, size_t *writtenlen)
char * COM_StringParse (const char *data, char *token, unsigned int tokenlen, qboolean expandmacros, qboolean qctokenize)
char * COM_ParseTokenOut (const char *data, const char *punctuation, char *token, size_t tokenlen, com_tokentype_t *tokentype)
qboolean COM_TrimString (char *str, char *buffer, int buffersize)
const char * COM_QuotedString (const char *string, char *buf, int buflen, qboolean omitquotes)
int COM_CheckParm (const char *parm)
int COM_CheckNextParm (const char *parm, int last)
void COM_AddParm (const char *parm)
void COM_Shutdown (void)
void COM_Init (void)
void COM_InitArgv (int argc, const char **argv)
void COM_ParsePlusSets (qboolean docbuf)
char * COM_DeFunString (conchar_t *str, conchar_t *stop, char *out, int outsize, qboolean ignoreflags, qboolean forceutf8)
conchar_tCOM_ParseFunString (conchar_t defaultflags, const char *str, conchar_t *out, int outsize_bytes, int keepmarkup)
unsigned int utf8_decode (int *error, const void *in, char const **out)
unsigned int utf8_encode (void *out, unsigned int unicode, int maxlen)
unsigned int iso88591_encode (char *out, unsigned int unicode, int maxlen, qboolean markup)
unsigned int qchar_encode (char *out, unsigned int unicode, int maxlen, qboolean markup)
unsigned int COM_DeQuake (unsigned int unichar)
void COM_BiDi_Shutdown (void)
unsigned int unicode_byteofsfromcharofs (const char *str, unsigned int charofs, qboolean markup)
unsigned int unicode_charofsfrombyteofs (const char *str, unsigned int byteofs, qboolean markup)
unsigned int unicode_encode (char *out, unsigned int unicode, int maxlen, qboolean markup)
unsigned int unicode_decode (int *error, const void *in, char const **out, qboolean markup)
size_t unicode_strtolower (const char *in, char *out, size_t outsize, qboolean markup)
size_t unicode_strtoupper (const char *in, char *out, size_t outsize, qboolean markup)
unsigned int unicode_charcount (const char *in, size_t buffersize, qboolean markup)
void unicode_strpad (char *out, size_t outsize, const char *in, qboolean leftalign, size_t minwidth, size_t maxwidth, qboolean markup)
char * COM_SkipPath (const char *pathname)
void QDECL COM_StripExtension (const char *in, char *out, int outlen)
void COM_StripAllExtensions (const char *in, char *out, int outlen)
void COM_FileBase (const char *in, char *out, int outlen)
int QDECL COM_FileSize (const char *path)
void COM_DefaultExtension (char *path, const char *extension, int maxlen)
qboolean COM_RequireExtension (char *path, const char *extension, int maxlen)
char * COM_FileExtension (const char *in, char *result, size_t sizeofresult)
const char * COM_GetFileExtension (const char *in, const char *term)
void COM_CleanUpPath (char *str)
char *VARGS va (const char *format,...) LIKEPRINTF(1)
int FS_FLocateFile (const char *filename, unsigned int flags, flocation_t *loc)
struct vfsfile_sFS_OpenReadLocation (const char *fname, flocation_t *location)
const char * FS_WhichPackForLocation (flocation_t *loc, unsigned int flags)
qboolean FS_GetLocationForPackageHandle (flocation_t *loc, searchpathfuncs_t *spath, const char *fname)
qboolean FS_GetLocMTime (flocation_t *location, time_t *modtime)
const char * FS_GetPackageDownloadFilename (flocation_t *loc)
const char * FS_GetRootPackagePath (flocation_t *loc)
qboolean FS_GetPackageDownloadable (const char *package)
char * FS_GetPackHashes (char *buffer, int buffersize, qboolean referencedonly)
char * FS_GetPackNames (char *buffer, int buffersize, int referencedonly, qboolean ext)
qboolean FS_GenCachedPakName (const char *pname, const char *crc, char *local, int llen)
void FS_ReferenceControl (unsigned int refflag, unsigned int resetflags)
char * VFS_GETS (vfsfile_t *vf, char *buffer, size_t buflen)
void VARGS VFS_PRINTF (vfsfile_t *vf, const char *fmt,...) LIKEPRINTF(2)
qboolean COM_WriteFile (const char *filename, enum fs_relative fsroot, const void *data, int len)
void FS_FlushFSHashWritten (const char *fname)
void FS_FlushFSHashRemoved (const char *fname)
void FS_FlushFSHashFull (void)
void FS_CreatePath (const char *pname, enum fs_relative relativeto)
qboolean FS_Rename (const char *oldf, const char *newf, enum fs_relative relativeto)
qboolean FS_Rename2 (const char *oldf, const char *newf, enum fs_relative oldrelativeto, enum fs_relative newrelativeto)
qboolean FS_Remove (const char *fname, enum fs_relative relativeto)
qboolean FS_RemoveTree (searchpathfuncs_t *pathhandle, const char *fname)
qboolean FS_Copy (const char *source, const char *dest, enum fs_relative relativesource, enum fs_relative relativedest)
qboolean FS_NativePath (const char *fname, enum fs_relative relativeto, char *out, int outlen)
qboolean FS_WriteFile (const char *filename, const void *data, int len, enum fs_relative relativeto)
voidFS_MallocFile (const char *filename, enum fs_relative relativeto, qofs_t *filesize)
vfsfile_t *QDECL FS_OpenVFS (const char *filename, const char *mode, enum fs_relative relativeto)
vfsfile_tFS_OpenTemp (void)
vfsfile_tFS_OpenTCP (const char *name, int defaultport, qboolean assumetls)
vfsfile_tFS_OpenWithFriends (const char *fname, char *sysname, size_t sysnamesize, int numfriends,...)
char * narrowen (char *out, size_t outlen, wchar_t *wide)
wchar_t * widen (wchar_t *out, size_t outbytes, const char *utf8)
int MyRegGetIntValue (void *base, const char *keyname, const char *valuename, int defaultval)
qboolean MyRegGetStringValue (void *base, const char *keyname, const char *valuename, void *data, size_t datalen)
qboolean MyRegGetStringValueMultiSz (void *base, const char *keyname, const char *valuename, void *data, int datalen)
qboolean MyRegSetValue (void *base, const char *keyname, const char *valuename, int type, const void *data, int datalen)
void MyRegDeleteKeyValue (void *base, const char *keyname, const char *valuename)
void FS_UnloadPackFiles (void)
void FS_ReloadPackFiles (void)
char * FSQ3_GenerateClientPacksList (char *buffer, int maxlen, int basechecksum)
void FS_PureMode (const char *gamedir, int mode, char *purenamelist, char *purecrclist, char *refnamelist, char *refcrclist, int seed)
int FS_PureOkay (void)
vfsfile_tCL_OpenFileInPackage (searchpathfuncs_t *search, char *name)
qboolean CL_ListFilesInPackage (searchpathfuncs_t *search, char *name, int(QDECL *func)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath), void *parm, void *recursioninfo)
qbyte *QDECL COM_LoadStackFile (const char *path, void *buffer, int bufsize, size_t *fsize)
qbyteCOM_LoadTempFile (const char *path, unsigned int locateflags, size_t *fsize)
qbyteCOM_LoadTempMoreFile (const char *path, size_t *fsize)
searchpathfuncs_tCOM_IteratePaths (void **iterator, char *pathbuffer, int pathbuffersize, char *dirname, int dirnamesize)
void COM_FlushFSCache (qboolean purge, qboolean domutex)
qboolean FS_Restarted (unsigned int *since)
void FS_Manifest_Free (ftemanifest_t *man)
ftemanifest_tFS_Manifest_ReadMem (const char *fname, const char *basedir, const char *data)
ftemanifest_tFS_Manifest_ReadSystem (const char *fname, const char *basedir)
void PM_Shutdown (qboolean soft)
void PM_Command_f (void)
qboolean PM_CanInstall (const char *packagename)
void COM_InitFilesystem (void)
qboolean FS_DownloadingPackage (void)
void FS_CreateBasedir (const char *path)
qboolean FS_DirHasAPackage (char *basedir, ftemanifest_t *man)
qboolean FS_ChangeGame (ftemanifest_t *newgame, qboolean allowreloadconfigs, qboolean allowbasedirchange)
qboolean FS_GameIsInitialised (void)
void FS_Shutdown (void)
void COM_Gamedir (const char *dir, const struct gamepacks *packagespaths)
qboolean FS_PathURLCache (const char *url, char *path, size_t pathsize)
qboolean FS_GamedirIsOkay (const char *path)
char * FS_GetGamedir (qboolean publicpathonly)
char * FS_GetManifestArgs (void)
int FS_GetManifestArgv (char **argv, int maxargs)
voidFS_LoadMallocGroupFile (struct zonegroup_s *ctx, char *path, size_t *fsize, qboolean filters)
voidFS_LoadMallocFile (const char *path, size_t *fsize)
qbyteFS_LoadMallocFileFlags (const char *path, unsigned int locateflags, size_t *fsize)
qofs_t FS_LoadFile (const char *name, void **file)
void FS_FreeFile (void *file)
qbyteCOM_LoadFile (const char *path, unsigned int locateflags, int usehunk, size_t *filesize)
qboolean FS_LoadMapPackFile (const char *filename, searchpathfuncs_t *archive)
void FS_CloseMapPackFile (searchpathfuncs_t *archive)
void COM_FlushTempoaryPacks (void)
void COM_EnumerateFiles (const char *match, int(QDECL *func)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath), void *parm)
void COM_EnumerateFilesReverse (const char *match, int(QDECL *func)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath), void *parm)
searchpathfuncs_tFS_OpenPackByExtension (vfsfile_t *f, searchpathfuncs_t *parent, const char *filename, const char *pakname, const char *pakpathprefix)
void COM_Effectinfo_Enumerate (int(*cb)(const char *pname))
unsigned int COM_RemapMapChecksum (struct model_s *model, unsigned int checksum)
char * Info_ValueForKey (const char *s, const char *key)
void Info_SetValueForKey (char *s, const char *key, const char *value, int maxsize)
void Info_SetValueForStarKey (char *s, const char *key, const char *value, int maxsize)
void Info_RemovePrefixedKeys (char *start, char prefix)
void Info_RemoveKey (char *s, const char *key)
char * Info_KeyForNumber (const char *s, int num)
void Info_Print (const char *s, const char *lineprefix)
void Info_Enumerate (const char *s, void *ctx, void(*cb)(void *ctx, const char *key, const char *value))
void InfoSync_Remove (infosync_t *sync, size_t k)
void InfoSync_Add (infosync_t *sync, void *context, const char *name)
void InfoSync_Clear (infosync_t *sync)
void InfoSync_Strip (infosync_t *sync, void *context)
qboolean InfoBuf_FindKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, size_t *idx)
const char * InfoBuf_KeyForNumber (infobuf_t *info, int num)
const char * InfoBuf_BlobForKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, size_t *blobsize, qboolean *large)
char * InfoBuf_ReadKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, char *outbuf, size_t outsize)
char * InfoBuf_ValueForKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key)
qboolean InfoBuf_RemoveKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key)
qboolean InfoBuf_SetKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, const char *val)
qboolean InfoBuf_SetStarKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, const char *val)
qboolean InfoBuf_SetStarBlobKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, const char *val, size_t valsize)
void InfoBuf_Clear (infobuf_t *info, qboolean all)
void InfoBuf_Clone (infobuf_t *dest, infobuf_t *src)
void InfoBuf_FromString (infobuf_t *info, const char *infostring, qboolean append)
char * InfoBuf_DecodeString (const char *instart, const char *inend, size_t *sz)
qboolean InfoBuf_EncodeString (const char *n, size_t s, char *out, size_t outsize)
size_t InfoBuf_ToString (infobuf_t *info, char *infostring, size_t maxsize, const char **priority, const char **ignore, const char **exclusive, infosync_t *sync, void *synccontext)
qboolean InfoBuf_SyncReceive (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, size_t keysize, const char *val, size_t valsize, size_t offset, qboolean final)
void InfoBuf_Print (infobuf_t *info, const char *prefix)
void InfoBuf_WriteToFile (vfsfile_t *f, infobuf_t *info, const char *commandname, int cvarflags)
void InfoBuf_Enumerate (infobuf_t *info, void *ctx, void(*cb)(void *ctx, const char *key, const char *value))
qbyte COM_BlockSequenceCheckByte (qbyte *base, int length, int sequence, unsigned mapchecksum)
qbyte COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte (qbyte *base, int length, int sequence)
qbyte Q2COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte (qbyte *base, int length, int sequence)
size_t Base64_EncodeBlock (const qbyte *in, size_t length, char *out, size_t outsize)
size_t Base64_EncodeBlockURI (const qbyte *in, size_t length, char *out, size_t outsize)
size_t Base64_DecodeBlock (const char *in, const char *in_end, qbyte *out, size_t outsize)
size_t Base16_EncodeBlock (const char *in, size_t length, qbyte *out, size_t outsize)
size_t Base16_DecodeBlock (const char *in, qbyte *out, size_t outsize)
unsigned int hashfunc_terminate_uint (const hashfunc_t *hash, void *context)
unsigned int CalcHashInt (const hashfunc_t *hash, const void *data, size_t datasize)
size_t CalcHash (const hashfunc_t *hash, unsigned char *digest, size_t maxdigestsize, const unsigned char *data, size_t datasize)
size_t CalcHMAC (const hashfunc_t *hashfunc, unsigned char *digest, size_t maxdigestsize, const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen, const unsigned char *key, size_t keylen)
int parse_revision_number (const char *revstr, qboolean strict)
int revision_number (qboolean strict)
int version_number (void)
char * version_string (void)
void TL_InitLanguages (const char *langpath)
void TL_Shutdown (void)
void T_FreeStrings (void)
char * T_GetString (int num)
void T_FreeInfoStrings (void)
char * T_GetInfoString (int num)
struct po_s * PO_Create (void)
void PO_Merge (struct po_s *po, vfsfile_t *file)
const char * PO_GetText (struct po_s *po, const char *msg)
void PO_Close (struct po_s *po)
const char * TL_Translate (int language, const char *src)
void TL_Reformat (int language, char *out, size_t outsize, size_t numargs, const char **arg)
void Log_String (logtype_t lognum, const char *s)
void Con_Log (const char *s)
void Log_Logfile_f (void)
void Log_Init (void)
void Log_ShutDown (void)
void IPLog_Add (const char *ip, const char *name)
qboolean IPLog_Merge_File (const char *fname)
qboolean CertLog_ConnectOkay (const char *hostname, void *cert, size_t certsize, unsigned int certlogproblems)
qboolean Log_CheckMapCompletion (const char *packagename, const char *mapname, float *besttime, float *fulltime, float *bestkills, float *bestsecrets)
void Log_MapNowCompleted (void)
void COM_TimeOfDay (date_t *date)
json_tJSON_Parse (const char *json)
void JSON_Destroy (json_t *t)
json_tJSON_FindChild (json_t *t, const char *child)
json_tJSON_GetIndexed (json_t *t, unsigned int idx)
double JSON_ReadFloat (json_t *t, double fallback)
size_t JSON_ReadBody (json_t *t, char *out, size_t outsize)
json_tJSON_ParseNode (json_t *t, const char *namestart, const char *nameend, const char *json, int *jsonpos, int jsonlen)
json_tJSON_FindIndexedChild (json_t *t, const char *child, unsigned int idx)
qboolean JSON_Equals (json_t *t, const char *child, const char *expected)
quintptr_t JSON_GetUInteger (json_t *t, const char *child, unsigned int fallback)
qintptr_t JSON_GetInteger (json_t *t, const char *child, int fallback)
qintptr_t JSON_GetIndexedInteger (json_t *t, unsigned int idx, int fallback)
double JSON_GetFloat (json_t *t, const char *child, double fallback)
double JSON_GetIndexedFloat (json_t *t, unsigned int idx, double fallback)
const char * JSON_GetString (json_t *t, const char *child, char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *fallback)


qboolean bigendian
short(* BigShort )(short l)
short(* LittleShort )(short l)
int(* BigLong )(int l)
int(* LittleLong )(int l)
qint64_t(* BigI64 )(qint64_t l)
qint64_t(* LittleI64 )(qint64_t l)
float(* BigFloat )(float l)
float(* LittleFloat )(float l)
const struct usercmd_s nullcmd
qboolean msg_badread
struct netprim_s msg_nullnetprim
char com_token [65536]
com_tokentype_t com_tokentype
int com_argc
const char ** com_argv
char com_gamepath [MAX_OSPATH]
char com_homepath [MAX_OSPATH]
qboolean com_installer
struct cvar_s registered
qboolean standard_quake
const char * basicuserinfos []
const char * privateuserinfos []
hashfunc_t hash_md4
hashfunc_t hash_sha1
hashfunc_t hash_sha2_224
hashfunc_t hash_sha2_256
hashfunc_t hash_sha2_384
hashfunc_t hash_sha2_512
hashfunc_t hash_crc16
hashfunc_t hash_crc16_lower

Typedef Documentation

◆ com_tokentype_t

◆ conchar_t

typedef unsigned int conchar_t

◆ flocation_t

typedef struct flocation_s flocation_t

◆ json_t

typedef struct json_s json_t

◆ link_t

typedef struct link_s link_t

◆ pc_token_t

typedef struct pc_token_s pc_token_t

◆ qbyte

typedef unsigned char qbyte

◆ qintptr_t

typedef __int32 __w64 qintptr_t

◆ qofs_t

typedef quint32_t qofs_t

◆ quintptr_t

typedef unsigned __int32 __w64 quintptr_t

◆ searchpath_t

typedef struct searchpath_s searchpath_t

◆ searchpathfuncs_t

◆ sizebuf_t

typedef struct sizebuf_s sizebuf_t

◆ vfsfile_t

typedef struct vfsfile_s vfsfile_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ certlog_problem_e


◆ com_tokentype_e


◆ fs_relative


◆ logtype_t

enum logtype_t

◆ manifestdeptype_e


◆ qboolean [1/2]

enum qboolean

◆ qboolean [2/2]

enum qboolean

◆ sbpacking_t


Function Documentation

◆ Base16_DecodeBlock()

size_t Base16_DecodeBlock ( const char *  in,
qbyte out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ Base16_EncodeBlock()

size_t Base16_EncodeBlock ( const char *  in,
size_t  length,
qbyte out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ Base64_DecodeBlock()

size_t Base64_DecodeBlock ( const char *  in,
const char *  in_end,
qbyte out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ Base64_EncodeBlock()

size_t Base64_EncodeBlock ( const qbyte in,
size_t  length,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ Base64_EncodeBlockURI()

size_t Base64_EncodeBlockURI ( const qbyte in,
size_t  length,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ CalcHash()

size_t CalcHash ( const hashfunc_t hash,
unsigned char *  digest,
size_t  maxdigestsize,
const unsigned char *  data,
size_t  datasize 

◆ CalcHashInt()

unsigned int CalcHashInt ( const hashfunc_t hash,
const void data,
size_t  datasize 

◆ CalcHMAC()

size_t CalcHMAC ( const hashfunc_t hashfunc,
unsigned char *  digest,
size_t  maxdigestsize,
const unsigned char *  data,
size_t  datalen,
const unsigned char *  key,
size_t  keylen 

◆ CertLog_ConnectOkay()

qboolean CertLog_ConnectOkay ( const char *  hostname,
void cert,
size_t  certsize,
unsigned int  certlogproblems 

◆ CL_ListFilesInPackage()

qboolean CL_ListFilesInPackage ( searchpathfuncs_t search,
char *  name,
int(QDECL *func)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath)  ,
void parm,
void recursioninfo 

◆ CL_OpenFileInPackage()

vfsfile_t * CL_OpenFileInPackage ( searchpathfuncs_t search,
char *  name 

◆ ClearLink()

void ClearLink ( link_t l)

◆ COM_AddParm()

void COM_AddParm ( const char *  parm)

◆ COM_BiDi_Shutdown()

void COM_BiDi_Shutdown ( void  )

◆ COM_BlockSequenceCheckByte()

qbyte COM_BlockSequenceCheckByte ( qbyte base,
int  length,
int  sequence,
unsigned  mapchecksum 

◆ COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte()

qbyte COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte ( qbyte base,
int  length,
int  sequence 

◆ COM_CharBias()

void COM_CharBias ( signed char *  c,
int  size 

◆ COM_CheckNextParm()

int COM_CheckNextParm ( const char *  parm,
int  last 

◆ COM_CheckParm()

int COM_CheckParm ( const char *  parm)

◆ COM_CleanUpPath()

void COM_CleanUpPath ( char *  str)

◆ COM_DecodeSize()

void COM_DecodeSize ( int  solid,
float *  mins,
float *  maxs 

◆ COM_DefaultExtension()

void COM_DefaultExtension ( char *  path,
const char *  extension,
int  maxlen 

◆ COM_DeFunString()

char * COM_DeFunString ( conchar_t str,
conchar_t stop,
char *  out,
int  outsize,
qboolean  ignoreflags,
qboolean  forceutf8 

◆ COM_DeQuake()

unsigned int COM_DeQuake ( unsigned int  unichar)

◆ COM_Effectinfo_Enumerate()

void COM_Effectinfo_Enumerate ( int(*)(const char *pname cb)

◆ COM_EncodeSize()

int COM_EncodeSize ( const float *  mins,
const float *  maxs 

◆ COM_EnumerateFiles()

void COM_EnumerateFiles ( const char *  match,
int(QDECL *func)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath)  ,
void parm 

◆ COM_EnumerateFilesReverse()

void COM_EnumerateFilesReverse ( const char *  match,
int(QDECL *func)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath)  ,
void parm 

◆ COM_FileBase()

void COM_FileBase ( const char *  in,
char *  out,
int  outlen 

◆ COM_FileExtension()

char * COM_FileExtension ( const char *  in,
char *  result,
size_t  sizeofresult 

◆ COM_FileSize()

int QDECL COM_FileSize ( const char *  path)

◆ COM_FlushFSCache()

void COM_FlushFSCache ( qboolean  purge,
qboolean  domutex 

◆ COM_FlushTempoaryPacks()

void COM_FlushTempoaryPacks ( void  )

◆ COM_Gamedir()

void COM_Gamedir ( const char *  dir,
const struct gamepacks packagespaths 

◆ COM_GetFileExtension()

const char * COM_GetFileExtension ( const char *  in,
const char *  term 

◆ COM_Init()

void COM_Init ( void  )

◆ COM_InitArgv()

void COM_InitArgv ( int  argc,
const char **  argv 

◆ COM_InitFilesystem()

void COM_InitFilesystem ( void  )

◆ COM_IteratePaths()

searchpathfuncs_t * COM_IteratePaths ( void **  iterator,
char *  pathbuffer,
int  pathbuffersize,
char *  dirname,
int  dirnamesize 

◆ COM_LoadFile()

qbyte * COM_LoadFile ( const char *  path,
unsigned int  locateflags,
int  usehunk,
size_t *  filesize 

◆ COM_LoadStackFile()

qbyte *QDECL COM_LoadStackFile ( const char *  path,
void buffer,
int  bufsize,
size_t *  fsize 

◆ COM_LoadTempFile()

qbyte * COM_LoadTempFile ( const char *  path,
unsigned int  locateflags,
size_t *  fsize 

◆ COM_LoadTempMoreFile()

qbyte * COM_LoadTempMoreFile ( const char *  path,
size_t *  fsize 

◆ COM_ParseCString()

char * COM_ParseCString ( const char *  data,
char *  out,
size_t  maxoutlen,
size_t *  writtenlen 

◆ COM_ParseFunString()

conchar_t * COM_ParseFunString ( conchar_t  defaultflags,
const char *  str,
conchar_t out,
int  outsize_bytes,
int  keepmarkup 

◆ COM_ParsePlusSets()

void COM_ParsePlusSets ( qboolean  docbuf)

◆ COM_ParseStringSet()

char * COM_ParseStringSet ( const char *  data,
char *  out,
size_t  outlen 

◆ COM_ParseStringSetSep()

char * COM_ParseStringSetSep ( const char *  data,
char  sep,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ COM_ParseTokenOut()

char * COM_ParseTokenOut ( const char *  data,
const char *  punctuation,
char *  token,
size_t  tokenlen,
com_tokentype_t tokentype 

◆ COM_ParseType()

char * COM_ParseType ( const char *  data,
char *  out,
size_t  outlen,
com_tokentype_t toktype 

◆ COM_QuotedString()

const char * COM_QuotedString ( const char *  string,
char *  buf,
int  buflen,
qboolean  omitquotes 

◆ COM_RemapMapChecksum()

unsigned int COM_RemapMapChecksum ( struct model_s model,
unsigned int  checksum 

◆ COM_RequireExtension()

qboolean COM_RequireExtension ( char *  path,
const char *  extension,
int  maxlen 

◆ COM_Shutdown()

void COM_Shutdown ( void  )

◆ COM_SkipPath()

char * COM_SkipPath ( const char *  pathname)

◆ Com_sprintf()

void VARGS Com_sprintf ( char *  buffer,
int  size,
const char *  format,

◆ COM_StringParse()

char * COM_StringParse ( const char *  data,
char *  token,
unsigned int  tokenlen,
qboolean  expandmacros,
qboolean  qctokenize 

◆ COM_StripAllExtensions()

void COM_StripAllExtensions ( const char *  in,
char *  out,
int  outlen 

◆ COM_StripExtension()

void QDECL COM_StripExtension ( const char *  in,
char *  out,
int  outlen 

◆ COM_SwapLittleShortBlock()

void COM_SwapLittleShortBlock ( short *  s,
int  size 

◆ COM_TimeOfDay()

void COM_TimeOfDay ( date_t date)

◆ COM_TrimString()

qboolean COM_TrimString ( char *  str,
char *  buffer,
int  buffersize 

◆ COM_WriteFile()

qboolean COM_WriteFile ( const char *  filename,
enum fs_relative  fsroot,
const void data,
int  len 

◆ Con_Log()

void Con_Log ( const char *  s)

◆ deleetstring()

void deleetstring ( char *  result,
const char *  leet 

◆ FloatSwap()

float FloatSwap ( float  f)

◆ FS_ChangeGame()

qboolean FS_ChangeGame ( ftemanifest_t newgame,
qboolean  allowreloadconfigs,
qboolean  allowbasedirchange 

◆ FS_CloseMapPackFile()

void FS_CloseMapPackFile ( searchpathfuncs_t archive)

◆ FS_Copy()

qboolean FS_Copy ( const char *  source,
const char *  dest,
enum fs_relative  relativesource,
enum fs_relative  relativedest 

◆ FS_CreateBasedir()

void FS_CreateBasedir ( const char *  path)

◆ FS_CreatePath()

void FS_CreatePath ( const char *  pname,
enum fs_relative  relativeto 

◆ FS_DirHasAPackage()

qboolean FS_DirHasAPackage ( char *  basedir,
ftemanifest_t man 

◆ FS_DownloadingPackage()

qboolean FS_DownloadingPackage ( void  )

◆ FS_FLocateFile()

int FS_FLocateFile ( const char *  filename,
unsigned int  flags,
flocation_t loc 

◆ FS_FlushFSHashFull()

void FS_FlushFSHashFull ( void  )

◆ FS_FlushFSHashRemoved()

void FS_FlushFSHashRemoved ( const char *  fname)

◆ FS_FlushFSHashWritten()

void FS_FlushFSHashWritten ( const char *  fname)

◆ FS_FreeFile()

void FS_FreeFile ( void file)

◆ FS_GamedirIsOkay()

qboolean FS_GamedirIsOkay ( const char *  path)

◆ FS_GameIsInitialised()

qboolean FS_GameIsInitialised ( void  )

◆ FS_GenCachedPakName()

qboolean FS_GenCachedPakName ( const char *  pname,
const char *  crc,
char *  local,
int  llen 

◆ FS_GetGamedir()

char * FS_GetGamedir ( qboolean  publicpathonly)

◆ FS_GetLocationForPackageHandle()

qboolean FS_GetLocationForPackageHandle ( flocation_t loc,
searchpathfuncs_t spath,
const char *  fname 

◆ FS_GetLocMTime()

qboolean FS_GetLocMTime ( flocation_t location,
time_t *  modtime 

◆ FS_GetManifestArgs()

char * FS_GetManifestArgs ( void  )

◆ FS_GetManifestArgv()

int FS_GetManifestArgv ( char **  argv,
int  maxargs 

◆ FS_GetPackageDownloadable()

qboolean FS_GetPackageDownloadable ( const char *  package)

◆ FS_GetPackageDownloadFilename()

const char * FS_GetPackageDownloadFilename ( flocation_t loc)

◆ FS_GetPackHashes()

char * FS_GetPackHashes ( char *  buffer,
int  buffersize,
qboolean  referencedonly 

◆ FS_GetPackNames()

char * FS_GetPackNames ( char *  buffer,
int  buffersize,
int  referencedonly,
qboolean  ext 

◆ FS_GetRootPackagePath()

const char * FS_GetRootPackagePath ( flocation_t loc)

◆ FS_LoadFile()

qofs_t FS_LoadFile ( const char *  name,
void **  file 

◆ FS_LoadMallocFile()

void * FS_LoadMallocFile ( const char *  path,
size_t *  fsize 

◆ FS_LoadMallocFileFlags()

qbyte * FS_LoadMallocFileFlags ( const char *  path,
unsigned int  locateflags,
size_t *  fsize 

◆ FS_LoadMallocGroupFile()

void * FS_LoadMallocGroupFile ( struct zonegroup_s ctx,
char *  path,
size_t *  fsize,
qboolean  filters 

◆ FS_LoadMapPackFile()

qboolean FS_LoadMapPackFile ( const char *  filename,
searchpathfuncs_t archive 

◆ FS_MallocFile()

void * FS_MallocFile ( const char *  filename,
enum fs_relative  relativeto,
qofs_t filesize 

◆ FS_Manifest_Free()

void FS_Manifest_Free ( ftemanifest_t man)

◆ FS_Manifest_ReadMem()

ftemanifest_t * FS_Manifest_ReadMem ( const char *  fname,
const char *  basedir,
const char *  data 

◆ FS_Manifest_ReadSystem()

ftemanifest_t * FS_Manifest_ReadSystem ( const char *  fname,
const char *  basedir 

◆ FS_NativePath()

qboolean FS_NativePath ( const char *  fname,
enum fs_relative  relativeto,
char *  out,
int  outlen 

◆ FS_OpenPackByExtension()

searchpathfuncs_t * FS_OpenPackByExtension ( vfsfile_t f,
searchpathfuncs_t parent,
const char *  filename,
const char *  pakname,
const char *  pakpathprefix 

◆ FS_OpenReadLocation()

struct vfsfile_s * FS_OpenReadLocation ( const char *  fname,
flocation_t location 

◆ FS_OpenTCP()

vfsfile_t * FS_OpenTCP ( const char *  name,
int  defaultport,
qboolean  assumetls 

◆ FS_OpenTemp()

vfsfile_t * FS_OpenTemp ( void  )

◆ FS_OpenVFS()

vfsfile_t *QDECL FS_OpenVFS ( const char *  filename,
const char *  mode,
enum fs_relative  relativeto 

◆ FS_OpenWithFriends()

vfsfile_t * FS_OpenWithFriends ( const char *  fname,
char *  sysname,
size_t  sysnamesize,
int  numfriends,

◆ FS_PathURLCache()

qboolean FS_PathURLCache ( const char *  url,
char *  path,
size_t  pathsize 

◆ FS_PureMode()

void FS_PureMode ( const char *  gamedir,
int  mode,
char *  purenamelist,
char *  purecrclist,
char *  refnamelist,
char *  refcrclist,
int  seed 

◆ FS_PureOkay()

int FS_PureOkay ( void  )

◆ FS_ReferenceControl()

void FS_ReferenceControl ( unsigned int  refflag,
unsigned int  resetflags 

◆ FS_ReloadPackFiles()

void FS_ReloadPackFiles ( void  )

◆ FS_Remove()

qboolean FS_Remove ( const char *  fname,
enum fs_relative  relativeto 

◆ FS_RemoveTree()

qboolean FS_RemoveTree ( searchpathfuncs_t pathhandle,
const char *  fname 

◆ FS_Rename()

qboolean FS_Rename ( const char *  oldf,
const char *  newf,
enum fs_relative  relativeto 

◆ FS_Rename2()

qboolean FS_Rename2 ( const char *  oldf,
const char *  newf,
enum fs_relative  oldrelativeto,
enum fs_relative  newrelativeto 

◆ FS_Restarted()

qboolean FS_Restarted ( unsigned int since)

◆ FS_Shutdown()

void FS_Shutdown ( void  )

◆ FS_UnloadPackFiles()

void FS_UnloadPackFiles ( void  )

◆ FS_WhichPackForLocation()

const char * FS_WhichPackForLocation ( flocation_t loc,
unsigned int  flags 

◆ FS_WriteFile()

qboolean FS_WriteFile ( const char *  filename,
const void data,
int  len,
enum fs_relative  relativeto 

◆ FSQ3_GenerateClientPacksList()

char * FSQ3_GenerateClientPacksList ( char *  buffer,
int  maxlen,
int  basechecksum 

◆ hashfunc_terminate_uint()

unsigned int hashfunc_terminate_uint ( const hashfunc_t hash,
void context 

◆ I64Swap()

qint64_t I64Swap ( qint64_t  l)

◆ Info_Enumerate()

void Info_Enumerate ( const char *  s,
void ctx,
void(*)(void *ctx, const char *key, const char *value cb 

◆ Info_KeyForNumber()

char * Info_KeyForNumber ( const char *  s,
int  num 

◆ Info_Print()

void Info_Print ( const char *  s,
const char *  lineprefix 

◆ Info_RemoveKey()

void Info_RemoveKey ( char *  s,
const char *  key 

◆ Info_RemovePrefixedKeys()

void Info_RemovePrefixedKeys ( char *  start,
char  prefix 

◆ Info_SetValueForKey()

void Info_SetValueForKey ( char *  s,
const char *  key,
const char *  value,
int  maxsize 

◆ Info_SetValueForStarKey()

void Info_SetValueForStarKey ( char *  s,
const char *  key,
const char *  value,
int  maxsize 

◆ Info_ValueForKey()

char * Info_ValueForKey ( const char *  s,
const char *  key 

◆ InfoBuf_BlobForKey()

const char * InfoBuf_BlobForKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
size_t *  blobsize,
qboolean large 

◆ InfoBuf_Clear()

void InfoBuf_Clear ( infobuf_t info,
qboolean  all 

◆ InfoBuf_Clone()

void InfoBuf_Clone ( infobuf_t dest,
infobuf_t src 

◆ InfoBuf_DecodeString()

char * InfoBuf_DecodeString ( const char *  instart,
const char *  inend,
size_t *  sz 

◆ InfoBuf_EncodeString()

qboolean InfoBuf_EncodeString ( const char *  n,
size_t  s,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ InfoBuf_Enumerate()

void InfoBuf_Enumerate ( infobuf_t info,
void ctx,
void(*)(void *ctx, const char *key, const char *value cb 

◆ InfoBuf_FindKey()

qboolean InfoBuf_FindKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
size_t *  idx 

◆ InfoBuf_FromString()

void InfoBuf_FromString ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  infostring,
qboolean  append 

◆ InfoBuf_KeyForNumber()

const char * InfoBuf_KeyForNumber ( infobuf_t info,
int  num 

◆ InfoBuf_Print()

void InfoBuf_Print ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  prefix 

◆ InfoBuf_ReadKey()

char * InfoBuf_ReadKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
char *  outbuf,
size_t  outsize 

◆ InfoBuf_RemoveKey()

qboolean InfoBuf_RemoveKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key 

◆ InfoBuf_SetKey()

qboolean InfoBuf_SetKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
const char *  val 

◆ InfoBuf_SetStarBlobKey()

qboolean InfoBuf_SetStarBlobKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
const char *  val,
size_t  valsize 

◆ InfoBuf_SetStarKey()

qboolean InfoBuf_SetStarKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
const char *  val 

◆ InfoBuf_SyncReceive()

qboolean InfoBuf_SyncReceive ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
size_t  keysize,
const char *  val,
size_t  valsize,
size_t  offset,
qboolean  final 

◆ InfoBuf_ToString()

size_t InfoBuf_ToString ( infobuf_t info,
char *  infostring,
size_t  maxsize,
const char **  priority,
const char **  ignore,
const char **  exclusive,
infosync_t sync,
void synccontext 

◆ InfoBuf_ValueForKey()

char * InfoBuf_ValueForKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key 

◆ InfoBuf_WriteToFile()

void InfoBuf_WriteToFile ( vfsfile_t f,
infobuf_t info,
const char *  commandname,
int  cvarflags 

◆ InfoSync_Add()

void InfoSync_Add ( infosync_t sync,
void context,
const char *  name 

◆ InfoSync_Clear()

void InfoSync_Clear ( infosync_t sync)

◆ InfoSync_Remove()

void InfoSync_Remove ( infosync_t sync,
size_t  k 

◆ InfoSync_Strip()

void InfoSync_Strip ( infosync_t sync,
void context 

◆ InsertLinkAfter()

void InsertLinkAfter ( link_t l,
link_t after 

◆ InsertLinkBefore()

void InsertLinkBefore ( link_t l,
link_t before 

◆ IPLog_Add()

void IPLog_Add ( const char *  ip,
const char *  name 

◆ IPLog_Merge_File()

qboolean IPLog_Merge_File ( const char *  fname)

◆ iso88591_encode()

unsigned int iso88591_encode ( char *  out,
unsigned int  unicode,
int  maxlen,
qboolean  markup 

◆ JSON_Destroy()

void JSON_Destroy ( json_t t)

◆ JSON_Equals()

qboolean JSON_Equals ( json_t t,
const char *  child,
const char *  expected 

◆ JSON_FindChild()

json_t * JSON_FindChild ( json_t t,
const char *  child 

◆ JSON_FindIndexedChild()

json_t * JSON_FindIndexedChild ( json_t t,
const char *  child,
unsigned int  idx 

◆ JSON_GetFloat()

double JSON_GetFloat ( json_t t,
const char *  child,
double  fallback 

◆ JSON_GetIndexed()

json_t * JSON_GetIndexed ( json_t t,
unsigned int  idx 

◆ JSON_GetIndexedFloat()

double JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( json_t t,
unsigned int  idx,
double  fallback 

◆ JSON_GetIndexedInteger()

qintptr_t JSON_GetIndexedInteger ( json_t t,
unsigned int  idx,
int  fallback 

◆ JSON_GetInteger()

qintptr_t JSON_GetInteger ( json_t t,
const char *  child,
int  fallback 

◆ JSON_GetString()

const char * JSON_GetString ( json_t t,
const char *  child,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buffersize,
const char *  fallback 

◆ JSON_GetUInteger()

quintptr_t JSON_GetUInteger ( json_t t,
const char *  child,
unsigned int  fallback 

◆ JSON_Parse()

json_t * JSON_Parse ( const char *  json)

◆ JSON_ParseNode()

json_t * JSON_ParseNode ( json_t t,
const char *  namestart,
const char *  nameend,
const char *  json,
int jsonpos,
int  jsonlen 

◆ JSON_ReadBody()

size_t JSON_ReadBody ( json_t t,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ JSON_ReadFloat()

double JSON_ReadFloat ( json_t t,
double  fallback 

◆ Log_CheckMapCompletion()

qboolean Log_CheckMapCompletion ( const char *  packagename,
const char *  mapname,
float *  besttime,
float *  fulltime,
float *  bestkills,
float *  bestsecrets 

◆ Log_Init()

void Log_Init ( void  )

◆ Log_Logfile_f()

void Log_Logfile_f ( void  )

◆ Log_MapNowCompleted()

void Log_MapNowCompleted ( void  )

◆ Log_ShutDown()

void Log_ShutDown ( void  )

◆ Log_String()

void Log_String ( logtype_t  lognum,
const char *  s 

◆ LongSwap()

int LongSwap ( int  l)

◆ MSG_BeginReading()

void MSG_BeginReading ( sizebuf_t sb,
struct netprim_s  prim 

◆ MSG_BeginWriting()

void MSG_BeginWriting ( sizebuf_t msg,
struct netprim_s  prim,
void bufferstorage,
size_t  buffersize 

◆ MSG_ChangePrimitives()

void MSG_ChangePrimitives ( struct netprim_s  prim)

◆ MSG_FromCoord()

float MSG_FromCoord ( coorddata  c,
int  bytes 

◆ MSG_GetReadCount()

int MSG_GetReadCount ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadAngle()

float MSG_ReadAngle ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadAngle16()

float MSG_ReadAngle16 ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadBigEntity()

unsigned int MSG_ReadBigEntity ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadBits()

int MSG_ReadBits ( int  bits)

◆ MSG_ReadByte()

int MSG_ReadByte ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadChar()

int MSG_ReadChar ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadCoord()

float MSG_ReadCoord ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadCoordFloat()

float MSG_ReadCoordFloat ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadData()

void MSG_ReadData ( void data,
int  len 

◆ MSG_ReadDouble()

double MSG_ReadDouble ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadFloat()

float MSG_ReadFloat ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadInt64()

qint64_t MSG_ReadInt64 ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadLong()

int MSG_ReadLong ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadPos()

void MSG_ReadPos ( float  pos[3])

◆ MSG_ReadShort()

int MSG_ReadShort ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadSignedQEX()

qint64_t MSG_ReadSignedQEX ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadSize16()

int MSG_ReadSize16 ( sizebuf_t sb)

◆ MSG_ReadSkip()

void MSG_ReadSkip ( int  len)

◆ MSG_ReadSLEB128()

qint64_t MSG_ReadSLEB128 ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadString()

char * MSG_ReadString ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadStringBuffer()

char * MSG_ReadStringBuffer ( char *  out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ MSG_ReadStringLine()

char * MSG_ReadStringLine ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadUInt16()

int MSG_ReadUInt16 ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadUInt64()

quint64_t MSG_ReadUInt64 ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadULEB128()

quint64_t MSG_ReadULEB128 ( void  )

◆ MSG_ToAngle()

coorddata MSG_ToAngle ( float  f,
int  bytes 

◆ MSG_ToCoord()

coorddata MSG_ToCoord ( float  f,
int  bytes 

◆ MSG_WriteAngle()

void MSG_WriteAngle ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  f 

◆ MSG_WriteAngle16()

void MSG_WriteAngle16 ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  f 

◆ MSG_WriteAngle8()

void MSG_WriteAngle8 ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  f 

◆ MSG_WriteBigCoord()

void MSG_WriteBigCoord ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  f 

◆ MSG_WriteBits()

void MSG_WriteBits ( sizebuf_t msg,
int  value,
int  bits 

◆ MSG_WriteByte()

void MSG_WriteByte ( sizebuf_t sb,
int  c 

◆ MSG_WriteChar()

void MSG_WriteChar ( sizebuf_t sb,
int  c 

◆ MSG_WriteCoord()

void MSG_WriteCoord ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  f 

◆ MSG_WriteDir()

void MSG_WriteDir ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  dir[3] 

◆ MSG_WriteDouble()

void MSG_WriteDouble ( sizebuf_t sb,
double  f 

◆ MSG_WriteEntity()

void MSG_WriteEntity ( sizebuf_t sb,
unsigned int  e 

◆ MSG_WriteFloat()

void MSG_WriteFloat ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  f 

◆ MSG_WriteInt64()

void MSG_WriteInt64 ( sizebuf_t sb,
qint64_t  c 

◆ MSG_WriteLong()

void MSG_WriteLong ( sizebuf_t sb,
int  c 

◆ MSG_WriteShort()

void MSG_WriteShort ( sizebuf_t sb,
int  c 

◆ MSG_WriteSignedQEX()

void MSG_WriteSignedQEX ( sizebuf_t sb,
qint64_t  c 

◆ MSG_WriteSize16()

void MSG_WriteSize16 ( sizebuf_t sb,
int  sz 

◆ MSG_WriteString()

void MSG_WriteString ( sizebuf_t sb,
const char *  s 

◆ MSG_WriteUInt64()

void MSG_WriteUInt64 ( sizebuf_t sb,
quint64_t  c 

◆ MSG_WriteULEB128()

void MSG_WriteULEB128 ( sizebuf_t sb,
quint64_t  c 

◆ MSGCL_ReadEntity()

unsigned int MSGCL_ReadEntity ( void  )

◆ MSGCL_WriteDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGCL_WriteDeltaUsercmd ( sizebuf_t sb,
const struct usercmd_s from,
const struct usercmd_s cmd 

◆ MSGFTE_ReadDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGFTE_ReadDeltaUsercmd ( const struct usercmd_s from,
struct usercmd_s move 

◆ MSGFTE_WriteDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGFTE_WriteDeltaUsercmd ( sizebuf_t buf,
const short  baseanges[3],
const struct usercmd_s from,
const struct usercmd_s cmd 

◆ MSGQ2_ReadDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGQ2_ReadDeltaUsercmd ( const struct usercmd_s from,
struct usercmd_s move 

◆ MSGQW_ReadDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGQW_ReadDeltaUsercmd ( const struct usercmd_s from,
struct usercmd_s cmd,
int  qwprotocolver 

◆ MSGQW_WriteDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGQW_WriteDeltaUsercmd ( sizebuf_t sb,
const struct usercmd_s from,
const struct usercmd_s cmd 

◆ MSGSV_ReadEntity()

unsigned int MSGSV_ReadEntity ( struct client_s fromclient)

◆ MyRegDeleteKeyValue()

void MyRegDeleteKeyValue ( void base,
const char *  keyname,
const char *  valuename 

◆ MyRegGetIntValue()

int MyRegGetIntValue ( void base,
const char *  keyname,
const char *  valuename,
int  defaultval 

◆ MyRegGetStringValue()

qboolean MyRegGetStringValue ( void base,
const char *  keyname,
const char *  valuename,
void data,
size_t  datalen 

◆ MyRegGetStringValueMultiSz()

qboolean MyRegGetStringValueMultiSz ( void base,
const char *  keyname,
const char *  valuename,
void data,
int  datalen 

◆ MyRegSetValue()

qboolean MyRegSetValue ( void base,
const char *  keyname,
const char *  valuename,
int  type,
const void data,
int  datalen 

◆ narrowen()

char * narrowen ( char *  out,
size_t  outlen,
wchar_t *  wide 

◆ parse_revision_number()

int parse_revision_number ( const char *  revstr,
qboolean  strict 

◆ PM_CanInstall()

qboolean PM_CanInstall ( const char *  packagename)

◆ PM_Command_f()

void PM_Command_f ( void  )

◆ PM_Shutdown()

void PM_Shutdown ( qboolean  soft)

◆ PO_Close()

void PO_Close ( struct po_s *  po)

◆ PO_Create()

struct po_s * PO_Create ( void  )

◆ PO_GetText()

const char * PO_GetText ( struct po_s *  po,
const char *  msg 

◆ PO_Merge()

void PO_Merge ( struct po_s *  po,
vfsfile_t file 

◆ Q2COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte()

qbyte Q2COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte ( qbyte base,
int  length,
int  sequence 

◆ Q_atof()

float Q_atof ( const char *  str)

◆ Q_atoi()

int Q_atoi ( const char *  str)

◆ Q_ftoa()

void Q_ftoa ( char *  str,
float  in 

◆ Q_snprintfz()

qboolean VARGS Q_snprintfz ( char *  dest,
size_t  size,
const char *  fmt,

◆ Q_strcasecmp()

int Q_strcasecmp ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 

◆ Q_strcasestr()

char * Q_strcasestr ( const char *  haystack,
const char *  needle 

◆ Q_strcpyline()

char * Q_strcpyline ( char *  out,
const char *  in,
int  maxlen 

◆ Q_strlwr()

char * Q_strlwr ( char *  str)

◆ Q_strncasecmp()

int Q_strncasecmp ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2,
int  n 

◆ Q_strncpyz()

void QDECL Q_strncpyz ( char *  d,
const char *  s,
int  n 

◆ Q_strstopcasecmp()

int Q_strstopcasecmp ( const char *  s1start,
const char *  s1end,
const char *  s2 

◆ Q_vsnprintfz()

qboolean VARGS Q_vsnprintfz ( char *  dest,
size_t  size,
const char *  fmt,
va_list  args 

◆ qchar_encode()

unsigned int qchar_encode ( char *  out,
unsigned int  unicode,
int  maxlen,
qboolean  markup 

◆ RemoveLink()

void RemoveLink ( link_t l)

◆ revision_number()

int revision_number ( qboolean  strict)

◆ ShortSwap()

short ShortSwap ( short  l)

◆ SZ_Clear()

void SZ_Clear ( sizebuf_t buf)

◆ SZ_GetSpace()

void * SZ_GetSpace ( sizebuf_t buf,
int  length 

◆ SZ_Print()

void SZ_Print ( sizebuf_t buf,
const char *  data 

◆ SZ_Write()

void SZ_Write ( sizebuf_t buf,
const void data,
int  length 

◆ T_FreeInfoStrings()

void T_FreeInfoStrings ( void  )

◆ T_FreeStrings()

void T_FreeStrings ( void  )

◆ T_GetInfoString()

char * T_GetInfoString ( int  num)

◆ T_GetString()

char * T_GetString ( int  num)

◆ TL_InitLanguages()

void TL_InitLanguages ( const char *  langpath)

◆ TL_Reformat()

void TL_Reformat ( int  language,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize,
size_t  numargs,
const char **  arg 

◆ TL_Shutdown()

void TL_Shutdown ( void  )

◆ TL_Translate()

const char * TL_Translate ( int  language,
const char *  src 

◆ unicode_byteofsfromcharofs()

unsigned int unicode_byteofsfromcharofs ( const char *  str,
unsigned int  charofs,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_charcount()

unsigned int unicode_charcount ( const char *  in,
size_t  buffersize,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_charofsfrombyteofs()

unsigned int unicode_charofsfrombyteofs ( const char *  str,
unsigned int  byteofs,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_decode()

unsigned int unicode_decode ( int error,
const void in,
char const **  out,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_encode()

unsigned int unicode_encode ( char *  out,
unsigned int  unicode,
int  maxlen,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_strpad()

void unicode_strpad ( char *  out,
size_t  outsize,
const char *  in,
qboolean  leftalign,
size_t  minwidth,
size_t  maxwidth,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_strtolower()

size_t unicode_strtolower ( const char *  in,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_strtoupper()

size_t unicode_strtoupper ( const char *  in,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize,
qboolean  markup 

◆ utf8_decode()

unsigned int utf8_decode ( int error,
const void in,
char const **  out 

◆ utf8_encode()

unsigned int utf8_encode ( void out,
unsigned int  unicode,
int  maxlen 

◆ va()

char *VARGS va ( const char *  format,

◆ version_number()

int version_number ( void  )

◆ version_string()

char * version_string ( void  )


char * VFS_GETS ( vfsfile_t vf,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen 


void VARGS VFS_PRINTF ( vfsfile_t vf,
const char *  fmt,

◆ widen()

wchar_t * widen ( wchar_t *  out,
size_t  outbytes,
const char *  utf8 

◆ wildcmp()

int wildcmp ( const char *  wild,
const char *  string 

Variable Documentation

◆ basicuserinfos

const char* basicuserinfos[]

◆ bigendian

qboolean bigendian

◆ BigFloat

float(* BigFloat) (float l) ( float  l)

◆ BigI64

qint64_t(* BigI64) (qint64_t l) ( qint64_t  l)

◆ BigLong

int(* BigLong) (int l) ( int  l)

◆ BigShort

short(* BigShort) (short l) ( short  l)

◆ com_argc

int com_argc

◆ com_argv

const char** com_argv

◆ com_gamepath

char com_gamepath[MAX_OSPATH]

◆ com_homepath

char com_homepath[MAX_OSPATH]

◆ com_installer

qboolean com_installer

◆ com_token

char com_token[65536]

◆ com_tokentype

com_tokentype_t com_tokentype

◆ fs_manifest

ftemanifest_t* fs_manifest

◆ hash_crc16

hashfunc_t hash_crc16

◆ hash_crc16_lower

hashfunc_t hash_crc16_lower

◆ hash_md4

hashfunc_t hash_md4

◆ hash_sha1

hashfunc_t hash_sha1

◆ hash_sha2_224

hashfunc_t hash_sha2_224

◆ hash_sha2_256

hashfunc_t hash_sha2_256

◆ hash_sha2_384

hashfunc_t hash_sha2_384

◆ hash_sha2_512

hashfunc_t hash_sha2_512

◆ LittleFloat

float(* LittleFloat) (float l) ( float  l)

◆ LittleI64

qint64_t(* LittleI64) (qint64_t l) ( qint64_t  l)

◆ LittleLong

int(* LittleLong) (int l) ( int  l)

◆ LittleShort

short(* LittleShort) (short l) ( short  l)

◆ msg_badread

qboolean msg_badread

◆ msg_nullnetprim

struct netprim_s msg_nullnetprim

◆ nullcmd

const struct usercmd_s nullcmd

◆ privateuserinfos

const char* privateuserinfos[]

◆ registered

struct cvar_s registered

◆ standard_quake

qboolean standard_quake