Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
gl_vidlinuxglx.c File Reference


typedef int(* qXErrorHandler) (Display *, XErrorEvent *)
typedef struct _XRRScreenConfiguration XRRScreenConfiguration
typedef unsigned short Rotation
typedef unsigned short SizeID
typedef unsigned short SubpixelOrder
typedef unsigned short Connection
typedef XID RROutput
typedef XID RRCrtc
typedef XID RRMode
typedef unsigned long XRRModeFlags
typedef struct _XRROutputInfo XRROutputInfo
typedef struct _XRRModeInfo XRRModeInfo
typedef struct _XRRScreenResources XRRScreenResources
typedef struct _XRRCrtcInfo XRRCrtcInfo
typedef struct _XRRCrtcGamma XRRCrtcGamma
typedef struct _XRRPanning XRRPanning


enum  { XIM_ORIG , XIM_DGA , XIM_XI2 }


void X_GoFullscreen (void)
void X_GoWindowed (void)
qboolean INS_KeyToLocalName (int qkey, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
void GLVID_DeInit (void)
qboolean GLVID_ApplyGammaRamps (unsigned int rampcount, unsigned short *ramps)
void GLVID_SwapBuffers (void)
qboolean GLVID_Init (rendererstate_t *info, unsigned char *palette)
void GLVID_SetCaption (const char *text)
void Sys_Clipboard_PasteText (clipboardtype_t clipboardtype, void(*callback)(void *ctx, const char *utf8), void *ctx)
void Sys_SaveClipboard (clipboardtype_t clipboardtype, const char *text)
qboolean X11_GetDesktopParameters (int *width, int *height, int *bpp, int *refreshrate)
void Sys_SendKeyEvents (void)
void INS_Move (void)
void INS_Commands (void)
void INS_Init (void)
void INS_ReInit (void)
void INS_Shutdown (void)
void INS_EnumerateDevices (void *ctx, void(*callback)(void *ctx, const char *type, const char *devicename, unsigned int *qdevid))
void INS_Rumble (int id, quint16_t amp_low, quint16_t amp_high, quint32_t duration)
void INS_RumbleTriggers (int id, quint16_t left, quint16_t right, quint32_t duration)
void INS_SetLEDColor (int id, vec3_t color)
void INS_SetTriggerFX (int id, const void *data, size_t size)


rendererinfo_t vkrendererinfo
qboolean vid_isfullscreen
cvar_t vid_conautoscale
cvar_t vid_vsync
int sys_parentleft
int sys_parenttop
int sys_parentwidth
int sys_parentheight
long sys_parentwindow
int x11_mouseqdev = 0
qboolean sys_gracefulexit
char * clipboard_buffer [2]
rendererinfo_t eglrendererinfo

Typedef Documentation

◆ Connection

typedef unsigned short Connection

◆ qXErrorHandler

typedef int(* qXErrorHandler) (Display *, XErrorEvent *)

◆ Rotation

typedef unsigned short Rotation

◆ RRCrtc

typedef XID RRCrtc

◆ RRMode

typedef XID RRMode

◆ RROutput

typedef XID RROutput

◆ SizeID

typedef unsigned short SizeID

◆ SubpixelOrder

typedef unsigned short SubpixelOrder

◆ XRRCrtcGamma

typedef struct _XRRCrtcGamma XRRCrtcGamma

◆ XRRCrtcInfo

typedef struct _XRRCrtcInfo XRRCrtcInfo

◆ XRRModeFlags

typedef unsigned long XRRModeFlags

◆ XRRModeInfo

typedef struct _XRRModeInfo XRRModeInfo

◆ XRROutputInfo

typedef struct _XRROutputInfo XRROutputInfo

◆ XRRPanning

typedef struct _XRRPanning XRRPanning

◆ XRRScreenConfiguration

typedef struct _XRRScreenConfiguration XRRScreenConfiguration

◆ XRRScreenResources

typedef struct _XRRScreenResources XRRScreenResources

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Function Documentation

◆ GLVID_ApplyGammaRamps()

qboolean GLVID_ApplyGammaRamps ( unsigned int  rampcount,
unsigned short *  ramps 

◆ GLVID_DeInit()

void GLVID_DeInit ( void  )

◆ GLVID_Init()

qboolean GLVID_Init ( rendererstate_t info,
unsigned char *  palette 

◆ GLVID_SetCaption()

void GLVID_SetCaption ( const char *  text)

◆ GLVID_SwapBuffers()

void GLVID_SwapBuffers ( void  )

◆ INS_Commands()

void INS_Commands ( void  )

◆ INS_EnumerateDevices()

void INS_EnumerateDevices ( void ctx,
void(*)(void *ctx, const char *type, const char *devicename, unsigned int *qdevid)  callback 

◆ INS_Init()

void INS_Init ( void  )

◆ INS_KeyToLocalName()

qboolean INS_KeyToLocalName ( int  qkey,
char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize 

◆ INS_Move()

void INS_Move ( void  )

◆ INS_ReInit()

void INS_ReInit ( void  )

◆ INS_Rumble()

void INS_Rumble ( int  id,
quint16_t  amp_low,
quint16_t  amp_high,
quint32_t  duration 

◆ INS_RumbleTriggers()

void INS_RumbleTriggers ( int  id,
quint16_t  left,
quint16_t  right,
quint32_t  duration 

◆ INS_SetLEDColor()

void INS_SetLEDColor ( int  id,
vec3_t  color 

◆ INS_SetTriggerFX()

void INS_SetTriggerFX ( int  id,
const void data,
size_t  size 

◆ INS_Shutdown()

void INS_Shutdown ( void  )

◆ Sys_Clipboard_PasteText()

void Sys_Clipboard_PasteText ( clipboardtype_t  clipboardtype,
void(*)(void *ctx, const char *utf8)  callback,
void ctx 

◆ Sys_SaveClipboard()

void Sys_SaveClipboard ( clipboardtype_t  clipboardtype,
const char *  text 

◆ Sys_SendKeyEvents()

void Sys_SendKeyEvents ( void  )

◆ X11_GetDesktopParameters()

qboolean X11_GetDesktopParameters ( int width,
int height,
int bpp,
int refreshrate 

◆ X_GoFullscreen()

void X_GoFullscreen ( void  )

◆ X_GoWindowed()

void X_GoWindowed ( void  )

Variable Documentation

◆ abs

qboolean abs


struct { ... } axis[2]

◆ cangamma

qboolean cangamma

◆ canmodechange11

qboolean canmodechange11

◆ canmodechange12

qboolean canmodechange12

◆ ChooseFBConfig

GLXFBConfig *(* ChooseFBConfig) (Display *dpy, int screen, const int *attrib_list, int *nelements) ( Display *  dpy,
int  screen,
const int attrib_list,
int nelements 

◆ ChooseVisual

XVisualInfo *(* ChooseVisual) (Display *dpy, int screen, int *attribList) ( Display *  dpy,
int  screen,
int attribList 

◆ clipboard

Atom clipboard

◆ clipboard_buffer

char* clipboard_buffer[2]

◆ CreateContext

GLXContext(* CreateContext) (Display *dpy, XVisualInfo *vis, GLXContext shareList, Bool direct) ( Display *  dpy,
XVisualInfo *  vis,
GLXContext  shareList,
Bool  direct 

◆ CreateContextAttribs

GLXContext(* CreateContextAttribs) (Display *dpy, GLXFBConfig config, GLXContext share_context, Bool direct, const int *attrib_list) ( Display *  dpy,
GLXFBConfig  config,
GLXContext  share_context,
Bool  direct,
const int attrib_list 

◆ crtc

RRCrtc crtc

◆ crtcinfo

XRRCrtcInfo* crtcinfo

◆ crtcmode

XRRModeInfo* crtcmode

◆ DestroyContext

void(* DestroyContext) (Display *dpy, GLXContext ctx) ( Display *  dpy,
GLXContext  ctx 

◆ devicegroup

int devicegroup


struct { ... } ::xidevinfo * deviceinfo


struct { ... } dnd

◆ dounicode

qboolean dounicode

◆ eglrendererinfo

rendererinfo_t eglrendererinfo

◆ error

int error

◆ event

int event

◆ GetFBConfigAttrib

int(* GetFBConfigAttrib) (Display *dpy, GLXFBConfig config, int attribute, int *value) ( Display *  dpy,
GLXFBConfig  config,
int  attribute,
int value 

◆ GetProcAddress

void *(* GetProcAddress) (char *name) ( char *  name)

◆ GetVisualFromFBConfig

XVisualInfo *(* GetVisualFromFBConfig) (Display *dpy, GLXFBConfig config) ( Display *  dpy,
GLXFBConfig  config 

◆ gllibrary

dllhandle_t* gllibrary

◆ glxextensions

const char* glxextensions

◆ ImageCreate

XcursorImage *(* ImageCreate) (int width, int height) ( int  width,
int  height 

◆ ImageDestroy

void(* ImageDestroy) (XcursorImage *image) ( XcursorImage *  image)

◆ ImageLoadCursor

Cursor(* ImageLoadCursor) (Display *dpy, const XcursorImage *image) ( Display *  dpy,
const XcursorImage *  image 

◆ ime_pos

XPoint ime_pos

◆ ime_shown

int ime_shown

◆ inputmethod

XIM inputmethod

◆ lib

void* lib

◆ libxi

void* libxi

◆ MakeCurrent

Bool(* MakeCurrent) (Display *dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, GLXContext ctx) ( Display *  dpy,
GLXDrawable  drawable,
GLXContext  ctx 

◆ max

double max

◆ min

double min

◆ modes

XF86VidModeModeInfo** modes

◆ myprop

Atom myprop

◆ ndeviceinfos

size_t ndeviceinfos

◆ nextqdev

int nextqdev

◆ num_modes

int num_modes

◆ nvidiabug

int nvidiabug

◆ old

float old

◆ opcode

int opcode

◆ origgamma

XRRCrtcGamma* origgamma

◆ originalapplied

qboolean originalapplied

◆ originalramps

unsigned short originalramps[3][2048]

◆ originalrampsize

int originalrampsize

◆ origmode

int origmode

◆ origrate

int origrate

◆ origrot

Rotation origrot

◆ origscreenheight

int origscreenheight

◆ origscreenheightmm

int origscreenheightmm

◆ origscreenwidth

int origscreenwidth

◆ origscreenwidthmm

int origscreenwidthmm

◆ origtime

Time origtime

◆ output

XRROutputInfo* output

◆ outputs

XRROutputInfo** outputs

◆ owner

Atom owner

◆ pan

int pan[4]

◆ panborder

int panborder[4]

◆ pantrack

int pantrack[4]

◆ pConfigCurrentConfiguration

SizeID(* pConfigCurrentConfiguration) (XRRScreenConfiguration *config, Rotation *rotation) ( XRRScreenConfiguration config,
Rotation rotation 

◆ pConfigCurrentRate

short(* pConfigCurrentRate) (XRRScreenConfiguration *config) ( XRRScreenConfiguration config)

◆ pConfigRates

short *(* pConfigRates) (XRRScreenConfiguration *config, int sizeID, int *nrates) ( XRRScreenConfiguration config,
int  sizeID,
int nrates 

◆ pConfigSizes

XRRScreenSize *(* pConfigSizes) (XRRScreenConfiguration *config, int *nsizes) ( XRRScreenConfiguration config,
int nsizes 

◆ pConfigTimes

Time(* pConfigTimes) (XRRScreenConfiguration *config, Time *config_timestamp) ( XRRScreenConfiguration config,
Time *  config_timestamp 

◆ pFreeCrtcInfo

void *(* pFreeCrtcInfo) (XRRCrtcInfo *crtcinfo) ( XRRCrtcInfo crtcinfo)

◆ pFreeGamma

void(* pFreeGamma) (XRRCrtcGamma *gamma) ( XRRCrtcGamma gamma)

◆ pFreeOutputInfo

void *(* pFreeOutputInfo) (XRROutputInfo *outputinfo) ( XRROutputInfo outputinfo)

◆ pFreePanning

void(* pFreePanning) (XRRPanning *panning) ( XRRPanning panning)

◆ pFreeScreenResources

void *(* pFreeScreenResources) (XRRScreenResources *) ( XRRScreenResources )

◆ pGetCrtcGamma

XRRCrtcGamma *(* pGetCrtcGamma) (Display *dpy, RRCrtc crtc) ( Display *  dpy,
RRCrtc  crtc 

◆ pGetCrtcInfo

XRRCrtcInfo *(* pGetCrtcInfo) (Display *dpy, XRRScreenResources *resources, RRCrtc crtc) ( Display *  dpy,
XRRScreenResources resources,
RRCrtc  crtc 

◆ pGetOutputInfo

XRROutputInfo *(* pGetOutputInfo) (Display *dpy, XRRScreenResources *resources, RROutput output) ( Display *  dpy,
XRRScreenResources resources,
RROutput  output 

◆ pGetOutputPrimary

RROutput(* pGetOutputPrimary) (Display *dpy, Window window) ( Display *  dpy,
Window  window 

◆ pGetPanning

XRRPanning *(* pGetPanning) (Display *dpy, XRRScreenResources *resources, RRCrtc crtc) ( Display *  dpy,
XRRScreenResources resources,
RRCrtc  crtc 

◆ pGetScreenInfo

XRRScreenConfiguration *(* pGetScreenInfo) (Display *dpy, Window window) ( Display *  dpy,
Window  window 

◆ pGetScreenResources

XRRScreenResources *(* pGetScreenResources) (Display *dpy, Window window) ( Display *  dpy,
Window  window 

◆ pQueryExtension

Bool(* pQueryExtension) (Display *dpy, int *event_base_return, int *error_base_return) ( Display *  dpy,
int event_base_return,
int error_base_return 

◆ pQueryVersion

Status(* pQueryVersion) (Display *dpy, int *major_version_return, int *minor_version_return) ( Display *  dpy,
int major_version_return,
int minor_version_return 

◆ prop

Atom prop

◆ pSetCrtcConfig

Status(* pSetCrtcConfig) (Display *dpy, XRRScreenResources *resources, RRCrtc crtc, Time timestamp, int x, int y, RRMode mode, Rotation rotation, RROutput *output, int noutputs) ( Display *  dpy,
XRRScreenResources resources,
RRCrtc  crtc,
Time  timestamp,
int  x,
int  y,
RRMode  mode,
Rotation  rotation,
RROutput output,
int  noutputs 

◆ pSetCrtcGamma

void(* pSetCrtcGamma) (Display *dpy, RRCrtc crtc, XRRCrtcGamma *gamma) ( Display *  dpy,
RRCrtc  crtc,
XRRCrtcGamma gamma 

◆ pSetPanning

Status(* pSetPanning) (Display *dpy, XRRScreenResources *resources, RRCrtc crtc, XRRPanning *panning) ( Display *  dpy,
XRRScreenResources resources,
RRCrtc  crtc,
XRRPanning panning 

◆ pSetScreenConfigAndRate

short(* pSetScreenConfigAndRate) (Display *dpy, XRRScreenConfiguration *config, Drawable draw, int size_index, Rotation rotation, short rate, Time timestamp) ( Display *  dpy,
XRRScreenConfiguration config,
Drawable  draw,
int  size_index,
Rotation  rotation,
short  rate,
Time  timestamp 

◆ pSetScreenSize

void(* pSetScreenSize) (Display *dpy, Window window, int width, int height, int mmwidth, int mmheight) ( Display *  dpy,
Window  window,
int  width,
int  height,
int  mmwidth,
int  mmheight 

◆ pXChangeProperty

int(* pXChangeProperty) (Display *display, Window w, Atom property, Atom type, int format, int mode, unsigned char *data, int nelements) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
Atom  property,
Atom  type,
int  format,
int  mode,
unsigned char *  data,
int  nelements 

◆ pXCloseDisplay

int(* pXCloseDisplay) (Display *display) ( Display *  display)

◆ pXCloseIM

Status(* pXCloseIM) (XIM im) ( XIM  im)

◆ pXConvertSelection

int(* pXConvertSelection) (Display *display, Atom selection, Atom target, Atom property, Window requestor, Time time) ( Display *  display,
Atom  selection,
Atom  target,
Atom  property,
Window  requestor,
Time  time 

◆ pXCreateColormap

Colormap(* pXCreateColormap) (Display *display, Window w, Visual *visual, int alloc) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
Visual *  visual,
int  alloc 

◆ pXCreateGC

GC(* pXCreateGC) (Display *display, Drawable d, unsigned long valuemask, XGCValues *values) ( Display *  display,
Drawable  d,
unsigned long  valuemask,
XGCValues *  values 

◆ pXCreateIC

XIC(* pXCreateIC) (XIM im,...) ( XIM  im,

◆ pXCreatePixmap

Pixmap(* pXCreatePixmap) (Display *display, Drawable d, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int depth) ( Display *  display,
Drawable  d,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  depth 

◆ pXCreatePixmapCursor

Cursor(* pXCreatePixmapCursor) (Display *display, Pixmap source, Pixmap mask, XColor *foreground_color, XColor *background_color, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) ( Display *  display,
Pixmap  source,
Pixmap  mask,
XColor *  foreground_color,
XColor *  background_color,
unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y 

◆ pXCreateWindow

Window(* pXCreateWindow) (Display *display, Window parent, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int border_width, int depth, unsigned int class, Visual *visual, unsigned long valuemask, XSetWindowAttributes *attributes) ( Display *  display,
Window  parent,
int  x,
int  y,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  border_width,
int  depth,
unsigned int  class,
Visual *  visual,
unsigned long  valuemask,
XSetWindowAttributes *  attributes 

◆ pXDefineCursor

int(* pXDefineCursor) (Display *display, Window w, Cursor cursor) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
Cursor  cursor 

◆ pXDeleteProperty

int(* pXDeleteProperty) (Display *display, Window w, Atom property) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
Atom  property 

◆ pXDestroyIC

void(* pXDestroyIC) (XIC ic) ( XIC  ic)

◆ pXDestroyWindow

int(* pXDestroyWindow) (Display *display, Window w) ( Display *  display,
Window  w 

◆ pXF86DGADirectVideo

Status(* pXF86DGADirectVideo) (Display *dpy, int screen, int enable) ( Display *  dpy,
int  screen,
int  enable 

◆ pXF86VidModeGetAllModeLines

Bool(* pXF86VidModeGetAllModeLines) (Display *dpy, int screen, int *modecount, XF86VidModeModeInfo ***modelinesPtr) ( Display *  dpy,
int  screen,
int modecount,
XF86VidModeModeInfo ***  modelinesPtr 

◆ pXF86VidModeGetGammaRamp

Bool(* pXF86VidModeGetGammaRamp) (Display *dpy, int screen, int size, unsigned short *red, unsigned short *green, unsigned short *blue) ( Display *  dpy,
int  screen,
int  size,
unsigned short *  red,
unsigned short *  green,
unsigned short *  blue 

◆ pXF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize

Bool(* pXF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize) (Display *dpy, int screen, int *size) ( Display *  dpy,
int  screen,
int size 

◆ pXF86VidModeQueryVersion

Bool(* pXF86VidModeQueryVersion) (Display *dpy, int *majorVersion, int *minorVersion) ( Display *  dpy,
int majorVersion,
int minorVersion 

◆ pXF86VidModeSetGammaRamp

Bool(* pXF86VidModeSetGammaRamp) (Display *dpy, int screen, int size, unsigned short *red, unsigned short *green, unsigned short *blue) ( Display *  dpy,
int  screen,
int  size,
unsigned short *  red,
unsigned short *  green,
unsigned short *  blue 

◆ pXF86VidModeSetViewPort

Bool(* pXF86VidModeSetViewPort) (Display *dpy, int screen, int x, int y) ( Display *  dpy,
int  screen,
int  x,
int  y 

◆ pXF86VidModeSwitchToMode

Bool(* pXF86VidModeSwitchToMode) (Display *dpy, int screen, XF86VidModeModeInfo *modeline) ( Display *  dpy,
int  screen,
XF86VidModeModeInfo *  modeline 

◆ pXFillRectangle

int(* pXFillRectangle) (Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) ( Display *  display,
Drawable  d,
GC  gc,
int  x,
int  y,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height 

◆ pXFilterEvent

Bool(* pXFilterEvent) (XEvent *event, Window w) ( XEvent *  event,
Window  w 

◆ pXFlush

int(* pXFlush) (Display *display) ( Display *  display)

◆ pXFree

int(* pXFree) (void *data) ( void data)

◆ pXFreeCursor

int(* pXFreeCursor) (Display *display, Cursor cursor) ( Display *  display,
Cursor  cursor 

◆ pXFreeEventData

void(* pXFreeEventData) (Display *display, XGenericEventCookie *cookie) ( Display *  display,
XGenericEventCookie *  cookie 

◆ pXFreeGC

int(* pXFreeGC) (Display *display, GC gc) ( Display *  display,
GC  gc 

◆ pXFreePixmap

int(* pXFreePixmap) (Display *display, Pixmap pixmap) ( Display *  display,
Pixmap  pixmap 

◆ pXGetAtomName

char *(* pXGetAtomName) (Display *display, Atom atom) ( Display *  display,
Atom  atom 

◆ pXGetErrorText

int(* pXGetErrorText) (Display *display, int code, char *buffer_return, int length) ( Display *  display,
int  code,
char *  buffer_return,
int  length 

◆ pXGetEventData

Bool(* pXGetEventData) (Display *display, XGenericEventCookie *cookie) ( Display *  display,
XGenericEventCookie *  cookie 

◆ pXGetICValues

char *(* pXGetICValues) (XIC ic,...) ( XIC  ic,

◆ pXGetIMValues

char *(* pXGetIMValues) (XIM im,...) ( XIM  im,

◆ pXGetKeyboardMapping

KeySym *(* pXGetKeyboardMapping) (Display *display, KeyCode first_keycode, int keycode_count, int *keysyms_per_keycode_return) ( Display *  display,
KeyCode  first_keycode,
int  keycode_count,
int keysyms_per_keycode_return 

◆ pXGetSelectionOwner

Window(* pXGetSelectionOwner) (Display *display, Atom selection) ( Display *  display,
Atom  selection 

◆ pXGetVisualInfo

XVisualInfo *(* pXGetVisualInfo) (Display *display, long vinfo_mask, XVisualInfo *vinfo_template, int *nitems_return) ( Display *  display,
long  vinfo_mask,
XVisualInfo *  vinfo_template,
int nitems_return 

◆ pXGetWindowAttributes

Status(* pXGetWindowAttributes) (Display *display, Window w, XWindowAttributes *window_attributes_return) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
XWindowAttributes *  window_attributes_return 

◆ pXGetWindowProperty

int(* pXGetWindowProperty) (Display *display, Window w, Atom property, long long_offset, long long_length, Bool delete, Atom req_type, Atom *actual_type_return, int *actual_format_return, unsigned long *nitems_return, unsigned long *bytes_after_return, unsigned char **prop_return) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
Atom  property,
long  long_offset,
long  long_length,
Bool  delete,
Atom  req_type,
Atom *  actual_type_return,
int actual_format_return,
unsigned long nitems_return,
unsigned long bytes_after_return,
unsigned char **  prop_return 

◆ pXGetXCBConnection

xcb_connection_t *(* pXGetXCBConnection) (Display *dpy) ( Display *  dpy)

◆ pXGrabKeyboard

int(* pXGrabKeyboard) (Display *display, Window grab_window, Bool owner_events, int pointer_mode, int keyboard_mode, Time time) ( Display *  display,
Window  grab_window,
Bool  owner_events,
int  pointer_mode,
int  keyboard_mode,
Time  time 

◆ pXGrabPointer

int(* pXGrabPointer) (Display *display, Window grab_window, Bool owner_events, unsigned int event_mask, int pointer_mode, int keyboard_mode, Window confine_to, Cursor cursor, Time time) ( Display *  display,
Window  grab_window,
Bool  owner_events,
unsigned int  event_mask,
int  pointer_mode,
int  keyboard_mode,
Window  confine_to,
Cursor  cursor,
Time  time 

◆ pXGrabServer

int(* pXGrabServer) (Display *display) ( Display *  display)

◆ pXIFreeDeviceInfo

void(* pXIFreeDeviceInfo) (XIDeviceInfo *info) ( XIDeviceInfo *  info)

◆ pXInitThreads

Status(* pXInitThreads) (void) ( void  )

◆ pXInternAtom

Atom(* pXInternAtom) (Display *display, char *atom_name, Bool only_if_exists) ( Display *  display,
char *  atom_name,
Bool  only_if_exists 

◆ pXIQueryDevice

XIDeviceInfo *(* pXIQueryDevice) (Display *dpy, int deviceid, int *ndevices_return) ( Display *  dpy,
int  deviceid,
int ndevices_return 

◆ pXIQueryVersion

Status(* pXIQueryVersion) (Display *display, int *major_version_inout, int *minor_version_inout) ( Display *  display,
int major_version_inout,
int minor_version_inout 

◆ pXISelectEvents

int(* pXISelectEvents) (Display *dpy, Window win, XIEventMask *masks, int num_masks) ( Display *  dpy,
Window  win,
XIEventMask *  masks,
int  num_masks 

◆ pXKeysymToString

char *(* pXKeysymToString) (KeySym) ( KeySym  )

◆ pXLookupKeysym

KeySym(* pXLookupKeysym) (XKeyEvent *key_event, int index) ( XKeyEvent *  key_event,
int  index 

◆ pXLookupString

int(* pXLookupString) (XKeyEvent *event_struct, char *buffer_return, int bytes_buffer, KeySym *keysym_return, XComposeStatus *status_in_out) ( XKeyEvent *  event_struct,
char *  buffer_return,
int  bytes_buffer,
KeySym *  keysym_return,
XComposeStatus *  status_in_out 

◆ pXMapWindow

int(* pXMapWindow) (Display *display, Window w) ( Display *  display,
Window  w 

◆ pXMatchVisualInfo

Status(* pXMatchVisualInfo) (Display *display, int screen, int depth, int class, XVisualInfo *vinfo_return) ( Display *  display,
int  screen,
int  depth,
int  class,
XVisualInfo *  vinfo_return 

◆ pXMoveResizeWindow

int(* pXMoveResizeWindow) (Display *display, Window w, int x, int y, unsigned width, unsigned height) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
int  x,
int  y,
unsigned  width,
unsigned  height 

◆ pXMoveWindow

int(* pXMoveWindow) (Display *display, Window w, int x, int y) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
int  x,
int  y 

◆ pXNextEvent

int(* pXNextEvent) (Display *display, XEvent *event_return) ( Display *  display,
XEvent *  event_return 

◆ pXOpenDisplay

Display *(* pXOpenDisplay) (char *display_name) ( char *  display_name)

◆ pXOpenIM

XIM(* pXOpenIM) (Display *display, struct _XrmHashBucketRec *db, char *res_name, char *res_class) ( Display *  display,
struct _XrmHashBucketRec *  db,
char *  res_name,
char *  res_class 

◆ pXPeekEvent

int(* pXPeekEvent) (Display *display, XEvent *event_return) ( Display *  display,
XEvent *  event_return 

◆ pXPending

int(* pXPending) (Display *display) ( Display *  display)

◆ pXQueryExtension

Bool(* pXQueryExtension) (Display *display, const char *name, int *major_opcode_return, int *first_event_return, int *first_error_return) ( Display *  display,
const char *  name,
int major_opcode_return,
int first_event_return,
int first_error_return 

◆ pXRaiseWindow

int(* pXRaiseWindow) (Display *display, Window w) ( Display *  display,
Window  w 

◆ pXReparentWindow

int(* pXReparentWindow) (Display *display, Window w, Window parent, int x, int y) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
Window  parent,
int  x,
int  y 

◆ pXResizeWindow

int(* pXResizeWindow) (Display *display, Window w, unsigned width, unsigned height) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
unsigned  width,
unsigned  height 

◆ pXSelectInput

int(* pXSelectInput) (Display *display, Window w, long event_mask) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
long  event_mask 

◆ pXSendEvent

Status(* pXSendEvent) (Display *display, Window w, Bool propagate, long event_mask, XEvent *event_send) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
Bool  propagate,
long  event_mask,
XEvent *  event_send 

◆ pXSetErrorHandler

qXErrorHandler(* pXSetErrorHandler) (XErrorHandler) ( XErrorHandler  )

◆ pXSetICFocus

void(* pXSetICFocus) (XIC ic) ( XIC  ic)

◆ pXSetIconName

int(* pXSetIconName) (Display *display, Window w, char *icon_name) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
char *  icon_name 

◆ pXSetICValues

char *(* pXSetICValues) (XIC ic,...) ( XIC  ic,

◆ pXSetInputFocus

int(* pXSetInputFocus) (Display *display, Window focus, int revert_to, Time time) ( Display *  display,
Window  focus,
int  revert_to,
Time  time 

◆ pXSetLocaleModifiers

char *(* pXSetLocaleModifiers) (char *modifier_list) ( char *  modifier_list)

◆ pXSetSelectionOwner

int(* pXSetSelectionOwner) (Display *display, Atom selection, Window owner, Time time) ( Display *  display,
Atom  selection,
Window  owner,
Time  time 

◆ pXSetWMNormalHints

void(* pXSetWMNormalHints) (Display *display, Window w, XSizeHints *hints) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
XSizeHints *  hints 

◆ pXSetWMProtocols

Status(* pXSetWMProtocols) (Display *display, Window w, Atom *protocols, int count) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
Atom *  protocols,
int  count 

◆ pXStoreName

int(* pXStoreName) (Display *display, Window w, char *window_name) ( Display *  display,
Window  w,
char *  window_name 

◆ pXSupportsLocale

Bool(* pXSupportsLocale) (void) ( void  )

◆ pXSync

int(* pXSync) (Display *display, Bool discard) ( Display *  display,
Bool  discard 

◆ pXUndefineCursor

int(* pXUndefineCursor) (Display *display, Window w) ( Display *  display,
Window  w 

◆ pXUngrabKeyboard

int(* pXUngrabKeyboard) (Display *display, Time time) ( Display *  display,
Time  time 

◆ pXUngrabPointer

int(* pXUngrabPointer) (Display *display, Time time) ( Display *  display,
Time  time 

◆ pXUngrabServer

int(* pXUngrabServer) (Display *display) ( Display *  display)

◆ pXUnsetICFocus

void(* pXUnsetICFocus) (XIC ic) ( XIC  ic)

◆ pXutf8LookupString

int(* pXutf8LookupString) (XIC ic, XKeyPressedEvent *event, char *buffer_return, int bytes_buffer, KeySym *keysym_return, Status *status_return) ( XIC  ic,
XKeyPressedEvent *  event,
char *  buffer_return,
int  bytes_buffer,
KeySym *  keysym_return,
Status *  status_return 

◆ pXWarpPointer

int(* pXWarpPointer) (Display *display, Window src_w, Window dest_w, int src_x, int src_y, unsigned int src_width, unsigned int src_height, int dest_x, int dest_y) ( Display *  display,
Window  src_w,
Window  dest_w,
int  src_x,
int  src_y,
unsigned int  src_width,
unsigned int  src_height,
int  dest_x,
int  dest_y 

◆ pXwcLookupString

int(* pXwcLookupString) (XIC ic, XKeyPressedEvent *event, wchar_t *buffer_return, int bytes_buffer, KeySym *keysym_return, Status *status_return) ( XIC  ic,
XKeyPressedEvent *  event,
wchar_t *  buffer_return,
int  bytes_buffer,
KeySym *  keysym_return,
Status *  status_return 

◆ qdev

int qdev

◆ QueryExtensionsString

const char *(* QueryExtensionsString) (Display *dpy, int screen) ( Display *  dpy,
int  screen 

◆ res

◆ screenconfig

XRRScreenConfiguration* screenconfig

◆ source

Window source

◆ SupportsARGB

XcursorBool(* SupportsARGB) (Display *dpy) ( Display *  dpy)

◆ SwapBuffers

void(* SwapBuffers) (Display *dpy, GLXDrawable drawable) ( Display *  dpy,
GLXDrawable  drawable 

◆ swapint

int swapint

◆ SwapIntervalEXT

void(* SwapIntervalEXT) (Display *dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, int interval) ( Display *  dpy,
GLXDrawable  drawable,
int  interval 

◆ SwapIntervalMESA

void(* SwapIntervalMESA) (unsigned int interval) ( unsigned int  interval)

◆ SwapIntervalSGI

void(* SwapIntervalSGI) (int interval) ( int  interval)

◆ swaptear

qboolean swaptear

◆ sys_gracefulexit

qboolean sys_gracefulexit

◆ sys_parentheight

int sys_parentheight

◆ sys_parentleft

int sys_parentleft

◆ sys_parenttop

int sys_parenttop

◆ sys_parentwidth

int sys_parentwidth

◆ sys_parentwindow

long sys_parentwindow

◆ targmode

int targmode

◆ targrate

int targrate

◆ type

Atom type

◆ unicodecontext

XIC unicodecontext

◆ usemode

int usemode

◆ vid_conautoscale

cvar_t vid_conautoscale

◆ vid_isfullscreen

qboolean vid_isfullscreen

◆ vid_vsync

cvar_t vid_vsync

◆ vkrendererinfo

rendererinfo_t vkrendererinfo

◆ vmajor

int vmajor

◆ vminor

int vminor

◆ x11_mouseqdev

int x11_mouseqdev = 0