Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
sv_user.c File Reference


typedef struct voteinfo_s voteinfo_t


hull_tSV_HullForEntity (edict_t *ent, int hullnum, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t offset)
void QDECL SV_NQPhysicsUpdate (cvar_t *var, char *oldvalue)
qboolean SV_CheckRealIP (client_t *client, qboolean force)
void SV_New_f (void)
void SVNQ_New_f (void)
void SVQ2_ConfigStrings_f (void)
void SVQ2_BaseLines_f (void)
void SVQ2_NextServer_f (void)
void SVQW_Soundlist_f (void)
void SVQW_Modellist_f (void)
void SV_SendClientPrespawnInfo (client_t *client)
void SVQW_PreSpawn_f (void)
void SVQW_Spawn_f (void)
void SV_SpawnSpectator (void)
void SV_DespawnClient (client_t *cl)
void SV_Begin_Core (client_t *split)
void SV_Begin_f (void)
void SV_DarkPlacesDownloadChunk (client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg)
void SVDP_StartDownload_f (void)
void SV_DarkPlacesDownloadAck (client_t *cl)
void SV_NextDownload_f (void)
void VARGS OutofBandPrintf (netadr_t *where, char *fmt,...)
void SV_NextUpload (void)
void SV_VoiceReadPacket (void)
void SV_VoiceInitClient (client_t *client)
void SV_VoiceSendPacket (client_t *client, sizebuf_t *buf)
void SV_Voice_Ignore_f (void)
void SV_Voice_Target_f (void)
void SV_Voice_MuteAll_f (void)
void SV_Voice_UnmuteAll_f (void)
qboolean SV_FindRemotePackage (const char *package, char *url, size_t urlsize)
qboolean SV_AllowDownload (const char *name)
void SV_DownloadSize_f (void)
void SV_DownloadQueueAdd (client_t *client, const char *name)
void SV_DownloadQueueNext (client_t *client)
void SV_DownloadQueueClear (client_t *client)
void SV_DemoDownload_f (void)
void SV_BeginDownload_f (void)
void SV_StopDownload_f (void)
void SV_SayOne_f (void)
float SV_CheckFloodProt (client_t *client)
void SV_PushFloodProt (client_t *client)
void SV_Say (qboolean team)
void SV_Say_f (void)
void SV_Say_Team_f (void)
void SV_Pings_f (void)
void SV_Kill_f (void)
qboolean SV_TogglePause (client_t *initiator)
void SV_Pause_f (void)
void SV_Drop_f (void)
void SV_PTrack_f (void)
void SV_Rate_f (void)
void SV_Msg_f (void)
qboolean SV_UserInfoIsBasic (const char *infoname)
void SV_SetInfo_f (void)
void SV_ShowServerinfo_f (void)
void SV_NoSnap_f (void)
void VoteAdd (char *cmd, int id)
void VoteRemoveCommands (char *command, int id)
void VoteFlushAll (void)
int VoteCount (char *command, int id)
void VoteCheckTimes (void)
void SV_Vote_f (void)
void Cmd_Notarget_f (void)
void Cmd_God_f (void)
void Cmd_Give_f (void)
void Cmd_Spiderpig_f (void)
void Cmd_Noclip_f (void)
void Cmd_6dof_f (void)
void Cmd_Fly_f (void)
void Cmd_SSV_Transfer_f (void)
void Cmd_SSV_AllSay_f (void)
void Cmd_SSV_Join_f (void)
void Cmd_SetPos_f (void)
void SV_SetUpClientEdict (client_t *cl, edict_t *ent)
void Cmd_Join_f (void)
void Cmd_Observe_f (void)
void SV_CalcNetRates (client_t *cl, double *ftime, int *frames, double *minf, double *maxf)
void SV_EnableClientsCSQC (void)
void SV_DisableClientsCSQC (void)
void SV_UserCmdMVDList_f (void)
void SV_Pext_f (void)
void SV_UserMVDList_f (void)
void SV_UserMVDInfo_f (void)
void SV_ExecuteUserCommand (const char *s, qboolean fromQC)
qboolean SV_FilterImpulse (int imp, int level)
void SV_FilterImpulseInit (void)
float V_CalcRoll (vec3_t angles, vec3_t velocity)
void AddAllLinksToPmove (world_t *w, wedict_t *player)
void AddLinksToPmove (world_t *w, wedict_t *player, areanode_t *node)
void AddLinksToPmove_Force (world_t *w, wedict_t *player, areanode_t *node)
void AddAllEntsToPmove (wedict_t *player, world_t *w)
int SV_PMTypeForClient (client_t *cl, edict_t *ent)
void SV_PreRunCmd (void)
void SV_RunCmdCleanup (void)
void Sh_CalcPointLight (vec3_t point, vec3_t light)
void SV_RunCmd (usercmd_t *ucmd, qboolean recurse)
void SV_PostRunCmd (void)
void SV_ReadQCRequest (void)
void SV_ExecuteClientMessage (client_t *cl)
void SVQ2_ExecuteClientMessage (client_t *cl)
void SVNQ_ReadClientMove (qboolean forceangle16, qboolean quakeex)
void SVNQ_ExecuteClientMessage (client_t *cl)
void SV_UserInit (void)
void SV_ClientThink (void)


cvar_t dpcompat_nopreparse
cvar_t cl_rollspeed = CVAR("cl_rollspeed", "200")
cvar_t cl_rollangle = CVAR("cl_rollangle", "2.0")
cvar_t sv_spectalk = CVAR("sv_spectalk", "1")
cvar_t sv_mapcheck = CVAR("sv_mapcheck", "1")
cvar_t sv_fullredirect = CVARD("sv_fullredirect", "", "This is the ip:port to redirect players to when the server is full")
cvar_t sv_antilag = CVARFD("sv_antilag", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "Attempt to backdate impacts to compensate for lag via the MOVE_ANTILAG feature.\n0=completely off.\n1=mod-controlled (default).\n2=forced, which might break certain uses of traceline.\n3=Also attempt to recalculate trace start positions to avoid lagged knockbacks.")
cvar_t sv_antilag_frac = CVARF("sv_antilag_frac", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO)
cvar_t sv_showpredloss = CVARD("sv_showpredloss", "0", "Print messages whenever input frames are ignored or forced serverside, to prevent speedcheats or hover cheats. Any such prints will be accompanied by prediction misses in the named client.")
cvar_t sv_cheatpc = CVARD("sv_cheatpc", "125", "If the client tried to claim more than this percentage of time within any speed-cheat period, the client will be deemed to have cheated.")
cvar_t sv_cheatspeedchecktime = CVARD("sv_cheatspeedchecktime", "30", "The interval between each speed-cheat check.")
cvar_t sv_playermodelchecks = CVAR("sv_playermodelchecks", "0")
cvar_t sv_ping_ignorepl = CVARD("sv_ping_ignorepl", "0", "If 1, ping times reported for players will ignore the effects of packetloss on ping times. 0 is slightly more honest, but less useful for connection diagnosis.")
cvar_t sv_protocol_nq = CVARD("sv_protocol_nq", "", "Specifies the default protocol to use for new NQ clients. This is only relevent for clients that do not report their supported protocols. Supported values are\n0 = autodetect\n15 = vanilla\n666 = fitzquake\n999 = rmq protocol\nThe sv_bigcoords cvar forces upgrades as required.")
cvar_t sv_minpitch = CVARAFD("minpitch", "", "sv_minpitch", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "Assumed to be -70")
cvar_t sv_maxpitch = CVARAFD("maxpitch", "", "sv_maxpitch", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "Assumed to be 80")
cvar_t sv_cmdlikercon = CVAR("sv_cmdlikercon", "0")
cvar_t cmd_allowaccess = CVAR("cmd_allowaccess", "0")
cvar_t cmd_gamecodelevel = CVARF("cmd_gamecodelevel", STRINGIFY(RESTRICT_LOCAL), CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER)
cvar_t sv_pure = CVARFD("sv_pure", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "The most evil cvar in the world, many clients will ignore this.\n0=standard quake rules.\n1=clients should prefer files within packages present on the server.\n2=clients should use *only* files within packages present on the server.\nDue to quake 1.01/1.06 differences, a setting of 2 only works in total conversions.")
cvar_t sv_nqplayerphysics = CVARAFCD("sv_nqplayerphysics", "auto", "sv_nomsec", CVAR_ARCHIVE, SV_NQPhysicsUpdate, "Disable player prediction and run NQ-style player physics instead. This can be used for compatibility with mods that expect exact behaviour. A value of 2 will not block prediction, and may be juddery/jerky/swimmy.")
cvar_t pext_ezquake_nochunks = CVARD("pext_ezquake_nochunks", "0", "Prevents ezquake clients from being able to use the chunked download extension. This sidesteps numerous ezquake issues, and will make downloads slower but more robust.")
cvar_t pext_ezquake_verfortrans = CVARD("pext_ezquake_verfortrans", "7088", "ezQuake does not implement PEXT_TRANS properly. This is the version of ezquake required for PEXT_TRANS to be allowed. This was still broken when I wrote this description, hence the large value.")
cvar_t sv_chatfilter = CVAR("sv_chatfilter", "0")
cvar_t sv_floodprotect = CVAR("sv_floodprotect", "1")
cvar_t sv_floodprotect_messages = CVAR("sv_floodprotect_messages", "4")
cvar_t sv_floodprotect_interval = CVAR("sv_floodprotect_interval", "4")
cvar_t sv_floodprotect_silencetime = CVAR("sv_floodprotect_silencetime", "10")
cvar_t sv_floodprotect_suicide = CVAR("sv_floodprotect_suicide", "1")
cvar_t sv_floodprotect_sendmessage
cvar_t votelevel = CVARD("votelevel", "0", "This is the restriction level of commands that players may vote for. You can reconfigure commands, cvars, or aliases individually. Additionally, aliases can be configured via aliaslevel to be executed at a different level from their restriction level. This can be used to indirectly allow voting for 'map dm4' for instance, without allowing people to vote for every map.")
cvar_t voteminimum = CVARD("voteminimum", "4", "At least this many players must vote the same way for the vote to pass.")
cvar_t votepercent = CVARD("votepercent", "-1", "At least this percentage of players must vote the same way for the vote to pass.")
cvar_t votetime = CVARD("votetime", "10", "Votes will be discarded after this many minutes")
cvar_t pr_allowbutton1 = CVARFD("pr_allowbutton1", "1", CVAR_MAPLATCH, "The button1 field is believed to have been intended to work with the +use command, but it was never hooked up. In NetQuake, this field was often repurposed for other things as it was not otherwise used (and cannot be removed without breaking the crc), while third-party QuakeWorld engines did decide to implement it as believed was intended. As a result, this cvar only applies to QuakeWorld mods and a value of 1 is only likely to cause issues with NQ mods that were ported to QW.")
cvar_t sv_minping
cvar_t pm_bunnyspeedcap
cvar_t pm_ktjump
cvar_t pm_slidefix
cvar_t pm_slidyslopes
cvar_t pm_bunnyfriction
cvar_t pm_autobunny
cvar_t pm_airstep
cvar_t pm_pground
cvar_t pm_stepdown
cvar_t pm_walljump
cvar_t pm_watersinkspeed
cvar_t pm_flyfriction
cvar_t pm_edgefriction
cvar_t sv_pushplayers = CVAR("sv_pushplayers", "0")
cvar_t sv_getrealip = CVARD("sv_getrealip", "0", "Attempt to obtain a more reliable IP for clients, rather than just their proxy.\n0: Don't attempt.\n1: Unreliable checks.\n2: Validate if possible.\n3: Mandatory validation.")
cvar_t sv_realip_kick = CVARD("sv_realip_kick", "0", "Kicks clients if their realip could not be validated to the level specified by sv_getrealip.")
cvar_t sv_realiphostname_ipv4 = CVARD("sv_realiphostname_ipv4", "", "This is the server's public ip:port. This is needed for realip to work when the autodetected/local ip is not globally routable")
cvar_t sv_realiphostname_ipv6 = CVARD("sv_realiphostname_ipv6", "", "This is the server's public ip:port. This is needed for realip to work when the autodetected/local ip is not globally routable")
cvar_t sv_realip_timeout = CVAR("sv_realip_timeout", "10")
cvar_t sv_userinfo_keylimit = CVARD("sv_userinfo_keylimit", "128", "This is the maximum number of userinfo keys each user may create.")
cvar_t sv_userinfo_bytelimit = CVARD("sv_userinfo_bytelimit", "8192", "This is the maximum number of bytes that may be stored into each user's userinfo. Note that this includes key names too.")
cvar_t sv_voip = CVARD("sv_voip", "1", "Enable reception of voice packets.")
cvar_t sv_voip_record = CVARD("sv_voip_record", "0", "Record voicechat into mvds. Requires player support. 0=noone, 1=everyone, 2=spectators only")
cvar_t sv_voip_echo = CVARD("sv_voip_echo", "0", "Echo voice packets back to their sender, a debug/test setting.")
char sv_votinggroup [] = "server voting"
char cvargroup_serverpermissions []
char cvargroup_serverinfo []
char cvargroup_serverphysics []
char cvargroup_servercontrol []
cvar_t pausable
struct {
   struct voice_ring_s {
      unsigned int   sender
      unsigned char   receiver [(MAX_CLIENTS+7)/8]
      unsigned char   gen
      unsigned char   seq
      unsigned int   datalen
      unsigned char   data [1024]
   }   ring [VOICE_RING_SIZE]
   unsigned int   write
ucmd_t ucmds []
ucmd_t ucmdsq2 []
ucmd_t nqucmds []
int implevels [256]
vec3_t pmove_mins
vec3_t pmove_maxs
size_t areagridsequence
size_t playertouchmax
cvar_t sv_accelerate
cvar_t sv_friction

Typedef Documentation

◆ voteinfo_t

typedef struct voteinfo_s voteinfo_t

Function Documentation

◆ AddAllEntsToPmove()

void AddAllEntsToPmove ( wedict_t player,
world_t w 

◆ AddAllLinksToPmove()

void AddAllLinksToPmove ( world_t w,
wedict_t player 

◆ AddLinksToPmove()

void AddLinksToPmove ( world_t w,
wedict_t player,
areanode_t node 

◆ AddLinksToPmove_Force()

void AddLinksToPmove_Force ( world_t w,
wedict_t player,
areanode_t node 

◆ Cmd_6dof_f()

void Cmd_6dof_f ( void  )

◆ Cmd_Fly_f()

void Cmd_Fly_f ( void  )

◆ Cmd_Give_f()

void Cmd_Give_f ( void  )

◆ Cmd_God_f()

void Cmd_God_f ( void  )

◆ Cmd_Join_f()

void Cmd_Join_f ( void  )

◆ Cmd_Noclip_f()

void Cmd_Noclip_f ( void  )

◆ Cmd_Notarget_f()

void Cmd_Notarget_f ( void  )

◆ Cmd_Observe_f()

void Cmd_Observe_f ( void  )

◆ Cmd_SetPos_f()

void Cmd_SetPos_f ( void  )

◆ Cmd_Spiderpig_f()

void Cmd_Spiderpig_f ( void  )

◆ Cmd_SSV_AllSay_f()

void Cmd_SSV_AllSay_f ( void  )

◆ Cmd_SSV_Join_f()

void Cmd_SSV_Join_f ( void  )

◆ Cmd_SSV_Transfer_f()

void Cmd_SSV_Transfer_f ( void  )

◆ OutofBandPrintf()

void VARGS OutofBandPrintf ( netadr_t where,
char *  fmt,

◆ Sh_CalcPointLight()

void Sh_CalcPointLight ( vec3_t  point,
vec3_t  light 

◆ SV_AllowDownload()

qboolean SV_AllowDownload ( const char *  name)

◆ SV_Begin_Core()

void SV_Begin_Core ( client_t split)

◆ SV_Begin_f()

void SV_Begin_f ( void  )

◆ SV_BeginDownload_f()

void SV_BeginDownload_f ( void  )

◆ SV_CalcNetRates()

void SV_CalcNetRates ( client_t cl,
double ftime,
int frames,
double minf,
double maxf 

◆ SV_CheckFloodProt()

float SV_CheckFloodProt ( client_t client)

◆ SV_CheckRealIP()

qboolean SV_CheckRealIP ( client_t client,
qboolean  force 

◆ SV_ClientThink()

void SV_ClientThink ( void  )

◆ SV_DarkPlacesDownloadAck()

void SV_DarkPlacesDownloadAck ( client_t cl)

◆ SV_DarkPlacesDownloadChunk()

void SV_DarkPlacesDownloadChunk ( client_t cl,
sizebuf_t msg 

◆ SV_DemoDownload_f()

void SV_DemoDownload_f ( void  )

◆ SV_DespawnClient()

void SV_DespawnClient ( client_t cl)

◆ SV_DisableClientsCSQC()

void SV_DisableClientsCSQC ( void  )

◆ SV_DownloadQueueAdd()

void SV_DownloadQueueAdd ( client_t client,
const char *  name 

◆ SV_DownloadQueueClear()

void SV_DownloadQueueClear ( client_t client)

◆ SV_DownloadQueueNext()

void SV_DownloadQueueNext ( client_t client)

◆ SV_DownloadSize_f()

void SV_DownloadSize_f ( void  )

◆ SV_Drop_f()

void SV_Drop_f ( void  )

◆ SV_EnableClientsCSQC()

void SV_EnableClientsCSQC ( void  )

◆ SV_ExecuteClientMessage()

void SV_ExecuteClientMessage ( client_t cl)

◆ SV_ExecuteUserCommand()

void SV_ExecuteUserCommand ( const char *  s,
qboolean  fromQC 

◆ SV_FilterImpulse()

qboolean SV_FilterImpulse ( int  imp,
int  level 

◆ SV_FilterImpulseInit()

void SV_FilterImpulseInit ( void  )

◆ SV_FindRemotePackage()

qboolean SV_FindRemotePackage ( const char *  package,
char *  url,
size_t  urlsize 

◆ SV_HullForEntity()

hull_t * SV_HullForEntity ( edict_t ent,
int  hullnum,
vec3_t  mins,
vec3_t  maxs,
vec3_t  offset 

◆ SV_Kill_f()

void SV_Kill_f ( void  )

◆ SV_Msg_f()

void SV_Msg_f ( void  )

◆ SV_New_f()

void SV_New_f ( void  )

◆ SV_NextDownload_f()

void SV_NextDownload_f ( void  )

◆ SV_NextUpload()

void SV_NextUpload ( void  )

◆ SV_NoSnap_f()

void SV_NoSnap_f ( void  )

◆ SV_NQPhysicsUpdate()

void QDECL SV_NQPhysicsUpdate ( cvar_t var,
char *  oldvalue 

◆ SV_Pause_f()

void SV_Pause_f ( void  )

◆ SV_Pext_f()

void SV_Pext_f ( void  )

◆ SV_Pings_f()

void SV_Pings_f ( void  )

◆ SV_PMTypeForClient()

int SV_PMTypeForClient ( client_t cl,
edict_t ent 

◆ SV_PostRunCmd()

void SV_PostRunCmd ( void  )

◆ SV_PreRunCmd()

void SV_PreRunCmd ( void  )

◆ SV_PTrack_f()

void SV_PTrack_f ( void  )

◆ SV_PushFloodProt()

void SV_PushFloodProt ( client_t client)

◆ SV_Rate_f()

void SV_Rate_f ( void  )

◆ SV_ReadQCRequest()

void SV_ReadQCRequest ( void  )

◆ SV_RunCmd()

void SV_RunCmd ( usercmd_t ucmd,
qboolean  recurse 

◆ SV_RunCmdCleanup()

void SV_RunCmdCleanup ( void  )

◆ SV_Say()

void SV_Say ( qboolean  team)

◆ SV_Say_f()

void SV_Say_f ( void  )

◆ SV_Say_Team_f()

void SV_Say_Team_f ( void  )

◆ SV_SayOne_f()

void SV_SayOne_f ( void  )

◆ SV_SendClientPrespawnInfo()

void SV_SendClientPrespawnInfo ( client_t client)

◆ SV_SetInfo_f()

void SV_SetInfo_f ( void  )

◆ SV_SetUpClientEdict()

void SV_SetUpClientEdict ( client_t cl,
edict_t ent 

◆ SV_ShowServerinfo_f()

void SV_ShowServerinfo_f ( void  )

◆ SV_SpawnSpectator()

void SV_SpawnSpectator ( void  )

◆ SV_StopDownload_f()

void SV_StopDownload_f ( void  )

◆ SV_TogglePause()

qboolean SV_TogglePause ( client_t initiator)

◆ SV_UserCmdMVDList_f()

void SV_UserCmdMVDList_f ( void  )

◆ SV_UserInfoIsBasic()

qboolean SV_UserInfoIsBasic ( const char *  infoname)

◆ SV_UserInit()

void SV_UserInit ( void  )

◆ SV_UserMVDInfo_f()

void SV_UserMVDInfo_f ( void  )

◆ SV_UserMVDList_f()

void SV_UserMVDList_f ( void  )

◆ SV_Voice_Ignore_f()

void SV_Voice_Ignore_f ( void  )

◆ SV_Voice_MuteAll_f()

void SV_Voice_MuteAll_f ( void  )

◆ SV_Voice_Target_f()

void SV_Voice_Target_f ( void  )

◆ SV_Voice_UnmuteAll_f()

void SV_Voice_UnmuteAll_f ( void  )

◆ SV_VoiceInitClient()

void SV_VoiceInitClient ( client_t client)

◆ SV_VoiceReadPacket()

void SV_VoiceReadPacket ( void  )

◆ SV_VoiceSendPacket()

void SV_VoiceSendPacket ( client_t client,
sizebuf_t buf 

◆ SV_Vote_f()

void SV_Vote_f ( void  )

◆ SVDP_StartDownload_f()

void SVDP_StartDownload_f ( void  )

◆ SVNQ_ExecuteClientMessage()

void SVNQ_ExecuteClientMessage ( client_t cl)

◆ SVNQ_New_f()

void SVNQ_New_f ( void  )

◆ SVNQ_ReadClientMove()

void SVNQ_ReadClientMove ( qboolean  forceangle16,
qboolean  quakeex 

◆ SVQ2_BaseLines_f()

void SVQ2_BaseLines_f ( void  )

◆ SVQ2_ConfigStrings_f()

void SVQ2_ConfigStrings_f ( void  )

◆ SVQ2_ExecuteClientMessage()

void SVQ2_ExecuteClientMessage ( client_t cl)

◆ SVQ2_NextServer_f()

void SVQ2_NextServer_f ( void  )

◆ SVQW_Modellist_f()

void SVQW_Modellist_f ( void  )

◆ SVQW_PreSpawn_f()

void SVQW_PreSpawn_f ( void  )

◆ SVQW_Soundlist_f()

void SVQW_Soundlist_f ( void  )

◆ SVQW_Spawn_f()

void SVQW_Spawn_f ( void  )

◆ V_CalcRoll()

float V_CalcRoll ( vec3_t  angles,
vec3_t  velocity 

◆ VoteAdd()

void VoteAdd ( char *  cmd,
int  id 

◆ VoteCheckTimes()

void VoteCheckTimes ( void  )

◆ VoteCount()

int VoteCount ( char *  command,
int  id 

◆ VoteFlushAll()

void VoteFlushAll ( void  )

◆ VoteRemoveCommands()

void VoteRemoveCommands ( char *  command,
int  id 

Variable Documentation

◆ areagridsequence

size_t areagridsequence

◆ cl_rollangle

cvar_t cl_rollangle = CVAR("cl_rollangle", "2.0")

◆ cl_rollspeed

cvar_t cl_rollspeed = CVAR("cl_rollspeed", "200")

◆ cmd_allowaccess

cvar_t cmd_allowaccess = CVAR("cmd_allowaccess", "0")

◆ cmd_gamecodelevel

cvar_t cmd_gamecodelevel = CVARF("cmd_gamecodelevel", STRINGIFY(RESTRICT_LOCAL), CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER)

◆ cvargroup_servercontrol

char cvargroup_servercontrol[]

◆ cvargroup_serverinfo

char cvargroup_serverinfo[]

◆ cvargroup_serverpermissions

char cvargroup_serverpermissions[]

◆ cvargroup_serverphysics

char cvargroup_serverphysics[]

◆ data

unsigned char data[1024]

◆ datalen

unsigned int datalen

◆ dpcompat_nopreparse

cvar_t dpcompat_nopreparse

◆ gen

unsigned char gen

◆ implevels

int implevels[256]

◆ nqucmds

ucmd_t nqucmds[]

◆ pausable

cvar_t pausable

◆ pext_ezquake_nochunks

cvar_t pext_ezquake_nochunks = CVARD("pext_ezquake_nochunks", "0", "Prevents ezquake clients from being able to use the chunked download extension. This sidesteps numerous ezquake issues, and will make downloads slower but more robust.")

◆ pext_ezquake_verfortrans

cvar_t pext_ezquake_verfortrans = CVARD("pext_ezquake_verfortrans", "7088", "ezQuake does not implement PEXT_TRANS properly. This is the version of ezquake required for PEXT_TRANS to be allowed. This was still broken when I wrote this description, hence the large value.")

◆ playertouch

qbyte* playertouch

◆ playertouchmax

size_t playertouchmax

◆ pm_airstep

cvar_t pm_airstep

◆ pm_autobunny

cvar_t pm_autobunny

◆ pm_bunnyfriction

cvar_t pm_bunnyfriction

◆ pm_bunnyspeedcap

cvar_t pm_bunnyspeedcap

◆ pm_edgefriction

cvar_t pm_edgefriction

◆ pm_flyfriction

cvar_t pm_flyfriction

◆ pm_ktjump

cvar_t pm_ktjump

◆ pm_pground

cvar_t pm_pground

◆ pm_slidefix

cvar_t pm_slidefix

◆ pm_slidyslopes

cvar_t pm_slidyslopes

◆ pm_stepdown

cvar_t pm_stepdown

◆ pm_walljump

cvar_t pm_walljump

◆ pm_watersinkspeed

cvar_t pm_watersinkspeed

◆ pmove_maxs

vec3_t pmove_maxs

◆ pmove_mins

vec3_t pmove_mins

◆ pr_allowbutton1

cvar_t pr_allowbutton1 = CVARFD("pr_allowbutton1", "1", CVAR_MAPLATCH, "The button1 field is believed to have been intended to work with the +use command, but it was never hooked up. In NetQuake, this field was often repurposed for other things as it was not otherwise used (and cannot be removed without breaking the crc), while third-party QuakeWorld engines did decide to implement it as believed was intended. As a result, this cvar only applies to QuakeWorld mods and a value of 1 is only likely to cause issues with NQ mods that were ported to QW.")

◆ receiver

unsigned char receiver[(MAX_CLIENTS+7)/8]


struct { ... } ::voice_ring_s ring[VOICE_RING_SIZE]

◆ sender

unsigned int sender

◆ seq

unsigned char seq

◆ sv_accelerate

cvar_t sv_accelerate

◆ sv_antilag

cvar_t sv_antilag = CVARFD("sv_antilag", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "Attempt to backdate impacts to compensate for lag via the MOVE_ANTILAG feature.\n0=completely off.\n1=mod-controlled (default).\n2=forced, which might break certain uses of traceline.\n3=Also attempt to recalculate trace start positions to avoid lagged knockbacks.")

◆ sv_antilag_frac

cvar_t sv_antilag_frac = CVARF("sv_antilag_frac", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO)

◆ sv_chatfilter

cvar_t sv_chatfilter = CVAR("sv_chatfilter", "0")

◆ sv_cheatpc

cvar_t sv_cheatpc = CVARD("sv_cheatpc", "125", "If the client tried to claim more than this percentage of time within any speed-cheat period, the client will be deemed to have cheated.")

◆ sv_cheatspeedchecktime

cvar_t sv_cheatspeedchecktime = CVARD("sv_cheatspeedchecktime", "30", "The interval between each speed-cheat check.")

◆ sv_cmdlikercon

cvar_t sv_cmdlikercon = CVAR("sv_cmdlikercon", "0")

◆ sv_floodprotect

cvar_t sv_floodprotect = CVAR("sv_floodprotect", "1")

◆ sv_floodprotect_interval

cvar_t sv_floodprotect_interval = CVAR("sv_floodprotect_interval", "4")

◆ sv_floodprotect_messages

cvar_t sv_floodprotect_messages = CVAR("sv_floodprotect_messages", "4")

◆ sv_floodprotect_sendmessage

cvar_t sv_floodprotect_sendmessage
Initial value:
= CVARAF("sv_floodprotect_sendmessage", "",
"floodprotmsg", 0)

◆ sv_floodprotect_silencetime

cvar_t sv_floodprotect_silencetime = CVAR("sv_floodprotect_silencetime", "10")

◆ sv_floodprotect_suicide

cvar_t sv_floodprotect_suicide = CVAR("sv_floodprotect_suicide", "1")

◆ sv_friction

cvar_t sv_friction

◆ sv_fullredirect

cvar_t sv_fullredirect = CVARD("sv_fullredirect", "", "This is the ip:port to redirect players to when the server is full")

◆ sv_getrealip

cvar_t sv_getrealip = CVARD("sv_getrealip", "0", "Attempt to obtain a more reliable IP for clients, rather than just their proxy.\n0: Don't attempt.\n1: Unreliable checks.\n2: Validate if possible.\n3: Mandatory validation.")

◆ sv_mapcheck

cvar_t sv_mapcheck = CVAR("sv_mapcheck", "1")

◆ sv_maxpitch

cvar_t sv_maxpitch = CVARAFD("maxpitch", "", "sv_maxpitch", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "Assumed to be 80")

◆ sv_minping

cvar_t sv_minping

◆ sv_minpitch

cvar_t sv_minpitch = CVARAFD("minpitch", "", "sv_minpitch", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "Assumed to be -70")

◆ sv_nqplayerphysics

cvar_t sv_nqplayerphysics = CVARAFCD("sv_nqplayerphysics", "auto", "sv_nomsec", CVAR_ARCHIVE, SV_NQPhysicsUpdate, "Disable player prediction and run NQ-style player physics instead. This can be used for compatibility with mods that expect exact behaviour. A value of 2 will not block prediction, and may be juddery/jerky/swimmy.")

◆ sv_ping_ignorepl

cvar_t sv_ping_ignorepl = CVARD("sv_ping_ignorepl", "0", "If 1, ping times reported for players will ignore the effects of packetloss on ping times. 0 is slightly more honest, but less useful for connection diagnosis.")

◆ sv_player

edict_t* sv_player

◆ sv_playermodelchecks

cvar_t sv_playermodelchecks = CVAR("sv_playermodelchecks", "0")

◆ sv_protocol_nq

cvar_t sv_protocol_nq = CVARD("sv_protocol_nq", "", "Specifies the default protocol to use for new NQ clients. This is only relevent for clients that do not report their supported protocols. Supported values are\n0 = autodetect\n15 = vanilla\n666 = fitzquake\n999 = rmq protocol\nThe sv_bigcoords cvar forces upgrades as required.")

◆ sv_pure

cvar_t sv_pure = CVARFD("sv_pure", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "The most evil cvar in the world, many clients will ignore this.\n0=standard quake rules.\n1=clients should prefer files within packages present on the server.\n2=clients should use *only* files within packages present on the server.\nDue to quake 1.01/1.06 differences, a setting of 2 only works in total conversions.")

◆ sv_pushplayers

cvar_t sv_pushplayers = CVAR("sv_pushplayers", "0")

◆ sv_realip_kick

cvar_t sv_realip_kick = CVARD("sv_realip_kick", "0", "Kicks clients if their realip could not be validated to the level specified by sv_getrealip.")

◆ sv_realip_timeout

cvar_t sv_realip_timeout = CVAR("sv_realip_timeout", "10")

◆ sv_realiphostname_ipv4

cvar_t sv_realiphostname_ipv4 = CVARD("sv_realiphostname_ipv4", "", "This is the server's public ip:port. This is needed for realip to work when the autodetected/local ip is not globally routable")

◆ sv_realiphostname_ipv6

cvar_t sv_realiphostname_ipv6 = CVARD("sv_realiphostname_ipv6", "", "This is the server's public ip:port. This is needed for realip to work when the autodetected/local ip is not globally routable")

◆ sv_showpredloss

cvar_t sv_showpredloss = CVARD("sv_showpredloss", "0", "Print messages whenever input frames are ignored or forced serverside, to prevent speedcheats or hover cheats. Any such prints will be accompanied by prediction misses in the named client.")

◆ sv_spectalk

cvar_t sv_spectalk = CVAR("sv_spectalk", "1")

◆ sv_userinfo_bytelimit

cvar_t sv_userinfo_bytelimit = CVARD("sv_userinfo_bytelimit", "8192", "This is the maximum number of bytes that may be stored into each user's userinfo. Note that this includes key names too.")

◆ sv_userinfo_keylimit

cvar_t sv_userinfo_keylimit = CVARD("sv_userinfo_keylimit", "128", "This is the maximum number of userinfo keys each user may create.")

◆ sv_voip

cvar_t sv_voip = CVARD("sv_voip", "1", "Enable reception of voice packets.")

◆ sv_voip_echo

cvar_t sv_voip_echo = CVARD("sv_voip_echo", "0", "Echo voice packets back to their sender, a debug/test setting.")

◆ sv_voip_record

cvar_t sv_voip_record = CVARD("sv_voip_record", "0", "Record voicechat into mvds. Requires player support. 0=noone, 1=everyone, 2=spectators only")

◆ sv_votinggroup

char sv_votinggroup[] = "server voting"

◆ ucmds

ucmd_t ucmds[]

◆ ucmdsq2

ucmd_t ucmdsq2[]
Initial value:
= {
{"new", SV_New_f, true},
{"configstrings", SVQ2_ConfigStrings_f, true},
{"baselines", SVQ2_BaseLines_f, true},
{"begin", SV_Begin_f, true},
{"serverinfo", SV_ShowServerinfo_f, true},
{"info", SV_ShowServerinfo_f, true},
{"download", SV_BeginDownload_f, true},
{"nextdl", SV_NextDownload_f, true},
{"nextserver", SVQ2_NextServer_f, true},
{"setinfo", SV_SetInfo_f, true},
{"ftevote", SV_Vote_f, true},
{"addseat", Cmd_AddSeat_f, true},
{"disconnect", SV_Drop_f, true},
void SV_Drop_f(void)
Definition: sv_user.c:4541
void SV_ShowServerinfo_f(void)
Definition: sv_user.c:4871
void SVQ2_BaseLines_f(void)
Definition: sv_user.c:981
void SVQ2_ConfigStrings_f(void)
Definition: sv_user.c:895
void SV_BeginDownload_f(void)
Definition: sv_user.c:3707
void SV_SetInfo_f(void)
Definition: sv_user.c:4728
void SV_Begin_f(void)
Definition: sv_user.c:2413
void SVQ2_NextServer_f(void)
Definition: sv_user.c:1037
void SV_New_f(void)
Definition: sv_user.c:242
void SV_Vote_f(void)
Definition: sv_user.c:4979
void SV_NextDownload_f(void)
Definition: sv_user.c:2695


struct { ... } voice

◆ voteinfo

voteinfo_t* voteinfo

◆ votelevel

cvar_t votelevel = CVARD("votelevel", "0", "This is the restriction level of commands that players may vote for. You can reconfigure commands, cvars, or aliases individually. Additionally, aliases can be configured via aliaslevel to be executed at a different level from their restriction level. This can be used to indirectly allow voting for 'map dm4' for instance, without allowing people to vote for every map.")

◆ voteminimum

cvar_t voteminimum = CVARD("voteminimum", "4", "At least this many players must vote the same way for the vote to pass.")

◆ votepercent

cvar_t votepercent = CVARD("votepercent", "-1", "At least this percentage of players must vote the same way for the vote to pass.")

◆ votetime

cvar_t votetime = CVARD("votetime", "10", "Votes will be discarded after this many minutes")

◆ write

unsigned int write