Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
cl_main.c File Reference


void QDECL CL_Sbar_Callback (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
void QDECL Name_Callback (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
void GnuTLS_Shutdown (void)
void Host_FinishLoading (void)
void Master_Connect_f (void)
void VRUI_SnapAngle (void)
void CL_UpdateWindowTitle (void)
void CL_MakeActive (char *gamename)
void CL_Quit_f (void)
void CL_ConnectToDarkPlaces (char *challenge, netadr_t *adr)
void CL_SupportedFTEExtensions (unsigned int *pext1, unsigned int *pext2, unsigned int *ezpext1)
char * CL_GUIDString (netadr_t *adr)
char * CL_TryingToConnect (void)
void CL_CheckForResend (void)
void CL_BeginServerReconnect (void)
void CL_Transfer (netadr_t *adr)
void CL_Transfer_f (void)
void CL_Connect_c (int argn, const char *partial, struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s *ctx)
void CL_Observe_f (void)
void CLNQ_Connect_f (void)
void CL_IRCConnect_f (void)
void CL_TCPConnect_f (void)
void CL_Rcon_f (void)
void CL_BlendFog (fogstate_t *result, fogstate_t *oldf, float time, fogstate_t *newf)
void CL_ResetFog (int ftype)
void CL_ClearState (qboolean gamestart)
void CL_Disconnect (const char *reason)
void CL_Disconnect_f (void)
void CL_User_f (void)
void CL_Users_f (void)
int CL_ParseColour (const char *colt)
const char * CL_ColourName (const char *colt)
void CL_Color_c (int argn, const char *partial, struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s *ctx)
void CL_Color_f (void)
void CL_PakDownloads (int mode)
void CL_CheckServerPacks (void)
void CL_CheckServerInfo (void)
void CL_FullInfo_f (void)
void CL_SetInfoBlob (int pnum, const char *key, const char *value, size_t valuesize)
void CL_SetInfo (int pnum, const char *key, const char *value)
void CL_SetInfo_f (void)
void CL_SetInfoBlob_f (void)
void CL_SaveInfo (vfsfile_t *f)
void CL_Packet_f (void)
void CL_NextDemo (void)
void CL_Startdemos_f (void)
void CL_Demos_f (void)
void CL_Stopdemo_f (void)
void CL_Changing_f (void)
void CL_Reconnect_f (void)
void CL_ConnectionlessPacket (void)
void CLNQ_ConnectionlessPacket (void)
void CL_MVDUpdateSpectator (void)
void CL_WriteDemoMessage (sizebuf_t *msg, int payloadoffset)
void CL_ReadPacket (void)
void CL_ReadPackets (void)
qboolean CL_AllowArbitaryDownload (const char *oldname, const char *localfile)
void CL_Download_f (void)
void CL_DownloadSize_f (void)
void CL_FinishDownload (char *filename, char *tempname)
void CL_SkipDownload_f (void)
void CL_FinishDownload_f (void)
void CL_Windows_f (void)
void CL_ServerInfo_f (void)
void CL_FTP_f (void)
void CL_Fog_f (void)
void CL_FreeSpace_f (void)
void CL_CrashMeEndgame_f (void)
void CL_CrashMeError_f (void)
void CL_Status_f (void)
void CL_Demo_SetSpeed_f (void)
void CL_Skygroup_f (void)
void CL_Init (void)
NORETURN void VARGS Host_EndGame (const char *message,...)
void VARGS Host_Error (const char *error,...)
void Host_WriteConfiguration (void)
qboolean Host_SimulationTime (float time)
void Host_RunFileNotify (struct dl_download *dl)
void Host_DoRunFile (hrf_t *f)
void CL_PlayDemoStream (vfsfile_t *file, char *filename, qboolean issyspath, int demotype, float bufferdelay)
void CL_ParseQTVDescriptor (vfsfile_t *f, const char *name)
unsigned int Host_GuessFileType (const char *mimetype, const char *filename)
void Host_RunFileDownloaded (struct dl_download *dl)
qboolean Host_BeginFileDownload (struct dl_download *dl, char *mimetype)
void Host_RunFilePrompted (void *ctx, promptbutton_t button)
qboolean FS_FixupGamedirForExternalFile (char *input, char *filename, size_t fnamelen)
qboolean Host_RunFile (const char *fname, int nlen, vfsfile_t *file)
void CL_StartCinematicOrMenu (void)
void SNDDMA_SetUnderWater (qboolean underwater)
double Host_Frame (double time)
void Host_FixupModelNames (void)
void CL_ReadCDKey (void)
void CL_ArgumentOverrides (void)
void CL_ExecInitialConfigs (char *resetcommand, qboolean fullvidrestart)
void Host_Init (quakeparms_t *parms)
void Host_Shutdown (void)
void SV_EndRedirect (void)


qboolean noclip_anglehack
int startuppending
cvar_t cl_crypt_rcon = CVARFD("cl_crypt_rcon", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "Controls whether to send a hash instead of sending your rcon password as plain-text. Set to 1 for security, or 0 for backwards compatibility.\nYour command and any responses will still be sent as plain text.\nInstead, it is recommended to use rcon ONLY via dtls/tls/wss connections.")
cvar_t rcon_password = CVARF("rcon_password", "", CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND)
cvar_t rcon_address = CVARF("rcon_address", "", CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND)
cvar_t cl_timeout = CVAR("cl_timeout", "60")
cvar_t cl_shownet = CVARD("cl_shownet","0", "Debugging var. 0 shows nothing. 1 shows incoming packet sizes. 2 shows individual messages. 3 shows entities too.")
cvar_t cl_disconnectreason = CVARAFD("_cl_disconnectreason", "", "com_errorMessage", CVAR_NOSAVE, "This cvar contains the reason for the last disconnection, so that mod menus can know why things failed.")
cvar_t cl_pure = CVARD("cl_pure", "0", "0=standard quake rules.\n1=clients should prefer files within packages present on the server.\n2=clients should use *only* files within packages present on the server.\nDue to quake 1.01/1.06 differences, a setting of 2 is only reliable with total conversions.\nIf sv_pure is set, the client will prefer the highest value set.")
cvar_t cl_sbar = CVARFC("cl_sbar", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CL_Sbar_Callback)
cvar_t cl_hudswap = CVARF("cl_hudswap", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t cl_maxfps = CVARFD("cl_maxfps", "250", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Sets the maximum allowed framerate. If you're using vsync or want to uncap framerates entirely then you should probably set this to 0. Set cl_yieldcpu 0 if you're trying to benchmark.")
cvar_t cl_yieldcpu = CVARFD("cl_yieldcpu", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Attempt to yield between frames. This can resolve issues with certain drivers and background software, but can mean less consistant frame times. Will reduce power consumption/heat generation so should be set on laptops or similar (over-hot/battery powered) devices.")
cvar_t cl_nopext = CVARF("cl_nopext", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t cl_nolerp = CVARD("cl_nolerp", "0", "Disables interpolation. If set, missiles/monsters will be show exactly what was last received, which will be jerky. Does not affect players. A value of 2 means 'interpolate only in single-player/coop'.")
cvar_t cl_nolerp_netquake = CVARD("cl_nolerp_netquake", "0", "Disables interpolation when connected to an NQ server. Does affect players, even the local player. You probably don't want to set this.")
cvar_t net_compress
cvar_t cl_defaultport
cvar_t cfg_save_name = CVARFD("cfg_save_name", "fte", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "This is the config name that is saved by default when no argument is specified.")
cvar_t cl_splitscreen = CVARD("cl_splitscreen", "0", "Enables splitscreen support. See also: allow_splitscreen, in_rawinput*, the \"p\" command.")
cvar_t lookspring = CVARFD("lookspring","0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Recentre the camera when the mouse-look is released.")
cvar_t lookstrafe = CVARFD("lookstrafe","0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Mouselook enables mouse strafing.")
cvar_t sensitivity = CVARF("sensitivity","10", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t cl_staticsounds = CVARF("cl_staticsounds", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t m_pitch = CVARF("m_pitch","0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t m_yaw = CVARF("m_yaw","0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t m_forward = CVARF("m_forward","1", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t m_side = CVARF("m_side","0.8", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t cl_lerp_maxinterval = CVARD("cl_lerp_maxinterval", "0.3", "Maximum interval between keyframes, in seconds. Larger values can result in entities drifting very slowly when they move sporadically.")
cvar_t cl_lerp_maxdistance = CVARD("cl_lerp_maxdistance", "200", "Maximum distance that an entity may move between snapshots without being considered as having teleported.")
cvar_t cl_lerp_players = CVARD("cl_lerp_players", "0", "Set this to make other players smoother, though it may increase effective latency. Affects only QuakeWorld.")
cvar_t cl_predict_players = CVARD("cl_predict_players", "1", "Clear this cvar to see ents exactly how they are on the server.")
cvar_t cl_predict_players_frac = CVARD("cl_predict_players_frac", "0.9", "How much of other players to predict. Values less than 1 will help minimize overruns.")
cvar_t cl_predict_players_latency = CVARD("cl_predict_players_latency", "1.0", "Push the player back according to your latency, to give a smooth consistent simulation of the server.")
cvar_t cl_predict_players_nudge = CVARD("cl_predict_players_nudge", "0.02", "An extra nudge of time, to cover video latency.")
cvar_t cl_solid_players = CVARD("cl_solid_players", "1", "Consider other players as solid for player prediction.")
cvar_t cl_noblink = CVARD("cl_noblink", "0", "Disable the ^^b text blinking feature.")
cvar_t cl_servername = CVARFD("cl_servername", "", CVAR_NOSET, "The hostname of the last server you connected to")
cvar_t cl_serveraddress = CVARD("cl_serveraddress", "none", "The address of the last server you connected to")
cvar_t qtvcl_forceversion1 = CVAR("qtvcl_forceversion1", "0")
cvar_t qtvcl_eztvextensions = CVAR("qtvcl_eztvextensions", "0")
cvar_t record_flush = CVARD("record_flush", "0", "If set, explicitly flushes demo data to disk while recording. This may be inefficient, depending on how your operating system is configured.")
cvar_t cl_demospeed = CVARF("cl_demospeed", "1", 0)
cvar_t cl_demoreel = CVARFD("cl_demoreel", "0", CVAR_SAVE, "When enabled, the engine will begin playing a demo loop on startup.")
cvar_t cl_loopbackprotocol = CVARD("cl_loopbackprotocol", "qw", "Which protocol to use for single-player/the internal client. Should be one of: qw, qwid, nqid, nq, fitz, bjp3, dp6, dp7, auto. If 'auto', will use qw protocols for qw mods, and nq protocols for nq mods.")
cvar_t cl_threadedphysics = CVARD("cl_threadedphysics", "0", "When set, client input frames are generated and sent on a worker thread")
cvar_t localid = SCVAR("localid", "")
cvar_t r_drawflame = CVARD("r_drawflame", "1", "Set to -1 to disable ALL static entities. Set to 0 to disable only wall torches and standing flame. Set to 1 for everything drawn as normal.")
qboolean forcesaveprompt
int total_loading_size
int current_loading_size
int loading_stage
cvar_t password = CVARAF("password", "", "pq_password", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND)
cvar_t spectator = CVARF("spectator", "", CVAR_USERINFO)
cvar_t name = CVARFC("name", "Player", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, Name_Callback)
cvar_t team = CVARF("team", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
cvar_t skin = CVARAF("skin", "", "_cl_playerskin", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
cvar_t model = CVARAF("model", "", "_cl_playermodel", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
cvar_t topcolor = CVARF("topcolor", "13", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
cvar_t bottomcolor = CVARF("bottomcolor", "12", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
cvar_t rate = CVARAFD("rate", "30000", "_cl_rate", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, "A rough measure of the bandwidth to try to use while playing. Too high a value may result in 'buffer bloat'.")
cvar_t msg = CVARFD("msg", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, "Filter console prints/messages. Only functions on QuakeWorld servers. 0=pickup messages. 1=death messages. 2=critical messages. 3=chat.")
cvar_t cl_playerclass =CVARF("cl_playerclass","", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
cvar_t cl_nofake = CVARD("cl_nofake", "2", "value 0: permits \\r chars in chat messages\nvalue 1: blocks all \\r chars\nvalue 2: allows \\r chars, but only from teammates")
cvar_t cl_chatsound = CVAR("cl_chatsound","1")
cvar_t cl_enemychatsound = CVAR("cl_enemychatsound", "misc/talk.wav")
cvar_t cl_teamchatsound = CVAR("cl_teamchatsound", "misc/talk.wav")
cvar_t r_torch = CVARFD("r_torch", "0", CVAR_CHEAT, "Generate a dynamic light at the player's position.")
cvar_t r_rocketlight = CVARFC("r_rocketlight", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, Cvar_Limiter_ZeroToOne_Callback)
cvar_t r_lightflicker = CVAR("r_lightflicker", "1")
cvar_t cl_r2g = CVARFD("cl_r2g", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Uses progs/grenade.mdl instead of progs/missile.mdl when 1.")
cvar_t r_powerupglow = CVAR("r_powerupglow", "1")
cvar_t v_powerupshell = CVARF("v_powerupshell", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t cl_gibfilter = CVARF("cl_gibfilter", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t cl_deadbodyfilter = CVARF("cl_deadbodyfilter", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t cl_gunx = CVAR("cl_gunx", "0")
cvar_t cl_guny = CVAR("cl_guny", "0")
cvar_t cl_gunz = CVAR("cl_gunz", "0")
cvar_t cl_gunanglex = CVAR("cl_gunanglex", "0")
cvar_t cl_gunangley = CVAR("cl_gunangley", "0")
cvar_t cl_gunanglez = CVAR("cl_gunanglez", "0")
cvar_t cl_proxyaddr = CVAR("cl_proxyaddr", "")
cvar_t cl_sendguid = CVARD("cl_sendguid", "", "Send a randomly generated 'globally unique' id to servers, which can be used by servers for score rankings and stuff. Different servers will see different guids. Delete the 'qkey' file in order to appear as a different user.\nIf set to 2, all servers will see the same guid. Be warned that this can show other people the guid that you're using.")
cvar_t cl_downloads = CVARAFD("cl_downloads", "1", "cl_allowDownload", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Allows you to block all automatic downloads.")
cvar_t cl_download_csprogs = CVARFD("cl_download_csprogs", "1", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Download updated client gamecode if available. Warning: If you clear this to avoid downloading vm code, you should also clear cl_download_packages.")
cvar_t cl_download_redirection = CVARFD("cl_download_redirection", "2", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Follow download redirection to download packages instead of individual files. Also allows the server to send nearly arbitary download commands.\n2: allows redirection only to named packages files (and demos/*.mvd), which is a bit safer.")
cvar_t cl_download_mapsrc = CVARFD("cl_download_mapsrc", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Specifies an http location prefix for map downloads. EG: \"http://example.com/path/gamemaps/\"")
cvar_t cl_download_packages = CVARFD("cl_download_packages", "1", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "0=Do not download packages simply because the server is using them. 1=Download and load packages as needed (does not affect games which do not use this package). 2=Do download and install permanently (use with caution!)")
cvar_t requiredownloads = CVARAFD("cl_download_wait", "1", "requiredownloads", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "0=join the game before downloads have even finished (might be laggy). 1=wait for all downloads to complete before joining.")
cvar_t mod_precache = CVARD("mod_precache","1", "Controls when models are loaded.\n0: Load them only when they're actually needed.\n1: Load them upfront.\n2: Lazily load them to shorten load times at the risk of brief stuttering during only the start of the map.")
cvar_t cl_muzzleflash = CVAR("cl_muzzleflash", "1")
cvar_t gl_simpleitems = CVARFD("gl_simpleitems", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Replace models with simpler sprites.")
cvar_t cl_item_bobbing = CVARFD("cl_model_bobbing", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Makes rotating pickup items bob too.")
cvar_t cl_countpendingpl = CVARD("cl_countpendingpl", "0", "If set to 1, packet loss percentages will show packets still in transit as lost, even if they might still be received.")
cvar_t cl_standardchat = CVARFD("cl_standardchat", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Disables auto colour coding in chat messages.")
cvar_t msg_filter = CVARD("msg_filter", "0", "Filter out chat messages: 0=neither. 1=broadcast chat. 2=team chat. 3=all chat.")
cvar_t msg_filter_frags = CVARD("msg_filter_frags", "0", "Prevents frag messages from appearing on the console.")
cvar_t msg_filter_pickups = CVARD("msg_filter_pickups", "0", "Prevents pickup messages from appearing on the console. This would normally be filtered by 'msg 1', but nq servers cannot respect that (nor nq mods running in qw servers).")
cvar_t cl_standardmsg = CVARFD("cl_standardmsg", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Disables auto colour coding in console prints.")
cvar_t cl_parsewhitetext = CVARD("cl_parsewhitetext", "1", "When parsing chat messages, enable support for messages like: red{white}red")
cvar_t cl_dlemptyterminate = CVARD("cl_dlemptyterminate", "1", "Terminate downloads when reciving an empty download packet. This should help work around buggy mvdsv servers.")
cvar_t ruleset_allow_playercount = CVARD("ruleset_allow_playercount", "1", "Specifies whether teamplay triggers that count nearby players are allowed in the current ruleset."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_frj = CVARD("ruleset_allow_frj", "1", "Specifies whether Forward-Rocket-Jump scripts are allowed in the current ruleset. If 0, limits on yaw speed will be imposed so they cannot be scripted."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_semicheats = CVARD("ruleset_allow_semicheats", "1", "If 0, this blocks a range of cvars that are marked as semi-cheats. Such cvars will be locked to their empty/0 value."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_packet = CVARD("ruleset_allow_packet", "1", "If 0, network packets sent via the 'packet' command will be blocked. This makes scripting timers a little harder."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_particle_lightning = CVARD("ruleset_allow_particle_lightning", "1", "A setting of 0 blocks using the particle system to replace lightning gun trails. This prevents making the trails thinner thus preventing them from obscuring your view of your enemies."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_overlongsounds = CVARD("ruleset_allow_overlong_sounds", "1", "A setting of 0 will block the use of extra-long pickup sounds as item respawn timers."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_larger_models = CVARD("ruleset_allow_larger_models", "1", "Enforces a maximum bounds limit on models, to prevent the use of additional spikes attached to the model from being used as a kind of wallhack."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_modified_eyes = CVARD("ruleset_allow_modified_eyes", "0", "When 0, completely hides progs/eyes.mdl if it is not strictly identical to vanilla quake."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_sensitive_texture_replacements = CVARD("ruleset_allow_sensitive_texture_replacements", "1", "Allows the replacement of certain model textures (as well as the models themselves). This prevents adding extra fullbrights to make them blatently obvious."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_localvolume = CVARD("ruleset_allow_localvolume", "1", "Allows the use of the snd_playersoundvolume cvar. Muting your own sounds can make it easier to hear where your opponent is."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_shaders = CVARFD("ruleset_allow_shaders", "1", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "When 0, this completely disables the use of external shader files, preventing custom shaders from being used for wallhacks."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_watervis = CVARFCD("ruleset_allow_watervis", "1", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, Cvar_CheckServerInfo, "When 0, this enforces ugly opaque water."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_fbmodels = CVARFD("ruleset_allow_fbmodels", "0", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "When 1, allows all models to be displayed fullbright, completely ignoring the lightmaps. This feature exists only for parity with ezquake's defaults."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t ruleset_allow_triggers = CVARAD("ruleset_allow_triggers", "1", "tp_msgtriggers", "When 0, blocks the use of msg_trigger checks."RULESETADVICE)
cvar_t cl_hightrack
cvar_t vid_renderer
char cl_screengroup [] = "Screen options"
char cl_controlgroup [] = "client operation options"
char cl_inputgroup [] = "client input controls"
char cl_predictiongroup [] = "Client side prediction"
client_static_t cls
client_state_t cl
unsigned int cl_max_static_entities
size_t cl_max_lightstyles
size_t cl_maxdlights
int cl_baselines_count
size_t rtlights_first
size_t rtlights_max
int cl_numvisedicts
int cl_maxvisedicts
int cl_framecount
vecV_t *fte_restrict cl_strisvertv
vec4_t *fte_restrict cl_strisvertc
vec2_t *fte_restrict cl_strisvertt
index_t *fte_restrict cl_strisidx
unsigned int cl_numstrisidx
unsigned int cl_maxstrisidx
unsigned int cl_numstrisvert
unsigned int cl_maxstrisvert
unsigned int cl_numstris
unsigned int cl_maxstris
qboolean nomaster
double oldrealtime
int host_framecount
cvar_t host_speeds = CVAR("host_speeds","0")
int fps_count
jmp_buf host_abort
char emodel_name []
char pmodel_name []
char prespawn_name []
char modellist_name []
char soundlist_name []
vrui_t vrui
int waitingformanifest
cvar_t cl_netfps
int nopacketcount

Function Documentation

◆ CL_AllowArbitaryDownload()

qboolean CL_AllowArbitaryDownload ( const char *  oldname,
const char *  localfile 

◆ CL_ArgumentOverrides()

void CL_ArgumentOverrides ( void  )

◆ CL_BeginServerReconnect()

void CL_BeginServerReconnect ( void  )

◆ CL_BlendFog()

void CL_BlendFog ( fogstate_t result,
fogstate_t oldf,
float  time,
fogstate_t newf 

◆ CL_Changing_f()

void CL_Changing_f ( void  )

◆ CL_CheckForResend()

void CL_CheckForResend ( void  )

◆ CL_CheckServerInfo()

void CL_CheckServerInfo ( void  )

◆ CL_CheckServerPacks()

void CL_CheckServerPacks ( void  )

◆ CL_ClearState()

void CL_ClearState ( qboolean  gamestart)

◆ CL_Color_c()

void CL_Color_c ( int  argn,
const char *  partial,
struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s ctx 

◆ CL_Color_f()

void CL_Color_f ( void  )

◆ CL_ColourName()

const char * CL_ColourName ( const char *  colt)

◆ CL_Connect_c()

void CL_Connect_c ( int  argn,
const char *  partial,
struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s ctx 

◆ CL_ConnectionlessPacket()

void CL_ConnectionlessPacket ( void  )

◆ CL_ConnectToDarkPlaces()

void CL_ConnectToDarkPlaces ( char *  challenge,
netadr_t adr 

◆ CL_CrashMeEndgame_f()

void CL_CrashMeEndgame_f ( void  )

◆ CL_CrashMeError_f()

void CL_CrashMeError_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Demo_SetSpeed_f()

void CL_Demo_SetSpeed_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Demos_f()

void CL_Demos_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Disconnect()

void CL_Disconnect ( const char *  reason)

◆ CL_Disconnect_f()

void CL_Disconnect_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Download_f()

void CL_Download_f ( void  )

◆ CL_DownloadSize_f()

void CL_DownloadSize_f ( void  )

◆ CL_ExecInitialConfigs()

void CL_ExecInitialConfigs ( char *  resetcommand,
qboolean  fullvidrestart 

◆ CL_FinishDownload()

void CL_FinishDownload ( char *  filename,
char *  tempname 

◆ CL_FinishDownload_f()

void CL_FinishDownload_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Fog_f()

void CL_Fog_f ( void  )

◆ CL_FreeSpace_f()

void CL_FreeSpace_f ( void  )

◆ CL_FTP_f()

void CL_FTP_f ( void  )

◆ CL_FullInfo_f()

void CL_FullInfo_f ( void  )

◆ CL_GUIDString()

char * CL_GUIDString ( netadr_t adr)

◆ CL_Init()

void CL_Init ( void  )

◆ CL_IRCConnect_f()

void CL_IRCConnect_f ( void  )

◆ CL_MakeActive()

void CL_MakeActive ( char *  gamename)

◆ CL_MVDUpdateSpectator()

void CL_MVDUpdateSpectator ( void  )

◆ CL_NextDemo()

void CL_NextDemo ( void  )

◆ CL_Observe_f()

void CL_Observe_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Packet_f()

void CL_Packet_f ( void  )

◆ CL_PakDownloads()

void CL_PakDownloads ( int  mode)

◆ CL_ParseColour()

int CL_ParseColour ( const char *  colt)

◆ CL_ParseQTVDescriptor()

void CL_ParseQTVDescriptor ( vfsfile_t f,
const char *  name 

◆ CL_PlayDemoStream()

void CL_PlayDemoStream ( vfsfile_t file,
char *  filename,
qboolean  issyspath,
int  demotype,
float  bufferdelay 

◆ CL_Quit_f()

void CL_Quit_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Rcon_f()

void CL_Rcon_f ( void  )

◆ CL_ReadCDKey()

void CL_ReadCDKey ( void  )

◆ CL_ReadPacket()

void CL_ReadPacket ( void  )

◆ CL_ReadPackets()

void CL_ReadPackets ( void  )

◆ CL_Reconnect_f()

void CL_Reconnect_f ( void  )

◆ CL_ResetFog()

void CL_ResetFog ( int  ftype)

◆ CL_SaveInfo()

void CL_SaveInfo ( vfsfile_t f)

◆ CL_Sbar_Callback()

void QDECL CL_Sbar_Callback ( struct cvar_s var,
char *  oldvalue 

◆ CL_ServerInfo_f()

void CL_ServerInfo_f ( void  )

◆ CL_SetInfo()

void CL_SetInfo ( int  pnum,
const char *  key,
const char *  value 

◆ CL_SetInfo_f()

void CL_SetInfo_f ( void  )

◆ CL_SetInfoBlob()

void CL_SetInfoBlob ( int  pnum,
const char *  key,
const char *  value,
size_t  valuesize 

◆ CL_SetInfoBlob_f()

void CL_SetInfoBlob_f ( void  )

◆ CL_SkipDownload_f()

void CL_SkipDownload_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Skygroup_f()

void CL_Skygroup_f ( void  )

◆ CL_StartCinematicOrMenu()

void CL_StartCinematicOrMenu ( void  )

◆ CL_Startdemos_f()

void CL_Startdemos_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Status_f()

void CL_Status_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Stopdemo_f()

void CL_Stopdemo_f ( void  )

◆ CL_SupportedFTEExtensions()

void CL_SupportedFTEExtensions ( unsigned int pext1,
unsigned int pext2,
unsigned int ezpext1 

◆ CL_TCPConnect_f()

void CL_TCPConnect_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Transfer()

void CL_Transfer ( netadr_t adr)

◆ CL_Transfer_f()

void CL_Transfer_f ( void  )

◆ CL_TryingToConnect()

char * CL_TryingToConnect ( void  )

◆ CL_UpdateWindowTitle()

void CL_UpdateWindowTitle ( void  )

◆ CL_User_f()

void CL_User_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Users_f()

void CL_Users_f ( void  )

◆ CL_Windows_f()

void CL_Windows_f ( void  )

◆ CL_WriteDemoMessage()

void CL_WriteDemoMessage ( sizebuf_t msg,
int  payloadoffset 

◆ CLNQ_Connect_f()

void CLNQ_Connect_f ( void  )

◆ CLNQ_ConnectionlessPacket()

void CLNQ_ConnectionlessPacket ( void  )

◆ FS_FixupGamedirForExternalFile()

qboolean FS_FixupGamedirForExternalFile ( char *  input,
char *  filename,
size_t  fnamelen 

◆ GnuTLS_Shutdown()

void GnuTLS_Shutdown ( void  )

◆ Host_BeginFileDownload()

qboolean Host_BeginFileDownload ( struct dl_download dl,
char *  mimetype 

◆ Host_DoRunFile()

void Host_DoRunFile ( hrf_t *  f)

◆ Host_EndGame()

NORETURN void VARGS Host_EndGame ( const char *  message,

◆ Host_Error()

void VARGS Host_Error ( const char *  error,

◆ Host_FinishLoading()

void Host_FinishLoading ( void  )

◆ Host_FixupModelNames()

void Host_FixupModelNames ( void  )

◆ Host_Frame()

double Host_Frame ( double  time)

◆ Host_GuessFileType()

unsigned int Host_GuessFileType ( const char *  mimetype,
const char *  filename 

◆ Host_Init()

void Host_Init ( quakeparms_t parms)

◆ Host_RunFile()

qboolean Host_RunFile ( const char *  fname,
int  nlen,
vfsfile_t file 

◆ Host_RunFileDownloaded()

void Host_RunFileDownloaded ( struct dl_download dl)

◆ Host_RunFileNotify()

void Host_RunFileNotify ( struct dl_download dl)

◆ Host_RunFilePrompted()

void Host_RunFilePrompted ( void ctx,
promptbutton_t  button 

◆ Host_Shutdown()

void Host_Shutdown ( void  )

◆ Host_SimulationTime()

qboolean Host_SimulationTime ( float  time)

◆ Host_WriteConfiguration()

void Host_WriteConfiguration ( void  )

◆ Master_Connect_f()

void Master_Connect_f ( void  )

◆ Name_Callback()

void QDECL Name_Callback ( struct cvar_s var,
char *  oldvalue 

◆ SNDDMA_SetUnderWater()

void SNDDMA_SetUnderWater ( qboolean  underwater)

◆ SV_EndRedirect()

void SV_EndRedirect ( void  )

◆ VRUI_SnapAngle()

void VRUI_SnapAngle ( void  )

Variable Documentation

◆ adr

netadr_t adr[8]

◆ bottomcolor

cvar_t bottomcolor = CVARF("bottomcolor", "12", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)

◆ cfg_save_name

cvar_t cfg_save_name = CVARFD("cfg_save_name", "fte", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "This is the config name that is saved by default when no argument is specified.")

◆ challenge

int challenge

◆ cl

◆ cl_baselines

entity_state_t* cl_baselines

◆ cl_baselines_count

int cl_baselines_count

◆ cl_chatsound

cvar_t cl_chatsound = CVAR("cl_chatsound","1")

◆ cl_controlgroup

char cl_controlgroup[] = "client operation options"

◆ cl_countpendingpl

cvar_t cl_countpendingpl = CVARD("cl_countpendingpl", "0", "If set to 1, packet loss percentages will show packets still in transit as lost, even if they might still be received.")

◆ cl_crypt_rcon

cvar_t cl_crypt_rcon = CVARFD("cl_crypt_rcon", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "Controls whether to send a hash instead of sending your rcon password as plain-text. Set to 1 for security, or 0 for backwards compatibility.\nYour command and any responses will still be sent as plain text.\nInstead, it is recommended to use rcon ONLY via dtls/tls/wss connections.")

◆ cl_deadbodyfilter

cvar_t cl_deadbodyfilter = CVARF("cl_deadbodyfilter", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ cl_defaultport

cvar_t cl_defaultport
Initial value:
CVARFD("cl_defaultport", STRINGIFY(PORT_DEFAULTSERVER), 0, "The default port used to connect to servers.")
CVARAFD("cl_defaultport", STRINGIFY(PORT_DEFAULTSERVER), "port", 0, "The default port used to connect to servers."
cvar_t cl_defaultport
Definition: cl_main.c:81
static unsigned char * to
Definition: sv_sql.c:31

◆ cl_demoreel

cvar_t cl_demoreel = CVARFD("cl_demoreel", "0", CVAR_SAVE, "When enabled, the engine will begin playing a demo loop on startup.")

◆ cl_demospeed

cvar_t cl_demospeed = CVARF("cl_demospeed", "1", 0)

◆ cl_disconnectreason

cvar_t cl_disconnectreason = CVARAFD("_cl_disconnectreason", "", "com_errorMessage", CVAR_NOSAVE, "This cvar contains the reason for the last disconnection, so that mod menus can know why things failed.")

◆ cl_dlemptyterminate

cvar_t cl_dlemptyterminate = CVARD("cl_dlemptyterminate", "1", "Terminate downloads when reciving an empty download packet. This should help work around buggy mvdsv servers.")

◆ cl_dlights

dlight_t* cl_dlights

◆ cl_download_csprogs

cvar_t cl_download_csprogs = CVARFD("cl_download_csprogs", "1", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Download updated client gamecode if available. Warning: If you clear this to avoid downloading vm code, you should also clear cl_download_packages.")

◆ cl_download_mapsrc

cvar_t cl_download_mapsrc = CVARFD("cl_download_mapsrc", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Specifies an http location prefix for map downloads. EG: \"http://example.com/path/gamemaps/\"")

◆ cl_download_packages

cvar_t cl_download_packages = CVARFD("cl_download_packages", "1", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "0=Do not download packages simply because the server is using them. 1=Download and load packages as needed (does not affect games which do not use this package). 2=Do download and install permanently (use with caution!)")

◆ cl_download_redirection

cvar_t cl_download_redirection = CVARFD("cl_download_redirection", "2", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Follow download redirection to download packages instead of individual files. Also allows the server to send nearly arbitary download commands.\n2: allows redirection only to named packages files (and demos/*.mvd), which is a bit safer.")

◆ cl_downloads

cvar_t cl_downloads = CVARAFD("cl_downloads", "1", "cl_allowDownload", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Allows you to block all automatic downloads.")

◆ cl_enemychatsound

cvar_t cl_enemychatsound = CVAR("cl_enemychatsound", "misc/talk.wav")

◆ cl_framecount

int cl_framecount

◆ cl_gibfilter

cvar_t cl_gibfilter = CVARF("cl_gibfilter", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ cl_gunanglex

cvar_t cl_gunanglex = CVAR("cl_gunanglex", "0")

◆ cl_gunangley

cvar_t cl_gunangley = CVAR("cl_gunangley", "0")

◆ cl_gunanglez

cvar_t cl_gunanglez = CVAR("cl_gunanglez", "0")

◆ cl_gunx

cvar_t cl_gunx = CVAR("cl_gunx", "0")

◆ cl_guny

cvar_t cl_guny = CVAR("cl_guny", "0")

◆ cl_gunz

cvar_t cl_gunz = CVAR("cl_gunz", "0")

◆ cl_hightrack

cvar_t cl_hightrack

◆ cl_hudswap

cvar_t cl_hudswap = CVARF("cl_hudswap", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ cl_inputgroup

char cl_inputgroup[] = "client input controls"

◆ cl_item_bobbing

cvar_t cl_item_bobbing = CVARFD("cl_model_bobbing", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Makes rotating pickup items bob too.")

◆ cl_lerp_maxdistance

cvar_t cl_lerp_maxdistance = CVARD("cl_lerp_maxdistance", "200", "Maximum distance that an entity may move between snapshots without being considered as having teleported.")

◆ cl_lerp_maxinterval

cvar_t cl_lerp_maxinterval = CVARD("cl_lerp_maxinterval", "0.3", "Maximum interval between keyframes, in seconds. Larger values can result in entities drifting very slowly when they move sporadically.")

◆ cl_lerp_players

cvar_t cl_lerp_players = CVARD("cl_lerp_players", "0", "Set this to make other players smoother, though it may increase effective latency. Affects only QuakeWorld.")

◆ cl_lightstyle

lightstyle_t* cl_lightstyle

◆ cl_loopbackprotocol

cvar_t cl_loopbackprotocol = CVARD("cl_loopbackprotocol", "qw", "Which protocol to use for single-player/the internal client. Should be one of: qw, qwid, nqid, nq, fitz, bjp3, dp6, dp7, auto. If 'auto', will use qw protocols for qw mods, and nq protocols for nq mods.")

◆ cl_max_lightstyles

size_t cl_max_lightstyles

◆ cl_max_static_entities

unsigned int cl_max_static_entities

◆ cl_maxdlights

size_t cl_maxdlights

◆ cl_maxfps

cvar_t cl_maxfps = CVARFD("cl_maxfps", "250", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Sets the maximum allowed framerate. If you're using vsync or want to uncap framerates entirely then you should probably set this to 0. Set cl_yieldcpu 0 if you're trying to benchmark.")

◆ cl_maxstris

unsigned int cl_maxstris

◆ cl_maxstrisidx

unsigned int cl_maxstrisidx

◆ cl_maxstrisvert

unsigned int cl_maxstrisvert

◆ cl_maxvisedicts

int cl_maxvisedicts

◆ cl_muzzleflash

cvar_t cl_muzzleflash = CVAR("cl_muzzleflash", "1")

◆ cl_netfps

cvar_t cl_netfps

◆ cl_noblink

cvar_t cl_noblink = CVARD("cl_noblink", "0", "Disable the ^^b text blinking feature.")

◆ cl_nofake

cvar_t cl_nofake = CVARD("cl_nofake", "2", "value 0: permits \\r chars in chat messages\nvalue 1: blocks all \\r chars\nvalue 2: allows \\r chars, but only from teammates")

◆ cl_nolerp

cvar_t cl_nolerp = CVARD("cl_nolerp", "0", "Disables interpolation. If set, missiles/monsters will be show exactly what was last received, which will be jerky. Does not affect players. A value of 2 means 'interpolate only in single-player/coop'.")

◆ cl_nolerp_netquake

cvar_t cl_nolerp_netquake = CVARD("cl_nolerp_netquake", "0", "Disables interpolation when connected to an NQ server. Does affect players, even the local player. You probably don't want to set this.")

◆ cl_nopext

cvar_t cl_nopext = CVARF("cl_nopext", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ cl_numstris

unsigned int cl_numstris

◆ cl_numstrisidx

unsigned int cl_numstrisidx

◆ cl_numstrisvert

unsigned int cl_numstrisvert

◆ cl_numvisedicts

int cl_numvisedicts

◆ cl_parsewhitetext

cvar_t cl_parsewhitetext = CVARD("cl_parsewhitetext", "1", "When parsing chat messages, enable support for messages like: red{white}red")

◆ cl_playerclass

cvar_t cl_playerclass =CVARF("cl_playerclass","", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)

◆ cl_predict_players

cvar_t cl_predict_players = CVARD("cl_predict_players", "1", "Clear this cvar to see ents exactly how they are on the server.")

◆ cl_predict_players_frac

cvar_t cl_predict_players_frac = CVARD("cl_predict_players_frac", "0.9", "How much of other players to predict. Values less than 1 will help minimize overruns.")

◆ cl_predict_players_latency

cvar_t cl_predict_players_latency = CVARD("cl_predict_players_latency", "1.0", "Push the player back according to your latency, to give a smooth consistent simulation of the server.")

◆ cl_predict_players_nudge

cvar_t cl_predict_players_nudge = CVARD("cl_predict_players_nudge", "0.02", "An extra nudge of time, to cover video latency.")

◆ cl_predictiongroup

char cl_predictiongroup[] = "Client side prediction"

◆ cl_proxyaddr

cvar_t cl_proxyaddr = CVAR("cl_proxyaddr", "")

◆ cl_pure

cvar_t cl_pure = CVARD("cl_pure", "0", "0=standard quake rules.\n1=clients should prefer files within packages present on the server.\n2=clients should use *only* files within packages present on the server.\nDue to quake 1.01/1.06 differences, a setting of 2 is only reliable with total conversions.\nIf sv_pure is set, the client will prefer the highest value set.")

◆ cl_r2g

cvar_t cl_r2g = CVARFD("cl_r2g", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Uses progs/grenade.mdl instead of progs/missile.mdl when 1.")

◆ cl_sbar

cvar_t cl_sbar = CVARFC("cl_sbar", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CL_Sbar_Callback)

◆ cl_screengroup

char cl_screengroup[] = "Screen options"

◆ cl_sendguid

cvar_t cl_sendguid = CVARD("cl_sendguid", "", "Send a randomly generated 'globally unique' id to servers, which can be used by servers for score rankings and stuff. Different servers will see different guids. Delete the 'qkey' file in order to appear as a different user.\nIf set to 2, all servers will see the same guid. Be warned that this can show other people the guid that you're using.")

◆ cl_serveraddress

cvar_t cl_serveraddress = CVARD("cl_serveraddress", "none", "The address of the last server you connected to")

◆ cl_servername

cvar_t cl_servername = CVARFD("cl_servername", "", CVAR_NOSET, "The hostname of the last server you connected to")

◆ cl_shownet

cvar_t cl_shownet = CVARD("cl_shownet","0", "Debugging var. 0 shows nothing. 1 shows incoming packet sizes. 2 shows individual messages. 3 shows entities too.")

◆ cl_solid_players

cvar_t cl_solid_players = CVARD("cl_solid_players", "1", "Consider other players as solid for player prediction.")

◆ cl_splitscreen

cvar_t cl_splitscreen = CVARD("cl_splitscreen", "0", "Enables splitscreen support. See also: allow_splitscreen, in_rawinput*, the \"p\" command.")

◆ cl_standardchat

cvar_t cl_standardchat = CVARFD("cl_standardchat", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Disables auto colour coding in chat messages.")

◆ cl_standardmsg

cvar_t cl_standardmsg = CVARFD("cl_standardmsg", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Disables auto colour coding in console prints.")

◆ cl_static_entities

static_entity_t* cl_static_entities

◆ cl_staticsounds

cvar_t cl_staticsounds = CVARF("cl_staticsounds", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ cl_stris

scenetris_t* cl_stris

◆ cl_strisidx

index_t* fte_restrict cl_strisidx

◆ cl_strisvertc

vec4_t* fte_restrict cl_strisvertc

◆ cl_strisvertt

vec2_t* fte_restrict cl_strisvertt

◆ cl_strisvertv

vecV_t* fte_restrict cl_strisvertv

◆ cl_teamchatsound

cvar_t cl_teamchatsound = CVAR("cl_teamchatsound", "misc/talk.wav")

◆ cl_threadedphysics

cvar_t cl_threadedphysics = CVARD("cl_threadedphysics", "0", "When set, client input frames are generated and sent on a worker thread")

◆ cl_timeout

cvar_t cl_timeout = CVAR("cl_timeout", "60")

◆ cl_visedicts

entity_t* cl_visedicts

◆ cl_yieldcpu

cvar_t cl_yieldcpu = CVARFD("cl_yieldcpu", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Attempt to yield between frames. This can resolve issues with certain drivers and background software, but can mean less consistant frame times. Will reduce power consumption/heat generation so should be set on laptops or similar (over-hot/battery powered) devices.")

◆ clchallenge

int clchallenge

◆ clogged

qboolean clogged

◆ cls

◆ compresscrc

unsigned int compresscrc

◆ current_loading_size

int current_loading_size

◆ defaultport

int defaultport

◆ emodel_name

char emodel_name[]
Initial value:
{ 'e' ^ 0xff, 'm' ^ 0xff, 'o' ^ 0xff, 'd' ^ 0xff, 'e' ^ 0xff, 'l' ^ 0xff, 0 }


struct { ... } ext

◆ ez1

unsigned int ez1

◆ forcesaveprompt

qboolean forcesaveprompt

◆ fps_count

int fps_count

◆ fte1

unsigned int fte1

◆ fte2

unsigned int fte2

◆ gl_simpleitems

cvar_t gl_simpleitems = CVARFD("gl_simpleitems", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Replace models with simpler sprites.")

◆ guid

unsigned char guid[64]

◆ guidsalt

unsigned char guidsalt[64]

◆ h2playertranslations

qbyte* h2playertranslations

◆ host_abort

jmp_buf host_abort

◆ host_basepal

qbyte* host_basepal

◆ host_framecount

int host_framecount

◆ host_speeds

cvar_t host_speeds = CVAR("host_speeds","0")

◆ hud_miniscores_show

cvar_t* hud_miniscores_show

◆ hud_tracking_show

cvar_t* hud_tracking_show

◆ istransfer

qboolean istransfer

◆ loading_stage

int loading_stage

◆ localid

cvar_t localid = SCVAR("localid", "")

◆ lookspring

cvar_t lookspring = CVARFD("lookspring","0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Recentre the camera when the mouse-look is released.")

◆ lookstrafe

cvar_t lookstrafe = CVARFD("lookstrafe","0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Mouselook enables mouse strafing.")

◆ m_forward

cvar_t m_forward = CVARF("m_forward","1", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ m_pitch

cvar_t m_pitch = CVARF("m_pitch","0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ m_side

cvar_t m_side = CVARF("m_side","0.8", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ m_yaw

cvar_t m_yaw = CVARF("m_yaw","0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ mod_precache

cvar_t mod_precache = CVARD("mod_precache","1", "Controls when models are loaded.\n0: Load them only when they're actually needed.\n1: Load them upfront.\n2: Lazily load them to shorten load times at the risk of brief stuttering during only the start of the map.")

◆ mode

GLenum mode

◆ model

cvar_t model = CVARAF("model", "", "_cl_playermodel", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)

◆ modellist_name

char modellist_name[]
Initial value:
{ 'm'^0xff, 'o'^0xff, 'd'^0xff, 'e'^0xff, 'l'^0xff, 'l'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, 's'^0xff, 't'^0xff,
' '^0xff, '%'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, ' '^0xff, '%'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, 0 }

◆ msg

cvar_t msg = CVARFD("msg", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, "Filter console prints/messages. Only functions on QuakeWorld servers. 0=pickup messages. 1=death messages. 2=critical messages. 3=chat.")

◆ msg_filter

cvar_t msg_filter = CVARD("msg_filter", "0", "Filter out chat messages: 0=neither. 1=broadcast chat. 2=team chat. 3=all chat.")

◆ msg_filter_frags

cvar_t msg_filter_frags = CVARD("msg_filter_frags", "0", "Prevents frag messages from appearing on the console.")

◆ msg_filter_pickups

cvar_t msg_filter_pickups = CVARD("msg_filter_pickups", "0", "Prevents pickup messages from appearing on the console. This would normally be filtered by 'msg 1', but nq servers cannot respect that (nor nq mods running in qw servers).")

◆ mtu

int mtu

◆ name

const char* name = CVARFC("name", "Player", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, Name_Callback)

◆ net_compress

cvar_t net_compress

◆ nextadr

int nextadr

◆ noclip_anglehack

qboolean noclip_anglehack

◆ nomaster

qboolean nomaster

◆ nopacketcount

int nopacketcount

◆ numadr

int numadr

◆ oldrealtime

double oldrealtime

◆ password

cvar_t password = CVARAF("password", "", "pq_password", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND)

◆ peercred

struct dtlspeercred_s peercred

◆ pmodel_name

char pmodel_name[]
Initial value:
{ 'p' ^ 0xff, 'm' ^ 0xff, 'o' ^ 0xff, 'd' ^ 0xff, 'e' ^ 0xff, 'l' ^ 0xff, 0 }

◆ prespawn_name

char prespawn_name[]
Initial value:
{ 'p'^0xff, 'r'^0xff, 'e'^0xff, 's'^0xff, 'p'^0xff, 'a'^0xff, 'w'^0xff, 'n'^0xff,
' '^0xff, '%'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, ' '^0xff, '0'^0xff, ' '^0xff, '%'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, 0 }

◆ protocol

int protocol

◆ qport

int qport

◆ qtvcl_eztvextensions

cvar_t qtvcl_eztvextensions = CVAR("qtvcl_eztvextensions", "0")

◆ qtvcl_forceversion1

cvar_t qtvcl_forceversion1 = CVAR("qtvcl_forceversion1", "0")

◆ r_drawflame

cvar_t r_drawflame = CVARD("r_drawflame", "1", "Set to -1 to disable ALL static entities. Set to 0 to disable only wall torches and standing flame. Set to 1 for everything drawn as normal.")

◆ r_lightflicker

cvar_t r_lightflicker = CVAR("r_lightflicker", "1")

◆ r_powerupglow

cvar_t r_powerupglow = CVAR("r_powerupglow", "1")

◆ r_rocketlight

cvar_t r_rocketlight = CVARFC("r_rocketlight", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, Cvar_Limiter_ZeroToOne_Callback)

◆ r_torch

cvar_t r_torch = CVARFD("r_torch", "0", CVAR_CHEAT, "Generate a dynamic light at the player's position.")

◆ rate

cvar_t rate = CVARAFD("rate", "30000", "_cl_rate", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, "A rough measure of the bandwidth to try to use while playing. Too high a value may result in 'buffer bloat'.")

◆ rcon_address

cvar_t rcon_address = CVARF("rcon_address", "", CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND)

◆ rcon_password

cvar_t rcon_password = CVARF("rcon_password", "", CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND)

◆ record_flush

cvar_t record_flush = CVARD("record_flush", "0", "If set, explicitly flushes demo data to disk while recording. This may be inefficient, depending on how your operating system is configured.")

◆ requiredownloads

cvar_t requiredownloads = CVARAFD("cl_download_wait", "1", "requiredownloads", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "0=join the game before downloads have even finished (might be laggy). 1=wait for all downloads to complete before joining.")

◆ resolving

qboolean resolving

◆ rgb

unsigned int rgb

◆ rtlights_first

size_t rtlights_first

◆ rtlights_max

size_t rtlights_max

◆ ruleset_allow_fbmodels

cvar_t ruleset_allow_fbmodels = CVARFD("ruleset_allow_fbmodels", "0", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "When 1, allows all models to be displayed fullbright, completely ignoring the lightmaps. This feature exists only for parity with ezquake's defaults."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_frj

cvar_t ruleset_allow_frj = CVARD("ruleset_allow_frj", "1", "Specifies whether Forward-Rocket-Jump scripts are allowed in the current ruleset. If 0, limits on yaw speed will be imposed so they cannot be scripted."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_larger_models

cvar_t ruleset_allow_larger_models = CVARD("ruleset_allow_larger_models", "1", "Enforces a maximum bounds limit on models, to prevent the use of additional spikes attached to the model from being used as a kind of wallhack."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_localvolume

cvar_t ruleset_allow_localvolume = CVARD("ruleset_allow_localvolume", "1", "Allows the use of the snd_playersoundvolume cvar. Muting your own sounds can make it easier to hear where your opponent is."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_modified_eyes

cvar_t ruleset_allow_modified_eyes = CVARD("ruleset_allow_modified_eyes", "0", "When 0, completely hides progs/eyes.mdl if it is not strictly identical to vanilla quake."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_overlongsounds

cvar_t ruleset_allow_overlongsounds = CVARD("ruleset_allow_overlong_sounds", "1", "A setting of 0 will block the use of extra-long pickup sounds as item respawn timers."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_packet

cvar_t ruleset_allow_packet = CVARD("ruleset_allow_packet", "1", "If 0, network packets sent via the 'packet' command will be blocked. This makes scripting timers a little harder."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_particle_lightning

cvar_t ruleset_allow_particle_lightning = CVARD("ruleset_allow_particle_lightning", "1", "A setting of 0 blocks using the particle system to replace lightning gun trails. This prevents making the trails thinner thus preventing them from obscuring your view of your enemies."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_playercount

cvar_t ruleset_allow_playercount = CVARD("ruleset_allow_playercount", "1", "Specifies whether teamplay triggers that count nearby players are allowed in the current ruleset."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_semicheats

cvar_t ruleset_allow_semicheats = CVARD("ruleset_allow_semicheats", "1", "If 0, this blocks a range of cvars that are marked as semi-cheats. Such cvars will be locked to their empty/0 value."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_sensitive_texture_replacements

cvar_t ruleset_allow_sensitive_texture_replacements = CVARD("ruleset_allow_sensitive_texture_replacements", "1", "Allows the replacement of certain model textures (as well as the models themselves). This prevents adding extra fullbrights to make them blatently obvious."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_shaders

cvar_t ruleset_allow_shaders = CVARFD("ruleset_allow_shaders", "1", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "When 0, this completely disables the use of external shader files, preventing custom shaders from being used for wallhacks."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_triggers

cvar_t ruleset_allow_triggers = CVARAD("ruleset_allow_triggers", "1", "tp_msgtriggers", "When 0, blocks the use of msg_trigger checks."RULESETADVICE)

◆ ruleset_allow_watervis

cvar_t ruleset_allow_watervis = CVARFCD("ruleset_allow_watervis", "1", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, Cvar_CheckServerInfo, "When 0, this enforces ugly opaque water."RULESETADVICE)

◆ sensitivity

cvar_t sensitivity = CVARF("sensitivity","10", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ skin

cvar_t skin = CVARAF("skin", "", "_cl_playerskin", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)

◆ soundlist_name

char soundlist_name[]
Initial value:
{ 's'^0xff, 'o'^0xff, 'u'^0xff, 'n'^0xff, 'd'^0xff, 'l'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, 's'^0xff, 't'^0xff,
' '^0xff, '%'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, ' '^0xff, '%'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, 0 }


enum { ... } ::coninfospec_e spec

◆ spectator

cvar_t spectator = CVARF("spectator", "", CVAR_USERINFO)

◆ startuppending

int startuppending

◆ subprotocol

int subprotocol

◆ team

cvar_t team = CVARF("team", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)

◆ time

double time

◆ topcolor

cvar_t topcolor = CVARF("topcolor", "13", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)

◆ total_loading_size

int total_loading_size

◆ tries

int tries

◆ trying

qboolean trying

◆ v_powerupshell

cvar_t v_powerupshell = CVARF("v_powerupshell", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ vid_renderer

cvar_t vid_renderer

◆ vrui

vrui_t vrui

◆ waitingformanifest

int waitingformanifest