Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
com_mesh.c File Reference


typedef struct md3Frame_s md3Frame_t
typedef struct zymlump_s zymlump_t
typedef struct zymtype1header_s zymtype1header_t
typedef struct zymbone_s zymbone_t
typedef struct zymscene_s zymscene_t
typedef struct zymvertex_s zymvertex_t
typedef struct pskchunk_s pskchunk_t
typedef struct pskpnts_s pskpnts_t
typedef struct pskvtxw_s pskvtxw_t
typedef struct pskface_s pskface_t
typedef struct pskmatt_s pskmatt_t
typedef struct pskpose_s pskpose_t
typedef struct pskboneinfo_s pskboneinfo_t
typedef struct pskrawweights_s pskrawweights_t
typedef struct pskaniminfo_s pskaniminfo_t
typedef struct pskanimkeys_s pskanimkeys_t


qboolean Mod_DoCRC (model_t *mod, char *buffer, int buffersize)
void QDECL Mod_AccumulateTextureVectors (vecV_t *const vc, vec2_t *const tc, vec3_t *nv, vec3_t *sv, vec3_t *tv, const index_t *idx, int numidx, qboolean calcnorms)
void Mod_AccumulateMeshTextureVectors (mesh_t *m)
void QDECL Mod_NormaliseTextureVectors (vec3_t *n, vec3_t *s, vec3_t *t, int v, qboolean calcnorms)
void QDECL Alias_ForceConvertBoneData (skeltype_t sourcetype, const float *sourcedata, size_t bonecount, galiasbone_t *bones, skeltype_t desttype, float *destbuffer, size_t destbonecount)
void R_LightArraysByte_BGR (const entity_t *entity, vecV_t *coords, byte_vec4_t *colours, int vertcount, vec3_t *normals, qboolean usecolourmod)
void R_LightArrays (const entity_t *entity, vecV_t *coords, avec4_t *colours, int vertcount, vec3_t *normals, float scale, qboolean colormod)
void Alias_FlushCache (void)
void Alias_Shutdown (void)
qboolean Alias_GAliasBuildMesh (mesh_t *mesh, vbo_t **vbop, galiasinfo_t *inf, int surfnum, entity_t *e, qboolean usebones)
 if (meshcache.bonegroup !=inf->shares_bones)
 if (!e->framestate.g[FS_REG].lerpweight[0] &&!e->framestate.g[FS_REG].lerpweight[1] &&!e->framestate.g[FS_REG].lerpweight[2] &&!e->framestate.g[FS_REG].lerpweight[3]) Con_Printf("Entity with no lerp info\n")
 if (vbop)
else if (inf->numbones)
 if (e->framestate.g[FS_REG].lerpweight[2]||e->framestate.g[FS_REG].lerpweight[3]) Con_ThrottlePrintf(&printtimer
 Alias_GAliasBuildMesh (%s)
 VectorAdd (p1, r_refdef.pvsorigin, edge1)
 VectorAdd (p2, r_refdef.pvsorigin, edge2)
 VectorAdd (p3, r_refdef.pvsorigin, edge3)
 CLQ1_DrawLine (lineshader, edge1, edge2, 0, 1, 0, 1)
 CLQ1_DrawLine (lineshader, edge2, edge3, 0, 1, 0, 1)
 CLQ1_DrawLine (lineshader, edge3, edge1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
 VectorSubtract (p1, p2, edge1)
 VectorSubtract (p3, p2, edge2)
 CrossProduct (edge1, edge2, normal)
 VectorNormalize (normal)
 if (!normal[0] &&!normal[1] &&!normal[2]) continue
 if (diststart< planedist) continue
 if (distend, planedist)
 if (frac >=trace->truefraction) continue
 for (j=0;j< 3;j++)
 CrossProduct (edge1, normal, edgenormal)
 VectorNormalize (edgenormal)
 if (DotProduct(impactpoint, edgenormal) > DotProduct(p2, edgenormal) -PlaneNearest(edgenormal, mins, maxs)+DIST_EPSILON) continue
 CrossProduct (normal, edge2, edgenormal)
 if (DotProduct(impactpoint, edgenormal) > DotProduct(p3, edgenormal) -PlaneNearest(edgenormal, mins, maxs)+DIST_EPSILON) continue
 VectorSubtract (p1, p3, edge3)
 CrossProduct (normal, edge3, edgenormal)
 if (DotProduct(impactpoint, edgenormal) > DotProduct(p1, edgenormal) -PlaneNearest(edgenormal, mins, maxs)+DIST_EPSILON) continue
 VectorCopy (normal, trace->plane.normal)
qboolean Mod_Mesh_EdictInFatPVS (struct model_s *model, const struct pvscache_s *edict, const qbyte *pvs, const int *areas)
void Mod_Mesh_FindTouchedLeafs (struct model_s *model, struct pvscache_s *ent, const vec3_t cullmins, const vec3_t cullmaxs)
void Mod_DestroyMesh (galiasinfo_t *galias)
void Mod_LoadAliasShaders (model_t *mod)
int Mod_GetNumBones (model_t *model, qboolean allowtags)
int Mod_GetBoneRelations (model_t *model, int firstbone, int lastbone, framestate_t *fstate, float *result)
galiasbone_tMod_GetBoneInfo (model_t *model, int *numbones)
int Mod_GetBoneParent (model_t *model, int bonenum)
const char * Mod_GetBoneName (model_t *model, int bonenum)
qboolean Mod_GetTag (model_t *model, int tagnum, framestate_t *fstate, float *result)
int Mod_TagNumForName (model_t *model, const char *name, int firsttag)
int Mod_FrameNumForName (model_t *model, int surfaceidx, const char *name)
int Mod_FrameNumForAction (model_t *model, int surfaceidx, int actionid)
qboolean Mod_GetModelEvent (model_t *model, int animation, int eventidx, float *timestamp, int *eventcode, char **eventdata)
int Mod_SkinNumForName (model_t *model, int surfaceidx, const char *name)
const char * Mod_FrameNameForNum (model_t *model, int surfaceidx, int num)
qboolean Mod_FrameInfoForNum (model_t *model, int surfaceidx, int num, char **name, int *numframes, float *duration, qboolean *loop, int *act)
shader_tMod_ShaderForSkin (model_t *model, int surfaceidx, int num, float time, texnums_t **out_texnums)
const char * Mod_SkinNameForNum (model_t *model, int surfaceidx, int num)
const char * Mod_SurfaceNameForNum (model_t *model, int num)
float Mod_GetFrameDuration (model_t *model, int surfaceidx, int frameno)
int Mod_GetFrameCount (struct model_s *model)


qboolean r_loadbumpmapping
cvar_t r_noframegrouplerp
cvar_t r_lerpmuzzlehack = CVARF ("r_lerpmuzzlehack", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t mod_h2holey_bugged = CVARD ("mod_h2holey_bugged", "0", "Hexen2's holey-model flag uses index 0 as transparent (and additionally 255 in gl, due to a bug). GLQuake engines tend to have bugs that use ONLY index 255, resulting in a significant compatibility issue that can be resolved only with this shitty cvar hack.")
cvar_t mod_halftexel = CVARD ("mod_halftexel", "1", "Offset texture coords by a half-texel, for compatibility with glquake and the majority of engine forks.")
cvar_t mod_nomipmap = CVARD ("mod_nomipmap", "0", "Disables the use of mipmaps on quake1 mdls, consistent with its original software renderer.")
cvar_t mod_obj_orientation = CVARD("mod_obj_orientation", "1", "Controls how the model's axis are interpreted.\n0: x=forward, z=up (Quake)\n1: x=forward, y=up\n2: z=forward, y=up")
cvar_t mod_md5_singleanimation = CVARD("mod_md5_singleanimation", "1", "When loading an md5mesh file, also attempt to load an .md5anim file, and unpack it into individual poses. Use 0 for mods that will be precaching their own md5anims for use with skeletal objects.")
cvar_t r_meshpitch = CVARCD ("r_meshpitch", "1", r_meshpitch_callback, "Specifies the direction of the pitch angle on mesh models formats, also affects gamecode, so do not change from its default.")
cvar_t r_meshroll = CVARCD ("r_meshroll", "1", r_meshpitch_callback, "Specifies the direction of the roll angle on mesh models formats, also affects gamecode, so do not change from its default.")
cvar_t dpcompat_skinfiles = CVARD ("dpcompat_skinfiles", "0", "When set, uses a nodraw shader for any unmentioned surfaces.")
cvar_t gl_part_flame
cvar_t r_fullbrightSkins
cvar_t r_fb_models
cvar_t r_noaliasshadows
cvar_t r_skin_overlays
cvar_t mod_md3flags
struct {
   int   numcoords
   vecV_t *   coords
   int   numnorm
   vec3_t *   norm
   int   bonegroup
   int   vertgroup
   entity_t *   ent
   boneidx_t *   bonemap
   float   gpubones [MAX_BONES *12]
   float   boneposebuffer1 [MAX_BONES *12]
   float   boneposebuffer2 [MAX_BONES *12]
   skeltype_t   bonecachetype
   const float *   usebonepose
   int   bonecount
   qboolean   usebones
   vecV_t *   acoords1
   vecV_t *   acoords2
   vec3_t *   anorm
   vec3_t *   anorms
   vec3_t *   anormt
   float   lerp
   vbo_t   vbo
   vbo_t *   vbop
mesh trneighbors = inf->ofs_trineighbours
mesh normals_array = meshcache.norm
mesh snormals_array = meshcache.norm+meshcache.numnorm
mesh tnormals_array = meshcache.norm+meshcache.numnorm*2
mesh xyz_array = meshcache.coords
return false
float lerpcutoff
int frame1
int frame2
float fg1time
 extend = PlaneNearest(normal, mins, maxs)
 planedist = DotProduct(p1, normal)-extend
 diststart = DotProduct(start, normal)
 distend = DotProduct(end, normal)
 frac = (diststart - planedist) / (diststart-distend)
trace truefraction = frac
trace endpos [0] = start[0] + frac*(end[0] - start[0])
trace plane dist = planedist
trace triangle_id = 1+i/3
 impacted = true
float r_avertexnormals [NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3]
vec3_t bytedirs [Q2NUMVERTEXNORMALS]
cvar_t dpcompat_psa_ungroup

Typedef Documentation

◆ md3Frame_t

typedef struct md3Frame_s md3Frame_t

◆ pskaniminfo_t

typedef struct pskaniminfo_s pskaniminfo_t

◆ pskanimkeys_t

typedef struct pskanimkeys_s pskanimkeys_t

◆ pskboneinfo_t

typedef struct pskboneinfo_s pskboneinfo_t

◆ pskchunk_t

typedef struct pskchunk_s pskchunk_t

◆ pskface_t

typedef struct pskface_s pskface_t

◆ pskmatt_t

typedef struct pskmatt_s pskmatt_t

◆ pskpnts_t

typedef struct pskpnts_s pskpnts_t

◆ pskpose_t

typedef struct pskpose_s pskpose_t

◆ pskrawweights_t

typedef struct pskrawweights_s pskrawweights_t

◆ pskvtxw_t

typedef struct pskvtxw_s pskvtxw_t

◆ zymbone_t

typedef struct zymbone_s zymbone_t

◆ zymlump_t

typedef struct zymlump_s zymlump_t

◆ zymscene_t

typedef struct zymscene_s zymscene_t

◆ zymtype1header_t

typedef struct zymtype1header_s zymtype1header_t

◆ zymvertex_t

typedef struct zymvertex_s zymvertex_t

Function Documentation

◆ Alias_FlushCache()

void Alias_FlushCache ( void  )

◆ Alias_ForceConvertBoneData()

void QDECL Alias_ForceConvertBoneData ( skeltype_t  sourcetype,
const float *  sourcedata,
size_t  bonecount,
galiasbone_t bones,
skeltype_t  desttype,
float *  destbuffer,
size_t  destbonecount 

◆ Alias_GAliasBuildMesh() [1/2]

Alias_GAliasBuildMesh ( s)

◆ Alias_GAliasBuildMesh() [2/2]

qboolean Alias_GAliasBuildMesh ( mesh_t mesh,
vbo_t **  vbop,
galiasinfo_t inf,
int  surfnum,
entity_t e,
qboolean  usebones 

◆ Alias_Shutdown()

void Alias_Shutdown ( void  )

◆ CLQ1_DrawLine() [1/3]

CLQ1_DrawLine ( lineshader  ,
edge1  ,
edge2  ,

◆ CLQ1_DrawLine() [2/3]

CLQ1_DrawLine ( lineshader  ,
edge2  ,
edge3  ,

◆ CLQ1_DrawLine() [3/3]

CLQ1_DrawLine ( lineshader  ,
edge3  ,
edge1  ,

◆ CrossProduct() [1/4]

CrossProduct ( edge1  ,
edge2  ,

◆ CrossProduct() [2/4]

CrossProduct ( edge1  ,
normal  ,

◆ CrossProduct() [3/4]

CrossProduct ( normal  ,
edge2  ,

◆ CrossProduct() [4/4]

CrossProduct ( normal  ,
edge3  ,

◆ for()

for ( )

◆ if() [1/12]

if ( !e->framestate.g.lerpweight &&!e->framestate.g.lerpweight &&!e->framestate.g.lerpweight &&!e->framestate.g.  lerpweight[FS_REG][0][FS_REG][1][FS_REG][2][FS_REG][3])

◆ if() [2/12]

if ( !normal &&!normal &&!  normal[0][1][2])

◆ if() [3/12]

if ( distend  ,

◆ if() [4/12]

if ( )

◆ if() [5/12]

if ( DotProduct(impactpoint, edgenormal)  ,
DotProduct(p1, edgenormal) -PlaneNearest(edgenormal, mins, maxs)+  DIST_EPSILON 

◆ if() [6/12]

if ( DotProduct(impactpoint, edgenormal)  ,
DotProduct(p2, edgenormal) -PlaneNearest(edgenormal, mins, maxs)+  DIST_EPSILON 

◆ if() [7/12]

if ( DotProduct(impactpoint, edgenormal)  ,
DotProduct(p3, edgenormal) -PlaneNearest(edgenormal, mins, maxs)+  DIST_EPSILON 

◆ if() [8/12]

if ( e->framestate.g.lerpweight||e->framestate.g.  lerpweight[FS_REG][2][FS_REG][3]) &

◆ if() [9/12]

if ( frac >=trace->  truefraction)

◆ if() [10/12]

else if ( inf->  numbones)

◆ if() [11/12]

if ( meshcache.bonegroup = inf->shares_bones)

◆ if() [12/12]

if ( vbop  )

◆ Mod_AccumulateMeshTextureVectors()

void Mod_AccumulateMeshTextureVectors ( mesh_t m)

◆ Mod_AccumulateTextureVectors()

void QDECL Mod_AccumulateTextureVectors ( vecV_t *const  vc,
vec2_t *const  tc,
vec3_t nv,
vec3_t sv,
vec3_t tv,
const index_t idx,
int  numidx,
qboolean  calcnorms 

◆ Mod_DestroyMesh()

void Mod_DestroyMesh ( galiasinfo_t galias)

◆ Mod_DoCRC()

qboolean Mod_DoCRC ( model_t mod,
char *  buffer,
int  buffersize 

◆ Mod_FrameInfoForNum()

qboolean Mod_FrameInfoForNum ( model_t model,
int  surfaceidx,
int  num,
char **  name,
int numframes,
float *  duration,
qboolean loop,
int act 

◆ Mod_FrameNameForNum()

const char * Mod_FrameNameForNum ( model_t model,
int  surfaceidx,
int  num 

◆ Mod_FrameNumForAction()

int Mod_FrameNumForAction ( model_t model,
int  surfaceidx,
int  actionid 

◆ Mod_FrameNumForName()

int Mod_FrameNumForName ( model_t model,
int  surfaceidx,
const char *  name 

◆ Mod_GetBoneInfo()

galiasbone_t * Mod_GetBoneInfo ( model_t model,
int numbones 

◆ Mod_GetBoneName()

const char * Mod_GetBoneName ( model_t model,
int  bonenum 

◆ Mod_GetBoneParent()

int Mod_GetBoneParent ( model_t model,
int  bonenum 

◆ Mod_GetBoneRelations()

int Mod_GetBoneRelations ( model_t model,
int  firstbone,
int  lastbone,
framestate_t fstate,
float *  result 

◆ Mod_GetFrameCount()

int Mod_GetFrameCount ( struct model_s model)

◆ Mod_GetFrameDuration()

float Mod_GetFrameDuration ( model_t model,
int  surfaceidx,
int  frameno 

◆ Mod_GetModelEvent()

qboolean Mod_GetModelEvent ( model_t model,
int  animation,
int  eventidx,
float *  timestamp,
int eventcode,
char **  eventdata 

◆ Mod_GetNumBones()

int Mod_GetNumBones ( model_t model,
qboolean  allowtags 

◆ Mod_GetTag()

qboolean Mod_GetTag ( model_t model,
int  tagnum,
framestate_t fstate,
float *  result 

◆ Mod_LoadAliasShaders()

void Mod_LoadAliasShaders ( model_t mod)

◆ Mod_Mesh_EdictInFatPVS()

qboolean Mod_Mesh_EdictInFatPVS ( struct model_s model,
const struct pvscache_s edict,
const qbyte pvs,
const int areas 

◆ Mod_Mesh_FindTouchedLeafs()

void Mod_Mesh_FindTouchedLeafs ( struct model_s model,
struct pvscache_s ent,
const vec3_t  cullmins,
const vec3_t  cullmaxs 

◆ Mod_NormaliseTextureVectors()

void QDECL Mod_NormaliseTextureVectors ( vec3_t n,
vec3_t s,
vec3_t t,
int  v,
qboolean  calcnorms 

◆ Mod_ShaderForSkin()

shader_t * Mod_ShaderForSkin ( model_t model,
int  surfaceidx,
int  num,
float  time,
texnums_t **  out_texnums 

◆ Mod_SkinNameForNum()

const char * Mod_SkinNameForNum ( model_t model,
int  surfaceidx,
int  num 

◆ Mod_SkinNumForName()

int Mod_SkinNumForName ( model_t model,
int  surfaceidx,
const char *  name 

◆ Mod_SurfaceNameForNum()

const char * Mod_SurfaceNameForNum ( model_t model,
int  num 

◆ Mod_TagNumForName()

int Mod_TagNumForName ( model_t model,
const char *  name,
int  firsttag 

◆ R_LightArrays()

void R_LightArrays ( const entity_t entity,
vecV_t *  coords,
avec4_t *  colours,
int  vertcount,
vec3_t normals,
float  scale,
qboolean  colormod 

◆ R_LightArraysByte_BGR()

void R_LightArraysByte_BGR ( const entity_t entity,
vecV_t *  coords,
byte_vec4_t *  colours,
int  vertcount,
vec3_t normals,
qboolean  usecolourmod 

◆ VectorAdd() [1/3]

VectorAdd ( p1  ,
r_refdef.  pvsorigin,
Initial value:
shader_t *lineshader = R_RegisterShader("lineshader", SUF_NONE,
"map $whiteimage\n"
"blendfunc add\n"
"rgbgen vertex\n"
"alphagen vertex\n"
shader_t *QDECL R_RegisterShader(const char *name, unsigned int usageflags, const char *shaderscript)
Definition: gl_shader.c:8470
Definition: shader.h:602

◆ VectorAdd() [2/3]

VectorAdd ( p2  ,
r_refdef.  pvsorigin,

◆ VectorAdd() [3/3]

VectorAdd ( p3  ,
r_refdef.  pvsorigin,

◆ VectorCopy()

VectorCopy ( normal  ,
trace->plane.  normal 

◆ VectorNormalize() [1/2]

VectorNormalize ( edgenormal  )

◆ VectorNormalize() [2/2]

VectorNormalize ( normal  )

◆ VectorSubtract() [1/3]

VectorSubtract ( p1  ,
p2  ,

◆ VectorSubtract() [2/3]

VectorSubtract ( p1  ,
p3  ,

◆ VectorSubtract() [3/3]

VectorSubtract ( p3  ,
p2  ,

Variable Documentation

◆ acoords1

vecV_t* acoords1

◆ acoords2

vecV_t* acoords2

◆ anorm

vec3_t* anorm

◆ anorms

vec3_t* anorms

◆ anormt

vec3_t* anormt

◆ bonecachetype

meshcache bonecachetype = -1

◆ bonecount

int bonecount

◆ bonegroup

meshcache bonegroup = inf->shares_bones

◆ bonemap

boneidx_t* bonemap

◆ boneposebuffer1

float boneposebuffer1[MAX_BONES *12]

◆ boneposebuffer2

float boneposebuffer2[MAX_BONES *12]

◆ bytedirs

vec3_t bytedirs

◆ coords

vecV_t* coords

◆ dist

trace plane dist = planedist

◆ distend

distend = DotProduct(end, normal)

◆ diststart

diststart = DotProduct(start, normal)

◆ dpcompat_psa_ungroup

cvar_t dpcompat_psa_ungroup

◆ dpcompat_skinfiles

cvar_t dpcompat_skinfiles = CVARD ("dpcompat_skinfiles", "0", "When set, uses a nodraw shader for any unmentioned surfaces.")

◆ else

Initial value:
meshcache.usebonepose = NULL
struct @167 meshcache

◆ endpos

trace endpos = start[0] + frac*(end[0] - start[0])

◆ ent

meshcache ent = e

◆ extend

extend = PlaneNearest(normal, mins, maxs)

◆ false

return false

◆ fg1time

float fg1time

◆ frac

◆ frame1

int frame1

◆ frame2

int frame2

◆ g1

◆ g2

◆ gl_part_flame

cvar_t gl_part_flame

◆ gpubones

float gpubones[MAX_BONES *12]

◆ impacted

return impacted = true

◆ lerp

float lerp

◆ lerpcutoff

float lerpcutoff


struct { ... } meshcache

◆ mod_h2holey_bugged

cvar_t mod_h2holey_bugged = CVARD ("mod_h2holey_bugged", "0", "Hexen2's holey-model flag uses index 0 as transparent (and additionally 255 in gl, due to a bug). GLQuake engines tend to have bugs that use ONLY index 255, resulting in a significant compatibility issue that can be resolved only with this shitty cvar hack.")

◆ mod_halftexel

cvar_t mod_halftexel = CVARD ("mod_halftexel", "1", "Offset texture coords by a half-texel, for compatibility with glquake and the majority of engine forks.")

◆ mod_md3flags

cvar_t mod_md3flags

◆ mod_md5_singleanimation

cvar_t mod_md5_singleanimation = CVARD("mod_md5_singleanimation", "1", "When loading an md5mesh file, also attempt to load an .md5anim file, and unpack it into individual poses. Use 0 for mods that will be precaching their own md5anims for use with skeletal objects.")

◆ mod_nomipmap

cvar_t mod_nomipmap = CVARD ("mod_nomipmap", "0", "Disables the use of mipmaps on quake1 mdls, consistent with its original software renderer.")

◆ mod_obj_orientation

cvar_t mod_obj_orientation = CVARD("mod_obj_orientation", "1", "Controls how the model's axis are interpreted.\n0: x=forward, z=up (Quake)\n1: x=forward, y=up\n2: z=forward, y=up")

◆ n


◆ norm

vec3_t* norm

◆ normals_array

mesh normals_array = meshcache.norm

◆ numcoords

int numcoords

◆ numnorm

int numnorm

◆ planedist

planedist = DotProduct(p1, normal)-extend

◆ r_avertexnormals

float r_avertexnormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3]

◆ r_fb_models

cvar_t r_fb_models

◆ r_fullbrightSkins

cvar_t r_fullbrightSkins

◆ r_lerpmuzzlehack

cvar_t r_lerpmuzzlehack = CVARF ("r_lerpmuzzlehack", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ r_loadbumpmapping

qboolean r_loadbumpmapping

◆ r_meshpitch

cvar_t r_meshpitch = CVARCD ("r_meshpitch", "1", r_meshpitch_callback, "Specifies the direction of the pitch angle on mesh models formats, also affects gamecode, so do not change from its default.")

◆ r_meshroll

cvar_t r_meshroll = CVARCD ("r_meshroll", "1", r_meshpitch_callback, "Specifies the direction of the roll angle on mesh models formats, also affects gamecode, so do not change from its default.")

◆ r_noaliasshadows

cvar_t r_noaliasshadows

◆ r_noframegrouplerp

cvar_t r_noframegrouplerp

◆ r_skin_overlays

cvar_t r_skin_overlays

◆ snormals_array

mesh snormals_array = meshcache.norm+meshcache.numnorm

◆ tnormals_array

mesh tnormals_array = meshcache.norm+meshcache.numnorm*2

◆ triangle_id

trace triangle_id = 1+i/3

◆ trneighbors

mesh trneighbors = inf->ofs_trineighbours

◆ truefraction

trace truefraction = frac

◆ usebonepose

const float* usebonepose

◆ usebones

qboolean usebones

◆ vbo

vbo_t vbo

◆ vbop

* vbop = NULL

◆ vertgroup

meshcache vertgroup = inf->shares_verts

◆ xyz_array

mesh xyz_array = meshcache.coords