Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
searchpath_s Struct Reference

#include <common.h>

Public Attributes

unsigned int flags
char logicalpath [MAX_OSPATH]
char purepath [256]
char prefix [MAX_QPATH]
int crc_check
int crc_reply
int orderkey
struct searchpath_snext
struct searchpath_snextpure

Member Data Documentation

◆ crc_check

int searchpath_s::crc_check

◆ crc_reply

int searchpath_s::crc_reply

◆ flags

unsigned int searchpath_s::flags

◆ handle

searchpathfuncs_t* searchpath_s::handle

◆ logicalpath

char searchpath_s::logicalpath[MAX_OSPATH]

◆ next

struct searchpath_s* searchpath_s::next

◆ nextpure

struct searchpath_s* searchpath_s::nextpure

◆ orderkey

int searchpath_s::orderkey

◆ prefix

char searchpath_s::prefix[MAX_QPATH]

◆ purepath

char searchpath_s::purepath[256]

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: