Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
menu.c File Reference


void Menu_KeyEvent (qboolean isdown, int deviceid, int key, int unicode)
qboolean Menu_IsLinked (menu_t *menu)
menu_tMenu_FindContext (void *ctx)
void Menu_Unlink (menu_t *menu, qboolean forced)
void Menu_Push (menu_t *menu, qboolean prompt)
void Menu_PopAll (void)
int Menu_WantOSK (void)
void Menu_Draw (void)
void Prompts_Draw (void)
void M_DrawScalePic (int x, int y, int w, int h, mpic_t *pic)
void M_DrawTextBox (int x, int y, int width, int lines)
int QDECL M_FindKeysForBind (int bindmap, const char *command, int *keylist, int *keymods, int keycount)
int M_FindKeysForCommand (int bindmap, int pnum, const char *command, int *keylist, int *keymods, int keycount)
void M_ToggleMenu_f (void)
void M_Init_Internal (void)
void M_Restart_f (void)
void Menu_Prompt (void(*callback)(void *, promptbutton_t), void *ctx, const char *messages, const char *optionyes, const char *optionno, const char *optioncancel, qboolean highpri)
void M_Menu_Audio_f (void)
void M_Menu_Demos_f (void)
void M_Menu_Mods_f (void)
void M_Menu_ModelViewer_f (void)
void M_Menu_ModelViewer_c (int argn, const char *partial, struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s *ctx)
void M_ConfigureNetSubsystem (void)
void M_Print (int cx, int cy, qbyte *str)
void M_PrintWhite (int cx, int cy, qbyte *str)
void M_BuildTranslationTable (unsigned int pc, unsigned int top, unsigned int bottom, unsigned int *translationTable)
void M_CloseMenu_f (void)
void M_Menu_Keys_f (void)
void M_UnbindCommand (const char *command)
void M_Help_Draw (emenu_t *m)
qboolean M_Help_Key (struct emenu_s *m, int key, unsigned int unicode)
void M_Menu_Help_f (void)
void Cmd_WriteConfig_f (void)
void M_Menu_Quit_f (void)
void M_Menu_Credits_f (void)
void M_Menu_ServerList2_f (void)
void M_QuickConnect_f (void)
void M_Menu_MediaFiles_f (void)
void M_Menu_FPS_f (void)
void M_Menu_Lighting_f (void)
void M_Menu_Render_f (void)
void M_Menu_Textures_f (void)
void M_Menu_Teamplay_f (void)
void M_Menu_Teamplay_Locations_f (void)
void M_Menu_Teamplay_Needs_f (void)
void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_f (void)
void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Armor_f (void)
void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Weapons_f (void)
void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Powerups_f (void)
void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Ammo_Health_f (void)
void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Team_Fortress_f (void)
void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Status_Location_Misc_f (void)
void M_Menu_Network_f (void)
void M_Menu_Singleplayer_Cheats_f (void)
void M_Menu_Particles_f (void)
void M_Menu_Audio_Speakers_f (void)
void Menu_DownloadStuff_f (void)
void M_DeInit_Internal (void)
void M_Shutdown (qboolean total)
void M_Reinit (void)
void FPS_Preset_f (void)
void FPS_Preset_c (int argn, const char *partial, struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s *ctx)
void M_MenuPop_f (void)
void M_Init (void)
int M_GameType (void)


cvar_t m_helpismedia = CVAR("m_helpismedia", "0")
cvar_t m_preset_chosen = CVARF("m_preset_chosen", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
bindnames_t qwbindnames []
bindnames_t q2bindnames []
bindnames_t h2bindnames []
bindnames_t * bindnames
int numbindnames
int keys_cursor
int bind_grab

Function Documentation

◆ Cmd_WriteConfig_f()

void Cmd_WriteConfig_f ( void  )

◆ FPS_Preset_c()

void FPS_Preset_c ( int  argn,
const char *  partial,
struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s ctx 

◆ FPS_Preset_f()

void FPS_Preset_f ( void  )

◆ M_BuildTranslationTable()

void M_BuildTranslationTable ( unsigned int  pc,
unsigned int  top,
unsigned int  bottom,
unsigned int translationTable 

◆ M_CloseMenu_f()

void M_CloseMenu_f ( void  )

◆ M_ConfigureNetSubsystem()

void M_ConfigureNetSubsystem ( void  )

◆ M_DeInit_Internal()

void M_DeInit_Internal ( void  )

◆ M_DrawScalePic()

void M_DrawScalePic ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
mpic_t *  pic 

◆ M_DrawTextBox()

void M_DrawTextBox ( int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  lines 

◆ M_FindKeysForBind()

int QDECL M_FindKeysForBind ( int  bindmap,
const char *  command,
int keylist,
int keymods,
int  keycount 

◆ M_FindKeysForCommand()

int M_FindKeysForCommand ( int  bindmap,
int  pnum,
const char *  command,
int keylist,
int keymods,
int  keycount 

◆ M_GameType()

int M_GameType ( void  )

◆ M_Help_Draw()

void M_Help_Draw ( emenu_t m)

◆ M_Help_Key()

qboolean M_Help_Key ( struct emenu_s m,
int  key,
unsigned int  unicode 

◆ M_Init()

void M_Init ( void  )

◆ M_Init_Internal()

void M_Init_Internal ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Audio_f()

void M_Menu_Audio_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Audio_Speakers_f()

void M_Menu_Audio_Speakers_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Credits_f()

void M_Menu_Credits_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Demos_f()

void M_Menu_Demos_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_FPS_f()

void M_Menu_FPS_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Help_f()

void M_Menu_Help_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Keys_f()

void M_Menu_Keys_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Lighting_f()

void M_Menu_Lighting_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_MediaFiles_f()

void M_Menu_MediaFiles_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_ModelViewer_c()

void M_Menu_ModelViewer_c ( int  argn,
const char *  partial,
struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s ctx 

◆ M_Menu_ModelViewer_f()

void M_Menu_ModelViewer_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Mods_f()

void M_Menu_Mods_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Network_f()

void M_Menu_Network_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Particles_f()

void M_Menu_Particles_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Quit_f()

void M_Menu_Quit_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Render_f()

void M_Menu_Render_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_ServerList2_f()

void M_Menu_ServerList2_f ( void  )


◆ M_Menu_Singleplayer_Cheats_f()

void M_Menu_Singleplayer_Cheats_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Teamplay_f()

void M_Menu_Teamplay_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Ammo_Health_f()

void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Ammo_Health_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Armor_f()

void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Armor_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_f()

void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Powerups_f()

void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Powerups_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Status_Location_Misc_f()

void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Status_Location_Misc_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Team_Fortress_f()

void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Team_Fortress_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Weapons_f()

void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Weapons_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Teamplay_Locations_f()

void M_Menu_Teamplay_Locations_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Teamplay_Needs_f()

void M_Menu_Teamplay_Needs_f ( void  )

◆ M_Menu_Textures_f()

void M_Menu_Textures_f ( void  )

◆ M_MenuPop_f()

void M_MenuPop_f ( void  )

◆ M_Print()

void M_Print ( int  cx,
int  cy,
qbyte str 

◆ M_PrintWhite()

void M_PrintWhite ( int  cx,
int  cy,
qbyte str 

◆ M_QuickConnect_f()

void M_QuickConnect_f ( void  )

◆ M_Reinit()

void M_Reinit ( void  )

◆ M_Restart_f()

void M_Restart_f ( void  )

◆ M_Shutdown()

void M_Shutdown ( qboolean  total)

◆ M_ToggleMenu_f()

void M_ToggleMenu_f ( void  )

◆ M_UnbindCommand()

void M_UnbindCommand ( const char *  command)

◆ Menu_DownloadStuff_f()

void Menu_DownloadStuff_f ( void  )

◆ Menu_Draw()

void Menu_Draw ( void  )

◆ Menu_FindContext()

menu_t * Menu_FindContext ( void ctx)

◆ Menu_IsLinked()

qboolean Menu_IsLinked ( menu_t menu)

◆ Menu_KeyEvent()

void Menu_KeyEvent ( qboolean  isdown,
int  deviceid,
int  key,
int  unicode 

◆ Menu_PopAll()

void Menu_PopAll ( void  )

◆ Menu_Prompt()

void Menu_Prompt ( void(*)(void *, promptbutton_t callback,
void ctx,
const char *  messages,
const char *  optionyes,
const char *  optionno,
const char *  optioncancel,
qboolean  highpri 

◆ Menu_Push()

void Menu_Push ( menu_t menu,
qboolean  prompt 

◆ Menu_Unlink()

void Menu_Unlink ( menu_t menu,
qboolean  forced 

◆ Menu_WantOSK()

int Menu_WantOSK ( void  )

◆ Prompts_Draw()

void Prompts_Draw ( void  )

Variable Documentation

◆ base

int base

◆ bind_grab

int bind_grab

◆ bindnames

bindnames_t* bindnames

◆ h2bindnames

bindnames_t h2bindnames[]

◆ keys_cursor

int keys_cursor

◆ m_helpismedia

cvar_t m_helpismedia = CVAR("m_helpismedia", "0")

◆ m_preset_chosen

cvar_t m_preset_chosen = CVARF("m_preset_chosen", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ numbindnames

int numbindnames

◆ pattern

char* pattern

◆ promptmenu

menu_t* promptmenu

◆ q2bindnames

bindnames_t q2bindnames[]
Initial value:
{"+attack", "attack "},
{"cmd weapnext", "next weapon "},
{"cmd weapprev", "prev weapon "},
{"+forward", "walk forward "},
{"+back", "backpedal "},
{"+left", "turn left "},
{"+right", "turn right "},
{"+speed", "run "},
{"+moveleft", "step left "},
{"+moveright", "step right "},
{"+strafe", "sidestep "},
{"+lookup", "look up "},
{"+lookdown", "look down "},
{"centerview", "center view "},
{"+mlook", "mouse look "},
{"+klook", "keyboard look "},
{"+moveup", "up / jump "},
{"+movedown", "down / crouch "},
{"cmd inven", "inventory "},
{"cmd invuse", "use item "},
{"cmd invdrop", "drop item "},
{"cmd invprev", "prev item "},
{"cmd invnext", "next item "},
{"cmd help", "help computer "},

◆ qwbindnames

bindnames_t qwbindnames[]
Initial value:
{"+attack", "attack "},
{"impulse 10", "change weapon "},
{"impulse 12", "prev weapon "},
{"+jump", "jump / swim up"},
{"+forward", "walk forward "},
{"+back", "backpedal "},
{"+left", "turn left "},
{"+right", "turn right "},
{"+speed", "run "},
{"+moveleft", "step left "},
{"+moveright", "step right "},
{"+strafe", "sidestep "},
{"+lookup", "look up "},
{"+lookdown", "look down "},
{"centerview", "center view "},
{"+mlook", "mouse look "},
{"+klook", "keyboard look "},
{"+moveup", "swim up "},
{"+movedown", "swim down "},
{"+voip", "voice chat "},

◆ topmenu

menu_t* topmenu