Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
soundcardinfo_s Struct Reference

#include <sound.h>

Public Attributes

char name [256]
char guid [256]
struct soundcardinfo_snext
int seat
vec3_t speakerdir [MAXSOUNDCHANNELS]
size_t total_chans
size_t max_chans
float ambientlevels [NUM_AMBIENTS]
volatile dma_t sn
qboolean inactive_sound
qboolean selfpainting
int paintedtime
int oldsamplepos
int buffers
int samplequeue
void *(* Lock )(soundcardinfo_t *sc, unsigned int *startoffset)
void(* Unlock )(soundcardinfo_t *sc, void *buffer)
void(* Submit )(soundcardinfo_t *sc, int start, int end)
void(* Shutdown )(soundcardinfo_t *sc)
unsigned int(* GetDMAPos )(soundcardinfo_t *sc)
void(* SetEnvironmentReverb )(soundcardinfo_t *sc, size_t reverb)
void(* Restore )(soundcardinfo_t *sc)
void(* ChannelUpdate )(soundcardinfo_t *sc, channel_t *channel, chanupdatereason_t schanged)
void(* ListenerUpdate )(soundcardinfo_t *sc, int entnum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t forward, vec3_t right, vec3_t up, vec3_t velocity)
ssamplepos_t(* GetChannelPos )(soundcardinfo_t *sc, channel_t *channel)
int snd_sent
int snd_completed
int audio_fd

Member Data Documentation

◆ ambientlevels

float soundcardinfo_s::ambientlevels[NUM_AMBIENTS]

◆ audio_fd

int soundcardinfo_s::audio_fd

◆ buffers

int soundcardinfo_s::buffers

◆ channel

channel_t* soundcardinfo_s::channel

◆ ChannelUpdate

void(* soundcardinfo_s::ChannelUpdate) (soundcardinfo_t *sc, channel_t *channel, chanupdatereason_t schanged)

◆ dist

float soundcardinfo_s::dist[MAXSOUNDCHANNELS]

◆ GetChannelPos

ssamplepos_t(* soundcardinfo_s::GetChannelPos) (soundcardinfo_t *sc, channel_t *channel)

◆ GetDMAPos

unsigned int(* soundcardinfo_s::GetDMAPos) (soundcardinfo_t *sc)

◆ guid

char soundcardinfo_s::guid[256]

◆ handle

void* soundcardinfo_s::handle

◆ inactive_sound

qboolean soundcardinfo_s::inactive_sound

◆ ListenerUpdate

void(* soundcardinfo_s::ListenerUpdate) (soundcardinfo_t *sc, int entnum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t forward, vec3_t right, vec3_t up, vec3_t velocity)

◆ Lock

void *(* soundcardinfo_s::Lock) (soundcardinfo_t *sc, unsigned int *startoffset)

◆ max_chans

size_t soundcardinfo_s::max_chans

◆ name

char soundcardinfo_s::name[256]

◆ next

struct soundcardinfo_s* soundcardinfo_s::next

◆ oldsamplepos

int soundcardinfo_s::oldsamplepos

◆ paintedtime

int soundcardinfo_s::paintedtime

◆ Restore

void(* soundcardinfo_s::Restore) (soundcardinfo_t *sc)

◆ samplequeue

int soundcardinfo_s::samplequeue

◆ seat

int soundcardinfo_s::seat

◆ selfpainting

qboolean soundcardinfo_s::selfpainting

◆ SetEnvironmentReverb

void(* soundcardinfo_s::SetEnvironmentReverb) (soundcardinfo_t *sc, size_t reverb)

◆ Shutdown

void(* soundcardinfo_s::Shutdown) (soundcardinfo_t *sc)

◆ sn

volatile dma_t soundcardinfo_s::sn

◆ snd_completed

int soundcardinfo_s::snd_completed

◆ snd_sent

int soundcardinfo_s::snd_sent

◆ speakerdir

vec3_t soundcardinfo_s::speakerdir[MAXSOUNDCHANNELS]

◆ Submit

void(* soundcardinfo_s::Submit) (soundcardinfo_t *sc, int start, int end)

◆ thread

void* soundcardinfo_s::thread

◆ total_chans

size_t soundcardinfo_s::total_chans

◆ Unlock

void(* soundcardinfo_s::Unlock) (soundcardinfo_t *sc, void *buffer)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: