Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
physent_t Struct Reference

#include <pmove.h>

Public Attributes

vec3_t origin
vec3_t angles
vec3_t mins
vec3_t maxs
unsigned int info
qbyte nonsolid
qbyte notouch
qbyte isportal
unsigned int forcecontentsmask

Member Data Documentation

◆ angles

vec3_t physent_t::angles

◆ forcecontentsmask

unsigned int physent_t::forcecontentsmask

◆ info

unsigned int physent_t::info

◆ isportal

qbyte physent_t::isportal

◆ maxs

vec3_t physent_t::maxs

◆ mins

vec3_t physent_t::mins

◆ model

model_t* physent_t::model

◆ nonsolid

qbyte physent_t::nonsolid

◆ notouch

qbyte physent_t::notouch

◆ origin

vec3_t physent_t::origin

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: