Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
sbar.c File Reference


enum  { COLUMN_MAX }


void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (playerview_t *pv, int start)
void Sbar_TeamOverlay (playerview_t *pv)
void Sbar_ChatModeOverlay (playerview_t *pv)
void Draw_ExpandedString (struct font_s *font, float x, float y, conchar_t *str)
void Draw_FunString (float x, float y, const void *str)
void Draw_FunStringU8 (unsigned int flags, float x, float y, const void *str)
void Draw_AltFunString (float x, float y, const void *str)
void Draw_FunStringWidthFont (struct font_s *font, float x, float y, const void *str, int width, int rightalign, qboolean highlight)
char * Get_Q2ConfigString (int i)
void Sbar_ExecuteLayoutString (char *s, int seat)
void Sbar_ShowTeamScores (void)
void Sbar_DontShowTeamScores (void)
void Sbar_ShowScores (void)
void Sbar_DontShowScores (void)
void Sbar_Changed (void)
void Sbar_Flush (void)
void Sbar_Start (void)
void Sbar_Init (void)
void Sbar_DrawCharacter (float x, float y, int num)
void Sbar_DrawString (float x, float y, char *str)
void Sbar_DrawExpandedString (float x, float y, conchar_t *str)
void Draw_TinyString (float x, float y, const qbyte *str)
void Sbar_DrawTinyString (float x, float y, char *str)
void Sbar_DrawTinyStringf (float x, float y, char *fmt,...)
void Sbar_FillPC (float x, float y, float w, float h, unsigned int pcolour)
int Sbar_itoa (int num, char *buf)
void Sbar_DrawNum (float x, float y, int num, int digits, int color)
void Sbar_PQ_Team_New (unsigned int lower, unsigned int upper)
void Sbar_PQ_Team_Frags (unsigned int lower, int frags)
void Sbar_PQ_Team_Reset (void)
unsigned int Sbar_ColorForMap (unsigned int m)
void Sbar_SortFrags (qboolean includespec, qboolean doteamsort)
void Sbar_SortTeams (playerview_t *pv)
void Sbar_SoloScoreboard (void)
void Sbar_CoopScoreboard (void)
void Sbar_DrawInventory (playerview_t *pv)
int Sbar_TranslateHudClick (void)
void Sbar_DrawFrags (playerview_t *pv)
void Sbar_DrawFace (playerview_t *pv)
void Sbar_DrawNormal (playerview_t *pv)
qboolean Sbar_ShouldDraw (playerview_t *pv)
void Sbar_DrawScoreboard (playerview_t *pv)
qboolean Sbar_UpdateTeamStatus (player_info_t *player, char *status)
void SCR_StringXY (const char *str, float x, float y)
void SCR_DrawClock (void)
void SCR_DrawGameClock (void)
void Sbar_Draw (playerview_t *pv)
void Sbar_IntermissionNumber (float x, float y, int num, int digits, int color, qboolean left)
void Sbar_CoopIntermission (playerview_t *pv)
void Sbar_IntermissionOverlay (playerview_t *pv)


int sb_updates
qboolean sbar_parsingteamstatuses
apic_tsb_weapons [7][8]
qboolean sbar_hexen2
vrect_t sbar_rect
float sbar_rect_left
int sb_lines
int cl_ctfredscore
int cl_ctfbluescore
int cl_ctfflags
int scoreboardlines
int fragsort [MAX_CLIENTS]

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Function Documentation

◆ Draw_AltFunString()

void Draw_AltFunString ( float  x,
float  y,
const void str 

◆ Draw_ExpandedString()

void Draw_ExpandedString ( struct font_s *  font,
float  x,
float  y,
conchar_t str 

◆ Draw_FunString()

void Draw_FunString ( float  x,
float  y,
const void str 

◆ Draw_FunStringU8()

void Draw_FunStringU8 ( unsigned int  flags,
float  x,
float  y,
const void str 

◆ Draw_FunStringWidthFont()

void Draw_FunStringWidthFont ( struct font_s *  font,
float  x,
float  y,
const void str,
int  width,
int  rightalign,
qboolean  highlight 

◆ Draw_TinyString()

void Draw_TinyString ( float  x,
float  y,
const qbyte str 

◆ Get_Q2ConfigString()

char * Get_Q2ConfigString ( int  i)

◆ Sbar_Changed()

void Sbar_Changed ( void  )

◆ Sbar_ChatModeOverlay()

void Sbar_ChatModeOverlay ( playerview_t pv)

◆ Sbar_ColorForMap()

unsigned int Sbar_ColorForMap ( unsigned int  m)

◆ Sbar_CoopIntermission()

void Sbar_CoopIntermission ( playerview_t pv)

◆ Sbar_CoopScoreboard()

void Sbar_CoopScoreboard ( void  )

◆ Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay()

void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay ( playerview_t pv,
int  start 

◆ Sbar_DontShowScores()

void Sbar_DontShowScores ( void  )

◆ Sbar_DontShowTeamScores()

void Sbar_DontShowTeamScores ( void  )

◆ Sbar_Draw()

void Sbar_Draw ( playerview_t pv)

◆ Sbar_DrawCharacter()

void Sbar_DrawCharacter ( float  x,
float  y,
int  num 

◆ Sbar_DrawExpandedString()

void Sbar_DrawExpandedString ( float  x,
float  y,
conchar_t str 

◆ Sbar_DrawFace()

void Sbar_DrawFace ( playerview_t pv)

◆ Sbar_DrawFrags()

void Sbar_DrawFrags ( playerview_t pv)

◆ Sbar_DrawInventory()

void Sbar_DrawInventory ( playerview_t pv)

◆ Sbar_DrawNormal()

void Sbar_DrawNormal ( playerview_t pv)

◆ Sbar_DrawNum()

void Sbar_DrawNum ( float  x,
float  y,
int  num,
int  digits,
int  color 

◆ Sbar_DrawScoreboard()

void Sbar_DrawScoreboard ( playerview_t pv)

◆ Sbar_DrawString()

void Sbar_DrawString ( float  x,
float  y,
char *  str 

◆ Sbar_DrawTinyString()

void Sbar_DrawTinyString ( float  x,
float  y,
char *  str 

◆ Sbar_DrawTinyStringf()

void Sbar_DrawTinyStringf ( float  x,
float  y,
char *  fmt,

◆ Sbar_ExecuteLayoutString()

void Sbar_ExecuteLayoutString ( char *  s,
int  seat 

◆ Sbar_FillPC()

void Sbar_FillPC ( float  x,
float  y,
float  w,
float  h,
unsigned int  pcolour 

◆ Sbar_Flush()

void Sbar_Flush ( void  )

◆ Sbar_Init()

void Sbar_Init ( void  )

◆ Sbar_IntermissionNumber()

void Sbar_IntermissionNumber ( float  x,
float  y,
int  num,
int  digits,
int  color,
qboolean  left 

◆ Sbar_IntermissionOverlay()

void Sbar_IntermissionOverlay ( playerview_t pv)

◆ Sbar_itoa()

int Sbar_itoa ( int  num,
char *  buf 

◆ Sbar_PQ_Team_Frags()

void Sbar_PQ_Team_Frags ( unsigned int  lower,
int  frags 

◆ Sbar_PQ_Team_New()

void Sbar_PQ_Team_New ( unsigned int  lower,
unsigned int  upper 

◆ Sbar_PQ_Team_Reset()

void Sbar_PQ_Team_Reset ( void  )

◆ Sbar_ShouldDraw()

qboolean Sbar_ShouldDraw ( playerview_t pv)

◆ Sbar_ShowScores()

void Sbar_ShowScores ( void  )

◆ Sbar_ShowTeamScores()

void Sbar_ShowTeamScores ( void  )

◆ Sbar_SoloScoreboard()

void Sbar_SoloScoreboard ( void  )

◆ Sbar_SortFrags()

void Sbar_SortFrags ( qboolean  includespec,
qboolean  doteamsort 

◆ Sbar_SortTeams()

void Sbar_SortTeams ( playerview_t pv)

◆ Sbar_Start()

void Sbar_Start ( void  )

◆ Sbar_TeamOverlay()

void Sbar_TeamOverlay ( playerview_t pv)

◆ Sbar_TranslateHudClick()

int Sbar_TranslateHudClick ( void  )

◆ Sbar_UpdateTeamStatus()

qboolean Sbar_UpdateTeamStatus ( player_info_t player,
char *  status 

◆ SCR_DrawClock()

void SCR_DrawClock ( void  )

◆ SCR_DrawGameClock()

void SCR_DrawGameClock ( void  )

◆ SCR_StringXY()

void SCR_StringXY ( const char *  str,
float  x,
float  y 

Variable Documentation

◆ cl_ctfbluescore

int cl_ctfbluescore

◆ cl_ctfflags

int cl_ctfflags

◆ cl_ctfredscore

int cl_ctfredscore

◆ frags

short frags

◆ fragsort

int fragsort[MAX_CLIENTS]

◆ hud_miniscores_show

cvar_t* hud_miniscores_show

◆ hud_tracking_show

cvar_t* hud_tracking_show

◆ sb_lines

int sb_lines

◆ sb_updates

int sb_updates

◆ sb_weapons

apic_t* sb_weapons[7][8]

◆ sbar_hexen2

qboolean sbar_hexen2

◆ sbar_parsingteamstatuses

qboolean sbar_parsingteamstatuses

◆ sbar_rect

vrect_t sbar_rect

◆ sbar_rect_left

float sbar_rect_left

◆ scoreboardlines

int scoreboardlines

◆ upper

unsigned char upper