Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
hledict_s Struct Reference

#include <svhl_gcapi.h>

Public Attributes

qboolean isfree
int spawnnumber
link_t area
int headnode
int num_leafs
short leafnums [HLMAX_ENT_LEAFS]
hlbaseline_t baseline
float freetime
hlentvars_t v

Member Data Documentation

◆ area

link_t hledict_s::area

◆ baseline

hlbaseline_t hledict_s::baseline

◆ freetime

float hledict_s::freetime

◆ headnode

int hledict_s::headnode

◆ isfree

qboolean hledict_s::isfree

◆ leafnums

short hledict_s::leafnums

◆ moddata

void* hledict_s::moddata

◆ num_leafs

int hledict_s::num_leafs

◆ spawnnumber

int hledict_s::spawnnumber

◆ v

hlentvars_t hledict_s::v

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: