Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
hlentvars_t Struct Reference

#include <svhl_gcapi.h>

Public Attributes

string_t classname
string_t globalname
vec3_t origin
vec3_t oldorigin
vec3_t velocity
vec3_t basevelocity
vec3_t clbasevelocity
vec3_t movedir
vec3_t angles
vec3_t avelocity
vec3_t punchangles
vec3_t v_angle
vec3_t endpos
vec3_t startpos
float impacttime
float starttime
int fixangle
float ideal_pitch
float pitch_speed
float ideal_yaw
float yaw_speed
int modelindex
string_t model
int vmodelindex
int vwmodelindex
vec3_t absmin
vec3_t absmax
vec3_t mins
vec3_t maxs
vec3_t size
float ltime
float nextthink
int movetype
int solid
int skin
int body
int effects
float gravity
float friction
int light_level
int sequence1
int sequence2
float frame
float framestarttime
float framerate
qbyte controller [4]
qbyte blending [2]
float scale
int rendermode
float renderamt
vec3_t rendercolour
int renderfx
float health
float frags
int weapons
float takedamage
int deadflag
vec3_t view_ofs
int buttons
int impulse
int spawnflags
int flags
int colormap
int team
float max_health
float teleport_time
float armortype
float armorvalue
int waterlevel
int watertype
string_t target
string_t targetname
string_t netname
string_t message
float dmg_take
float dmg_save
float dmg
float dmg_time
string_t noise
string_t noise1
string_t noise2
string_t noise3
float speed
float air_finished
float pain_finished
float radsuit_finished
int playerclass
float maxspeed
float fov
int weaponanim
int msec
int ducking
int timestepsound
int swimtime
int ducktime
int stepleft
float fallvelocity
int gamestate
int oldbuttons
int groupinfo
int customi0
int customi1
int customi2
int customi3
float customf0
float customf1
float customf2
float customf3
vec3_t customv0
vec3_t customv1
vec3_t customv2
vec3_t customv3

Member Data Documentation

◆ absmax

vec3_t hlentvars_t::absmax

◆ absmin

vec3_t hlentvars_t::absmin

◆ aiment

hledict_t* hlentvars_t::aiment

◆ air_finished

float hlentvars_t::air_finished

◆ angles

vec3_t hlentvars_t::angles

◆ armortype

float hlentvars_t::armortype

◆ armorvalue

float hlentvars_t::armorvalue

◆ avelocity

vec3_t hlentvars_t::avelocity

◆ basevelocity

vec3_t hlentvars_t::basevelocity

◆ blending

qbyte hlentvars_t::blending[2]

◆ body

int hlentvars_t::body

◆ buttons

int hlentvars_t::buttons

◆ chain

hledict_t* hlentvars_t::chain

◆ classname

string_t hlentvars_t::classname

◆ clbasevelocity

vec3_t hlentvars_t::clbasevelocity

◆ colormap

int hlentvars_t::colormap

◆ controller

qbyte hlentvars_t::controller[4]

◆ custome0

hledict_t* hlentvars_t::custome0

◆ custome1

hledict_t* hlentvars_t::custome1

◆ custome2

hledict_t* hlentvars_t::custome2

◆ custome3

hledict_t* hlentvars_t::custome3

◆ customf0

float hlentvars_t::customf0

◆ customf1

float hlentvars_t::customf1

◆ customf2

float hlentvars_t::customf2

◆ customf3

float hlentvars_t::customf3

◆ customi0

int hlentvars_t::customi0

◆ customi1

int hlentvars_t::customi1

◆ customi2

int hlentvars_t::customi2

◆ customi3

int hlentvars_t::customi3

◆ customv0

vec3_t hlentvars_t::customv0

◆ customv1

vec3_t hlentvars_t::customv1

◆ customv2

vec3_t hlentvars_t::customv2

◆ customv3

vec3_t hlentvars_t::customv3

◆ deadflag

int hlentvars_t::deadflag

◆ dmg

float hlentvars_t::dmg

◆ dmg_inflictor

hledict_t* hlentvars_t::dmg_inflictor

◆ dmg_save

float hlentvars_t::dmg_save

◆ dmg_take

float hlentvars_t::dmg_take

◆ dmg_time

float hlentvars_t::dmg_time

◆ ducking

int hlentvars_t::ducking

◆ ducktime

int hlentvars_t::ducktime

◆ edict

hledict_t* hlentvars_t::edict

◆ effects

int hlentvars_t::effects

◆ endpos

vec3_t hlentvars_t::endpos

◆ enemy

hledict_t* hlentvars_t::enemy

◆ fallvelocity

float hlentvars_t::fallvelocity

◆ fixangle

int hlentvars_t::fixangle

◆ flags

int hlentvars_t::flags

◆ fov

float hlentvars_t::fov

◆ frags

float hlentvars_t::frags

◆ frame

float hlentvars_t::frame

◆ framerate

float hlentvars_t::framerate

◆ framestarttime

float hlentvars_t::framestarttime

◆ friction

float hlentvars_t::friction

◆ gamestate

int hlentvars_t::gamestate

◆ globalname

string_t hlentvars_t::globalname

◆ gravity

float hlentvars_t::gravity

◆ groundentity

hledict_t* hlentvars_t::groundentity

◆ groupinfo

int hlentvars_t::groupinfo

◆ health

float hlentvars_t::health

◆ ideal_pitch

float hlentvars_t::ideal_pitch

◆ ideal_yaw

float hlentvars_t::ideal_yaw

◆ impacttime

float hlentvars_t::impacttime

◆ impulse

int hlentvars_t::impulse

◆ light_level

int hlentvars_t::light_level

◆ ltime

float hlentvars_t::ltime

◆ max_health

float hlentvars_t::max_health

◆ maxs

vec3_t hlentvars_t::maxs

◆ maxspeed

float hlentvars_t::maxspeed

◆ message

string_t hlentvars_t::message

◆ mins

vec3_t hlentvars_t::mins

◆ model

string_t hlentvars_t::model

◆ modelindex

int hlentvars_t::modelindex

◆ movedir

vec3_t hlentvars_t::movedir

◆ movetype

int hlentvars_t::movetype

◆ msec

int hlentvars_t::msec

◆ netname

string_t hlentvars_t::netname

◆ nextthink

float hlentvars_t::nextthink

◆ noise

string_t hlentvars_t::noise

◆ noise1

string_t hlentvars_t::noise1

◆ noise2

string_t hlentvars_t::noise2

◆ noise3

string_t hlentvars_t::noise3

◆ oldbuttons

int hlentvars_t::oldbuttons

◆ oldorigin

vec3_t hlentvars_t::oldorigin

◆ origin

vec3_t hlentvars_t::origin

◆ owner

hledict_t* hlentvars_t::owner

◆ pain_finished

float hlentvars_t::pain_finished

◆ pitch_speed

float hlentvars_t::pitch_speed

◆ playerclass

int hlentvars_t::playerclass

◆ punchangles

vec3_t hlentvars_t::punchangles

◆ radsuit_finished

float hlentvars_t::radsuit_finished

◆ renderamt

float hlentvars_t::renderamt

◆ rendercolour

vec3_t hlentvars_t::rendercolour

◆ renderfx

int hlentvars_t::renderfx

◆ rendermode

int hlentvars_t::rendermode

◆ scale

float hlentvars_t::scale

◆ sequence1

int hlentvars_t::sequence1

◆ sequence2

int hlentvars_t::sequence2

◆ size

vec3_t hlentvars_t::size

◆ skin

int hlentvars_t::skin

◆ solid

int hlentvars_t::solid

◆ spawnflags

int hlentvars_t::spawnflags

◆ speed

float hlentvars_t::speed

◆ startpos

vec3_t hlentvars_t::startpos

◆ starttime

float hlentvars_t::starttime

◆ stepleft

int hlentvars_t::stepleft

◆ swimtime

int hlentvars_t::swimtime

◆ takedamage

float hlentvars_t::takedamage

◆ target

string_t hlentvars_t::target

◆ targetname

string_t hlentvars_t::targetname

◆ team

int hlentvars_t::team

◆ teleport_time

float hlentvars_t::teleport_time

◆ timestepsound

int hlentvars_t::timestepsound

◆ v_angle

vec3_t hlentvars_t::v_angle

◆ velocity

vec3_t hlentvars_t::velocity

◆ view_ofs

vec3_t hlentvars_t::view_ofs

◆ vmodelindex

int hlentvars_t::vmodelindex

◆ vwmodelindex

int hlentvars_t::vwmodelindex

◆ waterlevel

int hlentvars_t::waterlevel

◆ watertype

int hlentvars_t::watertype

◆ weaponanim

int hlentvars_t::weaponanim

◆ weapons

int hlentvars_t::weapons

◆ yaw_speed

float hlentvars_t::yaw_speed

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: