Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
hmsection_t Struct Reference

#include <gl_terrain.h>

Public Attributes

link_t recycle
int sx
int sy
int loadstate
float timestamp
unsigned char holes [8]
unsigned int flags
float maxh_cull
float minh
float maxh
struct heightmap_shmmod
struct hmwater_swater
size_t traceseq
pvscache_t pvscache
char texname [4][MAX_QPATH]
int lightmap
int lmx
int lmy
texnums_t textures
vbo_t vbo
mesh_t mesh
int numents
int maxents
struct hmentity_s ** ents

Member Data Documentation

◆ amesh

mesh_t* hmsection_t::amesh

◆ colours

vec4_t hmsection_t::colours[SECTHEIGHTSIZE *SECTHEIGHTSIZE]

◆ ents

struct hmentity_s** hmsection_t::ents

◆ flags

unsigned int hmsection_t::flags

◆ heights

float hmsection_t::heights[SECTHEIGHTSIZE *SECTHEIGHTSIZE]

◆ hmmod

struct heightmap_s* hmsection_t::hmmod

◆ holes

unsigned char hmsection_t::holes[8]

◆ lightmap

int hmsection_t::lightmap

◆ lmx

int hmsection_t::lmx

◆ lmy

int hmsection_t::lmy

◆ loadstate

int hmsection_t::loadstate

◆ maxents

int hmsection_t::maxents

◆ maxh

float hmsection_t::maxh

◆ maxh_cull

float hmsection_t::maxh_cull

◆ mesh

mesh_t hmsection_t::mesh

◆ minh

float hmsection_t::minh

◆ numents

int hmsection_t::numents

◆ polys

hmpolyset_t* hmsection_t::polys

◆ pvscache

pvscache_t hmsection_t::pvscache

◆ recycle

link_t hmsection_t::recycle

◆ sx

int hmsection_t::sx

◆ sy

int hmsection_t::sy

◆ texname

char hmsection_t::texname[4][MAX_QPATH]

◆ textures

texnums_t hmsection_t::textures

◆ timestamp

float hmsection_t::timestamp

◆ traceseq

size_t hmsection_t::traceseq

◆ vbo

vbo_t hmsection_t::vbo

◆ water

struct hmwater_s* hmsection_t::water

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: