Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
batch_s Struct Reference

#include <gl_model.h>

Public Attributes

mesh_t ** mesh
struct batch_snext
unsigned int meshes
unsigned int firstmesh
struct vbo_svbo
struct mfog_sfog
short lightmap [MAXRLIGHTMAPS]
lightstyleindex_t lmlightstyle [MAXRLIGHTMAPS]
unsigned char vtlightstyle [MAXRLIGHTMAPS]
unsigned int maxmeshes
unsigned int flags
struct texture_stexture
struct texnums_sskin
void(* buildmeshes )(struct batch_s *b)
unsigned int recursefirst [R_MAX_RECURSE-2]
union {
   struct {
      unsigned int   ebobatch
      unsigned int   shadowbatch
      vec4_t   plane
   }   bmodel
   struct {
      unsigned int   lightidx
      unsigned int   lightmode
   }   dlight
   struct {
      unsigned short   surfrefs [sizeof(mesh_t)/sizeof(unsigned
   }   alias
   struct {
      unsigned int   surface
   }   poly
   struct {
      unsigned int   ebobatch
      mesh_t   meshbuf
      mesh_t *   meshptr

Member Data Documentation


struct { ... } batch_s::alias


struct { ... } batch_s::bmodel

◆ buildmeshes

void(* batch_s::buildmeshes) (struct batch_s *b)


struct { ... } batch_s::dlight

◆ ebobatch

unsigned int batch_s::ebobatch

◆ ent

entity_t* batch_s::ent

◆ envmap

image_t* batch_s::envmap

◆ firstmesh

unsigned int batch_s::firstmesh

◆ flags

unsigned int batch_s::flags

◆ fog

struct mfog_s* batch_s::fog

◆ lightidx

unsigned int batch_s::lightidx

◆ lightmap

short batch_s::lightmap[MAXRLIGHTMAPS]

◆ lightmode

unsigned int batch_s::lightmode

◆ lmlightstyle

lightstyleindex_t batch_s::lmlightstyle[MAXRLIGHTMAPS]

◆ maxmeshes

unsigned int batch_s::maxmeshes

◆ mesh

mesh_t** batch_s::mesh

◆ meshbuf

mesh_t batch_s::meshbuf

◆ meshes

unsigned int batch_s::meshes

◆ meshptr

mesh_t* batch_s::meshptr

◆ next

struct batch_s* batch_s::next

◆ plane

vec4_t batch_s::plane


struct { ... } batch_s::poly

◆ recursefirst

unsigned int batch_s::recursefirst[R_MAX_RECURSE-2]

◆ shader

shader_t* batch_s::shader

◆ shadowbatch

unsigned int batch_s::shadowbatch

◆ skin

struct texnums_s* batch_s::skin

◆ surface

unsigned int batch_s::surface

◆ surfrefs

unsigned short batch_s::surfrefs[sizeof(mesh_t)/sizeof(unsigned short)]

◆ texture

struct texture_s* batch_s::texture


union { ... } batch_s::user

◆ vbo

struct vbo_s* batch_s::vbo

◆ vtlightstyle

unsigned char batch_s::vtlightstyle[MAXRLIGHTMAPS]

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: