Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
common.c File Reference




fte_inlinebody conchar_tFont_Decode (conchar_t *start, unsigned int *codeflags, unsigned int *codepoint)
fte_inlinebody float M_SRGBToLinear (float x, float mag)
fte_inlinebody float M_LinearToSRGB (float x, float mag)
void ClearLink (link_t *l)
void RemoveLink (link_t *l)
void InsertLinkBefore (link_t *l, link_t *before)
void InsertLinkAfter (link_t *l, link_t *after)
void QDECL Q_strncpyz (char *d, const char *s, int n)
qboolean VARGS Q_vsnprintfz (char *dest, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list argptr)
qboolean VARGS Q_snprintfz (char *dest, size_t size, const char *fmt,...)
void Q_memset (void *dest, int fill, int count)
void Q_memcpy (void *dest, void *src, int count)
int Q_memcmp (void *m1, void *m2, int count)
void Q_strcpy (char *dest, char *src)
void Q_strncpy (char *dest, char *src, int count)
int Q_strlen (char *str)
char * Q_strrchr (char *s, char c)
void Q_strcat (char *dest, char *src)
int Q_strcmp (char *s1, char *s2)
int Q_strncmp (char *s1, char *s2, int count)
int Q_strncasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, int n)
int Q_strcasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
int QDECL Q_stricmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
int Q_strstopcasecmp (const char *s1start, const char *s1end, const char *s2)
char * Q_strcasestr (const char *haystack, const char *needle)
void VARGS Com_sprintf (char *buffer, int size, const char *format,...)
void QDECL Com_Error (int level, const char *error,...)
char * Q_strlwr (char *s)
fte_inlinestatic char Q_tolower (char c)
int wildcmp (const char *wild, const char *string)
void Q_ftoa (char *str, float in)
int Q_atoi (const char *str)
float Q_atof (const char *str)
void deleetstring (char *result, const char *leet)
short ShortSwap (short l)
int LongSwap (int l)
qint64_t I64Swap (qint64_t l)
float FloatSwap (float f)
void COM_SwapLittleShortBlock (short *s, int size)
void COM_CharBias (signed char *c, int size)
void MSG_BeginWriting (sizebuf_t *msg, struct netprim_s prim, void *bufferstorage, size_t buffersize)
void MSG_WriteBits (sizebuf_t *msg, int value, int bits)
void MSG_WriteChar (sizebuf_t *sb, int c)
void MSG_WriteByte (sizebuf_t *sb, int c)
void MSG_WriteShort (sizebuf_t *sb, int c)
void MSG_WriteLong (sizebuf_t *sb, int c)
void MSG_WriteULEB128 (sizebuf_t *sb, quint64_t c)
void MSG_WriteSignedQEX (sizebuf_t *sb, qint64_t c)
void MSG_WriteUInt64 (sizebuf_t *sb, quint64_t c)
void MSG_WriteInt64 (sizebuf_t *sb, qint64_t c)
void MSG_WriteFloat (sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSG_WriteDouble (sizebuf_t *sb, double f)
void MSG_WriteString (sizebuf_t *sb, const char *s)
vec_t MSG_FromCoord (coorddata c, int type)
coorddata MSG_ToCoord (float f, int type)
coorddata MSG_ToAngle (float f, int bytes)
void MSG_WriteCoord (sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSG_WriteAngle16 (sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSG_WriteAngle8 (sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSG_WriteAngle (sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
int MSG_ReadSize16 (sizebuf_t *sb)
void MSG_WriteSize16 (sizebuf_t *sb, int sz)
void COM_DecodeSize (int solid, float *mins, float *maxs)
int COM_EncodeSize (const float *mins, const float *maxs)
void MSG_WriteEntity (sizebuf_t *sb, unsigned int entnum)
unsigned int MSG_ReadBigEntity (void)
unsigned int MSGSV_ReadEntity (client_t *fromclient)
unsigned int MSGCL_ReadEntity (void)
void MSGQ2_WriteDeltaUsercmd (sizebuf_t *buf, const usercmd_t *from, const usercmd_t *cmd)
fte_inlinestatic qboolean MSG_CompareVR (int i, const usercmd_t *from, const usercmd_t *cmd)
void MSGFTE_WriteDeltaUsercmd (sizebuf_t *buf, const short baseangles[3], const usercmd_t *from, const usercmd_t *cmd)
void MSGFTE_ReadDeltaUsercmd (const usercmd_t *from, usercmd_t *cmd)
void MSGQW_WriteDeltaUsercmd (sizebuf_t *buf, const usercmd_t *from, const usercmd_t *cmd)
void MSGCL_WriteDeltaUsercmd (sizebuf_t *buf, const usercmd_t *from, const usercmd_t *cmd)
void MSG_BeginReading (sizebuf_t *sb, struct netprim_s prim)
void MSG_ChangePrimitives (struct netprim_s prim)
int MSG_GetReadCount (void)
int MSG_ReadBits (int bits)
void MSG_ReadSkip (int bytes)
int MSG_ReadChar (void)
int MSG_ReadByte (void)
int MSG_ReadShort (void)
int MSG_ReadUInt16 (void)
int MSG_ReadLong (void)
quint64_t MSG_ReadULEB128 (void)
qint64_t MSG_ReadSignedQEX (void)
quint64_t MSG_ReadUInt64 (void)
qint64_t MSG_ReadInt64 (void)
float MSG_ReadFloat (void)
double MSG_ReadDouble (void)
char * MSG_ReadStringBuffer (char *out, size_t outsize)
char * MSG_ReadString (void)
char * MSG_ReadStringLine (void)
float MSG_ReadCoord (void)
float MSG_ReadCoordFloat (void)
void MSG_ReadPos (float pos[3])
void MSG_ReadDir (vec3_t dir)
void MSG_WriteDir (sizebuf_t *sb, float dir[3])
float MSG_ReadAngle16 (void)
float MSG_ReadAngle (void)
void MSGQW_ReadDeltaUsercmd (const usercmd_t *from, usercmd_t *move, int protover)
void MSGQ2_ReadDeltaUsercmd (const usercmd_t *from, usercmd_t *move)
void MSG_ReadData (void *data, int len)
void SZ_Clear (sizebuf_t *buf)
voidSZ_GetSpace (sizebuf_t *buf, int length)
void SZ_Write (sizebuf_t *buf, const void *data, int length)
void SZ_Print (sizebuf_t *buf, const char *data)
qboolean COM_TrimString (char *str, char *buffer, int buffersize)
char * COM_SkipPath (const char *pathname)
void QDECL COM_StripExtension (const char *in, char *out, int outlen)
void COM_StripAllExtensions (const char *in, char *out, int outlen)
char * COM_FileExtension (const char *in, char *result, size_t sizeofresult)
const char * COM_GetFileExtension (const char *in, const char *term)
void COM_CleanUpPath (char *str)
void COM_FileBase (const char *in, char *out, int outlen)
void COM_DefaultExtension (char *path, const char *extension, int maxlen)
qboolean COM_RequireExtension (char *path, const char *extension, int maxlen)
unsigned int utf8_decode (int *error, const void *in, char const **out)
unsigned int unicode_decode (int *error, const void *in, char const **out, qboolean markup)
unsigned int utf8_encode (void *out, unsigned int unicode, int maxlen)
unsigned int qchar_encode (char *out, unsigned int unicode, int maxlen, qboolean markup)
unsigned int iso88591_encode (char *out, unsigned int unicode, int maxlen, qboolean markup)
unsigned int unicode_encode (char *out, unsigned int unicode, int maxlen, qboolean markup)
unsigned int unicode_charcount (const char *in, size_t buffersize, qboolean markup)
unsigned int unicode_byteofsfromcharofs (const char *str, unsigned int charofs, qboolean markup)
unsigned int unicode_charofsfrombyteofs (const char *str, unsigned int byteofs, qboolean markup)
void unicode_strpad (char *out, size_t outsize, const char *in, qboolean leftalign, size_t minwidth, size_t maxwidth, qboolean markup)
int towupper (int c)
int towlower (int c)
size_t unicode_strtoupper (const char *in, char *out, size_t outsize, qboolean markup)
size_t unicode_strtolower (const char *in, char *out, size_t outsize, qboolean markup)
char * COM_DeFunString (conchar_t *str, conchar_t *stop, char *out, int outsize, qboolean ignoreflags, qboolean forceutf8)
char * COM_ParseStringSetSep (const char *data, char sep, char *out, size_t outsize)
void COM_BiDi_Shutdown (void)
conchar_tCOM_ParseFunString (conchar_t defaultflags, const char *str, conchar_t *out, int outsize, int flags)
unsigned int COM_DeQuake (unsigned int chr)
char * COM_Parse (const char *data)
char * COM_ParseStringSet (const char *data, char *out, size_t outsize)
char * COM_ParseType (const char *data, char *out, size_t outlen, com_tokentype_t *toktype)
char * COM_StringParse (const char *data, char *token, unsigned int tokenlen, qboolean expandmacros, qboolean qctokenize)
char * COM_ParseTokenOut (const char *data, const char *punctuation, char *token, size_t tokenlen, com_tokentype_t *tokentype)
const char * COM_QuotedString (const char *string, char *buf, int buflen, qboolean omitquotes)
char * COM_ParseCString (const char *data, char *token, size_t sizeoftoken, size_t *lengthwritten)
int COM_CheckNextParm (const char *parm, int last)
int COM_CheckParm (const char *parm)
void COM_ParsePlusSets (qboolean docbuf)
void Cvar_DefaultFree (char *str)
void COM_CheckRegistered (void)
void COM_InitArgv (int argc, const char **argv)
void COM_AddParm (const char *parm)
qboolean COM_HasWork (void)
void COM_InsertWork (wgroup_t tg, void(*func)(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b), void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b)
void COM_AddWork (wgroup_t tg, void(*func)(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b), void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b)
qboolean COM_DoWork (int tg, qboolean leavelocked)
void COM_WorkerAbort (char *message)
void COM_AssertMainThread (const char *msg)
void COM_DestroyWorkerThread (void)
void COM_WorkerLock (void)
void COM_WorkerUnlock (void)
void COM_WorkerFullSync (void)
void COM_WorkerPartialSync (void *priorityctx, int *address, int value)
qint32_t FTE_Atomic32Mutex_Add (qint32_t *ptr, qint32_t change)
void COM_Init (void)
void COM_Shutdown (void)
char *VARGS va (const char *format,...)
void COM_Effectinfo_Enumerate (int(*cb)(const char *pname))
unsigned int COM_RemapMapChecksum (model_t *model, unsigned int checksum)
size_t Base64_EncodeBlock (const qbyte *in, size_t length, char *out, size_t outsize)
size_t Base64_EncodeBlockURI (const qbyte *in, size_t length, char *out, size_t outsize)
size_t Base64_DecodeBlock (const char *in, const char *in_end, qbyte *out, size_t outsize)
size_t Base16_DecodeBlock (const char *in, qbyte *out, size_t outsize)
size_t Base16_EncodeBlock (const char *in, size_t length, qbyte *out, size_t outsize)
void InfoSync_Remove (infosync_t *sync, size_t k)
void InfoSync_Clear (infosync_t *sync)
void InfoSync_Strip (infosync_t *sync, void *context)
void InfoSync_Add (infosync_t *sync, void *context, const char *name)
qboolean InfoBuf_FindKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, size_t *idx)
const char * InfoBuf_KeyForNumber (infobuf_t *info, int idx)
char * InfoBuf_ReadKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, char *outbuf, size_t outsize)
char * InfoBuf_ValueForKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key)
const char * InfoBuf_BlobForKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, size_t *blobsize, qboolean *large)
qboolean InfoBuf_RemoveKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key)
char * InfoBuf_DecodeString (const char *instart, const char *inend, size_t *sz)
qboolean InfoBuf_SyncReceive (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, size_t keysize, const char *val, size_t valsize, size_t offset, qboolean final)
qboolean InfoBuf_SetStarBlobKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, const char *val, size_t valsize)
qboolean InfoBuf_SetKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, const char *val)
qboolean InfoBuf_SetStarKey (infobuf_t *info, const char *key, const char *val)
void InfoBuf_Clear (infobuf_t *info, qboolean all)
void InfoBuf_Clone (infobuf_t *dest, infobuf_t *src)
void InfoBuf_FromString (infobuf_t *info, const char *infostring, qboolean append)
qboolean InfoBuf_EncodeString (const char *n, size_t s, char *out, size_t outsize)
size_t InfoBuf_ToString (infobuf_t *info, char *infostring, size_t maxsize, const char **priority, const char **ignore, const char **exclusive, infosync_t *sync, void *synccontext)
void InfoBuf_Print (infobuf_t *info, const char *lineprefix)
void InfoBuf_Enumerate (infobuf_t *info, void *ctx, void(*cb)(void *ctx, const char *key, const char *value))
void InfoBuf_WriteToFile (vfsfile_t *f, infobuf_t *info, const char *commandname, int cvarflags)
char * Info_ValueForKey (const char *s, const char *key)
char * Info_KeyForNumber (const char *s, int num)
void Info_RemoveKey (char *s, const char *key)
void Info_RemovePrefixedKeys (char *start, char prefix)
void Info_SetValueForStarKey (char *s, const char *key, const char *value, int maxsize)
void Info_SetValueForKey (char *s, const char *key, const char *value, int maxsize)
void Info_Enumerate (const char *s, void *ctx, void(*cb)(void *ctx, const char *key, const char *value))
void Info_Print (const char *s, const char *lineprefix)
qbyte COM_BlockSequenceCheckByte (qbyte *base, int length, int sequence, unsigned mapchecksum)
qbyte COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte (qbyte *base, int length, int sequence)
qbyte Q2COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte (qbyte *base, int length, int sequence)
int VARGS linuxlike_snprintf (char *buffer, int size, const char *format,...)
int VARGS linuxlike_vsnprintf (char *buffer, int size, const char *format, va_list argptr)
int VARGS linuxlike_snprintf_vc8 (char *buffer, int size, const char *format,...)
int version_number (void)
char * version_string (void)
int parse_revision_number (const char *s, qboolean strict)
int revision_number (qboolean strict)
void COM_TimeOfDay (date_t *date)
void SV_FlushRedirect (void)
vfsfile_tCon_POpen (const char *conname)
void VARGS Con_Printf (const char *fmt,...)
void Con_TPrintf (translation_t stringnum,...)
void Con_DPrintf (const char *fmt,...)
void Con_DLPrintf (int level, const char *fmt,...)
void VARGS Con_ThrottlePrintf (float *timer, int developerlevel, const char *fmt,...)


qboolean sys_nounload
double host_frametime
double realtime
qboolean host_initialized
quakeparms_t host_parms
const usercmd_t nullcmd
entity_state_t nullentitystate
cvar_t developer = CVAR("developer","1")
cvar_t registered = CVARD("registered","0","Set if quake's pak1.pak is available")
cvar_t gameversion = CVARFD("gameversion","", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "gamecode version for server browsers")
cvar_t gameversion_min = CVARD("gameversion_min","", "gamecode version for server browsers")
cvar_t gameversion_max = CVARD("gameversion_max","", "gamecode version for server browsers")
cvar_t fs_gamename = CVARAD("com_fullgamename", NULL, "fs_gamename", "The filesystem is trying to run this game")
cvar_t com_protocolname = CVARAD("com_protocolname", NULL, "com_gamename", "The protocol game name used for dpmaster queries. For compatibility with DP, you can set this to 'DarkPlaces-Quake' in order to be listed in DP's master server, and to list DP servers.")
cvar_t com_protocolversion = CVARAD("com_protocolversion", "3", NULL, "The protocol version used for dpmaster queries.")
cvar_t com_parseutf8 = CVARD("com_parseutf8", "1", "Interpret console messages/playernames/etc as UTF-8. Requires special fonts. -1=iso 8859-1. 0=quakeascii(chat uses high chars). 1=utf8, revert to ascii on decode errors. 2=utf8 ignoring errors")
cvar_t com_highlightcolor = CVARD("com_highlightcolor", STRINGIFY(COLOR_RED), "ANSI colour to be used for highlighted text, used when com_parseutf8 is active.")
cvar_t com_gamedirnativecode = CVARFD("com_gamedirnativecode", "0", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, FULLENGINENAME" blocks all downloads of files with a .dll or .so extension, however other engines (eg: ezquake and fodquake) do not - this omission can be used to trigger delayed eremote exploits in any engine (including "DISTRIBUTION") which is later run from the same gamedir.\nQuake2, Quake3(when debugging), and KTX typically run native gamecode from within gamedirs, so if you wish to run any of these games you will need to ensure this cvar is changed to 1, as well as ensure that you don't run unsafe clients.")
cvar_t sys_platform = CVAR("sys_platform", PLATFORM)
cvar_t host_mapname = CVARAFD("mapname", "", "host_mapname", 0, "Cvar that holds the short name of the current map, for scripting type stuff")
cvar_t ezcompat_markup = CVARD("ezcompat_markup", "1", "Attempt compatibility with ezquake's text markup.0: disabled.\n1: Handle markup ampersand markup.\n2: Handle chevron markup (only in echo commands, for config compat, because its just too unreliable otherwise).")
cvar_t pm_noround = CVARD("pm_noround", "0", "Disables player prediction snapping, in a way that cannot be reliably predicted but may be needed to avoid map bugs.")
cvar_t scr_usekfont = CVARD("scr_usekfont", "0", "Exists for compat with the quake rerelease, changing the behaviour of QC's sprint/bprint/centerprint builtins.")
qboolean com_modified
qboolean static_registered = true
qboolean msg_suppress_1 = false
int isPlugin
qboolean wantquit
qboolean standard_quake = true
qboolean bigendian
short(* BigShort )(short l)
short(* LittleShort )(short l)
int(* BigLong )(int l)
int(* LittleLong )(int l)
qint64_t(* BigI64 )(qint64_t l)
qint64_t(* LittleI64 )(qint64_t l)
float(* BigFloat )(float l)
float(* LittleFloat )(float l)
qboolean msg_badread
struct netprim_s msg_nullnetprim
vec3_t bytedirs [Q2NUMVERTEXNORMALS]
consolecolours_t consolecolours [MAXCONCOLOURS]
 ===================================== More...
conchar_t q3codemasks [MAXQ3COLOURS]
char com_token [TOKENSIZE]
int com_argc
const char ** com_argv
com_tokentype_t com_tokentype
cvar_t worker_flush = CVARD("worker_flush", "1", "If set, process the entire load queue, loading stuff faster but at the risk of stalling the main thread.")
int com_hadwork [WG_COUNT]
qboolean com_workererror
const char * basicuserinfos []
const char * privateuserinfos []

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Function Documentation

◆ Base16_DecodeBlock()

size_t Base16_DecodeBlock ( const char *  in,
qbyte out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ Base16_EncodeBlock()

size_t Base16_EncodeBlock ( const char *  in,
size_t  length,
qbyte out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ Base64_DecodeBlock()

size_t Base64_DecodeBlock ( const char *  in,
const char *  in_end,
qbyte out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ Base64_EncodeBlock()

size_t Base64_EncodeBlock ( const qbyte in,
size_t  length,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ Base64_EncodeBlockURI()

size_t Base64_EncodeBlockURI ( const qbyte in,
size_t  length,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ ClearLink()

void ClearLink ( link_t l)

◆ COM_AddParm()

void COM_AddParm ( const char *  parm)

◆ COM_AddWork()

void COM_AddWork ( wgroup_t  tg,
void(*)(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b func,
void ctx,
void data,
size_t  a,
size_t  b 

◆ COM_AssertMainThread()

void COM_AssertMainThread ( const char *  msg)

◆ COM_BiDi_Shutdown()

void COM_BiDi_Shutdown ( void  )

◆ COM_BlockSequenceCheckByte()

qbyte COM_BlockSequenceCheckByte ( qbyte base,
int  length,
int  sequence,
unsigned  mapchecksum 

◆ COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte()

qbyte COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte ( qbyte base,
int  length,
int  sequence 

◆ COM_CharBias()

void COM_CharBias ( signed char *  c,
int  size 

◆ COM_CheckNextParm()

int COM_CheckNextParm ( const char *  parm,
int  last 

◆ COM_CheckParm()

int COM_CheckParm ( const char *  parm)

◆ COM_CheckRegistered()

void COM_CheckRegistered ( void  )

◆ COM_CleanUpPath()

void COM_CleanUpPath ( char *  str)

◆ COM_DecodeSize()

void COM_DecodeSize ( int  solid,
float *  mins,
float *  maxs 

◆ COM_DefaultExtension()

void COM_DefaultExtension ( char *  path,
const char *  extension,
int  maxlen 

◆ COM_DeFunString()

char * COM_DeFunString ( conchar_t str,
conchar_t stop,
char *  out,
int  outsize,
qboolean  ignoreflags,
qboolean  forceutf8 

◆ COM_DeQuake()

unsigned int COM_DeQuake ( unsigned int  chr)

◆ COM_DestroyWorkerThread()

void COM_DestroyWorkerThread ( void  )

◆ COM_DoWork()

qboolean COM_DoWork ( int  tg,
qboolean  leavelocked 

◆ COM_Effectinfo_Enumerate()

void COM_Effectinfo_Enumerate ( int(*)(const char *pname cb)

◆ COM_EncodeSize()

int COM_EncodeSize ( const float *  mins,
const float *  maxs 

◆ Com_Error()

void QDECL Com_Error ( int  level,
const char *  error,

◆ COM_FileBase()

void COM_FileBase ( const char *  in,
char *  out,
int  outlen 

◆ COM_FileExtension()

char * COM_FileExtension ( const char *  in,
char *  result,
size_t  sizeofresult 

◆ COM_GetFileExtension()

const char * COM_GetFileExtension ( const char *  in,
const char *  term 

◆ COM_HasWork()

qboolean COM_HasWork ( void  )

◆ COM_Init()

void COM_Init ( void  )

◆ COM_InitArgv()

void COM_InitArgv ( int  argc,
const char **  argv 

◆ COM_InsertWork()

void COM_InsertWork ( wgroup_t  tg,
void(*)(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b func,
void ctx,
void data,
size_t  a,
size_t  b 

◆ COM_Parse()

char * COM_Parse ( const char *  data)

◆ COM_ParseCString()

char * COM_ParseCString ( const char *  data,
char *  token,
size_t  sizeoftoken,
size_t *  lengthwritten 

◆ COM_ParseFunString()

conchar_t * COM_ParseFunString ( conchar_t  defaultflags,
const char *  str,
conchar_t out,
int  outsize,
int  flags 

◆ COM_ParsePlusSets()

void COM_ParsePlusSets ( qboolean  docbuf)

◆ COM_ParseStringSet()

char * COM_ParseStringSet ( const char *  data,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ COM_ParseStringSetSep()

char * COM_ParseStringSetSep ( const char *  data,
char  sep,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ COM_ParseTokenOut()

char * COM_ParseTokenOut ( const char *  data,
const char *  punctuation,
char *  token,
size_t  tokenlen,
com_tokentype_t tokentype 

◆ COM_ParseType()

char * COM_ParseType ( const char *  data,
char *  out,
size_t  outlen,
com_tokentype_t toktype 

◆ COM_QuotedString()

const char * COM_QuotedString ( const char *  string,
char *  buf,
int  buflen,
qboolean  omitquotes 

◆ COM_RemapMapChecksum()

unsigned int COM_RemapMapChecksum ( model_t model,
unsigned int  checksum 

◆ COM_RequireExtension()

qboolean COM_RequireExtension ( char *  path,
const char *  extension,
int  maxlen 

◆ COM_Shutdown()

void COM_Shutdown ( void  )

◆ COM_SkipPath()

char * COM_SkipPath ( const char *  pathname)

◆ Com_sprintf()

void VARGS Com_sprintf ( char *  buffer,
int  size,
const char *  format,

◆ COM_StringParse()

char * COM_StringParse ( const char *  data,
char *  token,
unsigned int  tokenlen,
qboolean  expandmacros,
qboolean  qctokenize 

◆ COM_StripAllExtensions()

void COM_StripAllExtensions ( const char *  in,
char *  out,
int  outlen 

◆ COM_StripExtension()

void QDECL COM_StripExtension ( const char *  in,
char *  out,
int  outlen 

◆ COM_SwapLittleShortBlock()

void COM_SwapLittleShortBlock ( short *  s,
int  size 

◆ COM_TimeOfDay()

void COM_TimeOfDay ( date_t date)

◆ COM_TrimString()

qboolean COM_TrimString ( char *  str,
char *  buffer,
int  buffersize 

◆ COM_WorkerAbort()

void COM_WorkerAbort ( char *  message)

◆ COM_WorkerFullSync()

void COM_WorkerFullSync ( void  )

◆ COM_WorkerLock()

void COM_WorkerLock ( void  )

◆ COM_WorkerPartialSync()

void COM_WorkerPartialSync ( void priorityctx,
int address,
int  value 

◆ COM_WorkerUnlock()

void COM_WorkerUnlock ( void  )

◆ Con_DLPrintf()

void Con_DLPrintf ( int  level,
const char *  fmt,

◆ Con_DPrintf()

void Con_DPrintf ( const char *  fmt,

◆ Con_POpen()

vfsfile_t * Con_POpen ( const char *  conname)

◆ Con_Printf()

void VARGS Con_Printf ( const char *  fmt,

◆ Con_ThrottlePrintf()

void VARGS Con_ThrottlePrintf ( float *  timer,
int  developerlevel,
const char *  fmt,

◆ Con_TPrintf()

void Con_TPrintf ( translation_t  stringnum,

◆ Cvar_DefaultFree()

void Cvar_DefaultFree ( char *  str)

◆ deleetstring()

void deleetstring ( char *  result,
const char *  leet 

◆ FloatSwap()

float FloatSwap ( float  f)

◆ Font_Decode()

fte_inlinebody conchar_t * Font_Decode ( conchar_t start,
unsigned int codeflags,
unsigned int codepoint 

◆ FTE_Atomic32Mutex_Add()

qint32_t FTE_Atomic32Mutex_Add ( qint32_t *  ptr,
qint32_t  change 

◆ I64Swap()

qint64_t I64Swap ( qint64_t  l)

◆ Info_Enumerate()

void Info_Enumerate ( const char *  s,
void ctx,
void(*)(void *ctx, const char *key, const char *value cb 

◆ Info_KeyForNumber()

char * Info_KeyForNumber ( const char *  s,
int  num 

◆ Info_Print()

void Info_Print ( const char *  s,
const char *  lineprefix 

◆ Info_RemoveKey()

void Info_RemoveKey ( char *  s,
const char *  key 

◆ Info_RemovePrefixedKeys()

void Info_RemovePrefixedKeys ( char *  start,
char  prefix 

◆ Info_SetValueForKey()

void Info_SetValueForKey ( char *  s,
const char *  key,
const char *  value,
int  maxsize 

◆ Info_SetValueForStarKey()

void Info_SetValueForStarKey ( char *  s,
const char *  key,
const char *  value,
int  maxsize 

◆ Info_ValueForKey()

char * Info_ValueForKey ( const char *  s,
const char *  key 

◆ InfoBuf_BlobForKey()

const char * InfoBuf_BlobForKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
size_t *  blobsize,
qboolean large 

◆ InfoBuf_Clear()

void InfoBuf_Clear ( infobuf_t info,
qboolean  all 

◆ InfoBuf_Clone()

void InfoBuf_Clone ( infobuf_t dest,
infobuf_t src 

◆ InfoBuf_DecodeString()

char * InfoBuf_DecodeString ( const char *  instart,
const char *  inend,
size_t *  sz 

◆ InfoBuf_EncodeString()

qboolean InfoBuf_EncodeString ( const char *  n,
size_t  s,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ InfoBuf_Enumerate()

void InfoBuf_Enumerate ( infobuf_t info,
void ctx,
void(*)(void *ctx, const char *key, const char *value cb 

◆ InfoBuf_FindKey()

qboolean InfoBuf_FindKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
size_t *  idx 

◆ InfoBuf_FromString()

void InfoBuf_FromString ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  infostring,
qboolean  append 

◆ InfoBuf_KeyForNumber()

const char * InfoBuf_KeyForNumber ( infobuf_t info,
int  idx 

◆ InfoBuf_Print()

void InfoBuf_Print ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  lineprefix 

◆ InfoBuf_ReadKey()

char * InfoBuf_ReadKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
char *  outbuf,
size_t  outsize 

◆ InfoBuf_RemoveKey()

qboolean InfoBuf_RemoveKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key 

◆ InfoBuf_SetKey()

qboolean InfoBuf_SetKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
const char *  val 

◆ InfoBuf_SetStarBlobKey()

qboolean InfoBuf_SetStarBlobKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
const char *  val,
size_t  valsize 

◆ InfoBuf_SetStarKey()

qboolean InfoBuf_SetStarKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
const char *  val 

◆ InfoBuf_SyncReceive()

qboolean InfoBuf_SyncReceive ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key,
size_t  keysize,
const char *  val,
size_t  valsize,
size_t  offset,
qboolean  final 

◆ InfoBuf_ToString()

size_t InfoBuf_ToString ( infobuf_t info,
char *  infostring,
size_t  maxsize,
const char **  priority,
const char **  ignore,
const char **  exclusive,
infosync_t sync,
void synccontext 

◆ InfoBuf_ValueForKey()

char * InfoBuf_ValueForKey ( infobuf_t info,
const char *  key 

◆ InfoBuf_WriteToFile()

void InfoBuf_WriteToFile ( vfsfile_t f,
infobuf_t info,
const char *  commandname,
int  cvarflags 

◆ InfoSync_Add()

void InfoSync_Add ( infosync_t sync,
void context,
const char *  name 

◆ InfoSync_Clear()

void InfoSync_Clear ( infosync_t sync)

◆ InfoSync_Remove()

void InfoSync_Remove ( infosync_t sync,
size_t  k 

◆ InfoSync_Strip()

void InfoSync_Strip ( infosync_t sync,
void context 

◆ InsertLinkAfter()

void InsertLinkAfter ( link_t l,
link_t after 

◆ InsertLinkBefore()

void InsertLinkBefore ( link_t l,
link_t before 

◆ iso88591_encode()

unsigned int iso88591_encode ( char *  out,
unsigned int  unicode,
int  maxlen,
qboolean  markup 

◆ linuxlike_snprintf()

int VARGS linuxlike_snprintf ( char *  buffer,
int  size,
const char *  format,

◆ linuxlike_snprintf_vc8()

int VARGS linuxlike_snprintf_vc8 ( char *  buffer,
int  size,
const char *  format,

◆ linuxlike_vsnprintf()

int VARGS linuxlike_vsnprintf ( char *  buffer,
int  size,
const char *  format,
va_list  argptr 

◆ LongSwap()

int LongSwap ( int  l)

◆ M_LinearToSRGB()

fte_inlinebody float M_LinearToSRGB ( float  x,
float  mag 

◆ M_SRGBToLinear()

fte_inlinebody float M_SRGBToLinear ( float  x,
float  mag 

◆ MSG_BeginReading()

void MSG_BeginReading ( sizebuf_t sb,
struct netprim_s  prim 

◆ MSG_BeginWriting()

void MSG_BeginWriting ( sizebuf_t msg,
struct netprim_s  prim,
void bufferstorage,
size_t  buffersize 

◆ MSG_ChangePrimitives()

void MSG_ChangePrimitives ( struct netprim_s  prim)

◆ MSG_CompareVR()

fte_inlinestatic qboolean MSG_CompareVR ( int  i,
const usercmd_t from,
const usercmd_t cmd 

◆ MSG_FromCoord()

vec_t MSG_FromCoord ( coorddata  c,
int  type 

◆ MSG_GetReadCount()

int MSG_GetReadCount ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadAngle()

float MSG_ReadAngle ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadAngle16()

float MSG_ReadAngle16 ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadBigEntity()

unsigned int MSG_ReadBigEntity ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadBits()

int MSG_ReadBits ( int  bits)

◆ MSG_ReadByte()

int MSG_ReadByte ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadChar()

int MSG_ReadChar ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadCoord()

float MSG_ReadCoord ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadCoordFloat()

float MSG_ReadCoordFloat ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadData()

void MSG_ReadData ( void data,
int  len 

◆ MSG_ReadDir()

void MSG_ReadDir ( vec3_t  dir)

◆ MSG_ReadDouble()

double MSG_ReadDouble ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadFloat()

float MSG_ReadFloat ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadInt64()

qint64_t MSG_ReadInt64 ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadLong()

int MSG_ReadLong ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadPos()

void MSG_ReadPos ( float  pos[3])

◆ MSG_ReadShort()

int MSG_ReadShort ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadSignedQEX()

qint64_t MSG_ReadSignedQEX ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadSize16()

int MSG_ReadSize16 ( sizebuf_t sb)

◆ MSG_ReadSkip()

void MSG_ReadSkip ( int  bytes)

◆ MSG_ReadString()

char * MSG_ReadString ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadStringBuffer()

char * MSG_ReadStringBuffer ( char *  out,
size_t  outsize 

◆ MSG_ReadStringLine()

char * MSG_ReadStringLine ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadUInt16()

int MSG_ReadUInt16 ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadUInt64()

quint64_t MSG_ReadUInt64 ( void  )

◆ MSG_ReadULEB128()

quint64_t MSG_ReadULEB128 ( void  )

◆ MSG_ToAngle()

coorddata MSG_ToAngle ( float  f,
int  bytes 

◆ MSG_ToCoord()

coorddata MSG_ToCoord ( float  f,
int  type 

◆ MSG_WriteAngle()

void MSG_WriteAngle ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  f 

◆ MSG_WriteAngle16()

void MSG_WriteAngle16 ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  f 

◆ MSG_WriteAngle8()

void MSG_WriteAngle8 ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  f 

◆ MSG_WriteBits()

void MSG_WriteBits ( sizebuf_t msg,
int  value,
int  bits 

◆ MSG_WriteByte()

void MSG_WriteByte ( sizebuf_t sb,
int  c 

◆ MSG_WriteChar()

void MSG_WriteChar ( sizebuf_t sb,
int  c 

◆ MSG_WriteCoord()

void MSG_WriteCoord ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  f 

◆ MSG_WriteDir()

void MSG_WriteDir ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  dir[3] 

◆ MSG_WriteDouble()

void MSG_WriteDouble ( sizebuf_t sb,
double  f 

◆ MSG_WriteEntity()

void MSG_WriteEntity ( sizebuf_t sb,
unsigned int  entnum 

◆ MSG_WriteFloat()

void MSG_WriteFloat ( sizebuf_t sb,
float  f 

◆ MSG_WriteInt64()

void MSG_WriteInt64 ( sizebuf_t sb,
qint64_t  c 

◆ MSG_WriteLong()

void MSG_WriteLong ( sizebuf_t sb,
int  c 

◆ MSG_WriteShort()

void MSG_WriteShort ( sizebuf_t sb,
int  c 

◆ MSG_WriteSignedQEX()

void MSG_WriteSignedQEX ( sizebuf_t sb,
qint64_t  c 

◆ MSG_WriteSize16()

void MSG_WriteSize16 ( sizebuf_t sb,
int  sz 

◆ MSG_WriteString()

void MSG_WriteString ( sizebuf_t sb,
const char *  s 

◆ MSG_WriteUInt64()

void MSG_WriteUInt64 ( sizebuf_t sb,
quint64_t  c 

◆ MSG_WriteULEB128()

void MSG_WriteULEB128 ( sizebuf_t sb,
quint64_t  c 

◆ MSGCL_ReadEntity()

unsigned int MSGCL_ReadEntity ( void  )

◆ MSGCL_WriteDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGCL_WriteDeltaUsercmd ( sizebuf_t buf,
const usercmd_t from,
const usercmd_t cmd 

◆ MSGFTE_ReadDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGFTE_ReadDeltaUsercmd ( const usercmd_t from,
usercmd_t cmd 

◆ MSGFTE_WriteDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGFTE_WriteDeltaUsercmd ( sizebuf_t buf,
const short  baseangles[3],
const usercmd_t from,
const usercmd_t cmd 

◆ MSGQ2_ReadDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGQ2_ReadDeltaUsercmd ( const usercmd_t from,
usercmd_t move 

◆ MSGQ2_WriteDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGQ2_WriteDeltaUsercmd ( sizebuf_t buf,
const usercmd_t from,
const usercmd_t cmd 

◆ MSGQW_ReadDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGQW_ReadDeltaUsercmd ( const usercmd_t from,
usercmd_t move,
int  protover 

◆ MSGQW_WriteDeltaUsercmd()

void MSGQW_WriteDeltaUsercmd ( sizebuf_t buf,
const usercmd_t from,
const usercmd_t cmd 

◆ MSGSV_ReadEntity()

unsigned int MSGSV_ReadEntity ( client_t fromclient)

◆ parse_revision_number()

int parse_revision_number ( const char *  s,
qboolean  strict 

◆ Q2COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte()

qbyte Q2COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte ( qbyte base,
int  length,
int  sequence 

◆ Q_atof()

float Q_atof ( const char *  str)

◆ Q_atoi()

int Q_atoi ( const char *  str)

◆ Q_ftoa()

void Q_ftoa ( char *  str,
float  in 

◆ Q_memcmp()

int Q_memcmp ( void m1,
void m2,
int  count 

◆ Q_memcpy()

void Q_memcpy ( void dest,
void src,
int  count 

◆ Q_memset()

void Q_memset ( void dest,
int  fill,
int  count 

◆ Q_snprintfz()

qboolean VARGS Q_snprintfz ( char *  dest,
size_t  size,
const char *  fmt,

◆ Q_strcasecmp()

int Q_strcasecmp ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 

◆ Q_strcasestr()

char * Q_strcasestr ( const char *  haystack,
const char *  needle 

◆ Q_strcat()

void Q_strcat ( char *  dest,
char *  src 

◆ Q_strcmp()

int Q_strcmp ( char *  s1,
char *  s2 

◆ Q_strcpy()

void Q_strcpy ( char *  dest,
char *  src 

◆ Q_stricmp()

int QDECL Q_stricmp ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 

◆ Q_strlen()

int Q_strlen ( char *  str)

◆ Q_strlwr()

char * Q_strlwr ( char *  s)

◆ Q_strncasecmp()

int Q_strncasecmp ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2,
int  n 

◆ Q_strncmp()

int Q_strncmp ( char *  s1,
char *  s2,
int  count 

◆ Q_strncpy()

void Q_strncpy ( char *  dest,
char *  src,
int  count 

◆ Q_strncpyz()

void QDECL Q_strncpyz ( char *  d,
const char *  s,
int  n 

◆ Q_strrchr()

char * Q_strrchr ( char *  s,
char  c 

◆ Q_strstopcasecmp()

int Q_strstopcasecmp ( const char *  s1start,
const char *  s1end,
const char *  s2 

◆ Q_tolower()

fte_inlinestatic char Q_tolower ( char  c)

◆ Q_vsnprintfz()

qboolean VARGS Q_vsnprintfz ( char *  dest,
size_t  size,
const char *  fmt,
va_list  argptr 

◆ qchar_encode()

unsigned int qchar_encode ( char *  out,
unsigned int  unicode,
int  maxlen,
qboolean  markup 

◆ RemoveLink()

void RemoveLink ( link_t l)

◆ revision_number()

int revision_number ( qboolean  strict)

◆ ShortSwap()

short ShortSwap ( short  l)

◆ SV_FlushRedirect()

void SV_FlushRedirect ( void  )

◆ SZ_Clear()

void SZ_Clear ( sizebuf_t buf)

◆ SZ_GetSpace()

void * SZ_GetSpace ( sizebuf_t buf,
int  length 

◆ SZ_Print()

void SZ_Print ( sizebuf_t buf,
const char *  data 

◆ SZ_Write()

void SZ_Write ( sizebuf_t buf,
const void data,
int  length 

◆ towlower()

int towlower ( int  c)

◆ towupper()

int towupper ( int  c)

◆ unicode_byteofsfromcharofs()

unsigned int unicode_byteofsfromcharofs ( const char *  str,
unsigned int  charofs,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_charcount()

unsigned int unicode_charcount ( const char *  in,
size_t  buffersize,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_charofsfrombyteofs()

unsigned int unicode_charofsfrombyteofs ( const char *  str,
unsigned int  byteofs,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_decode()

unsigned int unicode_decode ( int error,
const void in,
char const **  out,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_encode()

unsigned int unicode_encode ( char *  out,
unsigned int  unicode,
int  maxlen,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_strpad()

void unicode_strpad ( char *  out,
size_t  outsize,
const char *  in,
qboolean  leftalign,
size_t  minwidth,
size_t  maxwidth,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_strtolower()

size_t unicode_strtolower ( const char *  in,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize,
qboolean  markup 

◆ unicode_strtoupper()

size_t unicode_strtoupper ( const char *  in,
char *  out,
size_t  outsize,
qboolean  markup 

◆ utf8_decode()

unsigned int utf8_decode ( int error,
const void in,
char const **  out 

◆ utf8_encode()

unsigned int utf8_encode ( void out,
unsigned int  unicode,
int  maxlen 

◆ va()

char *VARGS va ( const char *  format,

◆ version_number()

int version_number ( void  )

◆ version_string()

char * version_string ( void  )

◆ wildcmp()

int wildcmp ( const char *  wild,
const char *  string 

Variable Documentation

◆ basicuserinfos

const char* basicuserinfos[]
Initial value:

◆ bigendian

qboolean bigendian

◆ BigFloat

float(* BigFloat) (float l) ( float  l)

◆ BigI64

qint64_t(* BigI64) (qint64_t l) ( qint64_t  l)

◆ BigLong

int(* BigLong) (int l) ( int  l)

◆ BigShort

short(* BigShort) (short l) ( short  l)

◆ bytedirs

vec3_t bytedirs[Q2NUMVERTEXNORMALS]
Initial value:
#include "../client/q2anorms.h"

◆ com_argc

int com_argc

◆ com_argv

const char** com_argv

◆ com_gamedirnativecode

cvar_t com_gamedirnativecode = CVARFD("com_gamedirnativecode", "0", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, FULLENGINENAME" blocks all downloads of files with a .dll or .so extension, however other engines (eg: ezquake and fodquake) do not - this omission can be used to trigger delayed eremote exploits in any engine (including "DISTRIBUTION") which is later run from the same gamedir.\nQuake2, Quake3(when debugging), and KTX typically run native gamecode from within gamedirs, so if you wish to run any of these games you will need to ensure this cvar is changed to 1, as well as ensure that you don't run unsafe clients.")

◆ com_hadwork

int com_hadwork[WG_COUNT]

◆ com_highlightcolor

cvar_t com_highlightcolor = CVARD("com_highlightcolor", STRINGIFY(COLOR_RED), "ANSI colour to be used for highlighted text, used when com_parseutf8 is active.")

◆ com_modified

qboolean com_modified

◆ com_parseutf8

cvar_t com_parseutf8 = CVARD("com_parseutf8", "1", "Interpret console messages/playernames/etc as UTF-8. Requires special fonts. -1=iso 8859-1. 0=quakeascii(chat uses high chars). 1=utf8, revert to ascii on decode errors. 2=utf8 ignoring errors")

◆ com_protocolname

cvar_t com_protocolname = CVARAD("com_protocolname", NULL, "com_gamename", "The protocol game name used for dpmaster queries. For compatibility with DP, you can set this to 'DarkPlaces-Quake' in order to be listed in DP's master server, and to list DP servers.")

◆ com_protocolversion

cvar_t com_protocolversion = CVARAD("com_protocolversion", "3", NULL, "The protocol version used for dpmaster queries.")

◆ com_resourcemutex

void* com_resourcemutex

◆ com_token

char com_token[TOKENSIZE]

◆ com_tokentype

com_tokentype_t com_tokentype

◆ com_workererror

qboolean com_workererror

◆ con_pipe

vfsfile_t* con_pipe

◆ consolecolours

consolecolours_t consolecolours[MAXCONCOLOURS]
Initial value:
= {
{0, 0, 0 },
{0, 0, 0.67},
{0, 0.67, 0 },
{0, 0.67, 0.67},
{0.67, 0, 0 },
{0.67, 0, 0.67},
{0.67, 0.33, 0 },
{0.67, 0.67, 0.67},
{0.33, 0.33, 0.33},
{0.33, 0.33, 1 },
{0.33, 1, 0.33},
{0.33, 1, 1 },
{1, 0.33, 0.33},
{1, 0.33, 1 },
{1, 1, 0.33},
{1, 1, 1 }


◆ developer

cvar_t developer = CVAR("developer","1")

◆ ezcompat_markup

cvar_t ezcompat_markup = CVARD("ezcompat_markup", "1", "Attempt compatibility with ezquake's text markup.0: disabled.\n1: Handle markup ampersand markup.\n2: Handle chevron markup (only in echo commands, for config compat, because its just too unreliable otherwise).")

◆ fs_gamename

cvar_t fs_gamename = CVARAD("com_fullgamename", NULL, "fs_gamename", "The filesystem is trying to run this game")

◆ gameversion

cvar_t gameversion = CVARFD("gameversion","", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "gamecode version for server browsers")

◆ gameversion_max

cvar_t gameversion_max = CVARD("gameversion_max","", "gamecode version for server browsers")

◆ gameversion_min

cvar_t gameversion_min = CVARD("gameversion_min","", "gamecode version for server browsers")

◆ host_frametime

double host_frametime

◆ host_initialized

qboolean host_initialized

◆ host_mapname

cvar_t host_mapname = CVARAFD("mapname", "", "host_mapname", 0, "Cvar that holds the short name of the current map, for scripting type stuff")

◆ host_parms

quakeparms_t host_parms

◆ isPlugin

int isPlugin

◆ LittleFloat

float(* LittleFloat) (float l) ( float  l)

◆ LittleI64

qint64_t(* LittleI64) (qint64_t l) ( qint64_t  l)

◆ LittleLong

int(* LittleLong) (int l) ( int  l)

◆ LittleShort

short(* LittleShort) (short l) ( short  l)

◆ msg_badread

qboolean msg_badread

◆ msg_nullnetprim

struct netprim_s msg_nullnetprim

◆ msg_suppress_1

qboolean msg_suppress_1 = false

◆ nullcmd

const usercmd_t nullcmd

◆ nullentitystate

entity_state_t nullentitystate

◆ pm_noround

cvar_t pm_noround = CVARD("pm_noround", "0", "Disables player prediction snapping, in a way that cannot be reliably predicted but may be needed to avoid map bugs.")

◆ privateuserinfos

const char* privateuserinfos[]
Initial value:

◆ q3codemasks

conchar_t q3codemasks[MAXQ3COLOURS]
Initial value:
= {

◆ realtime

double realtime

◆ registered

cvar_t registered = CVARD("registered","0","Set if quake's pak1.pak is available")

◆ scr_usekfont

cvar_t scr_usekfont = CVARD("scr_usekfont", "0", "Exists for compat with the quake rerelease, changing the behaviour of QC's sprint/bprint/centerprint builtins.")

◆ standard_quake

qboolean standard_quake = true

◆ static_registered

qboolean static_registered = true

◆ sys_nounload

qboolean sys_nounload

◆ sys_platform

cvar_t sys_platform = CVAR("sys_platform", PLATFORM)

◆ wantquit

qboolean wantquit

◆ worker_flush

cvar_t worker_flush = CVARD("worker_flush", "1", "If set, process the entire load queue, loading stuff faster but at the risk of stalling the main thread.")