Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
d3d11_backend.c File Reference


typedef vec3_t mat3_t[3]
typedef struct blendstates_s blendstates_t


enum  {
  D3D_VDEC_COL4B = 1<<0 , D3D_VDEC_ST0 = 1<<1 , D3D_VDEC_ST1 = 1<<2 , D3D_VDEC_NORM = 1<<3 ,
  D3D_VDEC_MAX = 1<<5


void D3D11_TerminateShadowMap (void)
void D3D11BE_BeginShadowmapFace (void)
void D3D11BE_SetupLightCBuffer (dlight_t *l, vec3_t colour)
texid_t D3D11_GetShadowMap (int id)
void D3D11_UpdateFiltering (image_t *imagelist, int filtermip[3], int filterpic[3], int mipcap[2], float lodbias, float anis)
void D3D11BE_Reset (qboolean before)
void D3D11BE_Init (void)
void D3D11BE_Shutdown (void)
ID3D11ShaderResourceView * D3D11_Image_View (const texid_t id)
void D3D11BE_UnbindAllTextures (void)
void D3D11BE_SelectMode (backendmode_t mode)
qboolean D3D11BE_GenerateRTLightShader (unsigned int lmode)
qboolean D3D11BE_SelectDLight (dlight_t *dl, vec3_t colour, vec3_t axis[3], unsigned int lmode)
void D3D11BE_SetupForShadowMap (dlight_t *dl, int texwidth, int texheight, float shadowscale)
void D3D11BE_SelectEntity (entity_t *ent)
void D3D11BE_GenBatchVBOs (vbo_t **vbochain, batch_t *firstbatch, batch_t *stopbatch)
void D3D11BE_GenBrushModelVBO (model_t *mod)
void D3D11BE_ClearVBO (vbo_t *vbo, qboolean dataonly)
void D3D11BE_UploadAllLightmaps (void)
qboolean D3D11BE_LightCullModel (vec3_t org, model_t *model)
batch_tD3D11BE_GetTempBatch (void)
void D3D11BE_Set2D (void)
void D3D11BE_SubmitBatch (batch_t *batch)
void D3D11BE_DrawMesh_List (shader_t *shader, int nummeshes, mesh_t **meshlist, vbo_t *vbo, texnums_t *texnums, unsigned int beflags)
void D3D11BE_DrawMesh_Single (shader_t *shader, mesh_t *meshchain, vbo_t *vbo, unsigned int beflags)
void D3D11BE_SubmitMeshes (batch_t **worldbatches, batch_t **blist, int first, int stop)
void D3D11BE_BaseEntTextures (const qbyte *worldpvs, const int *worldareas)
void D3D11BE_GenerateShadowBuffer (void **vbuf_out, vecV_t *verts, int numverts, void **ibuf_out, index_t *indicies, int numindicies)
void D3D11_DestroyShadowBuffer (void *vbuf_in, void *ibuf_in)
void D3D11BE_RenderShadowBuffer (unsigned int numverts, void *vbuf, unsigned int numindicies, void *ibuf)
void D3D11BE_DoneShadows (void)
void D3D11BE_DrawWorld (batch_t **worldbatches)
void D3D11BE_VBO_Begin (vbobctx_t *ctx, size_t maxsize)
void D3D11BE_VBO_Data (vbobctx_t *ctx, void *data, size_t size, vboarray_t *varray)
void D3D11BE_VBO_Finish (vbobctx_t *ctx, void *edata, size_t esize, vboarray_t *earray, void **vbomem, void **ebomem)
void D3D11BE_VBO_Destroy (vboarray_t *vearray, void *mem)
void D3D11BE_Scissor (srect_t *rect)


ID3D11Device * pD3DDev11
ID3D11DeviceContext * d3ddevctx
ID3D11DepthStencilView * fb_backdepthstencil
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps
cvar_t gl_overbright
cvar_t r_portalrecursion
cvar_t r_wireframe
cvar_t r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_offset
cvar_t r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_factor
D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL d3dfeaturelevel
int be_maxpasses

Typedef Documentation

◆ blendstates_t

typedef struct blendstates_s blendstates_t

◆ mat3_t

typedef vec3_t mat3_t[3]

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Function Documentation

◆ D3D11_DestroyShadowBuffer()

void D3D11_DestroyShadowBuffer ( void vbuf_in,
void ibuf_in 

◆ D3D11_GetShadowMap()

texid_t D3D11_GetShadowMap ( int  id)

◆ D3D11_Image_View()

ID3D11ShaderResourceView * D3D11_Image_View ( const texid_t  id)

◆ D3D11_TerminateShadowMap()

void D3D11_TerminateShadowMap ( void  )

◆ D3D11_UpdateFiltering()

void D3D11_UpdateFiltering ( image_t imagelist,
int  filtermip[3],
int  filterpic[3],
int  mipcap[2],
float  lodbias,
float  anis 

◆ D3D11BE_BaseEntTextures()

void D3D11BE_BaseEntTextures ( const qbyte worldpvs,
const int worldareas 

◆ D3D11BE_BeginShadowmapFace()

void D3D11BE_BeginShadowmapFace ( void  )

◆ D3D11BE_ClearVBO()

void D3D11BE_ClearVBO ( vbo_t vbo,
qboolean  dataonly 

◆ D3D11BE_DoneShadows()

void D3D11BE_DoneShadows ( void  )

◆ D3D11BE_DrawMesh_List()

void D3D11BE_DrawMesh_List ( shader_t shader,
int  nummeshes,
mesh_t **  meshlist,
vbo_t vbo,
texnums_t texnums,
unsigned int  beflags 

◆ D3D11BE_DrawMesh_Single()

void D3D11BE_DrawMesh_Single ( shader_t shader,
mesh_t meshchain,
vbo_t vbo,
unsigned int  beflags 

◆ D3D11BE_DrawWorld()

void D3D11BE_DrawWorld ( batch_t **  worldbatches)

◆ D3D11BE_GenBatchVBOs()

void D3D11BE_GenBatchVBOs ( vbo_t **  vbochain,
batch_t firstbatch,
batch_t stopbatch 

◆ D3D11BE_GenBrushModelVBO()

void D3D11BE_GenBrushModelVBO ( model_t mod)

◆ D3D11BE_GenerateRTLightShader()

qboolean D3D11BE_GenerateRTLightShader ( unsigned int  lmode)

◆ D3D11BE_GenerateShadowBuffer()

void D3D11BE_GenerateShadowBuffer ( void **  vbuf_out,
vecV_t *  verts,
int  numverts,
void **  ibuf_out,
index_t indicies,
int  numindicies 

◆ D3D11BE_GetTempBatch()

batch_t * D3D11BE_GetTempBatch ( void  )

◆ D3D11BE_Init()

void D3D11BE_Init ( void  )

◆ D3D11BE_LightCullModel()

qboolean D3D11BE_LightCullModel ( vec3_t  org,
model_t model 

◆ D3D11BE_RenderShadowBuffer()

void D3D11BE_RenderShadowBuffer ( unsigned int  numverts,
void vbuf,
unsigned int  numindicies,
void ibuf 

◆ D3D11BE_Reset()

void D3D11BE_Reset ( qboolean  before)

◆ D3D11BE_Scissor()

void D3D11BE_Scissor ( srect_t rect)

◆ D3D11BE_SelectDLight()

qboolean D3D11BE_SelectDLight ( dlight_t dl,
vec3_t  colour,
vec3_t  axis[3],
unsigned int  lmode 

◆ D3D11BE_SelectEntity()

void D3D11BE_SelectEntity ( entity_t ent)

◆ D3D11BE_SelectMode()

void D3D11BE_SelectMode ( backendmode_t  mode)

◆ D3D11BE_Set2D()

void D3D11BE_Set2D ( void  )

◆ D3D11BE_SetupForShadowMap()

void D3D11BE_SetupForShadowMap ( dlight_t dl,
int  texwidth,
int  texheight,
float  shadowscale 

◆ D3D11BE_SetupLightCBuffer()

void D3D11BE_SetupLightCBuffer ( dlight_t l,
vec3_t  colour 

◆ D3D11BE_Shutdown()

void D3D11BE_Shutdown ( void  )

◆ D3D11BE_SubmitBatch()

void D3D11BE_SubmitBatch ( batch_t batch)

◆ D3D11BE_SubmitMeshes()

void D3D11BE_SubmitMeshes ( batch_t **  worldbatches,
batch_t **  blist,
int  first,
int  stop 

◆ D3D11BE_UnbindAllTextures()

void D3D11BE_UnbindAllTextures ( void  )

◆ D3D11BE_UploadAllLightmaps()

void D3D11BE_UploadAllLightmaps ( void  )

◆ D3D11BE_VBO_Begin()

void D3D11BE_VBO_Begin ( vbobctx_t ctx,
size_t  maxsize 

◆ D3D11BE_VBO_Data()

void D3D11BE_VBO_Data ( vbobctx_t ctx,
void data,
size_t  size,
vboarray_t varray 

◆ D3D11BE_VBO_Destroy()

void D3D11BE_VBO_Destroy ( vboarray_t vearray,
void mem 

◆ D3D11BE_VBO_Finish()

void D3D11BE_VBO_Finish ( vbobctx_t ctx,
void edata,
size_t  esize,
vboarray_t earray,
void **  vbomem,
void **  ebomem 

Variable Documentation

◆ be_maxpasses

int be_maxpasses

◆ d3ddevctx

ID3D11DeviceContext* d3ddevctx

◆ d3dfeaturelevel

D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL d3dfeaturelevel

◆ fb_backdepthstencil

ID3D11DepthStencilView* fb_backdepthstencil

◆ gl_overbright

cvar_t gl_overbright

◆ pD3DDev11

ID3D11Device* pD3DDev11

◆ r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_factor

cvar_t r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_factor

◆ r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_offset

cvar_t r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_offset

◆ r_portalrecursion

cvar_t r_portalrecursion

◆ r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps

cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps

◆ r_wireframe

cvar_t r_wireframe