Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
svhl_game.c File Reference


string_t QDECL GHL_AllocString (const char *string)
int QDECL GHL_PrecacheModel (const char *name)
int QDECL GHL_PrecacheSound (char *name)
void QDECL GHL_SetModel (hledict_t *ed, char *modelname)
unk QDECL GHL_ModelIndex (unk)
int QDECL GHL_ModelFrames (int midx)
void QDECL GHL_SetSize (hledict_t *ed, float *mins, float *maxs)
void QDECL GHL_ChangeLevel (char *nextmap, char *startspot)
unk QDECL GHL_GetSpawnParms (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_SaveSpawnParms (unk)
float QDECL GHL_VecToYaw (float *inv)
void QDECL GHL_VecToAngles (float *inv, float *outa)
void QDECL GHL_MoveToOrigin (hledict_t *ent, vec3_t dest, float dist, int moveflags)
unk QDECL GHL_ChangeYaw (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_ChangePitch (unk)
hledict_t *QDECL GHL_FindEntityByString (hledict_t *last, char *field, char *value)
void Sh_CalcPointLight (vec3_t point, vec3_t light)
int QDECL GHL_GetEntityIllum (hledict_t *ent)
hledict_t *QDECL GHL_FindEntityInSphere (hledict_t *last, float *org, float radius)
hledict_t *QDECL GHL_FindClientInPVS (hledict_t *ed)
unk QDECL GHL_EntitiesInPVS (unk)
void QDECL GHL_MakeVectors (float *angles)
void QDECL GHL_AngleVectors (float *angles, float *forward, float *right, float *up)
hledict_t *QDECL GHL_CreateEntity (void)
void QDECL GHL_RemoveEntity (hledict_t *ed)
hledict_t *QDECL GHL_CreateNamedEntity (string_t name)
void *QDECL GHL_PvAllocEntPrivateData (hledict_t *ed, long quant)
unk QDECL GHL_PvEntPrivateData (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_FreeEntPrivateData (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_GetVarsOfEnt (unk)
hledict_t *QDECL GHL_PEntityOfEntOffset (int ednum)
int QDECL GHL_EntOffsetOfPEntity (hledict_t *ed)
int QDECL GHL_IndexOfEdict (hledict_t *ed)
hledict_t *QDECL GHL_PEntityOfEntIndex (int idx)
unk QDECL GHL_FindEntityByVars (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_MakeStatic (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_EntIsOnFloor (unk)
int QDECL GHL_DropToFloor (hledict_t *ed)
int QDECL GHL_WalkMove (hledict_t *ent, float yaw, float dist, int mode)
void QDECL GHL_SetOrigin (hledict_t *ed, float *neworg)
void QDECL GHL_EmitSound (hledict_t *ed, int chan, char *soundname, float vol, float atten, int flags, int pitch)
void QDECL GHL_EmitAmbientSound (hledict_t *ed, float *org, char *soundname, float vol, float atten, unsigned int flags, int pitch)
void QDECL GHL_TraceLine (float *start, float *end, int flags, hledict_t *ignore, hltraceresult_t *result)
unk QDECL GHL_TraceToss (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_TraceMonsterHull (unk)
void QDECL GHL_TraceHull (float *start, float *end, int flags, int hullnum, hledict_t *ignore, hltraceresult_t *result)
unk QDECL GHL_TraceModel (unk)
char *QDECL GHL_TraceTexture (hledict_t *againstent, vec3_t start, vec3_t end)
unk QDECL GHL_TraceSphere (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_GetAimVector (unk)
void QDECL GHL_ServerCommand (char *cmd)
void QDECL GHL_ServerExecute (void)
unk QDECL GHL_ClientCommand (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_ParticleEffect (unk)
void QDECL GHL_LightStyle (int stylenum, char *stylestr)
int QDECL GHL_DecalIndex (char *decalname)
int QDECL GHL_PointContents (float *org)
void QDECL GHL_MessageBegin (int dest, int type, float *org, hledict_t *ent)
void QDECL GHL_MessageEnd (unk)
void QDECL GHL_WriteByte (int value)
void QDECL GHL_WriteChar (int value)
void QDECL GHL_WriteShort (int value)
void QDECL GHL_WriteLong (int value)
void QDECL GHL_WriteAngle (float value)
void QDECL GHL_WriteCoord (float value)
void QDECL GHL_WriteString (char *string)
void QDECL GHL_WriteEntity (int entnum)
void QDECL GHL_AlertMessage (int level, char *fmt,...)
void QDECL GHL_EngineFprintf (FILE *f, char *fmt,...)
unk QDECL GHL_SzFromIndex (unk)
void *QDECL GHL_GetModelPtr (hledict_t *ed)
int QDECL GHL_RegUserMsg (char *msgname, int msgsize)
unk QDECL GHL_AnimationAutomove (unk)
void QDECL GHL_GetBonePosition (hledict_t *ed, int bone, vec3_t org, vec3_t ang)
hlintptr_t QDECL GHL_FunctionFromName (char *name)
char *QDECL GHL_NameForFunction (hlintptr_t function)
unk QDECL GHL_ClientPrintf (unk)
void QDECL GHL_ServerPrint (char *msg)
char *QDECL GHL_Cmd_Args (void)
char *QDECL GHL_Cmd_Argv (int arg)
int QDECL GHL_Cmd_Argc (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_GetAttachment (unk)
void QDECL GHL_CRC32_Init (hlcrc_t *crc)
void QDECL GHL_CRC32_ProcessBuffer (hlcrc_t *crc, qbyte *p, int len)
void QDECL GHL_CRC32_ProcessByte (hlcrc_t *crc, qbyte b)
hlcrc_t QDECL GHL_CRC32_Final (hlcrc_t crc)
long QDECL GHL_RandomLong (long minv, long maxv)
float QDECL GHL_RandomFloat (float minv, float maxv)
unk QDECL GHL_SetView (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_Time (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_CrosshairAngle (unk)
void *QDECL GHL_LoadFileForMe (char *name, int *size_out)
void QDECL GHL_FreeFile (void *fptr)
unk QDECL GHL_EndSection (unk)
int QDECL GHL_CompareFileTime (char *fname1, char *fname2, int *result)
void QDECL GHL_GetGameDir (char *gamedir)
unk QDECL GHL_Cvar_RegisterVariable (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_FadeClientVolume (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_SetClientMaxspeed (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_CreateFakeClient (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_RunPlayerMove (unk)
int QDECL GHL_NumberOfEntities (void)
char *QDECL GHL_GetInfoKeyBuffer (hledict_t *ed)
char *QDECL GHL_InfoKeyValue (char *infostr, char *key)
unk QDECL GHL_SetKeyValue (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_SetClientKeyValue (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_IsMapValid (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_StaticDecal (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_PrecacheGeneric (unk)
int QDECL GHL_GetPlayerUserId (hledict_t *ed)
unk QDECL GHL_BuildSoundMsg (unk)
int QDECL GHL_IsDedicatedServer (void)
void SVHL_UpdateCvar (cvar_t *var)
void SVHL_FreeCvars (void)
void SVHL_FreeCvar (hlcvar_t *var)
hlcvar_t *QDECL GHL_CVarGetPointer (char *varname)
void QDECL GHL_CVarRegister (hlcvar_t *hlvar)
float QDECL GHL_CVarGetFloat (char *vname)
char *QDECL GHL_CVarGetString (char *vname)
void QDECL GHL_CVarSetFloat (char *vname, float value)
void QDECL GHL_CVarSetString (char *vname, char *value)
unk QDECL GHL_GetPlayerWONId (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_Info_RemoveKey (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_GetPhysicsKeyValue (unk)
void QDECL GHL_SetPhysicsKeyValue (hledict_t *ent, char *key, char *value)
unk QDECL GHL_GetPhysicsInfoString (unk)
unsigned short QDECL GHL_PrecacheEvent (int eventtype, char *eventname)
void QDECL GHL_PlaybackEvent (int flags, hledict_t *ent, unsigned short eventidx, float delay, float *origin, float *angles, float f1, float f2, int i1, int i2, int b1, int b2)
unk QDECL GHL_SetFatPVS (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_SetFatPAS (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_CheckVisibility (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_DeltaSetField (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_DeltaUnsetField (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_DeltaAddEncoder (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_GetCurrentPlayer (unk)
int QDECL GHL_CanSkipPlayer (hledict_t *playerent)
unk QDECL GHL_DeltaFindField (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_DeltaSetFieldByIndex (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_SetGroupMask (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_CreateInstancedBaseline (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_Cvar_DirectSet (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_ForceUnmodified (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_GetPlayerStats (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_AddServerCommand (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_Voice_GetClientListening (unk)
qboolean QDECL GHL_Voice_SetClientListening (int listener, int sender, int shouldlisten)
char *QDECL GHL_GetPlayerAuthId (hledict_t *playered)
unk QDECL GHL_SequenceGet (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_SequencePickSentence (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_GetFileSize (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_GetApproxWavePlayLen (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_IsCareerMatch (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_GetLocalizedStringLength (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_RegisterTutorMessageShown (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_GetTimesTutorMessageShown (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_ProcessTutorMessageDecayBuffer (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_ConstructTutorMessageDecayBuffer (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_ResetTutorMessageDecayData (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_QueryClientCvarValue (unk)
unk QDECL GHL_QueryClientCvarValue2 (unk)
void SV_ReadLibListDotGam (void)
int SVHL_InitGame (void)
void SVHL_SaveLevelCache (char *filename)
void SVHL_SetupGame (void)
void SVHL_SpawnEntities (char *entstring)
void SVHL_ShutdownGame (void)
qboolean HLSV_ClientCommand (client_t *client)
qboolean SVHL_ClientConnect (client_t *client, netadr_t adr, char rejectmessage[128])
void SVHL_BuildStats (client_t *client, int *si, float *sf, char **ss)
void SVHL_PutClientInServer (client_t *client)
void SVHL_DropClient (client_t *drop)
void SVHL_RunCmd (client_t *cl, usercmd_t *ucmd)
void SVHL_RunPlayerCommand (client_t *cl, usercmd_t *oldest, usercmd_t *oldcmd, usercmd_t *newcmd)
void SVHL_Snapshot_Build (client_t *client, packet_entities_t *pack, qbyte *pvs, edict_t *clent, qboolean ignorepvs)
qbyteSVHL_Snapshot_SetupPVS (client_t *client, qbyte *pvs, unsigned int pvsbufsize)


dllhandle_t * hlgamecode
SVHL_Globals_t SVHL_Globals
SVHL_GameFuncs_t SVHL_GameFuncs
int SVHL_NumActiveEnts
int lastusermessage
int svhl_messagedest
vec3_t svhl_messageorigin
SVHL_Builtins_t SVHL_Builtins

Function Documentation

◆ GHL_AddServerCommand()

unk QDECL GHL_AddServerCommand ( unk  )

◆ GHL_AlertMessage()

void QDECL GHL_AlertMessage ( int  level,
char *  fmt,

◆ GHL_AllocString()

string_t QDECL GHL_AllocString ( const char *  string)

◆ GHL_AngleVectors()

void QDECL GHL_AngleVectors ( float *  angles,
float *  forward,
float *  right,
float *  up 

◆ GHL_AnimationAutomove()

unk QDECL GHL_AnimationAutomove ( unk  )

◆ GHL_BuildSoundMsg()

unk QDECL GHL_BuildSoundMsg ( unk  )

◆ GHL_CanSkipPlayer()

int QDECL GHL_CanSkipPlayer ( hledict_t playerent)

◆ GHL_ChangeLevel()

void QDECL GHL_ChangeLevel ( char *  nextmap,
char *  startspot 

◆ GHL_ChangePitch()

unk QDECL GHL_ChangePitch ( unk  )

◆ GHL_ChangeYaw()

unk QDECL GHL_ChangeYaw ( unk  )

◆ GHL_CheckVisibility()

unk QDECL GHL_CheckVisibility ( unk  )

◆ GHL_ClientCommand()

unk QDECL GHL_ClientCommand ( unk  )

◆ GHL_ClientPrintf()

unk QDECL GHL_ClientPrintf ( unk  )

◆ GHL_Cmd_Argc()

int QDECL GHL_Cmd_Argc ( unk  )

◆ GHL_Cmd_Args()

char *QDECL GHL_Cmd_Args ( void  )

◆ GHL_Cmd_Argv()

char *QDECL GHL_Cmd_Argv ( int  arg)

◆ GHL_CompareFileTime()

int QDECL GHL_CompareFileTime ( char *  fname1,
char *  fname2,
int result 

◆ GHL_ConstructTutorMessageDecayBuffer()

unk QDECL GHL_ConstructTutorMessageDecayBuffer ( unk  )

◆ GHL_CRC32_Final()

hlcrc_t QDECL GHL_CRC32_Final ( hlcrc_t  crc)

◆ GHL_CRC32_Init()

void QDECL GHL_CRC32_Init ( hlcrc_t crc)

◆ GHL_CRC32_ProcessBuffer()

void QDECL GHL_CRC32_ProcessBuffer ( hlcrc_t crc,
qbyte p,
int  len 

◆ GHL_CRC32_ProcessByte()

void QDECL GHL_CRC32_ProcessByte ( hlcrc_t crc,
qbyte  b 

◆ GHL_CreateEntity()

hledict_t *QDECL GHL_CreateEntity ( void  )

◆ GHL_CreateFakeClient()

unk QDECL GHL_CreateFakeClient ( unk  )

◆ GHL_CreateInstancedBaseline()

unk QDECL GHL_CreateInstancedBaseline ( unk  )

◆ GHL_CreateNamedEntity()

hledict_t *QDECL GHL_CreateNamedEntity ( string_t  name)

◆ GHL_CrosshairAngle()

unk QDECL GHL_CrosshairAngle ( unk  )

◆ GHL_Cvar_DirectSet()

unk QDECL GHL_Cvar_DirectSet ( unk  )

◆ GHL_Cvar_RegisterVariable()

unk QDECL GHL_Cvar_RegisterVariable ( unk  )

◆ GHL_CVarGetFloat()

float QDECL GHL_CVarGetFloat ( char *  vname)

◆ GHL_CVarGetPointer()

hlcvar_t *QDECL GHL_CVarGetPointer ( char *  varname)

◆ GHL_CVarGetString()

char *QDECL GHL_CVarGetString ( char *  vname)

◆ GHL_CVarRegister()

void QDECL GHL_CVarRegister ( hlcvar_t hlvar)

◆ GHL_CVarSetFloat()

void QDECL GHL_CVarSetFloat ( char *  vname,
float  value 

◆ GHL_CVarSetString()

void QDECL GHL_CVarSetString ( char *  vname,
char *  value 

◆ GHL_DecalIndex()

int QDECL GHL_DecalIndex ( char *  decalname)

◆ GHL_DeltaAddEncoder()

unk QDECL GHL_DeltaAddEncoder ( unk  )

◆ GHL_DeltaFindField()

unk QDECL GHL_DeltaFindField ( unk  )

◆ GHL_DeltaSetField()

unk QDECL GHL_DeltaSetField ( unk  )

◆ GHL_DeltaSetFieldByIndex()

unk QDECL GHL_DeltaSetFieldByIndex ( unk  )

◆ GHL_DeltaUnsetField()

unk QDECL GHL_DeltaUnsetField ( unk  )

◆ GHL_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex()

unk QDECL GHL_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex ( unk  )

◆ GHL_DropToFloor()

int QDECL GHL_DropToFloor ( hledict_t ed)

◆ GHL_EmitAmbientSound()

void QDECL GHL_EmitAmbientSound ( hledict_t ed,
float *  org,
char *  soundname,
float  vol,
float  atten,
unsigned int  flags,
int  pitch 

◆ GHL_EmitSound()

void QDECL GHL_EmitSound ( hledict_t ed,
int  chan,
char *  soundname,
float  vol,
float  atten,
int  flags,
int  pitch 

◆ GHL_EndSection()

unk QDECL GHL_EndSection ( unk  )

◆ GHL_EngineFprintf()

void QDECL GHL_EngineFprintf ( FILE *  f,
char *  fmt,

◆ GHL_EntIsOnFloor()

unk QDECL GHL_EntIsOnFloor ( unk  )

◆ GHL_EntitiesInPVS()

unk QDECL GHL_EntitiesInPVS ( unk  )

◆ GHL_EntOffsetOfPEntity()

int QDECL GHL_EntOffsetOfPEntity ( hledict_t ed)

◆ GHL_FadeClientVolume()

unk QDECL GHL_FadeClientVolume ( unk  )

◆ GHL_FindClientInPVS()

hledict_t *QDECL GHL_FindClientInPVS ( hledict_t ed)

◆ GHL_FindEntityByString()

hledict_t *QDECL GHL_FindEntityByString ( hledict_t last,
char *  field,
char *  value 

◆ GHL_FindEntityByVars()

unk QDECL GHL_FindEntityByVars ( unk  )

◆ GHL_FindEntityInSphere()

hledict_t *QDECL GHL_FindEntityInSphere ( hledict_t last,
float *  org,
float  radius 

◆ GHL_ForceUnmodified()

unk QDECL GHL_ForceUnmodified ( unk  )

◆ GHL_FreeEntPrivateData()

unk QDECL GHL_FreeEntPrivateData ( unk  )

◆ GHL_FreeFile()

void QDECL GHL_FreeFile ( void fptr)

◆ GHL_FunctionFromName()

hlintptr_t QDECL GHL_FunctionFromName ( char *  name)

◆ GHL_GetAimVector()

unk QDECL GHL_GetAimVector ( unk  )

◆ GHL_GetApproxWavePlayLen()

unk QDECL GHL_GetApproxWavePlayLen ( unk  )

◆ GHL_GetAttachment()

unk QDECL GHL_GetAttachment ( unk  )

◆ GHL_GetBonePosition()

void QDECL GHL_GetBonePosition ( hledict_t ed,
int  bone,
vec3_t  org,
vec3_t  ang 

◆ GHL_GetCurrentPlayer()

unk QDECL GHL_GetCurrentPlayer ( unk  )

◆ GHL_GetEntityIllum()

int QDECL GHL_GetEntityIllum ( hledict_t ent)

◆ GHL_GetFileSize()

unk QDECL GHL_GetFileSize ( unk  )

◆ GHL_GetGameDir()

void QDECL GHL_GetGameDir ( char *  gamedir)

◆ GHL_GetInfoKeyBuffer()

char *QDECL GHL_GetInfoKeyBuffer ( hledict_t ed)

◆ GHL_GetLocalizedStringLength()

unk QDECL GHL_GetLocalizedStringLength ( unk  )

◆ GHL_GetModelPtr()

void *QDECL GHL_GetModelPtr ( hledict_t ed)

◆ GHL_GetPhysicsInfoString()

unk QDECL GHL_GetPhysicsInfoString ( unk  )

◆ GHL_GetPhysicsKeyValue()

unk QDECL GHL_GetPhysicsKeyValue ( unk  )

◆ GHL_GetPlayerAuthId()

char *QDECL GHL_GetPlayerAuthId ( hledict_t playered)

◆ GHL_GetPlayerStats()

unk QDECL GHL_GetPlayerStats ( unk  )

◆ GHL_GetPlayerUserId()

int QDECL GHL_GetPlayerUserId ( hledict_t ed)

◆ GHL_GetPlayerWONId()

unk QDECL GHL_GetPlayerWONId ( unk  )

◆ GHL_GetSpawnParms()

unk QDECL GHL_GetSpawnParms ( unk  )

◆ GHL_GetTimesTutorMessageShown()

unk QDECL GHL_GetTimesTutorMessageShown ( unk  )

◆ GHL_GetVarsOfEnt()

unk QDECL GHL_GetVarsOfEnt ( unk  )

◆ GHL_IndexOfEdict()

int QDECL GHL_IndexOfEdict ( hledict_t ed)

◆ GHL_Info_RemoveKey()

unk QDECL GHL_Info_RemoveKey ( unk  )

◆ GHL_InfoKeyValue()

char *QDECL GHL_InfoKeyValue ( char *  infostr,
char *  key 

◆ GHL_IsCareerMatch()

unk QDECL GHL_IsCareerMatch ( unk  )

◆ GHL_IsDedicatedServer()

int QDECL GHL_IsDedicatedServer ( void  )

◆ GHL_IsMapValid()

unk QDECL GHL_IsMapValid ( unk  )

◆ GHL_LightStyle()

void QDECL GHL_LightStyle ( int  stylenum,
char *  stylestr 

◆ GHL_LoadFileForMe()

void *QDECL GHL_LoadFileForMe ( char *  name,
int size_out 

◆ GHL_MakeStatic()

unk QDECL GHL_MakeStatic ( unk  )

◆ GHL_MakeVectors()

void QDECL GHL_MakeVectors ( float *  angles)

◆ GHL_MessageBegin()

void QDECL GHL_MessageBegin ( int  dest,
int  type,
float *  org,
hledict_t ent 

◆ GHL_MessageEnd()

void QDECL GHL_MessageEnd ( unk  )

◆ GHL_ModelFrames()

int QDECL GHL_ModelFrames ( int  midx)

◆ GHL_ModelIndex()

unk QDECL GHL_ModelIndex ( unk  )

◆ GHL_MoveToOrigin()

void QDECL GHL_MoveToOrigin ( hledict_t ent,
vec3_t  dest,
float  dist,
int  moveflags 

◆ GHL_NameForFunction()

char *QDECL GHL_NameForFunction ( hlintptr_t  function)

◆ GHL_NumberOfEntities()

int QDECL GHL_NumberOfEntities ( void  )

◆ GHL_ParticleEffect()

unk QDECL GHL_ParticleEffect ( unk  )

◆ GHL_PEntityOfEntIndex()

hledict_t *QDECL GHL_PEntityOfEntIndex ( int  idx)

◆ GHL_PEntityOfEntOffset()

hledict_t *QDECL GHL_PEntityOfEntOffset ( int  ednum)

◆ GHL_PlaybackEvent()

void QDECL GHL_PlaybackEvent ( int  flags,
hledict_t ent,
unsigned short  eventidx,
float  delay,
float *  origin,
float *  angles,
float  f1,
float  f2,
int  i1,
int  i2,
int  b1,
int  b2 

◆ GHL_PointContents()

int QDECL GHL_PointContents ( float *  org)

◆ GHL_PrecacheEvent()

unsigned short QDECL GHL_PrecacheEvent ( int  eventtype,
char *  eventname 

◆ GHL_PrecacheGeneric()

unk QDECL GHL_PrecacheGeneric ( unk  )

◆ GHL_PrecacheModel()

int QDECL GHL_PrecacheModel ( const char *  name)

◆ GHL_PrecacheSound()

int QDECL GHL_PrecacheSound ( char *  name)

◆ GHL_ProcessTutorMessageDecayBuffer()

unk QDECL GHL_ProcessTutorMessageDecayBuffer ( unk  )

◆ GHL_PvAllocEntPrivateData()

void *QDECL GHL_PvAllocEntPrivateData ( hledict_t ed,
long  quant 

◆ GHL_PvEntPrivateData()

unk QDECL GHL_PvEntPrivateData ( unk  )

◆ GHL_QueryClientCvarValue()

unk QDECL GHL_QueryClientCvarValue ( unk  )

◆ GHL_QueryClientCvarValue2()

unk QDECL GHL_QueryClientCvarValue2 ( unk  )

◆ GHL_RandomFloat()

float QDECL GHL_RandomFloat ( float  minv,
float  maxv 

◆ GHL_RandomLong()

long QDECL GHL_RandomLong ( long  minv,
long  maxv 

◆ GHL_RegisterTutorMessageShown()

unk QDECL GHL_RegisterTutorMessageShown ( unk  )

◆ GHL_RegUserMsg()

int QDECL GHL_RegUserMsg ( char *  msgname,
int  msgsize 

◆ GHL_RemoveEntity()

void QDECL GHL_RemoveEntity ( hledict_t ed)

◆ GHL_ResetTutorMessageDecayData()

unk QDECL GHL_ResetTutorMessageDecayData ( unk  )

◆ GHL_RunPlayerMove()

unk QDECL GHL_RunPlayerMove ( unk  )

◆ GHL_SaveSpawnParms()

unk QDECL GHL_SaveSpawnParms ( unk  )

◆ GHL_SequenceGet()

unk QDECL GHL_SequenceGet ( unk  )

◆ GHL_SequencePickSentence()

unk QDECL GHL_SequencePickSentence ( unk  )

◆ GHL_ServerCommand()

void QDECL GHL_ServerCommand ( char *  cmd)

◆ GHL_ServerExecute()

void QDECL GHL_ServerExecute ( void  )

◆ GHL_ServerPrint()

void QDECL GHL_ServerPrint ( char *  msg)

◆ GHL_SetClientKeyValue()

unk QDECL GHL_SetClientKeyValue ( unk  )

◆ GHL_SetClientMaxspeed()

unk QDECL GHL_SetClientMaxspeed ( unk  )

◆ GHL_SetFatPAS()

unk QDECL GHL_SetFatPAS ( unk  )

◆ GHL_SetFatPVS()

unk QDECL GHL_SetFatPVS ( unk  )

◆ GHL_SetGroupMask()

unk QDECL GHL_SetGroupMask ( unk  )

◆ GHL_SetKeyValue()

unk QDECL GHL_SetKeyValue ( unk  )

◆ GHL_SetModel()

void QDECL GHL_SetModel ( hledict_t ed,
char *  modelname 

◆ GHL_SetOrigin()

void QDECL GHL_SetOrigin ( hledict_t ed,
float *  neworg 

◆ GHL_SetPhysicsKeyValue()

void QDECL GHL_SetPhysicsKeyValue ( hledict_t ent,
char *  key,
char *  value 

◆ GHL_SetSize()

void QDECL GHL_SetSize ( hledict_t ed,
float *  mins,
float *  maxs 

◆ GHL_SetView()

unk QDECL GHL_SetView ( unk  )

◆ GHL_StaticDecal()

unk QDECL GHL_StaticDecal ( unk  )

◆ GHL_SzFromIndex()

unk QDECL GHL_SzFromIndex ( unk  )

◆ GHL_Time()

unk QDECL GHL_Time ( unk  )

◆ GHL_TraceHull()

void QDECL GHL_TraceHull ( float *  start,
float *  end,
int  flags,
int  hullnum,
hledict_t ignore,
hltraceresult_t result 

◆ GHL_TraceLine()

void QDECL GHL_TraceLine ( float *  start,
float *  end,
int  flags,
hledict_t ignore,
hltraceresult_t result 

◆ GHL_TraceModel()

unk QDECL GHL_TraceModel ( unk  )

◆ GHL_TraceMonsterHull()

unk QDECL GHL_TraceMonsterHull ( unk  )

◆ GHL_TraceSphere()

unk QDECL GHL_TraceSphere ( unk  )

◆ GHL_TraceTexture()

char *QDECL GHL_TraceTexture ( hledict_t againstent,
vec3_t  start,
vec3_t  end 

◆ GHL_TraceToss()

unk QDECL GHL_TraceToss ( unk  )

◆ GHL_VecToAngles()

void QDECL GHL_VecToAngles ( float *  inv,
float *  outa 

◆ GHL_VecToYaw()

float QDECL GHL_VecToYaw ( float *  inv)

◆ GHL_Voice_GetClientListening()

unk QDECL GHL_Voice_GetClientListening ( unk  )

◆ GHL_Voice_SetClientListening()

qboolean QDECL GHL_Voice_SetClientListening ( int  listener,
int  sender,
int  shouldlisten 

◆ GHL_WalkMove()

int QDECL GHL_WalkMove ( hledict_t ent,
float  yaw,
float  dist,
int  mode 

◆ GHL_WriteAngle()

void QDECL GHL_WriteAngle ( float  value)

◆ GHL_WriteByte()

void QDECL GHL_WriteByte ( int  value)

◆ GHL_WriteChar()

void QDECL GHL_WriteChar ( int  value)

◆ GHL_WriteCoord()

void QDECL GHL_WriteCoord ( float  value)

◆ GHL_WriteEntity()

void QDECL GHL_WriteEntity ( int  entnum)

◆ GHL_WriteLong()

void QDECL GHL_WriteLong ( int  value)

◆ GHL_WriteShort()

void QDECL GHL_WriteShort ( int  value)

◆ GHL_WriteString()

void QDECL GHL_WriteString ( char *  string)

◆ HLSV_ClientCommand()

qboolean HLSV_ClientCommand ( client_t client)

◆ Sh_CalcPointLight()

void Sh_CalcPointLight ( vec3_t  point,
vec3_t  light 

◆ SV_ReadLibListDotGam()

void SV_ReadLibListDotGam ( void  )

◆ SVHL_BuildStats()

void SVHL_BuildStats ( client_t client,
int si,
float *  sf,
char **  ss 

◆ SVHL_ClientConnect()

qboolean SVHL_ClientConnect ( client_t client,
netadr_t  adr,
char  rejectmessage[128] 

◆ SVHL_DropClient()

void SVHL_DropClient ( client_t drop)

◆ SVHL_FreeCvar()

void SVHL_FreeCvar ( hlcvar_t var)

◆ SVHL_FreeCvars()

void SVHL_FreeCvars ( void  )

◆ SVHL_InitGame()

int SVHL_InitGame ( void  )

◆ SVHL_PutClientInServer()

void SVHL_PutClientInServer ( client_t client)

◆ SVHL_RunCmd()

void SVHL_RunCmd ( client_t cl,
usercmd_t ucmd 

◆ SVHL_RunPlayerCommand()

void SVHL_RunPlayerCommand ( client_t cl,
usercmd_t oldest,
usercmd_t oldcmd,
usercmd_t newcmd 

◆ SVHL_SaveLevelCache()

void SVHL_SaveLevelCache ( char *  filename)

◆ SVHL_SetupGame()

void SVHL_SetupGame ( void  )

◆ SVHL_ShutdownGame()

void SVHL_ShutdownGame ( void  )

◆ SVHL_Snapshot_Build()

void SVHL_Snapshot_Build ( client_t client,
packet_entities_t pack,
qbyte pvs,
edict_t clent,
qboolean  ignorepvs 

◆ SVHL_Snapshot_SetupPVS()

qbyte * SVHL_Snapshot_SetupPVS ( client_t client,
qbyte pvs,
unsigned int  pvsbufsize 

◆ SVHL_SpawnEntities()

void SVHL_SpawnEntities ( char *  entstring)

◆ SVHL_UpdateCvar()

void SVHL_UpdateCvar ( cvar_t var)

Variable Documentation

◆ hlcvar_malloced

hlcvar_t* hlcvar_malloced

◆ hlcvar_stored

hlcvar_t* hlcvar_stored

◆ hlgamecode

dllhandle_t* hlgamecode

◆ lastusermessage

int lastusermessage

◆ SVHL_Builtins

SVHL_Builtins_t SVHL_Builtins

◆ SVHL_Edict

hledict_t* SVHL_Edict

◆ SVHL_GameFuncs

SVHL_GameFuncs_t SVHL_GameFuncs

◆ SVHL_Globals

SVHL_Globals_t SVHL_Globals

◆ svhl_messagedest

int svhl_messagedest

◆ svhl_messageent

hledict_t* svhl_messageent

◆ svhl_messageorigin

vec3_t svhl_messageorigin

◆ SVHL_NumActiveEnts

int SVHL_NumActiveEnts