Documentation of the FTE engine source tree.
renderer.c File Reference


void R_InitParticleTexture (void)
void R_RestartRenderer (rendererstate_t *newr)
void QDECL SCR_Viewsize_Callback (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
void QDECL SCR_Fov_Callback (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
void QDECL Image_TextureMode_Callback (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
void GLD3DRenderer_Init (void)
void GLRenderer_Init (void)
void R_InitTextures (void)
void R_ListConfigs_f (void)
void R_ListFonts_f (void)
void R_ListSkins_f (void)
void R_SetRenderer_f (void)
void R_ReloadRenderer_f (void)
void R_ToggleFullscreen_f (void)
void Renderer_Init (void)
qboolean Renderer_Started (void)
void Renderer_Start (void)
qboolean R_RegisterRenderer (void *module, rendererinfo_t *ri)
qboolean R_RegisterVRDriver (void *module, plugvrfuncs_t *vr)
void R_SetRenderer (rendererinfo_t *ri)
qboolean R_ApplyRenderer_Load (rendererstate_t *newr)
void D3DSucks (void)
void R_ShutdownRenderer (qboolean devicetoo)
void R_GenPaletteLookup (void)
qboolean R_ApplyRenderer (rendererstate_t *newr)
qboolean R_BuildRenderstate (rendererstate_t *newr, char *rendererstring)
void R_RestartRenderer_f (void)
mspriteframe_tR_GetSpriteFrame (entity_t *currententity)
texture_tR_TextureAnimation (int frame, texture_t *base)
texture_tR_TextureAnimation_Q2 (texture_t *base)
qboolean R_CullBox (vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs)
qboolean R_CullSphere (vec3_t org, float radius)
qboolean R_CullEntityBox (entity_t *e, vec3_t modmins, vec3_t modmaxs)
int SignbitsForPlane (mplane_t *out)
void R_SetFrustum (float projmat[16], float viewmat[16])
void R_SetFrustum (void)


refdef_t r_refdef
vec3_t r_origin
vec3_t vpn
vec3_t vright
vec3_t vup
entity_t r_worldentity
int r_framecount
qboolean r_forceheadless
struct texture_sr_notexture_mip
int r_blockvidrestart
int r_regsequence
int rspeeds [RSPEED_MAX]
int rquant [RQUANT_MAX]
qboolean vid_isfullscreen
unsigned int d_8to24rgbtable [256]
unsigned int d_8to24srgbtable [256]
unsigned int d_8to24bgrtable [256]
unsigned int d_quaketo24srgbtable [256]
int gl_anisotropy_factor
cvar_t vid_vsync
cvar_t in_windowed_mouse
cvar_t con_ocranaleds = CVAR ("con_ocranaleds", "2")
cvar_t cl_cursor = CVAR ("cl_cursor", "")
cvar_t cl_cursorscale = CVAR ("cl_cursor_scale", "1.0")
cvar_t cl_cursorbiasx = CVAR ("cl_cursor_bias_x", "0.0")
cvar_t cl_cursorbiasy = CVAR ("cl_cursor_bias_y", "0.0")
cvar_t gl_nocolors = CVARFD ("gl_nocolors", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Ignores player colours and skins, reducing texture memory usage at the cost of not knowing whether you're killing your team mates.")
cvar_t gl_part_flame = CVARFD ("gl_part_flame", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Enable particle emitting from models. Mainly used for torch and flame effects.")
cvar_t vid_devicename = CVARFD ("vid_devicename", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Specifies which video device to try to use. If blank or invalid then one will be guessed.")
cvar_t gl_shadeq1_name = CVARD ("gl_shadeq1_name", "*", "Rename all surfaces from quake1 bsps using this pattern for the purposes of shader names.")
cvar_t r_vertexlight
cvar_t r_forceprogramify
cvar_t r_glsl_precache
cvar_t r_halfrate
cvar_t dpcompat_nopremulpics
cvar_t dpcompat_psa_ungroup = CVAR ("dpcompat_psa_ungroup", "0")
cvar_t r_ignoreentpvs = CVARD ("r_ignoreentpvs", "1", "Disables pvs culling of entities that have been submitted to the renderer.")
cvar_t mod_md3flags = CVARD ("mod_md3flags", "1", "The flags field of md3s was never officially defined. If this is set to 1, the flags will be treated identically to mdl files. Otherwise they will be ignored. Naturally, this is required to provide rotating pickups in quake.")
cvar_t r_ambient
cvar_t r_bloodstains = CVARF ("r_bloodstains", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t r_bouncysparks
cvar_t r_drawentities = CVARFD ("r_drawentities", "1", CVAR_CHEAT, "Controls whether to draw entities or not.\n0: Draw no entities.\n1: Draw everything as normal.\n2: Draw everything but bmodels.\n3: Draw bmodels only.")
cvar_t r_max_gpu_bones = CVARD ("r_max_gpu_bones", "", "Specifies the maximum number of bones that can be handled on the GPU. If empty, will guess.")
cvar_t r_drawflat
cvar_t r_lightmap
cvar_t r_wireframe
cvar_t r_outline = CVARD ("gl_outline", "0", "Draw some stylised outlines.")
cvar_t r_outline_width = CVARD ("gl_outline_width", "2", "The width of those outlines.")
cvar_t r_wireframe_smooth = CVAR ("r_wireframe_smooth", "0")
cvar_t r_refract_fbo = CVARD ("r_refract_fbo", "1", "Use an fbo for refraction. If 0, just renders as a portal and uses a copy of the current framebuffer.")
cvar_t r_refractreflect_scale = CVARD ("r_refractreflect_scale", "0.5", "Use a different scale for refraction and reflection texturemaps. Because $reasons.")
cvar_t r_drawviewmodel = CVARF ("r_drawviewmodel", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t r_drawviewmodelinvis = CVAR ("r_drawviewmodelinvis", "0")
cvar_t r_dynamic
cvar_t r_temporalscenecache
cvar_t r_fastturb
cvar_t r_fb_bmodels
cvar_t r_fb_models
cvar_t r_skin_overlays
cvar_t r_globalskin_first = CVARFD ("r_globalskin_first", "100", CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Specifies the first .skin value that is a global skin. Entities within this range will use the shader/image called 'gfx/skinSKIN.lmp' instead of their regular skin. See also: r_globalskin_count.")
cvar_t r_globalskin_count = CVARFD ("r_globalskin_count", "10", CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Specifies how many globalskins there are.")
cvar_t r_coronas = CVARFD ("r_coronas", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Draw coronas on realtime lights. Overrides glquake-esque flashblends.")
cvar_t r_coronas_intensity = CVARFD ("r_coronas_intensity", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Alternative intensity multiplier for coronas.")
cvar_t r_coronas_occlusion = CVARFD ("r_coronas_occlusion", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Specifies that coronas should be occluded more carefully.\n0: No occlusion, at all.\n1: BSP occlusion only (simple tracelines).\n2: non-bsp occlusion also (complex tracelines).\n3: Depthbuffer reads (forces synchronisation).\n4: occlusion queries.")
cvar_t r_coronas_mindist = CVARFD ("r_coronas_mindist", "128", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Coronas closer than this will be invisible, preventing near clip plane issues.")
cvar_t r_coronas_fadedist = CVARFD ("r_coronas_fadedist", "256", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Coronas will fade out over this distance.")
cvar_t r_flashblend
cvar_t r_flashblendscale
cvar_t r_floorcolour
cvar_t r_fullbright
cvar_t r_fullbrightSkins
cvar_t r_lightmap_saturation = CVAR ("r_lightmap_saturation", "1")
cvar_t r_lightstylesmooth = CVARF ("r_lightstylesmooth", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t r_lightstylesmooth_limit = CVAR ("r_lightstylesmooth_limit", "2")
cvar_t r_lightstylespeed = CVAR ("r_lightstylespeed", "10")
cvar_t r_lightstylescale = CVAR ("r_lightstylescale", "1")
cvar_t r_lightmap_scale = CVARFD ("r_shadow_realtime_nonworld_lightmaps", "1", 0, "Scaler for lightmaps used when not using realtime world lighting. Probably broken.")
cvar_t r_hdr_framebuffer = CVARFCD("r_hdr_framebuffer", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, R_HDR_FramebufferFormat_Changed, "If enabled, the map will be rendered into a high-precision image framebuffer. This avoids issues with shaders that contribute more than 1 in any single pass (like overbrights). Can also be set to the name of an image format, to force rendering to that format first - interesting formats are L8, RGB565, B10G11R11F, and others.")
cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation = CVARF ("r_hdr_irisadaptation", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_multiplier = CVAR ("r_hdr_irisadaptation_multiplier", "2")
cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_minvalue = CVAR ("r_hdr_irisadaptation_minvalue", "0.5")
cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_maxvalue = CVAR ("r_hdr_irisadaptation_maxvalue", "4")
cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_down = CVAR ("r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_down", "0.5")
cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_up = CVAR ("r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_up", "0.1")
cvar_t r_loadlits = CVARFD("r_loadlit", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Whether to load lit files.\n0: Do not load external rgb lightmap data.\n1: Load but don't generate.\n2: Generate ldr lighting (if none found).\n3: Generate hdr lighting (if none found).\nNote that regeneration of lightmap data may be unreliable if the map was made for more advanced lighting tools.\nDeluxemap information will also be generated, as appropriate.")
cvar_t r_menutint
cvar_t r_netgraph = CVARD ("r_netgraph", "0", "Displays a graph of packet latency. A value of 2 will give additional info about what sort of data is being received from the server.")
cvar_t r_lerpmuzzlehack
cvar_t mod_h2holey_bugged
cvar_t mod_halftexel
cvar_t mod_nomipmap
cvar_t r_nolerp = CVARF ("r_nolerp", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t r_noframegrouplerp = CVARF ("r_noframegrouplerp", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t r_nolightdir = CVARF ("r_nolightdir", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t r_novis = CVARF ("r_novis", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t r_part_rain
cvar_t r_softwarebanding_cvar = CVARFD ("r_softwarebanding", "0", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM|CVAR_RENDERERLATCH|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Utilise the Quake colormap in order to emulate 8bit software rendering. This results in banding as well as other artifacts that some believe adds character. Also forces nearest sampling on affected surfaces (palette indicies do not interpolate well).")
qboolean r_softwarebanding
cvar_t r_speeds = CVAR ("r_speeds", "0")
cvar_t r_stainfadeammount = CVAR ("r_stainfadeammount", "1")
cvar_t r_stainfadetime = CVAR ("r_stainfadetime", "1")
cvar_t r_stains
cvar_t r_renderscale = CVARFD("r_renderscale", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Provides a way to enable subsampling or super-sampling")
cvar_t r_fxaa = CVARFD("r_fxaa", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Runs a post-procesing pass to strip the jaggies.")
cvar_t r_graphics = CVARFD("r_graphics", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Turning this off will result in ascii-style rendering.")
cvar_t r_postprocshader = CVARD("r_postprocshader", "", "Specifies a custom shader to use as a post-processing shader")
cvar_t r_wallcolour
cvar_t r_wateralpha
cvar_t r_lavaalpha
cvar_t r_slimealpha
cvar_t r_telealpha
cvar_t r_waterwarp
cvar_t r_replacemodels
cvar_t r_lightmap_nearest = CVARFD ("gl_lightmap_nearest", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Use nearest sampling for lightmaps. This will give a more blocky look. Meaningless when gl_lightmap_average is enabled.")
cvar_t r_lightmap_average = CVARFD ("gl_lightmap_average", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Determine lightmap values based upon the center of the polygon. This will give a more buggy look, quite probably.")
cvar_t r_lightmap_format = CVARFCD ("r_lightmap_format", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE, R_Lightmap_Format_Changed, "Overrides the default texture format used for lightmaps. rgb9e5 is a good choice for HDR.")
cvar_t scr_allowsnap
cvar_t scr_centersbar = CVAR ("scr_centersbar", "2")
cvar_t scr_centertime = CVAR ("scr_centertime", "2")
cvar_t scr_logcenterprint = CVARD ("con_logcenterprint", "1", "Specifies whether to print centerprints on the console.\n0: never\n1: single-player or coop only.\n2: always.")
cvar_t scr_conalpha
cvar_t scr_consize = CVAR ("scr_consize", "0.5")
cvar_t scr_conspeed = CVAR ("scr_conspeed", "2000")
cvar_t scr_fov_mode = CVARFD ("scr_fov_mode", "4", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Controls what the fov cvar actually controls:\n0: largest axis (ultra-wide monitors means less height will be visible).\n1: smallest axis (ultra-wide monitors will distort at the edges).\n2: horizontal axis.\n3: vertical axis.\n4: 4:3 horizontal axis, padded for wider resolutions (for a more classic fov)")
cvar_t scr_fov
cvar_t scr_fov_viewmodel
cvar_t scr_printspeed = CVAR ("scr_printspeed", "16")
cvar_t scr_showpause = CVAR ("showpause", "1")
cvar_t scr_showturtle = CVARD ("showturtle", "0", "Enables a low-framerate indicator.")
cvar_t scr_turtlefps = CVAR ("scr_turtlefps", "10")
cvar_t scr_sshot_compression = CVAR ("scr_sshot_compression", "75")
cvar_t scr_sshot_type = CVARD ("scr_sshot_type", "png", "This specifies the default extension(and thus file format) for screenshots.\nKnown extensions are: png, jpg/jpeg, bmp, pcx, tga, ktx, dds.")
cvar_t scr_sshot_prefix = CVAR ("scr_sshot_prefix", "screenshots/fte-")
cvar_t scr_viewsize = CVARFC("viewsize", "100", CVAR_ARCHIVE, SCR_Viewsize_Callback)
cvar_t vid_conautoscale
cvar_t vid_baseheight = CVARD ("vid_baseheight", "", "Specifies a mod's target height and used only when the 2d scale is not otherwise forced. Unlike vid_conheight the size is not fixed and will be padded to avoid inconsistent filtering.")
cvar_t vid_minsize
cvar_t vid_conheight
cvar_t vid_conwidth
cvar_t vid_renderer
cvar_t vid_renderer_opts = CVARFD ("_vid_renderer_opts", NULL, CVAR_NOSET|CVAR_NOSAVE, "The possible video renderer apis, in \"value\" \"description\" pairs, for gamecode to read.")
cvar_t vid_bpp
cvar_t vid_depthbits
cvar_t vid_desktopsettings
cvar_t vid_fullscreen = CVARF ("vid_fullscreen", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_VIDEOLATCH)
cvar_t vid_height
cvar_t vid_multisample
cvar_t vid_refreshrate
cvar_t vid_srgb
cvar_t vid_wndalpha = CVARD ("vid_wndalpha", "1", "When running windowed, specifies the window's transparency level.")
cvar_t vid_winthread = CVARFD ("vid_winthread", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "When enabled, window messages will be handled by a separate thread. This allows the game to continue rendering when Microsoft Windows blocks while resizing, etc.")
cvar_t vid_width
cvar_t vid_dpi_x = CVARFD ("vid_dpi_x", "0", CVAR_NOSET, "For mods that need to determine the physical screen size (like with touchscreens). 0 means unknown")
cvar_t vid_dpi_y = CVARFD ("vid_dpi_y", "0", CVAR_NOSET, "For mods that need to determine the physical screen size (like with touchscreens). 0 means unknown")
cvar_t r_stereo_separation = CVARD("r_stereo_separation", "4", "How far apart your eyes are, in quake units. A non-zero value will enable stereoscoping rendering. You might need some of them retro 3d glasses. Hardware support is recommended, see r_stereo_context.")
cvar_t r_stereo_convergence = CVARD("r_stereo_convergence", "0", "Nudges the angle of each eye inwards when using stereoscopic rendering.")
cvar_t r_stereo_method = CVARFD("r_stereo_method", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Value 0 = Off.\nValue 1 = Attempt hardware acceleration. Requires vid_restart.\nValue 2 = red/cyan.\nValue 3 = red/blue.\nValue 4=red/green.\nValue 5=eye strain.")
cvar_t r_dodgytgafiles
cvar_t r_dodgypcxfiles
cvar_t r_keepimages
cvar_t r_ignoremapprefixes
cvar_t r_dodgymiptex
char * r_defaultimageextensions
cvar_t r_imageextensions
cvar_t r_image_downloadsizelimit
cvar_t r_drawworld
cvar_t r_mirroralpha = CVARFD("r_mirroralpha","1", CVAR_CHEAT|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM|CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Specifies how the default shader is generated for the 'window02_1' texture. Values less than 1 will turn it into a mirror.")
cvar_t r_norefresh = CVAR("r_norefresh","0")
cvar_t r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor = CVARD("r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor", "0", "z-fighting avoidance. Pushes submodel depth values slightly towards the camera depending on the slope of the surface.")
cvar_t r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset = CVARD("r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset", "0", "z-fighting avoidance. Pushes submodel depth values slightly towards the camera by a consistent distance.")
cvar_t r_polygonoffset_submodel_maps = CVARD("r_polygonoffset_submodel_map", "e?m? r?m? hip?m?", "List of maps on which z-fighting reduction should be used. wildcards accepted.")
cvar_t r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_offset = CVAR("r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_factor", "0.05")
cvar_t r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_factor = CVAR("r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_offset", "0")
cvar_t r_polygonoffset_stencil_factor = CVAR("r_polygonoffset_stencil_factor", "0.01")
cvar_t r_polygonoffset_stencil_offset = CVAR("r_polygonoffset_stencil_offset", "1")
rendererstate_t currentrendererstate
cvar_t gl_workaround_ati_shadersource = CVARD ("gl_workaround_ati_shadersource", "1", "Work around ATI driver bugs in the glShaderSource function. Can safely be enabled with other drivers too.")
cvar_t vid_gl_context_version = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_version", "", "Specifies the version of OpenGL to try to create.")
cvar_t vid_gl_context_forwardcompatible = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_forwardcompatible", "0", "Requests an opengl context with no depricated features enabled.")
cvar_t vid_gl_context_compatibility = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_compatibility", "1", "Requests an OpenGL context with fixed-function backwards compat.")
cvar_t vid_gl_context_debug = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_debug", "0", "Requests a debug opengl context. This provides better error oreporting.")
cvar_t vid_gl_context_es = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_es", "0", "Requests an OpenGLES context. Be sure to set vid_gl_context_version to 2 or so.")
cvar_t vid_gl_context_robustness = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_robustness", "1", "Attempt to enforce extra buffer protection in the gl driver, but can be slower with pre-gl3 hardware.")
cvar_t vid_gl_context_selfreset = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_selfreset", "1", "Upon hardware failure, have the engine create a new context instead of depending on the drivers to restore everything. This can help to avoid graphics drivers randomly killing your game, and can help reduce memory requirements.")
cvar_t vid_gl_context_noerror = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_noerror", "", "Disables OpenGL's error checks for a small performance speedup. May cause segfaults if stuff wasn't properly implemented/tested.")
cvar_t gl_immutable_textures = CVARFD ("gl_immutable_textures", "1", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Controls whether to use immutable GPU memory allocations for OpenGL textures. This potentially means less work for the drivers and thus higher framerates.")
cvar_t gl_immutable_buffers = CVARFD ("gl_immutable_buffers", "1", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Controls whether to use immutable GPU memory allocations for static OpenGL vertex buffers. This potentially means less work for the drivers and thus higher framerates.")
cvar_t gl_pbolightmaps = CVARFD ("gl_pbolightmaps", "1", CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Controls whether to use PBOs for streaming lightmap updates. This prevents CPU stalls while the driver reads out the lightmap data (lightmap updates are still not free though).")
cvar_t r_tessellation = CVARAFD ("r_tessellation", "0", "gl_ati_truform", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Enables+controls the use of blinn tessellation on the fallback shader for meshes, equivelent to a shader with 'program defaultskin#TESS'. This will look stupid unless the meshes were actually designed for it and have suitable vertex normals.")
cvar_t gl_ati_truform_type = CVAR ("gl_ati_truform_type", "1")
cvar_t r_tessellation_level = CVAR ("r_tessellation_level", "5")
cvar_t gl_blend2d = CVAR ("gl_blend2d", "1")
cvar_t gl_blendsprites = CVARFD ("gl_blendsprites", "0", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Specifies how sprites are blended.\n0: Alpha tested.\n1: Premultiplied blend.\n2: Additive blend.")
cvar_t r_deluxemapping_cvar
cvar_t mod_loadsurfenvmaps = CVARD ("r_loadsurfenvmaps", "1", "Load local reflection environment-maps, where available. These are normally defined via env_cubemap entities dotted around the place.")
qboolean r_deluxemapping
cvar_t r_shaderblobs = CVARD ("r_shaderblobs", "0", "If enabled, can massively accelerate vid restarts / loading (especially with the d3d renderer). Can cause issues when upgrading engine versions, so this is disabled by default.")
cvar_t gl_compress = CVARAFD ("gl_compress", "0", "r_ext_compressed_textures", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Enable automatic texture compression even for textures which are not pre-compressed.")
cvar_t gl_conback
cvar_t gl_font
cvar_t con_textfont
cvar_t gl_lateswap = CVAR ("gl_lateswap", "0")
cvar_t gl_lerpimages = CVARFD ("gl_lerpimages", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Enables smoother resampling for images which are not power-of-two, when the drivers do not support non-power-of-two textures.")
cvar_t gl_load24bit
cvar_t r_clear
cvar_t r_clearcolour = CVARAFC("r_clearcolour", "0.12 0.12 0.12", "r_clearcolor", 0, R_ClearColour_Changed)
cvar_t gl_max_size = CVARFD ("gl_max_size", "8192", CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Specifies the maximum texture size that the engine may use. Textures larger than this will be downsized. Clamped by the value the driver supports.")
cvar_t gl_menutint_shader = CVARD ("gl_menutint_shader", "1", "Controls the use of GLSL to desaturate the background when drawing the menu, like quake's dos software renderer used to do before the ugly dithering of winquake.")
cvar_t gl_mindist
cvar_t gl_motionblur
cvar_t gl_motionblurscale = CVAR ("gl_motionblurscale", "1")
cvar_t gl_overbright
cvar_t gl_overbright_all
cvar_t gl_picmip = CVARFD ("gl_picmip", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Reduce world/model texture sizes by some exponential factor.")
cvar_t gl_picmip2d = CVARFD ("gl_picmip2d", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Reduce hud/menu texture sizes by some exponential factor.")
cvar_t gl_picmip_world = CVARFD ("gl_picmip_world", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Effectively added to gl_picmip for the purposes of world textures.")
cvar_t gl_picmip_sprites = CVARFD ("gl_picmip_sprites", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Effectively added to gl_picmip for the purposes of sprite textures.")
cvar_t gl_picmip_other = CVARFD ("gl_picmip_other", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Effectively added to gl_picmip for the purposes of model textures.")
cvar_t gl_nohwblend = CVARD ("gl_nohwblend","1", "If 1, don't use hardware gamma ramps for transient effects that change each frame (does not affect long-term effects like holding quad or underwater tints).")
cvar_t gl_smoothcrosshair = CVAR ("gl_smoothcrosshair", "1")
cvar_t gl_maxdist = CVARAD ("gl_maxdist", "0", "gl_farclip", "The distance of the far clip plane. If set to 0, some fancy maths will be used to place it at an infinite distance.")
cvar_t gl_specular = CVARFD ("gl_specular", "0.3", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Multiplier for specular effects.")
cvar_t gl_specular_power = CVARF ("gl_specular_power", "32", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM)
cvar_t gl_specular_fallback = CVARF ("gl_specular_fallback", "0.05", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_RENDERERLATCH)
cvar_t gl_specular_fallbackexp = CVARF ("gl_specular_fallbackexp", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_RENDERERLATCH)
cvar_t gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering
cvar_t gl_texturemode
cvar_t gl_texture_lodbias
cvar_t gl_mipcap
cvar_t gl_texturemode2d
cvar_t r_font_linear = CVARF("r_font_linear", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t r_font_postprocess_outline = CVARFD("r_font_postprocess_outline", "0", 0, "Controls the number of pixels of dark borders to use around fonts.")
cvar_t r_font_postprocess_mono = CVARFD("r_font_postprocess_mono", "0", 0, "Disables anti-aliasing on fonts.")
cvar_t dpcompat_smallerfonts = CVARFD("dpcompat_smallerfonts", "0", 0, "Mimics DP's behaviour of using a smaller font size than was actually requested.")
cvar_t vid_triplebuffer = CVARAFD ("vid_triplebuffer", "1", "gl_triplebuffer", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Specifies whether the hardware is forcing tripplebuffering on us, this is the number of extra page swaps required before old data has been completely overwritten.")
cvar_t r_portalrecursion = CVARD ("r_portalrecursion", "1", "The number of portals the camera is allowed to recurse through.")
cvar_t r_portaldrawplanes = CVARD ("r_portaldrawplanes", "0", "Draw front and back planes in portals. Debug feature.")
cvar_t r_portalonly = CVARD ("r_portalonly", "0", "Don't draw things which are not portals. Debug feature.")
cvar_t r_noaliasshadows = CVARF ("r_noaliasshadows", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)
cvar_t r_lodscale = CVARFD ("r_lodscale", "5", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scales the level-of-detail reduction on models (for those that have lod).")
cvar_t r_lodbias = CVARFD ("r_lodbias", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Biases the level-of-detail on models (for those that have lod).")
cvar_t r_shadows = CVARFD ("r_shadows", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Draw basic blob shadows underneath entities without using realtime lighting.")
cvar_t r_showbboxes = CVARFD("r_showbboxes", "0", CVAR_CHEAT, "Debugging. Shows bounding boxes. 1=ssqc, 2=csqc. Red=solid, Green=stepping/toss/bounce, Blue=onground.")
cvar_t r_showfields = CVARD("r_showfields", "0", "Debugging. Shows entity fields boxes (entity closest to crosshair). 1=ssqc, 2=csqc, 3=snapshots.")
cvar_t r_showshaders = CVARD("r_showshaders", "0", "Debugging. Shows the name of the (worldmodel) shader being pointed to.")
cvar_t r_lightprepass_cvar = CVARFD("r_lightprepass", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Experimental. Attempt to use a different lighting mechanism (aka: deferred lighting). Requires vid_reload to take effect.")
int r_lightprepass
cvar_t r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture = CVARD ("r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture", "0", "bumpyness scaler for generation of fallback normalmap textures from models")
cvar_t r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap = CVARD ("r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap", "4", "bumpyness scaler for _bump textures")
cvar_t r_shadow_heightscale_basetexture = CVARD ("r_shadow_heightscale_basetexture", "0", "scaler for generation of height maps from legacy paletted content.")
cvar_t r_shadow_heightscale_bumpmap = CVARD ("r_shadow_heightscale_bumpmap", "1", "height scaler for 8bit _bump textures")
cvar_t r_glsl_pbr = CVARFD ("r_glsl_pbr", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Force PBR shading.")
cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping = CVARFD ("r_glsl_offsetmapping", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Enables the use of paralax mapping, adding fake depth to textures.")
cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale = CVAR ("r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale", "0.04")
cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping = CVARFD("r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Changes the paralax sampling mode to be a bit nicer, but noticably more expensive at high resolutions. r_glsl_offsetmapping must be set.")
cvar_t r_glsl_turbscale_reflect = CVARFD ("r_glsl_turbscale_reflect", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Controls the strength of the water reflection ripples (used by the altwater glsl code).")
cvar_t r_glsl_turbscale_refract = CVARFD ("r_glsl_turbscale_refract", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Controls the strength of the underwater ripples (used by the altwater glsl code).")
cvar_t r_fastturbcolour = CVARFD ("r_fastturbcolour", "0.1 0.2 0.3", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "The colour to use for water surfaces draw with r_waterstyle 0.")
cvar_t r_waterstyle = CVARFD ("r_waterstyle", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Changes how water, and teleporters are drawn. Possible values are:\n0: fastturb-style block colour.\n1: regular q1-style water.\n2: refraction(ripply and transparent)\n3: refraction with reflection at an angle\n4: ripplemapped without reflections (requires particle effects)\n5: ripples+reflections")
cvar_t r_slimestyle = CVARFD ("r_slimestyle", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "See r_waterstyle, but affects only slime. If empty, defers to r_waterstyle.")
cvar_t r_lavastyle = CVARFD ("r_lavastyle", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "See r_waterstyle, but affects only lava. If empty, defers to r_waterstyle.")
cvar_t r_telestyle = CVARFD ("r_telestyle", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "See r_waterstyle, but affects only teleporters. If empty, defers to r_waterstyle.")
cvar_t r_vertexdlights = CVARD ("r_vertexdlights", "0", "Determine model lighting with respect to nearby dlights. Poor-man's rtlights.")
cvar_t vid_preservegamma = CVARD ("vid_preservegamma", "0", "Restore initial hardware gamma ramps when quitting.")
cvar_t vid_hardwaregamma
cvar_t vid_desktopgamma
cvar_t r_fog_cullentities = CVARD ("r_fog_cullentities", "1", "0: Never cull entities by fog...\n1: Automatically cull entities according to fog.\n2: Force fog culling regardless ")
cvar_t r_fog_exp2 = CVARD ("r_fog_exp2", "1", "Expresses how fog fades with distance. 0 (matching DarkPlaces's default) is typically more realistic, while 1 (matching FitzQuake and others) is more common.")
cvar_t r_fog_permutation = CVARFD ("r_fog_permutation", "1", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Renders fog using a material permutation. 0 plays nicer with q3 shaders, but 1 is otherwise a better choice.")
cvar_t gl_dither
cvar_t gl_screenangle = CVAR("gl_screenangle", "0")
cvar_t d3d9_hlsl = CVAR("d3d_hlsl", "1")
cvar_t gl_blacklist_texture_compression
cvar_t gl_blacklist_generatemipmap
void(* Draw_Init )(void)
void(* Draw_Shutdown )(void)
void(* R_Init )(void)
void(* R_DeInit )(void)
void(* R_RenderView )(void)
qboolean(* VID_Init )(rendererstate_t *info, unsigned char *palette)
void(* VID_DeInit )(void)
char *(* VID_GetRGBInfo )(int *stride, int *truevidwidth, int *truevidheight, enum uploadfmt *fmt)
void(* VID_SetWindowCaption )(const char *msg)
qboolean(* SCR_UpdateScreen )(void)
r_qrenderer_t qrenderer
char * q_renderername = "Non-Selected renderer"
qbyte default_quakepal [768]
unsigned int r_viewcontents
int r_viewarea
int r_viewcluster
int r_viewcluster2
texid_t particletexture
texid_t particlecqtexture
texid_t explosiontexture
texid_t balltexture
texid_t beamtexture
texid_t ptritexture

Function Documentation

◆ D3DSucks()

void D3DSucks ( void  )

◆ GLD3DRenderer_Init()

void GLD3DRenderer_Init ( void  )

◆ GLRenderer_Init()

void GLRenderer_Init ( void  )

◆ Image_TextureMode_Callback()

void QDECL Image_TextureMode_Callback ( struct cvar_s var,
char *  oldvalue 

◆ R_ApplyRenderer()

qboolean R_ApplyRenderer ( rendererstate_t newr)

◆ R_ApplyRenderer_Load()

qboolean R_ApplyRenderer_Load ( rendererstate_t newr)

◆ R_BuildRenderstate()

qboolean R_BuildRenderstate ( rendererstate_t newr,
char *  rendererstring 

◆ R_CullBox()

qboolean R_CullBox ( vec3_t  mins,
vec3_t  maxs 

◆ R_CullEntityBox()

qboolean R_CullEntityBox ( entity_t e,
vec3_t  modmins,
vec3_t  modmaxs 

◆ R_CullSphere()

qboolean R_CullSphere ( vec3_t  org,
float  radius 

◆ R_GenPaletteLookup()

void R_GenPaletteLookup ( void  )

◆ R_GetSpriteFrame()

mspriteframe_t * R_GetSpriteFrame ( entity_t currententity)

◆ R_InitParticleTexture()

void R_InitParticleTexture ( void  )

◆ R_InitTextures()

void R_InitTextures ( void  )

◆ R_ListConfigs_f()

void R_ListConfigs_f ( void  )

◆ R_ListFonts_f()

void R_ListFonts_f ( void  )

◆ R_ListSkins_f()

void R_ListSkins_f ( void  )

◆ R_RegisterRenderer()

qboolean R_RegisterRenderer ( void module,
rendererinfo_t ri 

◆ R_RegisterVRDriver()

qboolean R_RegisterVRDriver ( void module,
plugvrfuncs_t vr 

◆ R_ReloadRenderer_f()

void R_ReloadRenderer_f ( void  )

◆ R_RestartRenderer()

void R_RestartRenderer ( rendererstate_t newr)

◆ R_RestartRenderer_f()

void R_RestartRenderer_f ( void  )

◆ R_SetFrustum() [1/2]

void R_SetFrustum ( float  projmat[16],
float  viewmat[16] 

◆ R_SetFrustum() [2/2]

void R_SetFrustum ( void  )

◆ R_SetRenderer()

void R_SetRenderer ( rendererinfo_t ri)

◆ R_SetRenderer_f()

void R_SetRenderer_f ( void  )

◆ R_ShutdownRenderer()

void R_ShutdownRenderer ( qboolean  devicetoo)

◆ R_TextureAnimation()

texture_t * R_TextureAnimation ( int  frame,
texture_t base 

◆ R_TextureAnimation_Q2()

texture_t * R_TextureAnimation_Q2 ( texture_t base)

◆ R_ToggleFullscreen_f()

void R_ToggleFullscreen_f ( void  )

◆ Renderer_Init()

void Renderer_Init ( void  )

◆ Renderer_Start()

void Renderer_Start ( void  )

◆ Renderer_Started()

qboolean Renderer_Started ( void  )

◆ SCR_Fov_Callback()

void QDECL SCR_Fov_Callback ( struct cvar_s var,
char *  oldvalue 

◆ SCR_Viewsize_Callback()

void QDECL SCR_Viewsize_Callback ( struct cvar_s var,
char *  oldvalue 

◆ SignbitsForPlane()

int SignbitsForPlane ( mplane_t out)

Variable Documentation

◆ balltexture

texid_t balltexture

◆ beamtexture

texid_t beamtexture

◆ cl_cursor

cvar_t cl_cursor = CVAR ("cl_cursor", "")

◆ cl_cursorbiasx

cvar_t cl_cursorbiasx = CVAR ("cl_cursor_bias_x", "0.0")

◆ cl_cursorbiasy

cvar_t cl_cursorbiasy = CVAR ("cl_cursor_bias_y", "0.0")

◆ cl_cursorscale

cvar_t cl_cursorscale = CVAR ("cl_cursor_scale", "1.0")

◆ con_ocranaleds

cvar_t con_ocranaleds = CVAR ("con_ocranaleds", "2")

◆ con_textfont

cvar_t con_textfont
Initial value:
= CVARAFD ("con_textfont", "", "gl_consolefont",
CVAR_RENDERERCALLBACK|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Specifies the font file to use. a value such as FONT:ALTFONT specifies an alternative font to be used when ^^a is used.\n"
"When using TTF fonts, you will likely need to scale text to at least 150% - vid_conautoscale 1.5 will do this.\n"
"TTF fonts may be loaded from your windows directory. \'gl_font cour?col=1,1,1:couri?col=0,1,0\' loads eg: c:\\windows\\fonts\\cour.ttf, and uses the italic version of courier for alternative text, with specific colour tints."

◆ currententity

entity_t* currententity

◆ currentrendererstate

rendererstate_t currentrendererstate

◆ d3d9_hlsl

cvar_t d3d9_hlsl = CVAR("d3d_hlsl", "1")

◆ d_8to24bgrtable

unsigned int d_8to24bgrtable[256]

◆ d_8to24rgbtable

unsigned int d_8to24rgbtable[256]

◆ d_8to24srgbtable

unsigned int d_8to24srgbtable[256]

◆ d_quaketo24srgbtable

unsigned int d_quaketo24srgbtable[256]

◆ default_quakepal

qbyte default_quakepal[768]
Initial value:

◆ dpcompat_nopremulpics

cvar_t dpcompat_nopremulpics

◆ dpcompat_psa_ungroup

cvar_t dpcompat_psa_ungroup = CVAR ("dpcompat_psa_ungroup", "0")

◆ dpcompat_smallerfonts

cvar_t dpcompat_smallerfonts = CVARFD("dpcompat_smallerfonts", "0", 0, "Mimics DP's behaviour of using a smaller font size than was actually requested.")

◆ Draw_Init

void(* Draw_Init) (void) ( void  )

◆ Draw_Shutdown

void(* Draw_Shutdown) (void) ( void  )

◆ explosiontexture

texid_t explosiontexture

◆ gl_anisotropy_factor

int gl_anisotropy_factor

◆ gl_ati_truform_type

cvar_t gl_ati_truform_type = CVAR ("gl_ati_truform_type", "1")

◆ gl_blacklist_generatemipmap

cvar_t gl_blacklist_generatemipmap

◆ gl_blacklist_texture_compression

cvar_t gl_blacklist_texture_compression

◆ gl_blend2d

cvar_t gl_blend2d = CVAR ("gl_blend2d", "1")

◆ gl_blendsprites

cvar_t gl_blendsprites = CVARFD ("gl_blendsprites", "0", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Specifies how sprites are blended.\n0: Alpha tested.\n1: Premultiplied blend.\n2: Additive blend.")

◆ gl_compress

cvar_t gl_compress = CVARAFD ("gl_compress", "0", "r_ext_compressed_textures", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Enable automatic texture compression even for textures which are not pre-compressed.")

◆ gl_conback

cvar_t gl_conback
Initial value:
= CVARFCD ("gl_conback", "",
CVAR_RENDERERCALLBACK, R2D_Conback_Callback, "Specifies which conback shader/image to use. The Quake fallback is gfx/conback.lmp")
void QDECL R2D_Conback_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
Definition: r_2d.c:1018

◆ gl_dither

cvar_t gl_dither

◆ gl_font

cvar_t gl_font
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("gl_font", "",
CVAR_RENDERERCALLBACK|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Specifies the font file to use. a value such as FONT:ALTFONT specifies an alternative font to be used when ^^a is used.\n"
"When using TTF fonts, you will likely need to scale text to at least 150% - vid_conautoscale 1.5 will do this.\n"
"TTF fonts may be loaded from your windows directory. \'gl_font cour?col=1,1,1:couri?col=0,1,0\' loads eg: c:\\windows\\fonts\\cour.ttf, and uses the italic version of courier for alternative text, with specific colour tints."

◆ gl_immutable_buffers

cvar_t gl_immutable_buffers = CVARFD ("gl_immutable_buffers", "1", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Controls whether to use immutable GPU memory allocations for static OpenGL vertex buffers. This potentially means less work for the drivers and thus higher framerates.")

◆ gl_immutable_textures

cvar_t gl_immutable_textures = CVARFD ("gl_immutable_textures", "1", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Controls whether to use immutable GPU memory allocations for OpenGL textures. This potentially means less work for the drivers and thus higher framerates.")

◆ gl_lateswap

cvar_t gl_lateswap = CVAR ("gl_lateswap", "0")

◆ gl_lerpimages

cvar_t gl_lerpimages = CVARFD ("gl_lerpimages", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Enables smoother resampling for images which are not power-of-two, when the drivers do not support non-power-of-two textures.")

◆ gl_load24bit

cvar_t gl_load24bit
Initial value:
= CVARF ("gl_load24bit", "1",

◆ gl_max_size

cvar_t gl_max_size = CVARFD ("gl_max_size", "8192", CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Specifies the maximum texture size that the engine may use. Textures larger than this will be downsized. Clamped by the value the driver supports.")

◆ gl_maxdist

cvar_t gl_maxdist = CVARAD ("gl_maxdist", "0", "gl_farclip", "The distance of the far clip plane. If set to 0, some fancy maths will be used to place it at an infinite distance.")

◆ gl_menutint_shader

cvar_t gl_menutint_shader = CVARD ("gl_menutint_shader", "1", "Controls the use of GLSL to desaturate the background when drawing the menu, like quake's dos software renderer used to do before the ugly dithering of winquake.")

◆ gl_mindist

cvar_t gl_mindist
Initial value:
= CVARAD ("gl_mindist", "1", "r_nearclip",
"Distance to the near clip plane. Smaller values may damage depth precision, high values can potentialy be used to see through walls...")

◆ gl_mipcap

cvar_t gl_mipcap
Initial value:
= CVARAFCD("d_mipcap", "0 1000", "gl_miptexLevel",
Image_TextureMode_Callback, "Specifies the range of mipmap levels to use.")
void QDECL Image_TextureMode_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)

◆ gl_motionblur

cvar_t gl_motionblur
Initial value:
= CVARF ("gl_motionblur", "0",

◆ gl_motionblurscale

cvar_t gl_motionblurscale = CVAR ("gl_motionblurscale", "1")

◆ gl_nocolors

cvar_t gl_nocolors = CVARFD ("gl_nocolors", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Ignores player colours and skins, reducing texture memory usage at the cost of not knowing whether you're killing your team mates.")

◆ gl_nohwblend

cvar_t gl_nohwblend = CVARD ("gl_nohwblend","1", "If 1, don't use hardware gamma ramps for transient effects that change each frame (does not affect long-term effects like holding quad or underwater tints).")

◆ gl_overbright

cvar_t gl_overbright
Initial value:
= CVARFC ("gl_overbright", "1",
void QDECL Surf_RebuildLightmap_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
Definition: r_surf.c:77

◆ gl_overbright_all

cvar_t gl_overbright_all
Initial value:
= CVARF ("gl_overbright_all", "0",

◆ gl_part_flame

cvar_t gl_part_flame = CVARFD ("gl_part_flame", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Enable particle emitting from models. Mainly used for torch and flame effects.")

◆ gl_pbolightmaps

cvar_t gl_pbolightmaps = CVARFD ("gl_pbolightmaps", "1", CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Controls whether to use PBOs for streaming lightmap updates. This prevents CPU stalls while the driver reads out the lightmap data (lightmap updates are still not free though).")

◆ gl_picmip

cvar_t gl_picmip = CVARFD ("gl_picmip", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Reduce world/model texture sizes by some exponential factor.")

◆ gl_picmip2d

cvar_t gl_picmip2d = CVARFD ("gl_picmip2d", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Reduce hud/menu texture sizes by some exponential factor.")

◆ gl_picmip_other

cvar_t gl_picmip_other = CVARFD ("gl_picmip_other", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Effectively added to gl_picmip for the purposes of model textures.")

◆ gl_picmip_sprites

cvar_t gl_picmip_sprites = CVARFD ("gl_picmip_sprites", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Effectively added to gl_picmip for the purposes of sprite textures.")

◆ gl_picmip_world

cvar_t gl_picmip_world = CVARFD ("gl_picmip_world", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Effectively added to gl_picmip for the purposes of world textures.")

◆ gl_screenangle

cvar_t gl_screenangle = CVAR("gl_screenangle", "0")

◆ gl_shadeq1_name

cvar_t gl_shadeq1_name = CVARD ("gl_shadeq1_name", "*", "Rename all surfaces from quake1 bsps using this pattern for the purposes of shader names.")

◆ gl_smoothcrosshair

cvar_t gl_smoothcrosshair = CVAR ("gl_smoothcrosshair", "1")

◆ gl_specular

cvar_t gl_specular = CVARFD ("gl_specular", "0.3", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Multiplier for specular effects.")

◆ gl_specular_fallback

cvar_t gl_specular_fallback = CVARF ("gl_specular_fallback", "0.05", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_RENDERERLATCH)

◆ gl_specular_fallbackexp

cvar_t gl_specular_fallbackexp = CVARF ("gl_specular_fallbackexp", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_RENDERERLATCH)

◆ gl_specular_power

cvar_t gl_specular_power = CVARF ("gl_specular_power", "32", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM)

◆ gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering

cvar_t gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering
Initial value:
= CVARAFCD("gl_texture_anisotropy", "4",
"gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_RENDERERCALLBACK,
Image_TextureMode_Callback, "Allows for higher quality textures on surfaces that slope away from the camera (like the floor). Set to 16 or something. Only supported with trilinear filtering.")

◆ gl_texture_lodbias

cvar_t gl_texture_lodbias
Initial value:
= CVARAFCD("d_lodbias", "0", "gl_texture_lodbias",
Image_TextureMode_Callback, "Biases choice of mipmap levels. Positive values will give more blury textures, while negative values will give crisper images (but will also give some mid-surface aliasing artifacts).")

◆ gl_texturemode

cvar_t gl_texturemode
Initial value:
= CVARAFCD("gl_texturemode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR", "r_texturemode",
"Specifies how world/model textures appear. Typically 3 letters eg "S_COLOR_GREEN"nll"S_COLOR_WHITE" or "S_COLOR_GREEN"lll"S_COLOR_WHITE".\nFirst letter can be l(inear) or n(earest) and says how to upscale low-res textures (n for the classic look - often favoured for embedded textures, l for blurry - best for high-res textures).\nThe middle letter can be set to '.' to disable mipmaps, or n for ugly banding with distance, or l for smooth mipmap transitions.\nThe third letter says what to do when the texture is too high resolution, and should generally be set to 'l' to reduce sparkles including when aiming for the classic lego look.")

◆ gl_texturemode2d

cvar_t gl_texturemode2d
Initial value:
= CVARFCD("gl_texturemode2d", "GL_LINEAR",
"Specifies how 2d images are sampled. format is a 3-tupple ")

◆ gl_workaround_ati_shadersource

cvar_t gl_workaround_ati_shadersource = CVARD ("gl_workaround_ati_shadersource", "1", "Work around ATI driver bugs in the glShaderSource function. Can safely be enabled with other drivers too.")

◆ in_windowed_mouse

cvar_t in_windowed_mouse
Initial value:
= CVARF ("in_windowed_mouse","1",

◆ mod_h2holey_bugged

cvar_t mod_h2holey_bugged

◆ mod_halftexel

cvar_t mod_halftexel

◆ mod_loadsurfenvmaps

cvar_t mod_loadsurfenvmaps = CVARD ("r_loadsurfenvmaps", "1", "Load local reflection environment-maps, where available. These are normally defined via env_cubemap entities dotted around the place.")

◆ mod_md3flags

cvar_t mod_md3flags = CVARD ("mod_md3flags", "1", "The flags field of md3s was never officially defined. If this is set to 1, the flags will be treated identically to mdl files. Otherwise they will be ignored. Naturally, this is required to provide rotating pickups in quake.")

◆ mod_nomipmap

cvar_t mod_nomipmap

◆ module

void* module

◆ particlecqtexture

texid_t particlecqtexture

◆ particletexture

texid_t particletexture

◆ ptritexture

texid_t ptritexture

◆ q_renderername

char* q_renderername = "Non-Selected renderer"

◆ qrenderer

r_qrenderer_t qrenderer

◆ r_ambient

cvar_t r_ambient
Initial value:
= CVARF ("r_ambient", "0",

◆ r_blockvidrestart

int r_blockvidrestart

◆ r_bloodstains

cvar_t r_bloodstains = CVARF ("r_bloodstains", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ r_bouncysparks

cvar_t r_bouncysparks
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("r_bouncysparks", "1",
"Enables particle interaction with world surfaces, allowing for bouncy particles, stains, and decals.")

◆ r_clear

cvar_t r_clear
Initial value:
= CVARAF("r_clear","0",
"gl_clear", 0)

◆ r_clearcolour

cvar_t r_clearcolour = CVARAFC("r_clearcolour", "0.12 0.12 0.12", "r_clearcolor", 0, R_ClearColour_Changed)

◆ r_coronas

cvar_t r_coronas = CVARFD ("r_coronas", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Draw coronas on realtime lights. Overrides glquake-esque flashblends.")

◆ r_coronas_fadedist

cvar_t r_coronas_fadedist = CVARFD ("r_coronas_fadedist", "256", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Coronas will fade out over this distance.")

◆ r_coronas_intensity

cvar_t r_coronas_intensity = CVARFD ("r_coronas_intensity", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Alternative intensity multiplier for coronas.")

◆ r_coronas_mindist

cvar_t r_coronas_mindist = CVARFD ("r_coronas_mindist", "128", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Coronas closer than this will be invisible, preventing near clip plane issues.")

◆ r_coronas_occlusion

cvar_t r_coronas_occlusion = CVARFD ("r_coronas_occlusion", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Specifies that coronas should be occluded more carefully.\n0: No occlusion, at all.\n1: BSP occlusion only (simple tracelines).\n2: non-bsp occlusion also (complex tracelines).\n3: Depthbuffer reads (forces synchronisation).\n4: occlusion queries.")

◆ r_defaultimageextensions

char* r_defaultimageextensions

◆ R_DeInit

void(* R_DeInit) (void) ( void  )

◆ r_deluxemapping

qboolean r_deluxemapping

◆ r_deluxemapping_cvar

cvar_t r_deluxemapping_cvar
Initial value:
= CVARAFD ("r_deluxemapping", "1", "r_glsl_deluxemapping",
CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Enables bumpmapping based upon precomputed light directions.\n0=off\n1=use if available\n2=auto-generate (if possible)")

◆ r_dodgymiptex

cvar_t r_dodgymiptex

◆ r_dodgypcxfiles

cvar_t r_dodgypcxfiles

◆ r_dodgytgafiles

cvar_t r_dodgytgafiles

◆ r_drawentities

cvar_t r_drawentities = CVARFD ("r_drawentities", "1", CVAR_CHEAT, "Controls whether to draw entities or not.\n0: Draw no entities.\n1: Draw everything as normal.\n2: Draw everything but bmodels.\n3: Draw bmodels only.")

◆ r_drawflat

cvar_t r_drawflat
Initial value:
= CVARAF ("r_drawflat", "0", "gl_textureless",

◆ r_drawviewmodel

cvar_t r_drawviewmodel = CVARF ("r_drawviewmodel", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ r_drawviewmodelinvis

cvar_t r_drawviewmodelinvis = CVAR ("r_drawviewmodelinvis", "0")

◆ r_drawworld

cvar_t r_drawworld

◆ r_dynamic

cvar_t r_dynamic
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("r_dynamic", IFMINIMAL("0","1"),
CVAR_ARCHIVE, "0: no standard dlights at all.\n1: coloured dlights will be used, they may show through walls. These are not realtime things.\n2: The dlights will be forced to monochrome (this does not affect coronas/flashblends/rtlights attached to the same light).")

◆ r_fastturb

cvar_t r_fastturb
Initial value:
= CVARF ("r_fastturb", "0",

◆ r_fastturbcolour

cvar_t r_fastturbcolour = CVARFD ("r_fastturbcolour", "0.1 0.2 0.3", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "The colour to use for water surfaces draw with r_waterstyle 0.")

◆ r_fb_bmodels

cvar_t r_fb_bmodels
Initial value:
= CVARAFD("r_fb_bmodels", "1",
"gl_fb_bmodels", CVAR_SEMICHEAT|CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Enables loading lumas on the map, as well as any external bsp models.")

◆ r_fb_models

cvar_t r_fb_models
Initial value:
= CVARAFD ("r_fb_models", "1",
"gl_fb_models", CVAR_SEMICHEAT, "Enables the use of lumas on models. Note that if ruleset_allow_fbmodels is enabled, then all models are unconditionally fullbright in deathmatch, because cheaters would set up their models like that anyway, hurrah for beating them at their own game. QuakeWorld players suck.")

◆ r_flashblend

cvar_t r_flashblend
Initial value:
= CVARF ("gl_flashblend", "0",

◆ r_flashblendscale

cvar_t r_flashblendscale
Initial value:
= CVARF ("gl_flashblendscale", "0.35",

◆ r_floorcolour

cvar_t r_floorcolour
Initial value:
= CVARAF ("r_floorcolour", "64 64 128",

◆ r_fog_cullentities

cvar_t r_fog_cullentities = CVARD ("r_fog_cullentities", "1", "0: Never cull entities by fog...\n1: Automatically cull entities according to fog.\n2: Force fog culling regardless ")

◆ r_fog_exp2

cvar_t r_fog_exp2 = CVARD ("r_fog_exp2", "1", "Expresses how fog fades with distance. 0 (matching DarkPlaces's default) is typically more realistic, while 1 (matching FitzQuake and others) is more common.")

◆ r_fog_permutation

cvar_t r_fog_permutation = CVARFD ("r_fog_permutation", "1", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Renders fog using a material permutation. 0 plays nicer with q3 shaders, but 1 is otherwise a better choice.")

◆ r_font_linear

cvar_t r_font_linear = CVARF("r_font_linear", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ r_font_postprocess_mono

cvar_t r_font_postprocess_mono = CVARFD("r_font_postprocess_mono", "0", 0, "Disables anti-aliasing on fonts.")

◆ r_font_postprocess_outline

cvar_t r_font_postprocess_outline = CVARFD("r_font_postprocess_outline", "0", 0, "Controls the number of pixels of dark borders to use around fonts.")

◆ r_forceheadless

qboolean r_forceheadless

◆ r_forceprogramify

cvar_t r_forceprogramify

◆ r_framecount

int r_framecount

◆ r_fullbright

cvar_t r_fullbright
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("r_fullbright", "0",
CVAR_CHEAT|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Ignore world lightmaps, drawing *everything* fully lit.")

◆ r_fullbrightSkins

cvar_t r_fullbrightSkins
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("r_fullbrightSkins", "0.8",
CVAR_SEMICHEAT|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Force the use of fullbright skins on other players. No more hiding in the dark.")

◆ r_fxaa

cvar_t r_fxaa = CVARFD("r_fxaa", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Runs a post-procesing pass to strip the jaggies.")

◆ r_globalskin_count

cvar_t r_globalskin_count = CVARFD ("r_globalskin_count", "10", CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Specifies how many globalskins there are.")

◆ r_globalskin_first

cvar_t r_globalskin_first = CVARFD ("r_globalskin_first", "100", CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Specifies the first .skin value that is a global skin. Entities within this range will use the shader/image called 'gfx/skinSKIN.lmp' instead of their regular skin. See also: r_globalskin_count.")

◆ r_glsl_offsetmapping

cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping = CVARFD ("r_glsl_offsetmapping", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Enables the use of paralax mapping, adding fake depth to textures.")

◆ r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping

cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping = CVARFD("r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Changes the paralax sampling mode to be a bit nicer, but noticably more expensive at high resolutions. r_glsl_offsetmapping must be set.")

◆ r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale

cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale = CVAR ("r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale", "0.04")

◆ r_glsl_pbr

cvar_t r_glsl_pbr = CVARFD ("r_glsl_pbr", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Force PBR shading.")

◆ r_glsl_precache

cvar_t r_glsl_precache

◆ r_glsl_turbscale_reflect

cvar_t r_glsl_turbscale_reflect = CVARFD ("r_glsl_turbscale_reflect", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Controls the strength of the water reflection ripples (used by the altwater glsl code).")

◆ r_glsl_turbscale_refract

cvar_t r_glsl_turbscale_refract = CVARFD ("r_glsl_turbscale_refract", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Controls the strength of the underwater ripples (used by the altwater glsl code).")

◆ r_graphics

cvar_t r_graphics = CVARFD("r_graphics", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Turning this off will result in ascii-style rendering.")

◆ r_halfrate

cvar_t r_halfrate

◆ r_hdr_framebuffer

cvar_t r_hdr_framebuffer = CVARFCD("r_hdr_framebuffer", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, R_HDR_FramebufferFormat_Changed, "If enabled, the map will be rendered into a high-precision image framebuffer. This avoids issues with shaders that contribute more than 1 in any single pass (like overbrights). Can also be set to the name of an image format, to force rendering to that format first - interesting formats are L8, RGB565, B10G11R11F, and others.")

◆ r_hdr_irisadaptation

cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation = CVARF ("r_hdr_irisadaptation", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_down

cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_down = CVAR ("r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_down", "0.5")

◆ r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_up

cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_up = CVAR ("r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_up", "0.1")

◆ r_hdr_irisadaptation_maxvalue

cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_maxvalue = CVAR ("r_hdr_irisadaptation_maxvalue", "4")

◆ r_hdr_irisadaptation_minvalue

cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_minvalue = CVAR ("r_hdr_irisadaptation_minvalue", "0.5")

◆ r_hdr_irisadaptation_multiplier

cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_multiplier = CVAR ("r_hdr_irisadaptation_multiplier", "2")

◆ r_ignoreentpvs

cvar_t r_ignoreentpvs = CVARD ("r_ignoreentpvs", "1", "Disables pvs culling of entities that have been submitted to the renderer.")

◆ r_ignoremapprefixes

cvar_t r_ignoremapprefixes

◆ r_image_downloadsizelimit

cvar_t r_image_downloadsizelimit

◆ r_imageextensions

cvar_t r_imageextensions

◆ R_Init

void(* R_Init) (void) ( void  )

◆ r_keepimages

cvar_t r_keepimages

◆ r_lavaalpha

cvar_t r_lavaalpha
Initial value:
= CVARF ("r_lavaalpha", "",

◆ r_lavastyle

cvar_t r_lavastyle = CVARFD ("r_lavastyle", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "See r_waterstyle, but affects only lava. If empty, defers to r_waterstyle.")

◆ r_lerpmuzzlehack

cvar_t r_lerpmuzzlehack

◆ r_lightmap

cvar_t r_lightmap
Initial value:
= CVARF ("r_lightmap", "0",

◆ r_lightmap_average

cvar_t r_lightmap_average = CVARFD ("gl_lightmap_average", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Determine lightmap values based upon the center of the polygon. This will give a more buggy look, quite probably.")

◆ r_lightmap_format

cvar_t r_lightmap_format = CVARFCD ("r_lightmap_format", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE, R_Lightmap_Format_Changed, "Overrides the default texture format used for lightmaps. rgb9e5 is a good choice for HDR.")

◆ r_lightmap_nearest

cvar_t r_lightmap_nearest = CVARFD ("gl_lightmap_nearest", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Use nearest sampling for lightmaps. This will give a more blocky look. Meaningless when gl_lightmap_average is enabled.")

◆ r_lightmap_saturation

cvar_t r_lightmap_saturation = CVAR ("r_lightmap_saturation", "1")

◆ r_lightmap_scale

cvar_t r_lightmap_scale = CVARFD ("r_shadow_realtime_nonworld_lightmaps", "1", 0, "Scaler for lightmaps used when not using realtime world lighting. Probably broken.")

◆ r_lightprepass

int r_lightprepass

◆ r_lightprepass_cvar

cvar_t r_lightprepass_cvar = CVARFD("r_lightprepass", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Experimental. Attempt to use a different lighting mechanism (aka: deferred lighting). Requires vid_reload to take effect.")

◆ r_lightstylescale

cvar_t r_lightstylescale = CVAR ("r_lightstylescale", "1")

◆ r_lightstylesmooth

cvar_t r_lightstylesmooth = CVARF ("r_lightstylesmooth", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ r_lightstylesmooth_limit

cvar_t r_lightstylesmooth_limit = CVAR ("r_lightstylesmooth_limit", "2")

◆ r_lightstylespeed

cvar_t r_lightstylespeed = CVAR ("r_lightstylespeed", "10")

◆ r_loadlits

cvar_t r_loadlits = CVARFD("r_loadlit", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Whether to load lit files.\n0: Do not load external rgb lightmap data.\n1: Load but don't generate.\n2: Generate ldr lighting (if none found).\n3: Generate hdr lighting (if none found).\nNote that regeneration of lightmap data may be unreliable if the map was made for more advanced lighting tools.\nDeluxemap information will also be generated, as appropriate.")

◆ r_lodbias

cvar_t r_lodbias = CVARFD ("r_lodbias", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Biases the level-of-detail on models (for those that have lod).")

◆ r_lodscale

cvar_t r_lodscale = CVARFD ("r_lodscale", "5", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scales the level-of-detail reduction on models (for those that have lod).")

◆ r_max_gpu_bones

cvar_t r_max_gpu_bones = CVARD ("r_max_gpu_bones", "", "Specifies the maximum number of bones that can be handled on the GPU. If empty, will guess.")

◆ r_menutint

cvar_t r_menutint
Initial value:
= CVARF ("r_menutint", "0.68 0.4 0.13",

◆ r_mirroralpha

cvar_t r_mirroralpha = CVARFD("r_mirroralpha","1", CVAR_CHEAT|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM|CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Specifies how the default shader is generated for the 'window02_1' texture. Values less than 1 will turn it into a mirror.")

◆ r_netgraph

cvar_t r_netgraph = CVARD ("r_netgraph", "0", "Displays a graph of packet latency. A value of 2 will give additional info about what sort of data is being received from the server.")

◆ r_noaliasshadows

cvar_t r_noaliasshadows = CVARF ("r_noaliasshadows", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ r_noframegrouplerp

cvar_t r_noframegrouplerp = CVARF ("r_noframegrouplerp", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ r_nolerp

cvar_t r_nolerp = CVARF ("r_nolerp", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ r_nolightdir

cvar_t r_nolightdir = CVARF ("r_nolightdir", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ r_norefresh

cvar_t r_norefresh = CVAR("r_norefresh","0")

◆ r_notexture_mip

struct texture_s* r_notexture_mip

◆ r_novis

cvar_t r_novis = CVARF ("r_novis", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ r_origin

vec3_t r_origin

◆ r_outline

cvar_t r_outline = CVARD ("gl_outline", "0", "Draw some stylised outlines.")

◆ r_outline_width

cvar_t r_outline_width = CVARD ("gl_outline_width", "2", "The width of those outlines.")

◆ r_part_rain

cvar_t r_part_rain
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("r_part_rain", "0",
"Enable particle effects to emit off of surfaces. Mainly used for weather or lava/slime effects.")

◆ r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_factor

cvar_t r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_factor = CVAR("r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_offset", "0")

◆ r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_offset

cvar_t r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_offset = CVAR("r_polygonoffset_shadowmap_factor", "0.05")

◆ r_polygonoffset_stencil_factor

cvar_t r_polygonoffset_stencil_factor = CVAR("r_polygonoffset_stencil_factor", "0.01")

◆ r_polygonoffset_stencil_offset

cvar_t r_polygonoffset_stencil_offset = CVAR("r_polygonoffset_stencil_offset", "1")

◆ r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor

cvar_t r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor = CVARD("r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor", "0", "z-fighting avoidance. Pushes submodel depth values slightly towards the camera depending on the slope of the surface.")

◆ r_polygonoffset_submodel_maps

cvar_t r_polygonoffset_submodel_maps = CVARD("r_polygonoffset_submodel_map", "e?m? r?m? hip?m?", "List of maps on which z-fighting reduction should be used. wildcards accepted.")

◆ r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset

cvar_t r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset = CVARD("r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset", "0", "z-fighting avoidance. Pushes submodel depth values slightly towards the camera by a consistent distance.")

◆ r_portaldrawplanes

cvar_t r_portaldrawplanes = CVARD ("r_portaldrawplanes", "0", "Draw front and back planes in portals. Debug feature.")

◆ r_portalonly

cvar_t r_portalonly = CVARD ("r_portalonly", "0", "Don't draw things which are not portals. Debug feature.")

◆ r_portalrecursion

cvar_t r_portalrecursion = CVARD ("r_portalrecursion", "1", "The number of portals the camera is allowed to recurse through.")

◆ r_postprocshader

cvar_t r_postprocshader = CVARD("r_postprocshader", "", "Specifies a custom shader to use as a post-processing shader")

◆ r_refdef

refdef_t r_refdef

◆ r_refract_fbo

cvar_t r_refract_fbo = CVARD ("r_refract_fbo", "1", "Use an fbo for refraction. If 0, just renders as a portal and uses a copy of the current framebuffer.")

◆ r_refractreflect_scale

cvar_t r_refractreflect_scale = CVARD ("r_refractreflect_scale", "0.5", "Use a different scale for refraction and reflection texturemaps. Because $reasons.")

◆ r_regsequence

int r_regsequence

◆ r_renderscale

cvar_t r_renderscale = CVARFD("r_renderscale", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Provides a way to enable subsampling or super-sampling")

◆ R_RenderView

void(* R_RenderView) (void) ( void  )

◆ r_replacemodels

cvar_t r_replacemodels
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("r_replacemodels", IFMINIMAL("","md3 md2 md5mesh"),
CVAR_ARCHIVE, "A list of filename extensions to attempt to use instead of mdl.")

◆ r_shaderblobs

cvar_t r_shaderblobs = CVARD ("r_shaderblobs", "0", "If enabled, can massively accelerate vid restarts / loading (especially with the d3d renderer). Can cause issues when upgrading engine versions, so this is disabled by default.")

◆ r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture

cvar_t r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture = CVARD ("r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture", "0", "bumpyness scaler for generation of fallback normalmap textures from models")

◆ r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap

cvar_t r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap = CVARD ("r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap", "4", "bumpyness scaler for _bump textures")

◆ r_shadow_heightscale_basetexture

cvar_t r_shadow_heightscale_basetexture = CVARD ("r_shadow_heightscale_basetexture", "0", "scaler for generation of height maps from legacy paletted content.")

◆ r_shadow_heightscale_bumpmap

cvar_t r_shadow_heightscale_bumpmap = CVARD ("r_shadow_heightscale_bumpmap", "1", "height scaler for 8bit _bump textures")

◆ r_shadows

cvar_t r_shadows = CVARFD ("r_shadows", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Draw basic blob shadows underneath entities without using realtime lighting.")

◆ r_showbboxes

cvar_t r_showbboxes = CVARFD("r_showbboxes", "0", CVAR_CHEAT, "Debugging. Shows bounding boxes. 1=ssqc, 2=csqc. Red=solid, Green=stepping/toss/bounce, Blue=onground.")

◆ r_showfields

cvar_t r_showfields = CVARD("r_showfields", "0", "Debugging. Shows entity fields boxes (entity closest to crosshair). 1=ssqc, 2=csqc, 3=snapshots.")

◆ r_showshaders

cvar_t r_showshaders = CVARD("r_showshaders", "0", "Debugging. Shows the name of the (worldmodel) shader being pointed to.")

◆ r_skin_overlays

cvar_t r_skin_overlays
Initial value:
= CVARF ("r_skin_overlays", "1",

◆ r_slimealpha

cvar_t r_slimealpha
Initial value:
= CVARF ("r_slimealpha", "",

◆ r_slimestyle

cvar_t r_slimestyle = CVARFD ("r_slimestyle", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "See r_waterstyle, but affects only slime. If empty, defers to r_waterstyle.")

◆ r_softwarebanding

qboolean r_softwarebanding

◆ r_softwarebanding_cvar

cvar_t r_softwarebanding_cvar = CVARFD ("r_softwarebanding", "0", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM|CVAR_RENDERERLATCH|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Utilise the Quake colormap in order to emulate 8bit software rendering. This results in banding as well as other artifacts that some believe adds character. Also forces nearest sampling on affected surfaces (palette indicies do not interpolate well).")

◆ r_speeds

cvar_t r_speeds = CVAR ("r_speeds", "0")

◆ r_stainfadeammount

cvar_t r_stainfadeammount = CVAR ("r_stainfadeammount", "1")

◆ r_stainfadetime

cvar_t r_stainfadetime = CVAR ("r_stainfadetime", "1")

◆ r_stains

cvar_t r_stains
Initial value:
= CVARFC("r_stains", IFMINIMAL("0","0"),
void QDECL Cvar_Limiter_ZeroToOne_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
Definition: cvar.c:1746

◆ r_stereo_convergence

cvar_t r_stereo_convergence = CVARD("r_stereo_convergence", "0", "Nudges the angle of each eye inwards when using stereoscopic rendering.")

◆ r_stereo_method

cvar_t r_stereo_method = CVARFD("r_stereo_method", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Value 0 = Off.\nValue 1 = Attempt hardware acceleration. Requires vid_restart.\nValue 2 = red/cyan.\nValue 3 = red/blue.\nValue 4=red/green.\nValue 5=eye strain.")

◆ r_stereo_separation

cvar_t r_stereo_separation = CVARD("r_stereo_separation", "4", "How far apart your eyes are, in quake units. A non-zero value will enable stereoscoping rendering. You might need some of them retro 3d glasses. Hardware support is recommended, see r_stereo_context.")

◆ r_telealpha

cvar_t r_telealpha
Initial value:
= CVARF ("r_telealpha", "",

◆ r_telestyle

cvar_t r_telestyle = CVARFD ("r_telestyle", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "See r_waterstyle, but affects only teleporters. If empty, defers to r_waterstyle.")

◆ r_temporalscenecache

cvar_t r_temporalscenecache

◆ r_tessellation

cvar_t r_tessellation = CVARAFD ("r_tessellation", "0", "gl_ati_truform", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Enables+controls the use of blinn tessellation on the fallback shader for meshes, equivelent to a shader with 'program defaultskin#TESS'. This will look stupid unless the meshes were actually designed for it and have suitable vertex normals.")

◆ r_tessellation_level

cvar_t r_tessellation_level = CVAR ("r_tessellation_level", "5")

◆ r_vertexdlights

cvar_t r_vertexdlights = CVARD ("r_vertexdlights", "0", "Determine model lighting with respect to nearby dlights. Poor-man's rtlights.")

◆ r_vertexlight

cvar_t r_vertexlight

◆ r_viewarea

int r_viewarea

◆ r_viewcluster

int r_viewcluster

◆ r_viewcluster2

int r_viewcluster2

◆ r_viewcontents

unsigned int r_viewcontents

◆ r_wallcolour

cvar_t r_wallcolour
Initial value:
= CVARAF ("r_wallcolour", "128 128 128",

◆ r_wateralpha

cvar_t r_wateralpha
Initial value:
= CVARF ("r_wateralpha", "1",

◆ r_waterstyle

cvar_t r_waterstyle = CVARFD ("r_waterstyle", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM, "Changes how water, and teleporters are drawn. Possible values are:\n0: fastturb-style block colour.\n1: regular q1-style water.\n2: refraction(ripply and transparent)\n3: refraction with reflection at an angle\n4: ripplemapped without reflections (requires particle effects)\n5: ripples+reflections")

◆ r_waterwarp

cvar_t r_waterwarp
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("r_waterwarp", "1",
CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Enables fullscreen warp, preferably via glsl. -1 specifies to force the fov warp fallback instead which can give a smidge more performance.")

◆ r_wireframe

cvar_t r_wireframe
Initial value:
= CVARAFD ("r_showtris", "0",
"r_wireframe", CVAR_CHEAT, "Developer feature where everything is drawn with wireframe over the top. Only active where cheats are permitted.")

◆ r_wireframe_smooth

cvar_t r_wireframe_smooth = CVAR ("r_wireframe_smooth", "0")

◆ r_worldentity

entity_t r_worldentity

◆ ri

◆ rquant

int rquant[RQUANT_MAX]

◆ rspeeds

int rspeeds[RSPEED_MAX]

◆ scr_allowsnap

cvar_t scr_allowsnap
Initial value:
= CVARF ("scr_allowsnap", "1",

◆ scr_centersbar

cvar_t scr_centersbar = CVAR ("scr_centersbar", "2")

◆ scr_centertime

cvar_t scr_centertime = CVAR ("scr_centertime", "2")

◆ scr_conalpha

cvar_t scr_conalpha
Initial value:
= CVARC ("scr_conalpha", "0.7",

◆ scr_consize

cvar_t scr_consize = CVAR ("scr_consize", "0.5")

◆ scr_conspeed

cvar_t scr_conspeed = CVAR ("scr_conspeed", "2000")

◆ scr_fov

cvar_t scr_fov
Initial value:
= CVARFCD("fov", "90", CVAR_ARCHIVE, SCR_Fov_Callback,
"field of vision, 1-170 degrees, standard fov is 90, nquake defaults to 108.")
void QDECL SCR_Fov_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
Definition: cl_screen.c:1684

◆ scr_fov_mode

cvar_t scr_fov_mode = CVARFD ("scr_fov_mode", "4", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Controls what the fov cvar actually controls:\n0: largest axis (ultra-wide monitors means less height will be visible).\n1: smallest axis (ultra-wide monitors will distort at the edges).\n2: horizontal axis.\n3: vertical axis.\n4: 4:3 horizontal axis, padded for wider resolutions (for a more classic fov)")

◆ scr_fov_viewmodel

cvar_t scr_fov_viewmodel
Initial value:
= CVARFD("r_viewmodel_fov", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"field of vision, 1-170 degrees, standard fov is 90, nquake defaults to 108.")

◆ scr_logcenterprint

cvar_t scr_logcenterprint = CVARD ("con_logcenterprint", "1", "Specifies whether to print centerprints on the console.\n0: never\n1: single-player or coop only.\n2: always.")

◆ scr_printspeed

cvar_t scr_printspeed = CVAR ("scr_printspeed", "16")

◆ scr_showpause

cvar_t scr_showpause = CVAR ("showpause", "1")

◆ scr_showturtle

cvar_t scr_showturtle = CVARD ("showturtle", "0", "Enables a low-framerate indicator.")

◆ scr_sshot_compression

cvar_t scr_sshot_compression = CVAR ("scr_sshot_compression", "75")

◆ scr_sshot_prefix

cvar_t scr_sshot_prefix = CVAR ("scr_sshot_prefix", "screenshots/fte-")

◆ scr_sshot_type

cvar_t scr_sshot_type = CVARD ("scr_sshot_type", "png", "This specifies the default extension(and thus file format) for screenshots.\nKnown extensions are: png, jpg/jpeg, bmp, pcx, tga, ktx, dds.")

◆ scr_turtlefps

cvar_t scr_turtlefps = CVAR ("scr_turtlefps", "10")

◆ SCR_UpdateScreen

qboolean(* SCR_UpdateScreen) (void) ( void  )

◆ scr_viewsize

cvar_t scr_viewsize = CVARFC("viewsize", "100", CVAR_ARCHIVE, SCR_Viewsize_Callback)

◆ vid_baseheight

cvar_t vid_baseheight = CVARD ("vid_baseheight", "", "Specifies a mod's target height and used only when the 2d scale is not otherwise forced. Unlike vid_conheight the size is not fixed and will be padded to avoid inconsistent filtering.")

◆ vid_bpp

cvar_t vid_bpp
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("vid_bpp", "0",
CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "The number of colour bits to request from the renedering context")

◆ vid_conautoscale

cvar_t vid_conautoscale
Initial value:
= CVARAF ("vid_conautoscale", "2",

◆ vid_conheight

cvar_t vid_conheight
Initial value:
= CVARF ("vid_conheight", "0",

◆ vid_conwidth

cvar_t vid_conwidth
Initial value:
= CVARF ("vid_conwidth", "0",

◆ VID_DeInit

void(* VID_DeInit) (void) ( void  )

◆ vid_depthbits

cvar_t vid_depthbits
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("vid_depthbits", "0",
CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "The number of depth bits to request from the renedering context. Try 24.")

◆ vid_desktopgamma

cvar_t vid_desktopgamma
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("vid_desktopgamma", "0",
CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Apply gamma ramps upon the desktop rather than the window.")

◆ vid_desktopsettings

cvar_t vid_desktopsettings
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("vid_desktopsettings", "0",
CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Ignore the values of vid_width and vid_height, and just use the same settings that are used for the desktop.")

◆ vid_devicename

cvar_t vid_devicename = CVARFD ("vid_devicename", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Specifies which video device to try to use. If blank or invalid then one will be guessed.")

◆ vid_dpi_x

cvar_t vid_dpi_x = CVARFD ("vid_dpi_x", "0", CVAR_NOSET, "For mods that need to determine the physical screen size (like with touchscreens). 0 means unknown")

◆ vid_dpi_y

cvar_t vid_dpi_y = CVARFD ("vid_dpi_y", "0", CVAR_NOSET, "For mods that need to determine the physical screen size (like with touchscreens). 0 means unknown")

◆ vid_fullscreen

cvar_t vid_fullscreen = CVARF ("vid_fullscreen", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_VIDEOLATCH)

◆ VID_GetRGBInfo

char *(* VID_GetRGBInfo) (int *stride, int *truevidwidth, int *truevidheight, enum uploadfmt *fmt) ( int stride,
int truevidwidth,
int truevidheight,
enum uploadfmt fmt 

◆ vid_gl_context_compatibility

cvar_t vid_gl_context_compatibility = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_compatibility", "1", "Requests an OpenGL context with fixed-function backwards compat.")

◆ vid_gl_context_debug

cvar_t vid_gl_context_debug = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_debug", "0", "Requests a debug opengl context. This provides better error oreporting.")

◆ vid_gl_context_es

cvar_t vid_gl_context_es = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_es", "0", "Requests an OpenGLES context. Be sure to set vid_gl_context_version to 2 or so.")

◆ vid_gl_context_forwardcompatible

cvar_t vid_gl_context_forwardcompatible = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_forwardcompatible", "0", "Requests an opengl context with no depricated features enabled.")

◆ vid_gl_context_noerror

cvar_t vid_gl_context_noerror = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_noerror", "", "Disables OpenGL's error checks for a small performance speedup. May cause segfaults if stuff wasn't properly implemented/tested.")

◆ vid_gl_context_robustness

cvar_t vid_gl_context_robustness = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_robustness", "1", "Attempt to enforce extra buffer protection in the gl driver, but can be slower with pre-gl3 hardware.")

◆ vid_gl_context_selfreset

cvar_t vid_gl_context_selfreset = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_selfreset", "1", "Upon hardware failure, have the engine create a new context instead of depending on the drivers to restore everything. This can help to avoid graphics drivers randomly killing your game, and can help reduce memory requirements.")

◆ vid_gl_context_version

cvar_t vid_gl_context_version = CVARD ("vid_gl_context_version", "", "Specifies the version of OpenGL to try to create.")

◆ vid_hardwaregamma

cvar_t vid_hardwaregamma
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("vid_hardwaregamma", "1",
CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Use hardware gamma ramps. 0=ugly texture-based gamma, 1=glsl(windowed) or hardware(fullscreen), 2=always glsl, 3=always hardware gamma (disabled if hardware doesn't support), 4=scene-only gamma.")

◆ vid_height

cvar_t vid_height
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("vid_height", "0",
CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "The screen height to attempt to use, in physical pixels. 0 means use desktop resolution.")

◆ VID_Init

qboolean(* VID_Init) (rendererstate_t *info, unsigned char *palette) ( rendererstate_t info,
unsigned char *  palette 

◆ vid_isfullscreen

qboolean vid_isfullscreen

◆ vid_minsize

cvar_t vid_minsize
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("vid_minsize", "320 200",
CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "Specifies a mod's minimum virtual size.")

◆ vid_multisample

cvar_t vid_multisample
Initial value:
= CVARAFD ("vid_multisample", "0", "vid_samples",
CVAR_ARCHIVE, "The number of samples to use for Multisample AntiAliasing (aka: msaa). A value of 1 explicitly disables it.")

◆ vid_preservegamma

cvar_t vid_preservegamma = CVARD ("vid_preservegamma", "0", "Restore initial hardware gamma ramps when quitting.")

◆ vid_refreshrate

cvar_t vid_refreshrate
Initial value:
= CVARF ("vid_displayfrequency", "0",

◆ vid_renderer

cvar_t vid_renderer
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("vid_renderer", "",
CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Specifies which backend is used. Values that might work are: sv (dedicated server), headless (null renderer), vk (vulkan), gl (opengl), egl (opengl es), d3d9 (direct3d 9), d3d11 (direct3d 11, with default hardware rendering), d3d11 warp (direct3d 11, with software rendering).")

◆ vid_renderer_opts

cvar_t vid_renderer_opts = CVARFD ("_vid_renderer_opts", NULL, CVAR_NOSET|CVAR_NOSAVE, "The possible video renderer apis, in \"value\" \"description\" pairs, for gamecode to read.")

◆ VID_SetWindowCaption

void(* VID_SetWindowCaption) (const char *msg) ( const char *  msg)

◆ vid_srgb

cvar_t vid_srgb
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("vid_srgb", "0",
CVAR_ARCHIVE, "-1: Only the framebuffer should use sRGB colourspace, textures and colours will be assumed to be linear. This has the effect of just brightening the screen according to a gamma ramp of about 2.2 (or .45 in quake's backwards gamma terms).\n0: Off. Colour blending will be wrong, you're likely to see obvious banding.\n1: Use sRGB extensions/support to ensure that the lighting aproximately matches real-world lighting (required for PBR).\n2: Attempt to use a linear floating-point framebuffer, which should enable monitor support for HDR.\nNote that driver behaviour varies by a disturbing amount, and much of the documentation conflicts with itself (the term 'linear' is awkward when the eye's perception of linear is non-linear).")

◆ vid_triplebuffer

cvar_t vid_triplebuffer = CVARAFD ("vid_triplebuffer", "1", "gl_triplebuffer", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Specifies whether the hardware is forcing tripplebuffering on us, this is the number of extra page swaps required before old data has been completely overwritten.")

◆ vid_vsync

cvar_t vid_vsync
Initial value:
= CVARAF ("vid_vsync", "1",
"vid_wait", CVAR_ARCHIVE)

◆ vid_width

cvar_t vid_width
Initial value:
= CVARFD ("vid_width", "0",
CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "The screen width to attempt to use, in physical pixels. 0 means use desktop resolution.")

◆ vid_winthread

cvar_t vid_winthread = CVARFD ("vid_winthread", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "When enabled, window messages will be handled by a separate thread. This allows the game to continue rendering when Microsoft Windows blocks while resizing, etc.")

◆ vid_wndalpha

cvar_t vid_wndalpha = CVARD ("vid_wndalpha", "1", "When running windowed, specifies the window's transparency level.")

◆ vpn

vec3_t vpn

◆ vright

vec3_t vright

◆ vup

vec3_t vup